
WEF Insider: Planned 'Mass Casualty Event' Will Result in Globalist Coup of America

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Steve Kirsch is amazing as usual!

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Great show!

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As usual no episode 145 on Rumble - no live access via Roku. You guys should look into this because you are losing a huge TV audience.

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With fire power like this, who needS Elon there to launch! What a powerful heart centered team on the stage to speak what WE THE PEOPLE WANT TO SAY AND HEAR. THANK YOU for putting on this free/ expensive concert that will last more than one evening. Our next generations support THIS!

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YOU ALL HAVE TO READ THIS : United Nations Directive 001, The Start of The New World Order, In our Calendar Year of 4 July, 2025.


StopTheCrime https://stopthecrime.net/


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US gangs are doing something to try to save this Country:

Chicago gangbangers rage against newly arrived Venezuelan migrants as Tren de Aragua moves in: ‘City is going to go up in flames’


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There are many strong and powerful people and organisations that are all fighting CORRUPT Big Pharma, autocracy and the New World Order. Isn't it time to combine this wealth of honest talent as most of their intentions seem to mirror and overlap each other?

Unjabbed mick (UK). United we stand stronger!

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Thank you, Mr. Kirsch. You are one of the few who use words that are appropriate to the meaning. The United States is a constitutional republic, NOT a democracy. I've tried for decades to teach folks this.

Abraham Lincoln knew this when he said: "If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a horse have? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg." This quote illustrates the idea that naming something doesn't change its inherent nature or reality. Lincoln used it to emphasize the importance of truth and the distinction between perception and fact.

A constitutional republic is governed by elected representatives and an elected leader (the president) under a system bound by the rule of law, as outlined in the Constitution. The Constitution establishes the framework for the government, protecting individual rights and limiting the powers of government. In this system, citizens have the right to vote for their representatives, who make decisions on their behalf.

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Planned to come and now can't - beyond bummed!

I have a song suggestion for Five Times August. So many of us are saying about many things that are happening that you just can't make it up anymore. Perhaps Brad could create a song around that theme. The video could be very eye opening to those waking up as there's countless examples that could be used.

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What about the UN pact that was signed this weekend? How do we stop it?!

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What's up with "Dr." Jane's disparaging Steve? What is her problem with him? I love Steve and found it curious.

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There's no way this can be a "nonpolitical" event: Trump's picture is the first thing I see on the website. https://jointheresistance.org/

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Trump or no Trump, we are losing our Nation. Us, the little people, are in deeeep trouble.

13.7 Million Illegal Aliens walked in during Biden Era.


America's migrant gang invasion MAPPED: ISIS in LA, Venezuelan sex-traffickers in Texas and Chinese drug lords in Maine.


Close to 100 Food Processing Plants destroyed by 2022.


Power grid attacks up 71% under Biden.


Wonder what are they planning ?

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Thanks for all you have done to expose the fraud and evil. We are ready for truth and new leadership in this good vs evil war!!!

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