Steve... Thanks for your tireless effort in researching and posting this material. Hope health and eye situation is much improved.

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Thank you. -

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Steve, here is the perfect example of a limited hang. I was surprised to see the BBC do an article on somebody who was injured until I read the article. In the article they claim deaths dropped dramatically after the shots came out - we know that's not true, nor is it true that injuries like this man's are exceedingly rare, or that the benefits of the shots outweigh the risks. The injuries can no longer he hidden or denied so they roll a story out on just one as a way of acknowledging the undeniable and use that to further false pro-jab talking points that will be readily embraced by the fearful and anxious who took the jabs and weren't immediately hurt.


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Thank you for being a bulldog Steve - we’re right here with you.

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Thank you for this reporting and analysis.

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Excellent, accurate, informative. Nobody explains statistical obfuscation better, or cuts to the chase quicker. Thanks, and please don't relent. Interview with NY firefighter also concise. Still can't post likes on this forum and note deletion of thread about that subject. Hope your eye is getting better.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Please do not forget Alexis Lorenze. The updates on Twitter show the extent of the damage from the vaccines (and God knows what else she was given). The damage is unbelievable. Thanks goes to Steve for setting up the givebutter.com/save alexis fund.



I am sharing a recent Twitter video which is not for the faint of heart. Read her comments on the video. She is really going through an ordeal...suffering. She is suffering new and frightening effects.


(remember to tap on 'latest' once you type in Alexis Lorenze on Twitter to get the most recent updates.)

I am still in utter shock at the state of her head and shoulders and neck. Truly it looks like severe necrosis.

I have other archived images of people with necrosis from early days when the Covid shots were rolled out. Honestly, the photos are hard to fathom.

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God. Please heal her.

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The way they treated this young woman when the adverse reactions manifested themselves is criminal. The doctor should lose her licence and face justice.

I Alexis could get out of that hospital and go home and have those who love her take care of her.

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Thanks for another blockbuster Steve!

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

Sean Plunket (and the Wright family that is funding his tripe) can kiss my arse.

All the extra cardiac presentations here in NZ are from covid, or lockdown stress, or the moon being in the 2nd quadrant all year. In short, it's ABTV (anything but the vaccine) again. It's always ABTV.

Love your work, Steve. The bastids are starting to feel some blowback. They ain't seen nothing yet.

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i just modified the end. if these were all confounders, we'd have equal number of healthcare workers seeing 10x reducitions mortality or morbidity.

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Thank-you for your hard work Steve. I have difficulty with math, but I greatly value your efforts in sharing data and the videos on VSRF on Rumble. Take care🙂

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Not only that but in the case of the NZ cardiac presentations, with that first big jump in 2021, not only was it after the first jabs were coerced into Kiwi arms (roughly Feb, '21), it was BEFORE we saw significant covid cases (covid started to hit with gusto in 2022).

A name I'll not forget is Rory Nairn. The coroners here had already ruled one or two heart attack deaths were vaccine-induced but by the time he got his last shot, the govt and assorted usual suspects had decided to not alert anyone shoving this shit into the arms of unsuspecting Kiwis. His death, like too many, was completely avoidable. The blood that stopped pumping around his body is smeared all over the hands of the feckless, corrupt skidmarks in govt and public health at the time. One way or the other, they will be held to account, no matter where in the world they may have run to.

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