In defense of President Trump, he vigorously promoted Hydroxychloroquine, he revealed that he was taking it regularly, and tweeted about it many times.

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Uphill battle to break the shackles of Big Pharma that controls the direction of medicine to maintain the bottom line and has nothing to do about good health!

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Hello Steve, I hope your eye is improving. Most children with gender dysphoria are autistic which is a known fact. Vaccines cause autism another fact. Therefore, isn't it true that vaccines cause gender dysphoria, at least indirectly?

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I prefer to believe Trump was just another gullible Muppet, as were the masses early on in the New World Order (WEF)'s ('Fauci's GoF virus modification for maximum human impact') Covid Scamdemic & the DEADLY VAX depopulation program, Instead of Trump being a WEF corroborator in the evil scams, (along with the others purveying DEATH BY VAX) he was just another casualty of Big Pharma's mal-information and lies for profit! Trump possibly just took the 'Blue pill'!

Maybe I've got it wrong? If so, we're all in loads of deep doo-doo after November 5th.

Not that I'm a Trump fan, far from it, but he's better than the 'walking dead'.

My preferences = if I was a US National (or an illegal immigrant with voting powers???) I'd vote DeSantis or RFK Jr as they to understand the real world, both seem grounded, intelligent and without arrogance.

Regards! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Safe and effective! :(

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History

Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing September 2, 2009

¨WASHINGTON – American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together "Pfizer") have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products, the Justice Department announced today.

Pharmacia & Upjohn Company has agreed to plead guilty to a felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for misbranding Bextra with the intent to defraud or mislead. Bextra is an anti-inflammatory drug that Pfizer pulled from the market in 2005. Under the provisions of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, a company must specify the intended uses of a product in its new drug application to FDA. Once approved, the drug may not be marketed or promoted for so-called "off-label" uses – i.e., any use not specified in an application and approved by FDA. Pfizer promoted the sale of Bextra for several uses and dosages that the FDA specifically declined to approve due to safety concerns. The company will pay a criminal fine of $1.195 billion, the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the United States for any matter. Pharmacia & Upjohn will also forfeit $105 million, for a total criminal resolution of $1.3 billion... ¨


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Yes and let's not forget : TRUMP?? Are you talking about Jim Jones ( The leader of the Peoples Temple cult who initiated a mass murder-suicide at the Jonestown compound in Guyana ) - Mr. Warp Speed - Take your vaccines, boosters, it's good, I got mine, Trump?

Trump gave few billions $ to the BigPharma to develop this killer shots. He still even bragged saying that if there are 200 millions vaccinated americans, it is because of him.

He knows that vaccines are bad. Kids are not horses do you remember? Robert F. Kennedy Jr met him at the beginning of his mandate as President but he let him down.

His Tramemark - motto is ¨You're fired! Why didn't he fire Dr. Mengel - Fauci?

Yes he is bright. He his a showman. He says what people want to hear. He has a big mouth. He looks tough but is he really? NO! He plays on both side and for his ego.

Robert Kennedy Jr. Blows Whistle On Pfizer Donating $1 Million To Trump Inaugural



Anthony Robert Holland


Trump kicked those FDA asses to get this WarpSpeed deadly Bioweapon into yours and your families veins.

17 million dead so far from his deadly Bioweapon, is it time you finally came around to your senses ? 2:16 min



Sayin' a Lie 5:25 Trump at mark 3:43 min ¨Take the vaccine, I did it. It's good...¨



Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump put $10 Billion Dollars into a Program to Depopulate the US https://rumble.com/v43aore-catherine-austin-fitts-trump-put-10-billion-dollars-into-a-program-to-depop.html

Please share as much as possible.


39 mins ago

And contaminated by conflict of interest candidates in the US Elections!

Please check this out.

JD Vance’s company Narya Capital is an investor in Amplify Bio which is in partnership with RNAV8 Bio for creating more LETHAL mRNA vaccines!



JD Vance is nothing but a Deep State agent and the revelations about this just keep coming to light! Read first our article “Patriot” Trump chooses yet…ANOTHER DEEP STATE AGENT for VP! – JD Vance has ties to the CIA (Palantir), Bilderberg Group, an adrenochrome-producing company, Israel and more!


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"Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines" - Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines


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Steve is back!! YES!!!! We need you brother!!

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1 case out of millions:

2 shots of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, ... Trent went into the hospital ... put on a ventilator, with “tubes everywhere”, his head wrapped up, in vegetative state". His hands and wrists would curl over, and his legs would turn in, his ankles would turn in, almost like his foot looked like a hockey stick . Trent’s doctors “had no clue” what was wrong.

More than a year later, when Trent died, his death certificate actually acknowledged “reaction to COVID-19 vaccination” as one of the causes of his death."


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Pfuck Pfizer - in my opinion, the most evil, corrupt and mercenary company on planet Earth! Mass-Murderers!

They avoid LIABILITY so they can maximise profitability. They seem to believe the FDA/CDC etc, are in their pockets and therefore don't need inconvenient and expensive 'quality control' for their poisons.

They obtained (bought?) a dubious EMERGENCY USE licence to market 'Safe & Effective' injections that have more impact on Human ILL-HEALTH than any supposed virus.

They sponsored the denigration and disappearance of other inexpensive proven anti-viral meds like IVERMECTIN & Hydroxychloroquine, etc,.

They pretended to create a 'CURE' for a disease that I suspect they sponsored the creation of.

They created the 'DEADLY CURE = vax' within weeks of the launch of the disease. My hunch is they had their 'agents' working on the 'CURE' in adjacent laboratories to the Gain of Function Labs where CoronaVirus was being reinforced to become as dangerous as possible for imminent use on humans.

They know the FDA CDC etc all turn as blind eye to the thousands of DEATHS caused directly by their Experimental mRNA gene editing dehumanising USELESS injections which they pretend are 'vaccines'.

They can pout any crap into each vial because nobody in authority cares or is interested. Perhaps financial persuasion has has something to do with the continuance of ZERO LIABILITY and the hidden millions of VAX related injuries and DEATHS caused by their depopulating injections.

My theory is that Pfizer & Moderna both know they're untouchable because of legislated (possibly paid for at the back door?) by politicians, which entitles them to inject anu contaminated crap that comes out of the enormous vats. Nobody's checking. We know it can't be tap water because too many are being injured and killed as a result of these "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" injections.

Here's an interesting question - When they (Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) suddenly announced the poisonous injections (after the first two) were going to be referred to as 'BOOSTERS', were they differently formulated from previous jabs #1 and #2? What differentiated 'vaccines' from BOOSTERS?

Did the makers do safety trials on BOOSTERS?

Did they obtain separate APPROVAL and LICENCE for EXPERIMENTAL USE?

Were the 'BOOSTERS' ever subjected to the formal FDA Approval Process. I suggest this might have been assumed within any back door arrangements they'd agreed with the FDA/CDC, etc,. Just another of my suspicious assumptions I suppose!

Does anybody really know if 'BOOSTERS were ever formally registered using proper 'legal' FDA processes?

Please let me have some answers to these conundrums. Thanks!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) to live longer that those who believed "the speed of science" - "SAFE & EFFECTIVE" bullsh*t?

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And don't forget Trump's warp speed.

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Yes indeed. It is amazing how people still believe in Trump. It looks like a cult.

Sayin' a Lie 5:25 Trump at mark 3:43 min ¨Take the vaccine, I did it. It's good...¨



"Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines" - Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines


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So Harris would be better how?

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Dr. Peter Mcollough's showed that Moderna and Stephen Bancel had the patent for the Furin Cleavage Site in 2016 and were developing their experimental gene therapy shot in 2018-19 and had it reviewed by Ralph Baric and North Carolina University in early 2020. Evil bastards.

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Thanks Anthony!

I realised that GoF (bio-weapon engineering) was taking place on US soil, but was 'exported' because some politicians deemed it too dangerous (UNDERSTATEMENT?). i'm not being a smart-arse, but i also knew that BIO_WEAPON experiments were taking place in, of all places, US Universities (N. Carolina, etc,.)

The GoF was previously a speciality of the US Dept of Defence, before they realised a few university students were 'disposable'.

Didn't know about these other guys that McCullough was referring to, or what part of the evil deeds they were participating in!

Sounds like we're sort of 'on the same page/s'! Mick (UK).

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We're totally on the same page. Great comments and keep the facts coming.

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Seems to me that dr. Michael Yeadon and Sasha Latypova should be on the panel.... just saying

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I’m so happy to read about activities such as this one. To everyone out there on the front lines, thank you for what you are doing on our behalf. We must shed as much light as possible into those dark places where big Pharma, Biotech and their sock puppets in the government and bureaucracy live and operate. Clearly, the best antidote to what’s being done to us is information and truth.

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I am so proud of every brave man & woman who has been relentless in their pursuit to expose the horrific “Experiments on Human Beings” that have and will result in myocarditis, blood clots, paralysis of the face & spinal cord injuries, Sudden Death Syndrome of our babies, children, teenagers, adults, and brain injuries. These are not vaccines 💉 They are Kill Shots ™️.

The Graphene Oxide nanotubes are particles of razor sharp elements which have been totally reinvented & designed from Graphite Oxide, which is derived from Carbon. The Graphene Oxide is a result of changing the structural properties via chemical engineering techniques. Follow the money 💰 Who owns the patents and the stocks of Graphene Oxide? Bill Gates & his Microsoft Engineers & Attorneys patented their “Digital Monetary System” #WO2020060606

Patent Scope International Patent Office

If you haven’t already read the actual patent application papers then you will never understand why the Globalists at The World Economic Forum wanted to inject all humans with their Graphene Oxide, MRNA, DNA 🧬 Altering, “Gain of Function” Jabs.

Here’s a link:



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You are, surely targeted my friend !! Please Find a way to avoid it!!! Be consistent and secure your true consistent point of vue apon the attack of our human right to exist, no matter what!!!! You are not alone!!!! ™They ™THINK. IT is done, BUT, IT IS NOT!!! Thank you for you for bravoure !!!

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Condolences on the eye injury. Do you know what it is, and how the image you posted was made?

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Looked like a common in-office retina scan available at most USA optometrists.... Curious if that was a bleed/stroke?

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Flapping my wings sending a healing prayer, for a speedy recovery!

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