We need to inform parents that all vaccines add up to chronic diseases for their children. 60% of adults in the U.S. have at least one chronic disease.

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Today's substack from Katherine Watt says:


> I think the legal history supports the conclusion that injuries and deaths are intentional; they result from legalized, premeditated, goal-oriented acts.

> I think the FDA is a non-credible, false-front institution. It is not a regulatory agency. FDA employees have never had, and still do not have, any enforceable legal obligation to regulate vaccine development, manufacturing and use for safety and efficacy, and cannot produce any valid records of ever having fulfilled such regulatory functions.

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And you could be his secretary, you big suckhole.😄👍🇦🇺

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It doesn’t matter what side of the isle you are on, getting Bobby Kennedy on the Ballot in all states sends a huge message about medical freedom. I’m guessing if you are reading this Substack you care about medical freedom. It is critical that we get 75,000 people to re-register for “We the People” party in California by mid June. It’s easy to re-register and you can vote in November for whoever you want. Having a third party candidate will make it harder for cheating and will bring our important issues to the forefront and they will have to take our issues seriously. Please send a message and re-register today! Thank you!

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His visited the border and said we need the wall.

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If I were a citizen of USA I would seriously consider voting for RFK Jr, even tho' I am a conservative party voter. Robert F Kennedy Jr should have been more careful in who he chose for his assistant. I'm not convinced his choice of VP is kosher material. Trump was guilty of allowing himself to be misled over the Covid Debacle, tho' he certainly gained momentum economically for the US, & pushed to have border security which was needed. Also the Pipeline which was well under construction during his time was great. Biden & his Democrats have ruined the USA, & some of the Republicans can also hang their heads in shame too! Trump can be an excellent leader if he cleans up the Judicial Scum that has festered in the past 3 yrs, also the CIA, the FBI & no bowing to the UN, WEF, WHO etc. Clean out the CDC, the FDA & do not allow Big Pharma the open road to slaughtering innocent lives. [QLD Aussie]

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Mar 31Edited

trump had secure hydroxchloroquine which cures so-called covid but was told it was dangerous and was not allowed to give it out. Ivermectin also cures it. Watch the documentary. So biden is saving the country from demon destruction, illegal immigration is destroying the country, turning kids into trans and mutilating them, putting christians and parents on terrorist list saying they are a threat to democracy which they already took away. Mandated jab or lose job, fired thousands, now taking cars away, gas appliances, pushing fake climate change crisis, drugs, homelessness, lawlessness, prices on everything way too high, passed law on digital money, biometrics being used everywhere...If trump is a murderer he cant hold a candle to bidemon and his minions. While I was upset re the fake vax he did not mandate it. Ppl demanded a vaccine against the "deadly virus", as they were told and stood in long lines to eagerly get jabbed with an experiment instead of using their own discernment and listened to demonic lies. If you get vaccinated you will not get sick, said bidemon. Everyone should know that no vax ever stopped a virus. VAXES TAKE YEARS TO TEST BEFORE THEY ARE USED AND MRNA WAS NEVER ALLOWED BEFORE THIS PLANDEMIC. Now milions have been injected/infected with bioweapon dna altering toxins. They believed their demon masters and called vax avoiders murderers. More is coming..WEF, Gates, all the "horns" (rulers) biblical, have life or should I say death, planned for the planet. Refer to Revelation and the Book of Daniel. Make it well with your soul.

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RFK has a WEF running


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RFK has only one viewpoint to his advantage, his anti-vaccination stance. On almost everything else he is not what most on the right would want, and at this point those things are equally or more important. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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I may vote for RFK jr. even though my vote in a super blue state is largely symbolic

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biden mandated it, not trump. trump secured hydroxychloriquine but was not allowed to give it out.

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You are splitting hairs.

Trump was warned, loudly and repeatedly, from all quarters, that The COVID was a hoax.

He ignored them all.

And, after he claimed he got the COVID, received HCQ and fluvoximine, and then rhapsodized about the miraculous cure that he received.

Trump put Fauci in charge.

Cut off access to the real safe and effective meds for COVID.

Then all hell broke loose.

Trump could have called off the Fake Plague with but an imperious wave of his hand.


Millions of people are dead, and permanently injured.

Bazillions in income and wealth diverted to the 1%.

Trump is a criminal.

A mass murderer.

One of many.

He brazenly declared that he was

Boss of Country.

Strong Man in Charge

Who Rules by Edict.

He didn't do jack.

Except to sell us out to Big Pharma and Granpa Klaus.

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Who warned Trump that covid was a hoax?

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You have it wrong. President Trump did what he had to do to keep the jab from becoming LAW, where we would all be FORCED to take it. It was "mandated" (not law), and not by him. He left it to your CHOICE. To those of us who questioned the whole narrative and did our own research, we STOOD UP and CHOSE not to take the "EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY"! God wants us all to use DISERNMENT and use our common sense and brain He gave us.

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Nowhere in my post did I mention Trump

mandating jabz.

Trump did what he did.

And what he did, ultimately, was to not stop

the Fake Plague.

Had he done that, he would have been a hero in that regard.

And saved countless lives.

He would still be the total asshole that he is at his core, however.

A flaming, malignant, pernicious narcissist, such as what

Trump is,

is incapable of such a high level of foresight.

He kept the cure for himself.

And everyone else was left to die.

Trump laid the foundation for the COVID Catastrophe.

I recall that Trump arrogantly mocked us,

effectively saying "nyah-nyah-nyah", in his notorious Twitter post.

Some people have short memories.

I am not one of them.

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You are totally wrong, and will see the light soon enough. If you were one of those who are trying to blame everyone else for your own ignorance, that is your problem.

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Wrong about what.

What is the perceived nature of the "blame".

What would be the nature of my perceived "ignorance".

Please be specific.

Please speak in complete sentences.

Thank you. :)

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What is Kennedy's platform on the open borders? This issue is just as big as vaccines and 5G. He must come out with a plan to get rid of these people.

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not voting for rfk

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I am incredulous that the consideration of momentum of Trump is ignored, splitting the conservative vote is the most dangerous thing to do in the USA.

Kennedy is an anti Israel anti semite never to be trusted according to some of my Jewish friends who actually stay away far away from the name Kennedy period.

I am from Alberta not American.

I prefer RFKs first impressions over Mr Trumps (who was raised by a mental case father), however, I have no trouble trusting Mr. Trumps ability to decisively lead as POTUS at all.

His forced legal defence battles would overwhelm lesser individuals.

He would have my support and I hope he can stay alive.

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trump is not our savior like they claim. trump stands up against them, the forces of evil destroying us and the country. he is not a cult leader but the satanists are a demonic cult. they twist the truth and lie just their father the devil. I cannot believe there are so many stupid deceived humans. climate change has been happening since God created the Earth! It's not new and he controls it free, not them. Anyone foolish enough to go along with all this 💩 is going to be buried in it.

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I laughed when they first started saying that Trump was acting on behalf of Russia and was a Russian agent, but they kept pushing the Big Lie, including federal agencies, the media, and Congress, and Trump wasn't helped by a weak Attorney General who recused himself. That was only the beginning or part of the massive misinformation propaganda campaign against Trump, including, to this day, not making a distinction between illegal immigration and legal immigration.

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Ecclesiastes 10:1 Warp Speed is not what you think.... a third to one half of the World saved. The "without Warp Speed" outcome far far worse than that.... Just imagine if lockdowns had been imposed for 5 years until all "vaccine" tests were done and fully "approved" by every medical authority in the World (as was the cabal's original plan) rather than rushed, openly NOT tested and emergency authorisation approved only... How many would have refused it then?? And there are a lot more people who either didn't take it or faked same than you realise and the "official" figures tell us. This is why Trump vehemently insisted there would be no mandates and that nobody would be coerced into making a medical decision. This is also what is being spoken about when Trump talks about "saving lives" with the vaccine... He fully knows what it is, but couldn't say that because the cabal would have pinned their crime on him, got him out of the picture and completed their satanic wipeout of humanity.... As I said, consider Ecclesiastes 10:1, and open your eyes my friend.... There is far more taking place in this ongoing war than you know....

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Wow, can you be more misinformed, or maybe you're a victim of TDS? You underestimate the Deep State; in your defense, I think Trump did, too. The demonic powers have been in control in DC for a long time, and Satan's minions are the central power. TRUMP was the pause button that God wanted, and in 2020, the "powers that be" wouldn't allow his victory. The ridiculous use of the Federal government in the prosecution process that started 3 years after he left office should hint at the level of corruption in DC. Or maybe you have a self-imposed ignorance that plagues many with TDS.

Remember, he also encouraged Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. I wish he'd admit that everyone around him lied to him about the vaccines and made a mistake by pushing them. It bugs me, too. He did more for Christian and Conservative Americans than any modern President, but also for Blacks, other people of color, and low and Middle-class Americans as well. He's not perfect. However, he is perfect for this time.

Jesus will be here soon; don't be left behind.

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Tom, you should take a step or three away from the wall because at present you are only seeing one brick, not the actual wall.... However, time will tell who was "misinformed"... Happy to let things run their course and continue to observe what occurs... I am more than well aware of the corruption in DC and indeed in all Governments.

The way you seem to be interpreting what is actually going on is very short sighted in my opinion. As for "don't be left behind", that sort of presumption about the state of another's heart and standing before God, arrived at purely from the reading of a blog post, has no place in a righteous person's kit bag in my view mate. I wish you well...

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Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? We are not even "5 years" out yet, and COVID is NATURALLY gone, i.e. natural immunity. (If you're going to falsely credit the vaccines for that just to praise Trump then I don't know what to say, even many pro-vaccine folks now admit the COVID vaccines were worse than useless and aren't taking any more). Do you seriously think the places with low vaccination rates still have a problem with COVID? They don't. Bottom line, there would never be "5 year lockdowns" with or without vaccines because 1) COVID would have been naturally gone LONG before that, 2) anyone who tried to lock us down would have tired of it long before that or at worst the people would revolt as in China, and 3) almost all of us were NEVER locked down to begin with- the whole thing is a HUGE exaggeration. It's a shame that you have zero concern for the people harmed or killed by the vaccines, all you care about is worshipping Trump.

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Mar 30Edited

What a bunch of complete nonsense and pathological lies. It is almost hilarious how so many blind SHEEP for Trump are willing to make up entirely absurd reasons for defending the most heinous actions of their hero, except it's extremely sad considering the lives lost or ruined by the vaccines. It is beyond belief how any human being with a shred of decency can support Operation Warp Speed Murder which resulted in the deaths of thousands and thousands of their fellow Americans, in exchange for the ILLUSION of some manufactured, vacuous, warped concept of "freedom" from some fictitious "lockdowns" that have been tossed around as a political football made of bullshit that the sheep are happy to keep playing catch with. I only hope people supporting Operation Warp Speed Murder don't claim to be "pro-life", as that would be beyond ironic. I am pro-life and that is why I could NEVER support Operation Warp Speed (actually no decent human being could in 2024). To claim in 2024 that Operation Warp Speed was a good thing is beyond being a sheep for Trump- it borders on evil, nothing less. Enjoy the 4th-grader style pride you get from blindly supporting Trump (even though you know deep down that Trump is incorrigibly corrupt and DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE), but don't say you weren't warned when one of YOUR family members is next to die due to his corruption and worship of power and money over people. Many of us have already been there: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/public_surveys/died_suddenly_more_than_1_in_4_think_someone_they_know_died_from_covid_19_vaccines

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you wanted nothing to do with the 'trump' vaxxine....when it became bidens vaxxine you took it. that makes a whole hell of a lot of sense and now blaming it on trump...hmmm

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Mar 30Edited

I took it? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. I wanted nothing to do with Trump's OR Biden's vaccine. I told my immediate family to get exemptions to avoid the mandates, and luckily they listened, but a few in my extended/distant family became vaccine casualties and I should have put more attention on telling them not to get it. And you think I support Biden who mandated the vaccines (and has dozens of other reasons not to support him)? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Just because you want RFK to go away won't make him go away, and neither will making up falsehoods to try to turn people against RFK, the ONLY candidate for the American people.

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I dont believe ppl even know what bidemon and his minions plus WEF and globalist demonic entities have planned including programmable digital money. Revelation comes alive.

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