I would be interested in the math regarding excess deaths and the US population. Taking into account excess deaths, if they remain elevated at current levels, say 10%, with the addition of births and illegal immigration, what will the population be in 10 years? At what point will it be obvious that people are becoming scarce?

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That's easy to figure out: Read Matthew 7:16. Then look here: https://www.vacsafety.org/category/weekly-update. Just read the summary of each episode.

I'm a fan of both Dr. Yeadon and Steve Kirsch but it doesn't mean they are either or both always right. However, the premise that Mr. Kirsch is a Secret Agent For Deep State defies logic if you note his accomplishments and that of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation against that very State.

Some of the gossipers who say medical freedom fighters are Secret Agents certainly act like such agents themselves. However, I simply apply Matthew 7:16 again to know that Dr. Yeadon is not such an agent himself, he just happens to be wrong in this case - based on logic. I'm still a fan.

Others I'm not so sure of when I apply the verse.

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Frankly his article shocked me:


No government has the right to initiate depopulation policies that involve involuntary sterilization or genocide. Period.

My favourite acid tests are the following:

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world." 1 John 4:1-3

And, "No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit." 1 Cor 12:3

I wait for the individual's acknowledgement that the Christ, Jesus has come into the world and that Jesus by His Holy Spirit is their Lord and King.

There is no other, there is no substitute.

Is there some other Good Shepherd?

Did Buddha lay down his life to save us from destruction of body, soul and spirit by those possessed and controlled by Satanic spirits? Jesus is THE only defense, THE only Saviour. No religion, no human.

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I don't see any accomplishments by Outraged Human except writing about the same things Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone write about, then accusing them of being Secret Agents for Deep State.

Testified before government bodies against vax:

Steve Kirsch ✔

Robert Malone ✔

Outraged Human

Organized huge rallies against vax:

Steve Kirsch ✔

Robert Malone ✔

Outraged Human

Organized or participated in Covid Litigation Conferences against vax:

Steve Kirsch ✔

Robert Malone ✔

Outraged Human

Wrote a book warning people against trusting the government:

Steve Kirsch

Robert Malone ✔

Outraged Human

Has organization to help vaccine injured:

Steve Kirsch ✔

Robert Malone

Outraged Human

Expert roles in documentary films against the vax:

Steve Kirsch ✔

Robert Malone ✔

Outraged Human

Organize groups of scientists and researchers to fight vax:

Steve Kirsch ✔

Robert Malone ✔

Outraged Human

Huge number of effective expert interviews against vax:

Steve Kirsch ✔

Robert Malone ✔

Outraged Human

Wrote articles against the vax:

Steve Kirsch ✔

Robert Malone ✔

Outraged Human ✔


You would know this if you read Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone substacks. I think you're operating in the dark here.

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OT: here's a retrospection about my own emotions and writings about the Covid/Vax Disaster, but kicked-off by my having some fun with what Steve said in his recent interview with Tucker, that he told his wife back in April of '21 that the dust-up over his reporting on the dangerousness of the injections "would be settled in a couple of weeks." !!!

I hope people read the piece carefully, and notice my self-questioning, so as to see that I'm not simply saying that Steve started out naive. In fact, I'm suggesting that his original naivete about the reception of his data and arguments was something that fueled his vital work. I'm trying to think about how we dissidents must deal with periods or moods of hopeful expectation, and on the other hand, ones of cynical getting-used-to evils we once regarded as impossible/intolerable. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/is-vax-disaster-dissidence-a-function

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Steve, could you please watch the part of the video starting at 6:01:30 min. This man, Cal Washington explains how to win this war. Thank you.

Clear Skies Conference - Day 2

Cal Washington at mark 6:01:30 min


Cal Washington's website.


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Jeff & medical researcher Erica Kahn discuss - Dr. William Makis On The Growing

Dangers Of Shedding - Self-Spreading Vaccines


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On a different topic, but one I think you may be interested. Rumor is March 7, State of the Union, is when Biden shall be announcing his withdrawal from the race. Likely replacement? Kennedy. But, please, encourage Bobby Jr not to choose Flynn as his running mate.

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Jerry Newfield

Jerry’s Substack

12 mins ago


edited 10 mins ago

I have watched about an hour of the interview with john and carl and i was surprised that Heneghan holds that no conclusions can be drawn without doing studies for Years and years. I am sure his study on the flu drug was very important, but people are dropping like flies and he wants to talk about everything except that. I always admired him until now. Yes, I understand his point about evidence, but he is dead wrong about evidence as an answer to controversy, because there is lots of evidence of the lethality of Covid vaccines and other vaccines and that changes nothing as far as the actions of government and the regulatory agencies. He is also wrong about the RCTs on masks. There may only have been 3 on Covid, but there are many more looking at the utility of masks to block airborne viruses. Heneghan wants to have his cake and eat it to, he sees himself as the final word on “evidence,” yet he is at pains to narrow the scope of inquiry and ascribe the actions of the so-called regulatory agencies to incompetence. He is obfuscating in defense of the academic establishment.

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Thanks for great interview on Tucker! Watching now. Terrific!

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I can’t even listen to this interview… I had to switch off. This Prof Carl Heneghan is so clowned, it simply makes it impossible. The guy is absolutely clueless as to what has taken place over the last 4 years. Utterly clueless.

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More likely he knows and has been bribed/coerced or both in some way like the rest of them.

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I know what you mean… but I think with this guy, it’s more a case of him genuinely being clueless towards what’s gone on. He seems to believe that “mistakes” were made… and that it’s really just a matter of getting the various agencies involved to realise the folly of their ways. Ludicrous, I know! It’s like he’s in no way even aware of the incredible depth of organised lockstep corruption that’s in place here. He thinks he’s still living in a pre-Covid world. Plus he fully believes in all this viral variant nonsense — Wuhan gain of function etc, etc. They didn’t even NEED a “real” virus. The whole thing was nothing but cooked numbers— a whole stack of promoted hysteria— a rigged testing method… and the blind hypnotised sheep pretty much looked after the rest.

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thanks for the link. I subscribe to Epoch TImes, but I miss things sometimes.

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The more I learn about John Beaudoin's work --

An engineer who began looking at codes and death certificates and investigating their validity or lack thereof --

The more I realize just what a phenomenal job he has done.

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He is an angel, truly.

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What's really appalling is that there aren't more doctors and medical institutions doing this.

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My heros

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“I am 75 years old. The doctors do not have words to explain this significant improvement in my vision… I believe my sight has improved because of QiGong.” -John Harvey

“I just got back from today's eye exam and for the first time EVER, my eyes IMPROVED!!! I squarely put that on QG (Qi Gong) and all I've learned from Lee. Thank you!!! I am flying right now. I need new glasses, but they are weaker ones, for the first time in my life. This stuff works!!” -Barbara Freebird Nowlin

In the Qi Gong for Healthy Eyes Workshop, you’ll:

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Learn a 20-minute “Eye Gong” routine designed to bring more energy circulation to your eyes.

Increase blood flow and energy to the eyes to help them feel refreshed, relaxed, and well-lubricated.

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Learn more and register for the Qi Gong for Healthy Eyes Workshop on February 25th.


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I started to watch this discussion. I like John Beaudoin. But I had to shut it off after Carl Henegan stated that the covid injections are OK for "over 65's". Mother of God. If I hear this one more time....

How the hell could shots be lethal for everyone up to age 64 but all of a sudden pretty OK once you reach retirment age? It's ridiculous. Not to mention insulting.

I know that he has not been the only one spouting this utter nonsense. But good god, at this point?

Older folks immune systems are more vulnerable so how could this injection be OK when it is known to attack the immune system.

I just couldn't watch.

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It's just harder to attribute death at older ages to the vax because people tend to die of all kinds of things as they age, whereas the younger deaths are harder to explain away. It's just optics.

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The guy is an utter dope. He has no idea what has been taking place over the last four years. Not even the slightest inkling! Totally in the dark and around 50 light years behind most everyone else. He’s actually a “Covidian!” I don’t even understand why he is on this panel. Imagine if Dr Mike Yeadon was in this discussion! He would absolutely embarrass this dope to the point of tears!

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I started to watch this discussion. I like John Beaudoin. But I had to shut it off after Carl Henegan stated that the covid injections are OK for "over 65's". Mother of God. If I hear this one more time....

How the hell could shots be lethal for everyone up to age 64 but all of a sudden pretty OK once you reach retirment age? It's ridiculous. Not to mention insulting.

I know that he has not been the only one spouting this utter nonsense. But good god, at this point?

Older folks immune systems are more vulnerable so how could this injection be OK when it is known to attack the immune system.

I just couldn't watch.

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Sorry for double comment!

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