That so many human beings can be bought with money and careers to actually KILL AND MURDER tells me that our problems are much more than love and worship of money and fame. At the core of Americans dissolution is no spirituality at all. This goes especially to the so called Christians that work in the the U of CA healthcare system. You are not believers but you are complicit in MURDER. have you forgotten THO SHALT NOT KILL (MURDER)!

How do you folks in our Deathcare system (esp Christians that jabbed for jobs) look yourself in the mirror before you go to work? Pray for another career because American healthcare is a cancer, quit your jobs (for illegal coercion and hostile work environment) and join lawsuits against them.

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I keep getting questions on when the class action liability lawsuits will gain real traction.

5 Euro countries float vaccine card: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/really-chilling-five-countries-to-test-european-vaccination-card/?utm_source=popular

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Prayers for recovery.

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Steve is a great person.

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Unrelated: How is your eye? We are all concerned!

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They will do it again, unless enough wake up prepared to refuse, as it is a program for a world government and a tyranny, delaying The New Age for taking generations to come.

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I view it as a more of a 'highjacking' than a 'delay'...

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Could Jeremy Friedman not turn his antenna, relocate, or switch to a WiFi?

Hang the UC regents and UA officers, and confiscate all their assets, also including clawing back UA dividends and stock purchases!

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I shudder to think of all the desiccated flora this would entail...

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Are you suggesting the Regents of the University of California https://regents.universityofcalifornia.edu/ and officers of United Airlines, such as Scott Kirby, who vacuumed up employees' pension funds, are potted plants, Trumpenstein's CARES Act loot watered?

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Hey everyone: Here's a little somethin' from my alumni newsletter at Dominican University: https://www.dominican.edu/news/news-listing/dominican-psychologist-studies-reactions-public-health-messages. I'm noticing more people getting on board with the fact that these so-called "vaccines" are neither safe nor effective. My new housemate relocating to the area from heavily vaxxed WA state told me that he's lost three people this year, two friends to heart attacks and one to cancer. I remarked, "uh, 'died suddenly....?' " He just looked me right in the eye for about three full beats..

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oh to swim with the tide...

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Yeah, uh huh-- no point in changing, better to just stay dumb, eh?

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the resolution will be televised,

better late than never-

and we will all be deputized,

into this great endeavor...

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Okay, so, umm, just which endeavor did you have in mind?

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I/we are still praying concerning your eye! The material you give us and just gave us is indispensable as usual.

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first trump's ear, then steve's eye, well I guess first was really biden's mouth...

(hear no, see no, speak no... you know, the thing...!)

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Steve, please update us on your eye! I’m praying it is getting better!

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Hello, Steve: Regarding your eye: I have been a Functional Nutritionist for 20 years and have found the Standard Process nutritional line of whole food based products exceptionally effective. I noted you are taking AC Carbamide, which is in their stable. You noted you were concerned about further hemorrhage. Consider 2 products for strengthening and stabilizing your vascular intima that are very effective: SP Cyruta Plus ( 3-6, TID), and MediHerb Vascular Complex ( 1 TID). While I've never had cause to use this protocol on a retinal hemorrhage, it surely works miracles with bleeding gums, hemorrhoids, & subcutaneous hemorrhage of the extremities. (Results within 3 days!)

Regarding the dissolution of the congealed blood: Pursue improvement of your Zeta Potential. Dr. Jack Kruse might be a good resource. His 4 hour podcast with Andrew Huberman is one of the most intriging, thought provoking, and informative dialogues I have ever heard. Dr. Yoho and Unbecoming have been blogging on this topic, too. You are also welcome to reach out to me. I'm semi retired and sitting out the Park Fire in a cottage on the Mendocino Coast at moment.

Better yet, contact Dr. Levy at the Riordan Clinic. He has a wealth of knowledge relevant to this topic. If I were in your shoes, I'd just go there asap.

Best of luck and thank you for all the work you do. Your efforts are much appreciated, even if I think you are thrashing in the weeds sometimes. Frankly, I believe that if pursuers of truth don't challenge enough accepted narratives and sometimes have to back out of rabbit holes with a mea culpa, they are not really pursuing truth with full conviction.

Btw: whatever happened to the debate between the virus deniers and protagonists that you were proposing? Did I miss it? I was REALLY looking forward to that!

I used to think virus deniers were deranged. Now, I'm not so sure. Delving into the historical origins of the germ theory...the vitriolic contest between Beauchamp and Pasteur, and examining the realities of virology proofs, or lack thereof, brings me to question yet another " narrative" that I have completely accepted my entire life. The old saying " follow the money" has never seemed so appropriate. When I think about how phenomenally "viruses" are driving fear, population control, and associated wealth transfer, it seems foolish NOT to deeply and open mindedly examine the shady origins of their existence.

Happy Day!

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Kudos for taking some time to delve into the history of "The Germ Hypothesis" (not strictly a theory) of disease, which is a 19th century usurper, even Professor René J Dubos, whose whole career was spent within the orthodoxy of New Yorks Rockefeller Institute still felt compelled to write a treatise titled, "Second Thoughts on Germ Theory", it starts thus;... "Everyone harbours disease germs, yet not everyone is sick. This is ascribed to resistance, suggesting that the germs are less important in disease than other factors affecting the condition of the host."

Later in the article he writes;...

"During the first phase of the germ theory the property of virulence was regarded as lying within the microbes themselves. Now virulence is coming to be thought of as ecological. Whether man lives in equilibrium with microbes or becomes their victim depend upon the circumstances under which he encounters them."


Regarding your query about the "debate" I'll hand over to Christine Massey;

Steve Kirsch recently issued another "virus debate" challenge, claiming that "SARS-COV-2" has been shown to exist and can be purchased from ATCC, and so I am re-sharing a couple of Kirsch-related items further below. But first, here are the comments that I left under Steve's new contrived challenge (he then banned me from his substack):


Open Letter to Steve Kirsch, January 10, 2022


The real reason I now refuse to debate Steve Kirsch (or engage with him, Richard Fleming or Kevin McCairn)

(Hint: it’s not what Steve tells his readers):


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I don't know if Steve Kirsch knows this quote but he seems to know the concept pretty well.

“Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.”

― Richard Nixon

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eye think eye will have to tune in for this one

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Really thankful for all who fight for ; and those who share truth. Is there any way to set up a parallel truth broadcaster to compete with mainstream media rubbish.

If people don’t see it it’s not real…thanks

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Thank you so much for continuing to do this invaluable work. I hope you are making progress with your personal challenge right now, as you continue this work.

I very much appreciate the importance of re-classifying the injections as therapeutic drugs and not "vaccines" and it is equally as important to emphasize the illegality of "mandating" ANY medical intervention. It doesn't matter if it's a vaccine or if it's experimental.

A mandate is not a law. Only a legislative body can make a law. If only people understood that, we could have avoided much suffering. Of course un-just laws can be perpetrated by a corrupt legislative system and enforced by a corrupt judicial system, as was the case in Nazi Germany. We have the Constitution and hopefully more effective ways to deal with unjust laws in America.

The Nuremberg Code refers to "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential" for ANY medical intervention. We are always experimental subjects because even "non-experimental" medical products and procedures are always experimental for the individual, every time, so personal choice is non-negotiable.

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Thank you. If only our education system taught critical thinking skills!! But then, the whole "system" would collapse.

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the system is collapsing/prolapsing (as planned), besides critical thinking, pelvic reintegration seems in order...

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Victories for sure. I only wish that the shots were identified as bio- weapons.

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So's the gain of function virus.

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give it up SaHib, and lick Meryl's feet

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