Until enough is enough and someone blows the whistle 🙏🙏🙏

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I've re-read your article and all I can say no wonder that the ONS answered as they did.

You did almost everything exactly wrong to get a FOI request answered with the information you require. All they are legally obliged to answer are requests for information, documents and so on that actually exist.

Your request did not really outright in plain simple language request this but was a lot of waffle pumping yourself up and talking about someone else's data.

Not one UK Government department will ask for data that exists but they don't admit to having either. The MHRA even admitted to me in writing that the Feb 2020 Pfizer document 5.3.6 was never given to them by Pfizer and when I sent it to them and asked "now will you request it from Pfizer?" they said "No, we rely on the pharmaceutical companies to send us the info, we don't ask them" - see an early substack of mine with all the facts.

If they have the data but don't refuse to issue it the following reasons are normally given:

1 - they plan to publish it "soon" so they don't have to supply the data

2 - it holds confidential commercial data and is therefore exempt under UK FOI law - again in an early substack of mine

3 - it hold personal information that cannot be released so you need to challenge this and tell them to redact it - this they did actually tell you, happened to me and I finally got a redacted copy after much too and fro

4 - they tell you to speak to xxxx - normally the NHS, MHRA, UKHSA etc - as they have the original information

You then appeal, get a lot of waffle back, challenge the appeal, get more waffle then go to the Information Commissioner while submitting FOI requests to whoever they said had the data and information - I did this and got 2 different answers from 2 different departments for the exact same question and when I challenged them both one of them admitted they had basically lied to me. Again see an early substack of mine.

You also told them your plans for the information and asked permission to anonymise it then publish it - no wonder they refused. In the US don't you have an old adage like the UK "sometimes it's better to apologise afterwards than to ask permission beforehand"?

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What UK pols need to hear: fire Justine Pooley and commit to blacklisting her from all public or public-funded employment for life. If she testifies before a committee as to who gave her her orders to prevent release of data, reduce the blacklisting to five years from the date of her whistleblowing.

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Please watch Heiko Schöning, M.D's video to be ready to neutralize the next attack. Knowlege is Power. The Truth Will Set Us Free!

In this video, Heiko Schöning, M.D., discusses his new book, which predicts the next bioweapon attack on humanity. Heiko believes that this time, the target will be the human microbiome; he identifies the means and methods and names the perpetrators. Those who have read his previous book, "Game Over," a deep dive into the U.S. bioterror industry, will know Heiko as a highly skilled and thorough investigator.

You may watch his interview in German on Dec 30, 2023 at https://www.kla.tv/27731

Purchase his new book (also in German), "Angriff aufs Mikrobiom – Game Over II" at https://eticamedia.eu/produkt/angriff-aufs-mikrobiom/

His interview with English (and 16 other languages) translation is available at:



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from Amazing Polly:



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Karl, if indeed we are in the end times then the Anti-Christ will come. Many have come, as the scripture said would be the case, including the current Pope, Schwab, Rothschilds et al in my reckoning. That is precisely why the Team is accomplishing God's will now. Stay tuned, and enjoy the show.

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I noticed something interesting a while ago - Kari Lake said that if elected Governor she would hold a commission on vaccine safety. All the State Health officials who pushed the jab would be called up and questioned - hard questions. They would have to prove vaccine safety and efficacy. That certainly caught my attention.

When election day came in Arizona, hundreds of millions in dark money was spent to throw chaos and openly cheat. Everyone in AZ knows it - when the current Governor tweets she gets 90% replies saying "Fraud!" etc.

Then Lake announced she would run for Senate - while still challenging the election. After all, if elected to Senate and she wins the election court case at the same time then as Governor she would appoint her own successor. Complicated enough? Not yet. Just after that the AZ GOP Chairman offered her a bribe to get out of politics for two years - they told her to name her price. She refused.


Regardless of other political stances, Kari Lake will demand the truth about vaccine safety if she can beat Deep State to win either Governor or Senator race.

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That's what happens when you threaten big pharma's cash cow. Before the plandemic began big pharma made up 1/3rd of the U.S. economy. They have grown since they deployed the plandemic. How much of the U.S. economy are they now?

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They know that the "vaccines" are killing people and they don't care. Pure evil.

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Steve, I really appreciate your tenacity on exposing these people. Please do NOT stop!

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Try asking this department at the ONS:


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The ONS won't really have the full information from the health authorities to be able to supply the data and/or analysis in the detail you want.

It's also not within their remit to do this sort of full analysis anyway - I know as I asked them something simillar, they only record the numbers and publish them, they do not do any detailed analysis on the causes of the deaths.

Here's some from the ONS:

https://awkwardgit.substack.com/p/this-reply-from-the-ons-will-make - they ended up eventually answering and saying they only look at 6 weeks from vaccination date to death and no longer if I remember correctly


I also understand that there is no real central database like New Zealand has either as many millions of people have the jibbyjabbies and their personal information was not recorded, especially with the first mass jabbings, when they were rushed through and just given a card to say they had been done.

You will probably have to get the information from varying sources such as the NHS (https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/covid-19-vaccinations/), the GPs and pharmacists who gave jabs, the UKHSA plus the death numbers from the ONS and tie them all in together yourself.

If anyone has all the data it's either the MHRA, UKHSA or the Cabinet Office and none of them are admitting having it.

Try appealing via the Information Commissioner


I did against the MHRA and they found in my favour and I had a data dump on the LFTs which effectively showed they were useless. I posted a substack about it:


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Steve, your patience is unbelievable. Thank you for being the bulldog you are and not letting go. But, as long as there are no real consequences, they will continue to stonewall, obfuscate, deny, cancel and offer straw man arguments. This is the real problem - no one goes to jail and loses their livelihood and ill-gotten gains for doing evil or deliberately neglecting to put a check on evil. I am not holding my breath for anything to change until more people like MP Bridgen and MEP Andersen stand up and hold the perps' feet to the fire. In the meantime, innocents are dying all over the world.

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Hello Steve,

I am in total agreement with you that the COVID-19 inoculations were unfit for human use. They were contaminated with DNA, SV-40 promoter as well as HIV and so much foreign debris one can only wonder if anybody in authority checked what was going into them. As if that wasn’t enough, the jab was a gene therapy inoculation and not a vaccine.

The CDC’s classification of the inoculation as being a vaccine and not a gene therapy, released Big Pharma from its contractual agreements and this was why appropriate testing was not done, well at a guess. The Lipid Nano-particles travel to every organ in the body including the brain and bone marrow and there it releases its toxic payload “The Synthetic Spike Protein”. Depending on so many biological conditions, injury, death and disease will occur over time, no one that has been injected will escape.

I thank Barry Young for his very courageous actions revealing the New Zealand injury and death data, but unfortunately the problem we're having now is the complete denial of chain of responsibility and who managed the COVID-19 pandemic and why actions were taken. We are being stonewalled and our justice system is owned by the very people who mandated these shots and coerced these COVID-19 gene therapy inoculations on so many unsuspecting people. Barry Young will be held up as an example of what not to do if the governments narrative is telling you to do something and you expose the governments lies.

SARS-CoV-2 was not just an everyday coronavirus, it was enhanced to be more pathogenic and cause surreptitious deaths and injury over an extended period of time. This was a bio-weapon brought and paid for by the United States of America and if you what more proof the Red White and Blue owns the Furin and Cleavage Insertion Tool for the SARS-CoV-2 virus which was shared by America to the Wuhan Laboratory. “Gain of Function Experimentation” hasn't stopped because of the accidental or intentional release of SARS-CoV-2. Just this week I heard of a Penguin virus from China that killed 100% of all the lab animals infected, there is no doubt in my mind that SARS-CoV-2 was a biological weapon.

The point that I'm trying to bring home today is that this so-called vaccine was a countermeasure orchestrated by the American Department of Defense extending over the Five Eye Nations. Everything happened in synchronization, our politicians repeated propaganda like safe and effective without any credible data. The message is very simple, amyloid clotting causes protein misfolding which in turn creates a propagation of scrapie prions, in Australia we already know that Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease has increased by 20 to 25%.

At this present moment in time prion diseases are non-contagious in humans, we have a high resistance to prion infections. However, we have seen chronic wasting disease in deer and scrapie in sheep, also Kuru in Papua New Guinea amongst the Fore Tribes. There really is so much to consider here, prion diseases take place over decades, and prions are resistance to sterilization and known disinfectant procedures. Imagine going into a dentist and having your tooth filled only to find 10 years later you have a neurological disease contracted from a previous patient.

There is no safe exposure level to prions, and I believe brain rot will spread in humans if not managed.

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Steve - official toxin exposure guidelines only apply to those with no gene mutations. If they were updated to give exposure guidelines to people with common gene mutations as well it would trigger a chain of events that would expose the harm caused by the pharmaceutical industry

It would mean our health authorities would have to recognise that people with gene mutations that mean they are inefficient at detoxing have adverse events to toxins and antigens at much lower exposure levels. We are more antigen sensitive than those with no gene mutations.

The authorities would also have to stop vaccinating those with these common gene mutations as the amount of aluminium adjuvant is above their tolerance level.

If only people with no gene mutations were allowed to be vaccinated it would end autism and other vaccine adverse events

Those with no gene mutations can tolerate the aluminium and they don’t need hospital care for disease before retirement age

It’s those who have gene mutations that are the bread and butter of the pharmaceutical industry. Their products promote disease in us but not in people with no gene mutations as official toxin exposure levels are correct for them.

If official toxin exposure guidelines were worked out for those with gene mutations it would expose everything and hospital demand for common diseases would plummet

With where medical research has advanced to we should not have so many people requiring hospital care for disease but we do. And it’s all because civilisation has been created for people with no gene mutations. The world is simply too toxic for people with gene mutations which mean they are inefficient at detoxing and that’s why we have so much disease in people aged prior to retirement age. They all have these gene mutations

The pharmaceutical industry is aware of this and has spent considerable efforts to ensure that official toxin guidelines are never updated for people with common gene mutations. If it happened it would financially ruin them. It would also provide evidence for the harm caused to indigenous populations from colonisation which means it’s also in the western govts interests to keep this anomaly hushed up.

In NZ our health system doesn’t even provide toxicologists for patients to see. None at all. I suspect it’s because the testing that toxicologists do produces direct evidence of the harm caused to Māori from colonisation. Because the British signed a treaty with them it would be a litigious nightmare

Updating toxin exposure guidelines as I’ve suggested above would blow the whole scam open and bankrupt the pharmaceutical industry

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Maybe try this: reply with one question: do you agree that there is such a thing as an HVE?

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Really enjoy watching you joust but unfortunately you are dealing with the British Public Service. Unfortunately the result was as expected. Its unfortunate to see. They sat down for morning tea of cucumber sandwiches and had a chuckle that an American had the temerity to tell them how to do analysis and their figures were wrong. "Oh my these colonial rejects just don't get it, we have a process." "I agree ole bean so lets keep him on the line till he tells us how he did it and then we can do it and make a name for our self and get nice tickety boo on our performance appraisal" "Oh top idea ole chap, another scone with jam and cream ole bean?", "Definitely, all this email ping pong is so tiring, another cuppa and a scone will fix it, tally ho!" Nice try though.

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