The internet keeps us more aware of what is going on but makes us a lot more physically passive because we can stare at our screens and not go out and protest the many frauds perpetrated by the government-corporate complex.

And it is simply mind-boggling that an activist lawyer such as RFK, jr would still be backing Israel after all their war crimes! Check out all the interviews by Napolitano on Rumble with Scott Ritter, Jeffrey Sachs and former CIA specialists! They are all saying the same thing--Israel is a criminal rogue state and the Russia-Ukraine war has only a diplomatic solution!

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Vaccine Derangement Syndrome-- VDS-- I heard it here first. Wow, does that ever describe what a lot of people I know have had. And some still have.

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Imagine: You are a registered nurse caring for a bedridden elderly person with a heart condition who tells you she’s is having the chest tightening symptoms of a heart attack and asks you for assistance. There is a small bottle of nitroglycerin tablets on her nightstand but because she is bedridden and suffering she can’t reach them. You are sitting near her in a comfortable chair within easy reach of both the patient and the nitro tablets, yet you refuse to act, telling her that they are an ineffective treatment that won’t help her. Instead, you decide to watch her panic as she suffers and struggles, and eventually dies.

Are you guilty of homicide?

The assignment of accountability and meting out of appropriate punishment is Karmic Justice in the earthbound world.

It is our duty to Virtue to take the actions necessary to see that Justice is done.

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Yes this is a good analogy. Exactly what was done with antivirals and antinflammatories such as HCQ and ivermectin. And why? It seems the answer is that, only without early treatment options could the EUA go through for the extremely profitable experimental mRNA jabs.

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William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987 "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

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World law enforcement agencies must arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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You can bet THEY will do the exact same thing again…the Stockholm Syndrome is completely operative….inhumanity to man is their operative agenda…The Nuremberg Trial was dedicated to punish severely these same sorted folks yet we close our eyes to it….our Courts are totally corrupted and the UN is totally supportive of genocide.

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Thank you for this outstanding interview and discussion. I look forward to watching the documentary.

Because there was a lot of discussion of HCQ, I thought I'd share this:

* * *

Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable, COVID-19: A Second Opinion

Streamed on January 24, 2022




SENATOR RON JOHNSON: Our next presenter is Dr. Harvey Risch. Dr. Risch is a professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health.[1] He has been a university epidemiologist for more than 40 years and is a fellow of the American College of Epidemiology and a member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering. After getting his MD degree he completed a PhD in mathematical modeling of infectious epidemics. He has published more than 400 scientific research papers that have been cited more than 44,000 times.

I just, quick little aside here, Dr. Risch and Dr. McCullough joined me with Dr. George Fareed who can't be with us today, in November of 2020, in my first hearing on early treatment.[2] Following that, the New York Times published a article, a column written by the Democrat witness of that hearing, Dr. Ashish Jha, who had never treated a covid patient, I actually read an article later, he holed up in his apartment for like over a year til he got a vaccine. But the New York Times titled that paper, or that column, "The Snake-Oil Salesmen of the Senate."[3]

I want people to know that because, as you listen to Dr. McCullough, as you listen to Dr. Risch, ask yourself, do they really seem to be snake-oil salesmen to you? They seem to be eminently qualified professionals, that again, in Dr. McCullough's case, has had the courage and compassion to actually treat covid patients. Dr. Risch.


DR. HARVEY RISCH: Thank you, Senator, colleagues, listeners. It's my honor to be addressing you today and to answer questions later.

We heard at the beginning of the pandemic that one of the medications that has been used in early treatment, hydroxychloroquine or HCQ, was a game changer and would be effective in the treatment of covid outpatients starting during the first few days of the illness. And then we heard study after study, and media report after media report, saying that HCQ doesn't work. These negative claims continued for months until the media got bored with all this and then acted as if the case were closed.

However, this was a sham.

The media reports never covered how the negative studies were actually fake studies. While they did cover the Surgisphere fraud[4], both the study that was published that was retracted but that managed to change the WHO's policy before it got retracted, and the media never covered how the randomized trials that were put out that were supposedly informative about the lack of benefit of hydroxychloroquine had hid their positive results, were designed for low-risk people who never had any real risk for hospitalization or death outcomes, were not blinded, or had no idea who their Internet participants really were, or any of the other numerous flaws that made them essentially irrelevant.

And the media studiously avoided covering the 10 proper trials of hydroxychloroquine outpatient use that showed significant benefit for hospitalization and mortality.

[turns to chart on display]

And just as a quick aside, the top two figures are for hydroxychloroquine for hospitalization risk and mortality risk. To the left of the vertical line means benefit. The diamond means how big the error, the range of possible values are. There's very significant 50% reduced risk for hospitalization, 75% reduced risk of mortality. And just for comparison, you can see very similar results for ivermectin in the bottom two trials. OK. This is real evidence. This is real scientific evidence.

Now the media has not reported any of these studies, but that does not make them nonexistent. These studies involve, the hydroxychloroquine studies involve more than 40,000 patients including nation-wide studies in two countries. So we see here that early hydroxychloroquine use dramatically reduces the risk of hospitalization and mortality. Now we could later, or never if you want, discuss randomized versus nonrandomized trials, the scientific issues involved in that, but what you've seen here is essentially scientific proof.

Given that, why aren't doctors across the US actually prescribing hydroxychloroquine as part of early outpatient treatment? Well, in fact, early in 2020 doctors did start using hydroxychloroquine in outpatients. But this was short-circuited by an act of FDA and BARDA[5] employees to use the Emergency Use Authorization regulations to block hydroxychloroquine use in outpatients except in randomized trials. And these trials that are the same ones that would be cut off by participant fear because of the Surgiphere papers.

And then the FDA mounted its biggest fraud of all times—

[Dr. Risch stands up, turns around, brings forward another large chart, then resumes his seat]

—by putting up this warning. This warning says, FDA cautions against the use of hydroxychloroquine

in outpatients outside of the hospital setting. But then, in the justification, it says, "We base this on information to treat hospitalized patients."

Hospital disease, as we'll hear, and as we know from 2 years of dealing with covid, is a completely different illness treated with different drugs, different medications, in the hospital. Outpatient disease is flu-like, hospital disease is a florid pneumonia. And so the fact that the FDA would base recommendations and warnings on hospital disease, which is a totally different disease than outpatient disease, is a fraud.

This website is still there today and constitutes an outright fraud. OK. This basically scared everyone across the country against using this, on the basis of this fraudulent website.

Now Senator Johnson has twice demanded from the FDA, by in writing, to release the data that they relied upon to make this claim that, of warning, and twice the FDA refused.

So at this point, we know it works, we have lots of medicines, not just hydroxychloroquine, not just ivermectin for that matter, that need to be used. And the FDA has to be held accountable for this website.

Thank you.



#   #   #


[1] Dr. Harvey Risch is Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health


Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrHarveyRisch

Telegram: https://t.me/HarveyRischMDPhD

See also archived posts to-date by Dr. Risch on the Brownstone Institute site:


See also Totality of Evidence archived Dr. Harvey Risch links:


[2] See: Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution

November 19, 2020


The webpage includes the panelists' statements, including that of Dr. Harvey Risch:


See also the statement of Dr. George Fareed:


[3] The Snake-Oil Salesmen of the Senate

There is no evidence that hydroxychloroquine helps Covid/.19 patients. So why is Congress still holding hearings on it?

By Dr. Ashish Ja, November 24, 2020


[4] See: "RETRACTED: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis"

Mehra et al, The Lancet, May 22, 2020


See also:

"A mysterious company's coronavirus papers in top medical journals may be unraveling

Scientists and journals express concern over influential studies of COVID-19 patient data that evaluated possible treatments such as hydroxychloroquine"

2 Jun 2020

By Kelly Servick, Martin Enserink


And see:

"The Surgisphere Scandal: What Went Wrong?

The high-profile retractions of two COVID-19 studies stunned the scientific community earlier this year and prompted calls for reviews of how science is conducted, published, and acted upon. The warning signs had been there all along."

Catherine Offord, October 1, 2020


[5] FDA is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. https://www.fda.gov/

And BARDA is the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority


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Joe Rogan: Dr. Pierre Kory Said 200 Members of Congress Were Treated With Ivermectin

Posted By Tim Hains


Podcasters Joe Rogan and Michael Malice discussed last week why the corporate press continues to dismiss ways doctors can treat Covid-19 aside from vaccination.

Rogan said that Dr. Pierre Kory from the Front Line Critical Care Covid group treated him and hundreds of members of Congress with monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, z-pak, NAD, vitamins, and ivermectin.

"By the way, 200 Congresspeople have been treated with Ivermectin for Covid. Google that. You can probably find that in Dr. Pierre Kory's Twitter page," Rogan said. "Before there were vaccines, this was a common off-label treatment for Covid."

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

Thank you so much John for putting forth a logical rebuttal to the nonsense we have gone through since the first time we heard the word Covid. We won't change the minds of the gaslit people on the streets and in power unless the legacy media wakes up and tells he truth. My question to you (and Steve) is how do we turn the tide against the media that is on top of all that is bad amd even gemocidal? How about busting them up with anti trust and racketeering charges?

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One would think by now that most people would totally reject anything coming from the Medical Industry. It promoted Murder Incorporated with its death-dealing injections (not vaccines). I could not believe the level of consciousness of many people in California...they were really dumbed down. Hopefully this Hollywood movie that John Davidson created will open more minds to the truth. No vaccine is a good vaccine!! The human body was not designed to be a pin cushion for the benefit of an industry.

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John Davidson among THE GREATEST HEROES. Member of Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics (MD4ME) comprising and collaborating with other most heroic fearless souls, amplifying energies beyond magical. Thanks Steve and John and all. I'm humbled to be among you and helping in my own ways. Infinite love, gratitude, abundance to all. A peaceful compassionate world without wars is coming faster and bigger every moment.

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Wow!!! This is great!!

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"Damaged world health"? It was warfare; intentional Malthusian depopulation efforts. Hasn't worked all that well as of yet; either delayed effects, or the usual dolts botching shit.

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Thank You Mr. Kirsch for this info: Hollywood... Why is a director from Hollywood not interested in genetic manipulations of humanity via covid injections??? It was a strange email exchange with Davidson for me, because it started really hopeful, BUT as soon I mentioned RFK and more issues like geoengineering, the conversation stopped: 'Forgive me I’m overwhelmed.'....

And that while all the bioinformatics entries here on this kcatS-buS (read backwards please) could be used as 100% proof of crime in courts... Well, HCQ is only about Trump, there is no mention of Ivermectin, which is functioning equally as a MALARIA DRUG... Anyway, this yet another 'Fraud' story is more about politics than anything else, while promoting Trump, being equally criminal and Biden is..

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a must see 👍🏻

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Searching some basic corona/vax issues I notice that many health websites have not updated their information since about January 2021. Y'all better mask up.... Omicron is coming.

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they are not going to. they know how guillible and stupid the masses are.

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Deagel by consent.

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what is deagel

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Search deagel.com 2025 projections on https://rense.com/, or use archive.org directly.

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the business model seems pretty simple... prevent us from having actual cures and "safe and effectives" and instead feed us endless drugs that create side effects that are treated by more drugs that create side effects, and on and on the merry-go-round goes... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/safe-and-effective-mrna-death-jabs

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