Hi Steve Kirsch, I tried to share your rumble video but I was denied by facebook!


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Cheap and Chippy Chopper for all these Vaxxocide planners.

Gilbert and Sullivan had it right!


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The potential mechanism for "turbo cancer" is described in this paper:


Exploring the possible link between the spike protein IgG4 antibodies and cancer progression

April 2024 Exploration of Immunology

Repeated inoculation with messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines elicits immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) antibody production. Such an increase in the concentration of specific and non-specific IgG4 antibodies allows the growth of some types of cancer by blocking the activation of effector immune cells

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Channel has scientific discussion of "turbo cancer" after mRNA vaccines. This scientist from Edmonton area does lots of work to scan the literature on this topic and summarizes it in his videos while hiking. So videos with good background images or mountains in Alberta.

Most recent June 22, 2024 vid:

Cancer types post mRNA vaccines


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Also some evidence showing increased levels from Japan

Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan

April 2024

Key quote:

No significant excess mortality was observed during the first year of the pandemic (2020). However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer (including ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer) after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022.

This paper being challenged vis "Expression of Concern" in June 2024

Expression of Concern: Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan

The Editors-in-Chief have been made aware of several concerns regarding the scientific credibility of this article. A comprehensive post-publication editorial review is being conducted to determine if any action is required.

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Dr. Makis keeps track of pilot deaths while in flight, maybe you can calculate the statistical probability of two of these pilots dying on the same flight.

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I got my invite bt text today from Rite-Aid to get the RSV mRNA vaccine. Their stock has recently tumbled, hopefully people will vote with their purchasing power and avoid Rite-Aid. I will change my drug plan to avoid them on renewal.

RSV is a common cause of URI, not lethal, not a pandemic organism. Hummm.

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Wrote it below, but since it is important, here again, from german newsL

Prof. Burkhardt showed that 75% of his autopsies were thanks to the covid injections, he testified about it in EU parliament, and shortly after was found dead, during swimming..... Dr. Kory reported on this at:


Heart attack, like Dr. Noak?

Or shedding related clots??? Dealing with too many effects of the shedding, in particular after the BLOOD TRANSFUSION in relatives!!!!

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Genetic sequencing of the short Spike section containing the -PP- mutation introduced in all the genetically modifying injections would answer not only the reason for the illness, it would also ANSWER the question of SARS-CoV-2 VIRUS existence, since if only the -pp- version of Spike is out there, that means the official -KV- SPike version exists only in NIH data bank.... The furin site is of course in the injected Spikes too.... Strangely even Kevin (Anandamide) is NOT responding in regard to that suggestion submitted on his substack long time ago! Wrote a post on it at:


titled:"The white clots after the genetically modifying covid injections. Is it the -KV- to -PP- mutation, Fibrin/-ogen, or all of it? "

Btw. Pfizer specifically DID NOT allowed cancer patients to participate in their initial trials..

Oh how about global warming as a reason for cancers?? It's getting too HOT, for the criminals!

The systemic effect for cancer spread Dr. Makis, is binding of p53 by the injected Spike...

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Steves' voice..., changed.. Hopefully no long covid, in summer..... Dr. Ed Group III suggests one solution, 6 days water only fasting... Not too many would try more unpleasant solution, urine therapy.....

Own experience after 3 days of fasting already, severe dizziness. Seems like once the gut is becoming emptier and emptier, the production of neurotransmitters slows down and supplementing with GOOD bugs, like bifidobacteria, can help. But then. is it still fasting while eating bugs? Well, that's what Gates et al. wants us, the 'useless eaters', to do anyway.. Also adding electrolytes into the water can help..

Just sharing own experience...

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Genetic engineering has created things, but they were put on the market without knowing what they would do. When you read books by molecular biologists and epigenetics scholars on cutting-edge RNA, DNA, non-code-DNA, etc., you find that there are many things we don't know. Mice are said to have a lifespan of about two years. In experiments on artificial gene mutations in mice, the effects appeared after more than a year. Normally, the observation period is about six months, but they managed to find the budget to extend the observation period, which is why they were able to discover them (PD-1, PD-L1), a Japanese Nobel Prize-winning scientist wrote in the newspaper (Dr. Tasuku Honjo). If applied to humans, this means that if we get vaccinated at age 20, there is a possibility that side effects will appear at around age 50. In fact, in the Pfizer Phase I clinical trial, 1,291 types of side effects have increased to about 10,000 types by the end of 2023. In short, the pharmaceutical and public health authorities community has opened Pandora's box.

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Unfortunately people are dying of turbo cancers after the injections some within weeks, some within 3-4 months after getting those! Mind you, 4 months is the regeneration time of the red blood cells... The injection of the synthetic genetic material is equivalent to gene 'therapy' originally used only for CANCER patients... In case of cancer gene therapies, modified human proteins usually are applied, in case of covid19 injection, we have NON-human protein, with NON-existing gene for it in human body, until the point of injection..

What drives me crazy is, the late Prof. Burkhardt did exactly the studies which Makis talks about, middle in the plandemic(!!, thus LONG TIME AGO!!) and yet he is not saying anything about the results in a single word!!! Exactly what he and his friends just published....(!!!)? PRof. Burkhardt showed that 75% of his autopsies were 'thanks' to the covid injections, he testified about it in EU parliament, and shortly after was found dead, during swimming.....

Just found out that a 64 years old prof from Stanford, got brain cancer in 2022 and died end of 2023.... Everyone in Stanford had to be injected in order to work!

It is a crime of astronomic proportions!!! Anyone using the word 'vaccine' for covid injections, is a traitor or clueless uneducated human being..

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Heart Attack: Influencer Farah El Kadhi, who was originally from Tunisia and aged 36, passed away from a suspected heart attack while on a holiday aboard a yacht in Malta.


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My hypothesis is that primary care doctors, who pushed the vax, are ignoring patients’ complaints and symptoms. Maybe for fear of liability, maybe guilt… then the patient’s symptoms get undeniably worse and boom, they’re at Stage 4 cancer. I noticed my doctor’s office is FULL and “triple booked” according to the receptionist.

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Steve! Quick question: If you had a new baby-girl-granddaughter being born shortly....what would your thoughts be on "regular childhood vaccines"?! Ty in advance.

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If you go to 01:04:38 in the interview Steve Kirsch asks a similar question of Dr. Makis.

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DON'T have them! None of them are helpful. The human body - any animal body - does not need vaccines. As a Dr of Chiropractic who has read far too much on vaccines over the years, and with 3 very vibrant and totally unvaccinated kids, I can recommend that in almost all cases, without even knowing the case, that NO vaccines are best.

Look at Dr Toby Rogers' substack if you are interested. He spent years researching these things. It's a can of worms getting into the vaccines thing. There is SO much reading!

Dr Christopher Exley is also worth reading up on regarding aluminium toxicity (not just from vaccines).

But if you want to skip the reading part (although I recommend you do NOT skip that part!), then please try to understand that vaccines, like many things touted as 'healthy' and 'good' are actually poisons for your system. And poisoning a newborn baby is one of the nastiest things I can think of. They cannot speak for themselves, they are completely at your mercy - and if things get screwed up whilst a nervous system is developing, you can get even worse results than what might be for an adult (although adults also have plenty of bad reactions to vaccines, including death). In fact, childhood mortality went DOWN during covid in 2020 as people stayed home and didn't get their shots for their babies! Does that tell you anything?! More shots = more deaths!

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Looking forward to this edition of the VSRF video series. My husbands brother in law got a turbo flip an and is now dead. ,y brother had a stage four Liver Cancer -enormous tumor. I am au able to convince him to,sue the Joe Tippins Fenbendazole protocol. His wife is a recently retired pediatric practice nurse so of course she is all in on vaccines as an LPN and not very bright, she cannot fathom a world without savior vaccines; she is also a germaphobe. That is too bad because I might otherwise be able to convince my brother to give what looks to be a very viable protocol for cancer… no harm and nothing to lose.

Another recent highly improbable situation: the local equipment rental, tool servicing store suddenly closed. We needed chain saw fuel so we went to a new Stihl saw place where the women who worked at the local equipment rental shop took over the Stihl dealership. She explained to us the following: within a three month period all three of the other owner employees all male, died. One got an aggressive brain cancer, one died suddenly, in the shower, and the other never woke up one night. Mmmm what would be under normal circumstances,stances the probability of this happening? We do not know the C19 inoculation status here of these folks, I can only speculate that they received it.

Correction: within a three week period. The died in sleep was a cancer death and it was her husband. So yes this is so sad, but the government will never admit any of this. The DOD controls the op and they are so compromised by corporate, globalist, Chinese? Interests because the bankers want a one world government and an impoverished and hungry dependent population of what might be on,y a few survivors. Pure blood here… so glad I listened to my intuition, and the dissenting voices that were presenting much more coherent and logical explanations.

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So sad. How many are dying like this around the world ?

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Will other vax initiated diseases and illnesses overtake myocarditis, blood clots and turbo-cancers. It seems there are few illnesses that are not promoted by the impact of useless but DEADLY INJECTIONS that are designed to depopulate the planet, whilst making fortunes for Big Pharma, who can legally DENY LIABILITY for any/all adverse reactions that occur following the use of mRNA gene editing jabs.

Why would anybody accept being GENETICALLY MODIFIED by participating in a MEDICAL EXPERIMENT?

Would any person with a brain accept any new EXPERIMENTAL Medicines, particularly with novel mRNA poisons that are known to kill, injure or simply reduce LIFE EXPECTANCY for VAX recipients? Never again!

The numbers don't look good for Pfizer et al,. Just as well they recorded 74 Billion in Vax profits in 2021 & 2022.

Also, it's great that they still avoid LIABILITY for Vax Injuries and Vax-related DEATHS - otherwise, they'd be bankrupted from the millions of Claims.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer and warn the planet 'You are being CULLED for profit'!

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Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are "other homeopathic" treatments?

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