These absolute morons are GUARANTEEING World War III cannot possibly be avoided. When you start accusing your adversary like this, you have guaranteed there will now NEVER be any peace negotiations. So just get ready. Our computer, unfortunately, has never been wrong


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Video (2 min) - Director of the CDC lie about their own vaccination status.


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Steve, you've done so much but I was just wondering if anyone considered contacting the Homesteaders and preppers on YouTube? Many have subscribers in the hundreds of thousands. They try to deal with the threats by growing their own food and preparing for problems.

However, the gov't knows that and can change the laws and make burning wood illegal or put meters on their water wells (already happened). So maybe introducing the idea that politics can't be avoided since it is how people consent (or don't) to being governed.

Maybe if more people took a clipboard and asked The Person on the Street, "Who Said That?" more minds could be opened to the fact that this collapse is by design and not due to incompetency.

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Good luck with your symposium! Hopefully Vax maker's LIABILITY will be high on the agenda? I'm 77, fit & healthy and saw sinister 'loopholes' in the Covid & Vax lies from day one! First = Why are Vax makers IMMUNE from legal, moral and financial responsibility for the MILLIONS of deaths their injections have caused and continue to cause? A big unanswerable RED FLAG! LIABILITY must be re-introduced as it was just a TEMPORARY concession way back in 1976 - for another failed attempt to cure Swine Flu with a needle. After 50+ US citizens died POST VAX, the Experiment was dropped for being "Too DANGEROUS". This time we're approaching 2 million Post Vax DEAD around the planet and still they jab on relentlessly in the knowledge they have a "Licence to KILL" - Until the Authorities wake up and stop this madness! Mick from Hooe (UK). Unjabbed and ready to finish Big Phama's dirty tricks.

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They are killing our young people. Data proves ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ needs to be renamed ‘Death by Covid Vaccination’ VACCINE NARRATIVE COLLAPSES AS HARVARD STUDY SHOWS JAB MORE DANGEROUS THAN COVID https://gellerreport.com/2022/10/death-by-vaccine.html/OVID

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80,000,000 dead from the vaccine!

From Pfizer clinical trials, to prevent one death from Covid with the shot, 4 people died from cardiac arrest.

The latest news; "According to the first major analysis of COVID-19 vaccines, the global rollout prevented almost 20 million deaths in the first year."

More correctly, 80 million deaths, in the first year.

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How did you calculate 80 million?

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Avoid blood transfusions if at all possible. The blood supply is completely CONTAMINATED. (The only thing they stop donations for is AIDs) Vaccinated donors have been accepted since day one. YOU ARE ONLY AS UNVAXXED/UNSPIKED/MRNA'd AS YOUR NEXT TRANSFUSION. Listen at 16 min mark https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_101022_hr2.mp3 at 16 min mark mark!!

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Australian-based journalist Maria Zeee THEY (our dreadful oligarchs) intend to soon inject this stuff into our meat. They already do it in the Netherlands.

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Not saying its OK, in fact its animal torture in my opinion to inject cattle with mRNA crap vaccines. But if you cook the meat from a mRNA tortured cattle, I would assume that the heat would denature all spike proteins.

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I hope it does. Luc

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Inject what? Blood? Spike? Vaxx?

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Thanks, will listen on commute tomorrow:)

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And here we are just a few days after a provincial election; business as usual! Legault & Dubé are starting their little games again with hospitalizations and vaccination (https://www.msn.com/fr-ca/actualites/other/le-voyant-est-au-jaune-concernant-la-covid-19- au-qu%C3%A9bec-dit-le-minister-dub%C3%A9/ar-AA12TmGg?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=f088c21f2fdf49ccb46f544ca3859722)...

This suggests that dreadful lockdowns, masking, and vaccines will be upon us again.

Dangerous psychopaths run our province.

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I'm in Alberta. I am hoping that Smith is awake to what is going on. I dunno, it seems possible she is DeSantis in prairie town Canada? Funny thing is, I spent decades voting NDP both federally and provincially but events have overtaken such behaviour. I hit a point where the only thing that matters for my vote is the position on vaccines and mandates, and covid restrictions. The rest is fluff, the question is are they beholden to the narrative, yes or no?

Good luck in the La Belle Province, and the rest of us dumb hobbit like Canucks signing up righteously to our doom. Although booster uptake is quite low, that is a thing. Anyone who never went past shot 2 is a potential redpill in my view.

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Here's the thing.

Find a copy of Naomi Klein's book "The Shock Doctrine: The rise of disaster capitalism" (2007) . . . read Klein's Conclusion from page 533 on: "SHOCK WEARS OFF: The rise of people's reconstruction"! There. Latin America proved (beyond doubt) that we can push back globalists. To take back what's left of our freedom.

There's hope.

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Here's the thing.

Find a copy of Naomi Klein's book "The Shock Doctrine: The rise of disaster capitalism" (2007) . . . read Klein's Conclusion from page 533 on: "SHOCK WEARS OFF: The rise of people's reconstruction"! There. Latin America proves (beyond doubt) that we can topple these evil Satanists/globalists monsters. To take back what's left of our freedom.

There's hope.

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Steve I think you should debate one of the "zero Covid" people such as Don Ford. He agrees with you that the mRNA vaccines are ineffective. He does not however seem to be the least bit aware that they're unsafe.

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I plan on attending Florida Covid Summit ll. This one ought to be good. CME’s for healthcare providers.

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I sure wish I could go!!

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Wow, love Dr. Urso!! Heard him provide an explanation regarding viruses in that they need an open door. LNP needs a cracked door, they slip through the tight junctions and that is why the vaccinated are injured more in the brain in the heart. God bless you Dr. Urso!!

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Haven't watched yet. Thanks for posting this comment. Also, viruses aren't in the blood, where as, the LNP are. So, that also makes it much more highly dangerous, aside from the fact that LNPs are chemical/petroleum byproduct (PEG) and are very toxic to the body, cross every membrane, and should never be in the human body. According to Naomi Wolf's substack article: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/lipid-nanoparticles-are-they-subtly?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=676930&post_id=76144565&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

Another frightening note Naomi writes about:

A casual aside that disturbs me considerably, in many peer-reviewed studies of nanoparticle medicine, is that many kinds of LNPs are solid at room and body temperature. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780323428637000049].

Some LNPs that are solid at room temperature, are liquid when chilled. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0378517394003478].

My questions, as well as Naomi's:

So if these LNPs are solid at ROOM temperature what the _____ happens when in the human body? Is that why they had to be extremely chilled? And, how does any of this make sense? Why the ___ would anyone put something that needs to be chilled at, according to Naomi's post, " between -20° and -70° Celsius, the latter “colder than Antarctica”" so that it stays a liquid, inside a human body (or animal because these morons have also harmed/killed animals with this crap). Naomi questioned, as I do too, are these major strange looking clots that have been found during embalming clumping LNPs?

BTW: These monsters who have pushed this toxic poison are planning to use this mRNA dangerous technology in all types of "vaccines". So, even if you didn't get this shot, be aware that the useless shingles, flu, cancer, etc. so called vaccines (which have always been dangerous) are going to be the same type of horrific technology according to an article from New Atlas and from Sucharit Bhakdi, the microbiologist, as well.

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In regards to the white fibrotic material pulled from cadavers by morticians, are you familiar with the work of Walter Chestnut? I will leave his sub stack link below. He has presented a conference with Sucharit Bhakdi.


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Interesting what you wrote about the LNP keeping the mRNA stable both still very toxic dangerous synthetic products put into the body/blood, etc for nefarious reasons.

Thank you. I'll take a look at Walter Chestnut. I haven't heard of him.

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Ah yes, another courageous man with great integrity; Sucharit Bhakdi.

My understanding regarding LNP and high temperatures to keep it solid in form is to protect the mRNA which is highly fragile.

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Yes!! Looking forward to his genius analysis!!!!

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Lots of people getting very excited this week about this apparent revelation from Pfizer that isn’t one. Anyone who bothered to read Pfizer’s trial has known this for nearly 2 years.

And how would you even design a trial to measure reduction of transmission anyway? Has any vaccine manufacturer ever done such a trial?

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Steve, as it came out this week that Pfizer never tested transmission I believe that opens the door to SUE. Here is why.

Remember when Pfizer CEO said people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are 'criminals' ? Yet they knew their vaccines didn’t stop transmission, they never corrected any Gov or health Authorities that said they did & some of the elderly or at risk believing this likely put themselves in a position to catch Covid when they may not have if they knew the truth.

How many of those people died because they were lied to ? This FACT should not be ignored.

The purchasing agreement in the EU even said that they basically knew it would not stop transmission. A 2 line sentence at the bottom of the forms a few pages in. If 1 contract noted that, they all did, only difference was perhaps price.

And transmission also underpinned the inhumane Covid passport which excluded people from society.

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Military involvement makes liability a moot point, unfortunately.

Biotech idolatry: DOD-Pfizer contracts have replaced federal constitutions and laws

And the DOD-DOJ-HHS complex has replaced federal legislatures and courts.


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Oct 14, 2022
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You would think so from a legal perspective. "Immunity" only goes so far mainly for adverse events which this is not. This is like telling people if you run into a burning room you wont catch on fire.

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Here is evidence of PFizer fraud: Here is the original PFizer document that was submitted to the FDA for that EUA approval for the mRNA jab.


look at the LAST page (28) in the section that starts in bold

"Assays for assessment of immunogenicity endpoints"

The beginning of second paragraph in this section reads

"Data demonstrating the ability of the modified COVID-19 vaccine to induce a

neutralizing antibody response are needed, as a scientific matter. "

What this means in non-orwellian English is that they have no information about whether or not the shot will be neutralizing ; meaning stop infection spread and transmission.


THis story just broke where a pfizer exec admitted to the euro-parliament that they didnt study it.

Tucker Carlson coverd it on Tuesday .

But what these people are MISSING is this: The pfzier admission said that they didnt study it because they were in a RUSH. "we had to move at the speed of science' said this pfizer executive in her appearance before the euro union gov.

BUT Pfizier has been studying and making vaccines for decades. covid is a respiratory infection and in order to have a sterlilzing immune response your body has to make the specific IgA type of antibodies which are specific to the mucosal skin in the nose and throat and lungs. A shot WILL NOT DO THIS.

In fact there is a disease found in chickens called Mareks disease and other respiratory infections of food animals and various groups have tried to create effective vaccines for these aninal illnesses and they have all failed.

SO my point is that Pfizer had to have known, they must have known that this shot would probably not created mucosal secretory IgA immunity that would facilitate herd immunity. But in this line at the END of their EUA submission, they intentionally buried this fact at the end and dismissed it in an of the cuff comment... " as a scientific matter", like it was not urgent or important to know right now.

When in fact the ability of the jab to create sterilizing immunity was the KEY to everything. It was they justification for all the coercion.

I would assert that PFizer knew this and minimized it and made it appear non-urgent

Their statement comes across as professional and scientific when really its just cover for a massive fraud.

THey knew the shot would not stop infection but they sold it and pushed it anyway b/c they knew that the population would require endless boosters and other drugs like paxlovid.

ITs the greatest fraud in human history

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According to top german scientists, Prof. Bhakdi, the antibody production happens in blood ONLY. Check in basic books: Antibodies are produced by B-lymphocytes after differentiation of B-lymphocytes into plasma cells.". Plasma is BLOOD!!!!

So where on earth will you find blood (and thus the antibodies) on mucus membranes, the first place of 'infection' by SArs-CoV-2?? Only if you get hit by the car!!!

When WHO/CDC/NIH/FDA came out and announced 'there IS NO INNATE IMMUNITY' the entire scientific medical community should have started to rebel and laugh it out!! WHat happened? Not only MD's accepted no more innate immunity, they signed of on new gene modification treatments as 'vaccines'!! IT's CRIMINAL, complete idiocy.

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I heard Prof. Bhakdi say that, as well. I have two questions. I'm not a scientist but do have an understanding of some of this. My questions:

1) Since the antibodies are only in the blood, which makes sense to me, how can this shot be effective at all (I'm very aware of the other dangerous elements of the shot but I'm curious about this aspect)? I ask that because there are some scientists on our side who have said it's effective for so many weeks.

2) When the person's antibodies start attacking the cells that line the blood vessels because there are spike proteins in them from the shot, how does that weaken the person's body so they become sick with a variant or whatever else when the antibodies are in the blood? I'm not clear how it destroys the innate neutralizing antibodies that help one's body stop viruses. I'm missing something here. Please help me to understand. Thanks.

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there are different types of anti bodies produced by different parts of the body under different circumstances and at different times during an infection

IgA is made by mucous membranes. A shot in the arm does not stimulate the body to make IgA. A natural covid infection would do this. THere are many different proteins ( antigens) on the natural virus and all of these proteins can be slightly different across a population of viral particles. just like in a herd of zebra the animals are all the same species but exhibit variation in their appearance and genetic makeup. The same is true from viruses. A natural infection will stimulate a reaction to the whole range of natural proteins in all their variation on the virus. The IGA will be made by the mucous membranes in the respiratory tracts and then later the IgM and IgG is produced , then later on memory T cells care made that hopefully will protect against or mitigate the severitly of future infections.

The mRNA shot makes the body produce and IgG antibody response to only one specific identical version of the spike protein from the original Alpha strain. After only a couple of months this strain changed and the vax receipients protection will be inadequte

this was understood in the Summer of 2020 when they announced how they would be developing the shot. The stated goal was to reduce the severity of the illness, which might be a laudable goal. But there was never any justification whatsoever to coerce people into taking the shot and it was obvious to people like me and many others that the shot would not stop infection and transmission because it did not stimulate the IgA in the repiratory tracts. Thus all the claims about herd immunity and the shot being a moral duty were complete lies and distortions and misunderstandings that the public health establishment and pfizer either didnt understand which makes them incompetent or they deliberately stoked this lie to sell product which makes them evil

Incompetent or evil one or the other or a combo of both.

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Can you please provide references for all your claims??? For example:

"There are many different proteins ( antigens) on the natural virus and all of these proteins can be slightly different across a population of viral particles."

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these are not "claims" these are basic immunological facts that one learns in an intro immunology / infectious disease class as an undergrad ( I studied biochem and I am a practicing physician)

Populations of living things are not all genetically the same. You and I and all humans are 99.9 percent genetically the same but it is the little differences that make us unique

Proteins made by liiving things can be slightly different. Insulin is a protein hormone made by the pancreas. Insulin made by a cow is chemically just a little different in its amino acid sequence than insulin from a pig or a human.

THe proteins on the coronavirus can vary depending on the strains. In a given sample from just one person of millions of viral particles , the individual viral particles can be slightly genetically different

There are 5 different basic types of immunoglobulins the IgA is the one that is made by the mucosa ( the lining of the respiratory tract) THe mRNA covid shot does not induce an IgA response. It induces an IgG response , which is in the blood only. It was hoped that this reponse in the blood would neutralize or sterilize the recipient and stop infection but it does NOT. At best the shot provides a limited and meager immune boost that reduces the severity of the illness. For those who are NOT at risk of severe illness, there is no reason to take the shot at all and since it does not create an IgA response there is NO chance that this shot could confer herd immunity. There is no chance that the shot could protect others, thus there was never any reason to mandate it.

Pfizer probably knew this and knew that people would need endless boosters.

Its like the difference between an upfront purchase versus a subscription plan.

You can take three childhood vaccines and never have to take them ever again OR you will need to take boosters every 6-12 months for years.

Pfizer adopted the subscription plan model and lied to everyone about the efficacy

and the "experts " in public health and major academic hospitals were literally to scared, stupid or corrupt or ideologically blind to see through this fraud




and this about isotypes


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"Populations of living things are not all genetically the same." is very true, just the viruses are NOT living things. The presence of ONE SINGLE Pfizer/Mod-E-RNA injections types were the proof of it, there was only ONE SPIKE genome, until the first mutations occurred. ANd when you follow all the bioinformatics info on all the sequences, you might be very surprised to see the outcome (in my posts..)

Since I'm not immunologist, like Prof. Bhakdi is, I do believe what he says, but currently I'm learning more with every day, including your links here. So thanks! Just remember, before you send out some studies, check out who paid for the research...

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So viruses are real and cause humam disease. There was never ONE Single spike proteins. The spike proteins from the alpha variant was the one that they decided to put into the mRNA shot. But even at that time they were other variance circulating. And even that specific alpha variant there were mine are variations in the sequence of the spike proteins. The makers of the mRNA vaccine just happen to pick one specific one

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Ad 1. the shots produce foreign synthetic protein, which ankers in the membranes of cells which received that synthetic gene. The nanomaterials surrounding the mmRNA do not differentiate between the cell types which it affects, like normal natural infection does, in which for example only mucus membranes are affected. The Pfizer/Mod-E-RNA nanolipids theoretically can cross any phospholipid membrane, thus any cell can start producing the Spike, on it surface. That's already the idiocy No 1 of that 'new idea' for 'vaccines'. How is the Spike oriented in the membrane towards the 'outside' of the cell where it is supposed to meet the antibody producing cells? There is NO 3D STRUCTURE showing that. So just citing one more source (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK546670/): "Antibodies are naturally produced by plasma cells within the human body to mediate an adaptive immune response against invading pathogens."

==>> the anti-Spike antibodies produced IN BLOOD can't protect anyone from getting the covid ON MUCUS MEMBRANES for example....The antibodies are not in the right place to be effective.

2, In the infection process the Spike binds to HUMAN ACE2 receptors via its RBD domain. IN order to prevent that binding the antibody MUST contain specific sequence which equally binds to exactly the same ACE2 binding surface(that's why the author whom I contacted regarding that sequence, said they don't have it...). And that's the catch, because ACE2 has COUNTLESS other NATURAL, extremely important binding partners, many related to blood, which now might have affinity for that anti-Spike antibody, sensing that ACE2 binding section of that antibody. There are many more huge issues with this entire 'solution', a lie sold by those who do not like ivermectin or HCQ, or simple VitC with Zn or H2O2. The fact, that we are actually dealing with genes expressing all this, is an entire new dimension, just beyond me.

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It has never been effective at all against infection or transmission; that's well established. There's some small question of whether it prevented "severe disease" as claimed; but if so, for a short while only. The "severe disease" part is when it does get into the blood, causing hypoxic injury and eventually cytokine storm. So, it is possible that antibodies in the blood did something once, but a better explanation is that the statistics which make it look this way have been adjusted through classification protocols.

For example, the original definition of a breakthrough case was lowered to PCR threshold of 28 cycles. Meanwhile, the "unvaccinated" continued to be reported at the current standards of 35-45. This is how the illusion of efficacy was achieved, by selectively filtering false positives only for the jabbed.

This document, which I have screenshots of but has since disappeared, directed all centers on this protocol. So, naturally, many false positives disappeared, but only for the "vaccinated". This made the infection rate artificially lower.

Additionally, you weren't "fully vaccinated" until two weeks after the second shot, so any cases up to that point were counted as "unvaccinated" early on in many places.

Similarly, "unknown" status is generally recorded as "unvaccinated".

So, while well-meaning doctors, scientists and others still take these early efficacy claims seriously, it's questionable whether it works at all.

Don't get me started on the trial data and how jacked it is.

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There is a specific type of anti body moiety called “IgA” which is produced by the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

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Please read:"Rapid and Quantitative Detection of Human Antibodies against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus SARS CoV2 and Its Variants as a Result of Vaccination and Infection "

with quote from abstract:

"monitoring the IgG-based serological response to vaccination throughout the vaccination sequence and also resolved acute (within hours) increases in antibody levels."

Strangely the author stated in an email to me, quote:

"We purchase antigens to use in our diagnostic chips, but the antibodies we measure are naturally occurring in our human patient samples.

So, we do not have any sequence information for the antibodies."

I asked for the sequence of these antibodies... Not available...

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The problem w measuring IgG is that levels of IGG does not always correspond to how

Much protection you have. Its just a market of past infection

Protection comes from mucosal IGa

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the matter get's even more 'confused'. It appears, that every single person produces different antibody to one and the same virus.. Then I must ask, so how on earth the antibodies tests work?? We clearly don't have as many tests as 'infectious humans'!

Lot of the experts were saying anti-body test is even less specific than PCR test, and that while we know PCR is fraud...

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It's mucosal lymphocytes, T cells, that you need.

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Should Dr Fauci have known this? I say yes.

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OH MY WORD— the things that man knew/knows/DID. Somebody buy him some asbestos underpants. It’s hot where he’s going.

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They have put together a documentary of the book. It's going to be shown for free on Oct. 18th. https://childrenshealthdefense.salsalabs.org/traf-movie-appeal?wvpId=8e1e8d18-1638-11e7-811d-12e7222c7e03

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I can’t wait! I have been downright evangelical abt this book. The prolly alone made me NUTS! I have probably singlehandedly sold 100 copies! 😂 It is LIFE CHANGING. I went from seeing Tony “the science” Fauci as a voice of reason in a time of panic to the wolf in elves, I mean sheep’s clothing he has been for decades.

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That's fantastic that you helped spread the word. Luckily, I've never trusted anyone in those positions. Something just didn't seem right early on. Plus, I've done a lot of research on holistic health and actual science for 10+ years which caused me to be suspicious very early on about all of this insanity.

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Of course he should have known. If he didnt know that makes him incompetent . If he knew and kept saying people who got the shot were a dead end for the virus then that makes him an evil sociopathic murderer.

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Oct 14, 2022
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You have a point! I wonder if the courts will agree. Let us pray that a giant snowball of lawsuits begins to roll and carry the perps into the hell they deserve.

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I love Dr. Urso! Looking forward to it!

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