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And yet the amount of death and serious illness is astounding.

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I lost my job cause of HR demanding the clot shot, so far two are dead from my previous job. One got turbo cancer and the other massive heart attack, both were in their mid 50’s.

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Modern is 100 mg x 2 shots

Pfizer is 30 mg x 2 shots

This is a huge difference!

Also, early on in the crazy jab process, it was stated that young people produced 90+% neutralizing antibodies after just 1 pfizer shot and old people much less.

The jabs SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN promoted but AT THE VERY LEAST- telling/making/mandating that our youth get 2 of these jabs was OUTRAGEOUS!!!

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Too bad ostriches and the bury their heads in the sand myth isn’t real, or we’d see shitloads of them in every position linked to Covid. As I said too bad, because I would’ve enjoyed watching them ram their heads through concrete and asphalt. Anyway, the Red Dragon reptile who used to occupy Earth’s subtle plain, from where it controlled all the reptilian minds on our planet through their “hive mind” narrative. These poor bastards are now without these guiding powers, no one to tell them how , when or what to do. We’re witnessing a slight pause, before they fall back into the role they’ve always played, and that just won’t cut it anymore. We’ll then witness how they all will expose themselves, both through actions and appearances. Earths frequency has risen to a level where they can’t shapeshift successfully anymore.

People will lose their minds and about time something removed their blinds.

Pardon me for a weird ass post supposedly about Covid, but I trailed off, voff(bark in Norwegian)…

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Is Moderna partly owned by the NIH? Please, please, find a way to sue these people!!

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Moderna had zero products for sale until the vax and interestingly our last UK PM Rishi Sunak (WEF) invested heavily in Moderna thru a hedge fund at that earliest time prior to the pandemic... Now our country has signed contracts with them to build huge manufacturing plants here for the billions of new vaccines they're going to produce. Uncanny. Anyone, everyone, someone, wherever and however you can, just SAY NO!!!

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Thanks Clark! I didn't think the numbers stacked up for a virus like adenovirus being regarded as lethal but rarely mentioned. Mick (UK).

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Steve, Thank You for all your hard work and dedication to this tragic event in the history of our species.

I still think often of the M.D. in San Diego who felt after her review of VARS, I think in 2022, that only about 1% was being reported.

They don't look at the data because they have been threatened not to, IMHO.

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yup. vaers is at least 40x under reported.

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There is a lot of space there (-40x) for appreciable error. I wonder if they know that?

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Jul 16Liked by Steve Kirsch

Remember Moderna has many new jabs in pipeline coming soon. Mode rna. Their dose was higher than pfizer’s, so yeah. Lots of investors including Fraudchi and DOD paid. This way all ‘news’ is on bad pfizer, and mode rna will continue to be propped up and kill.

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Let’s take a moment to reflect on the words… “… more deadly than… “

This in the context of 2 injections mandated by your govts.

What shall we conclude🤔

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No one wants to go after Moderna. They have now geared up to produce many more new mRNA toxic inoculations. So the lawsuits focus on Pfizer, but those are just cover because the entire operation, and most likely all subsequent operations, because they will be covered under PREP Act and Emergency Declarations, so Pfizer while it might suffer some nasty headlines, will never be held accountable. Pfizer though looks to be the poor man out because all the current money seems to be headed in Moderna's direction. I think this is because they only want one public private partnership to manufacture the mRNA bioweapons. Competition is just too messy for the globalists. It always did stand to reason that Moderna's C19 bioweapon was more dangerous due to the dosage or spike protein payload. How much DNA contamination is in their shot; with more spike protein present, does that not also mean more lipid nanoparticle present, that being of course also dangerous since it is causing so much zeta potential disruption due to the very positive charge. ... just questions....

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Good stuff.

Couple of points. 1. Our world in data stopped updating in March 2023 with 400 million Pfizer ad 250 million Moderna doses administered in the US.


and 2. Thank God the FDA did not approve Astra Zeneca!


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Good job mate, and what a bunch of cowards. Everyone is afraid for their career, not considering the true cost. Luckily, that's not a problem for me ;)

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World law enforcement agencies must arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, HHS and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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Don't hold your breath with the current DOJ...no way will they do anything.

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