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Support the cause go to jail

Are you officially a criminal now


Feb 19

Understanding the new rules of supporting a cause. The Canadian Government has said I am a criminal for supporting a cause. Will I be labelled a terrorist? I am sure if not already, probably soon.

Its important to discourage future dissent now. This is done by threat of immediate and future penalty.

I have donated to the freedom convoy

To my understanding I am now flagged as a criminal/terrorist for supporting a cause that was not illegal at the time of support being sent. Is it Illegal now?

The bank now has my account under observation at the least? possibly already sent for investigation at the RCMP/CSIS.

Where is this information, what will be done with it, who will it be shared with. Which Government departments will be alerted and told to look carefully at my interactions?

Will my emails be flagged so they can be shut down. In the event there is another cause I may want to support, based on my profile of course

Should I expect to pay higher interest rates now as the bank knows I am a terrible person, associated with white supremacists, nazis, misogynists, anti government, anti vaccer’s and of course what ever else the government and media are calling me.

What about insurance, considering all those things mentioned above. Am I now a high risk, how does that translate to my premiums.

Border crossing, can I cross the border now. Will airport security search me more thoroughly now I have been labelled a criminal/terrorist, where is my information?

Can I fly through American airspace on my way to South America or Europe? Will I be put on a no fly list?

If only I had known All these things would result for my support of this cause, would I have sent in my support knowing I would be punitively punished for disagreeing?

Will I have to present myself to the authorities for processing as a dissenter.

I wonder what they are hoping will happen. Possibly a database of Canadian political dissenters.


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If I were the government I would wonder if the Russians funded mRNA vaccine companies to take down the first world. Then again they’re forcing adenovirus vaccines on their own people which aren’t much better.

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well said Moon Diamond. Its as likely as any other theory

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I mean, if Trump really is Putin’s puppet... he did push these mRNA vaccines a lot faster than I think Obama or Clinton or even Bush or Reagan would have done... so there you go. BlueAnon memory holed that somehow. Maybe they’re infiltrated by Russians as well...

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