The letter from the paediatrician is very powerful. It"s just a pity it"s addressed to Americans only because the encircling tyranny is global. Nationalism to me feels a bit passe these days and actually, has always made me uneasy. The concept of the founding fathers (of any country) is always shaky ground because invariably there were people there before their arrival. I think what's happening is an invitation to rather embrace our common humanity. Note that this concept is distinct from globalism. We can have pride and allegiance to our local area and "tribe", just in a subtly different way. I might still use the letter. It just means i will have to point out its application to all countries. Which is clumsy.

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GOOD JOB! However, presenting DATA to people who already KNOW that they are being paid to maim and exterminate their patients is equivalent to asking a zombie not to eat your brains. It's a non-starter. It's best to simply AVOID these brain-eating ZOMBIES altogether if at all possible.

These murderers are PROVEN to be far more dangerous to our health (more likely to kill us) than the risks associated with AVOIDING them completely, and taking our chances with nature and what it will dish out for us.

UNLESS you are literally "street pizza" after a violent trauma, (and need to be put back together) these murdering freaks have NOTHING to offer you. They've yet to come up with any CURES for all of the health injuries THEY caused us. Instead, they'll give you more expensive "treatments" (from pharma) that ONLY "treat symptoms", and which kill you FASTER than the underlying problem, the problem that THEY caused you in the 1st place.

You're FAR better off eating WEEDS from your garden to treat yourself (and heal/cure) from what they've done to us, than to go BACK to these same criminals for a "fix" to what THEY did to you.

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I believe there are a lot of medical professionals that know or suspect the Vaccines are dangerous and can be Red Pilled over time. We can't write people off because we think they will never change their mind.

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They've ALREADY been "red pilled". They PRETEND they do not know. And no matter how nicely you approach them with the DATA, they call you crazy and attack.

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Gotta Attack Back then. They know the truth is spreading as friends and family get maligned or killed by the vax. As we keep grinding away with the overwhelming evidence that the Vaccines are Poison there will be those in the Medical Mafia that sense a shift in public sentiment and quickly change sides to save themselves. It's human nature. This really is an Intellectual War and it's nice to be on the side of the Truth.

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It is true that the wheels a currently flying off of their fraud and murder agenda. I guess we needed it at "warp speed" to get the frogs to start jumping out of the pot;-)

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Many weeds are very nutritious and excellent medicine, so you are right that we are far better off eating weeds than trusting the establishment sick care system.

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Pharma got us into this mess. No way they'd ever get us out of it.

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Thank you Lynn! I completely agree.

Also, it is so refreshing to correspond with like minded individuals such as yourself and the others on this forum. It gives me hope. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and experiences! Best to you as well! :)

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Mass Formation members will just say...Steve Kirsch appeared on War Room...its BS.

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People are hard hearted and closed minded at this point, most have made up their minds and will continue to go with official pronouncements until there is a major earthquake in the form of a judge or political shift. The fact is the truth movement is much more living and organic.

NY Times on the anti-vax movement: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/25/magazine/anti-vaccine-movement.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuonUktbfqYhkTVUZBibQVNcuvByAiL_GxqA9w2H3JyOUTzsHyuMLDo2N_VuLZbZmY5F7-QWnc-J7Ee1lQu1unKgYNlZxSgKsr9yNx8oOeHlp8ce6Az1nms-RA-p9-GfjNSzlJb4mlLHl5kjdPmb6SeeIhy1aUQVmopZucV2o23calOySQqMuhI4Ijbp2DYt6RDwAeCCOo_Dobh10M9yFZRnWgRIkD6AbAXqA2I7BtM9TNVlaGlnET3hg4Gkj6Nw6ONIfPa73Lx5Ia9PrMTMFNUQiLrpQ5JjcW0RP&referringSource=articleShare

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Thanks for sharing this terrible article. It's filled with a ton of lies and propaganda so I'll try to write up a summary on it soon.

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Fairly long article about misinformation yet not surprising they don’t break down Why people are distrustful. Hate when they try to make it political or imply we are all Trump supporters(I am not).

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NYT parroting Moderna's CEO Bancel whining about having to ditch all those vaxx that no-one wants.... - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/athena-thorne/2022/05/26/moderna-throwing-away-30-million-doses-of-covid-vaccine-because-nobody-wants-them-n1601167

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Nuance: I voted for Trump twice but not because I like him personally. I voted for him because we do need to drain The Swamp and re-shore manufacturing jobs.

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I voted for Trump in 2016; just could not go with the crazy corrupt Clintons. But by 2017 it was clear that Trump was just as corrupt and reckless. Operation Warp Speed was his, the horrible Alex Azar and many other industry sellouts and incompetents put in government. Many voted for Biden in 2020 hoping for sensible consensus governing, but he is proving even worse on all fronts.

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Most of it is a rehash; probably they can't afford the $$$ loss by questioning the "official" narrative. If you searched out the author of the piece probably the typical industry hack.

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Or, as Geert Vanden Bossche predicts, a monster variant emerging now that will kill tens of millions by late Fall.

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As a PS to my last comment, why not start getting their attention with law suits? I think a massive class action suit brought by families of vaccine injured targeting a big hospital and the attending physicians could start the ball rolling in bringing out the evidence into the light of day. If you could help make that happen your efforts would gain the attention of the medical community.

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I agree, a massive class action suit will definitely get people's attention!

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Steve, you're a smart guy on a mission and I applaud that however you keep doing the same things, the same way expecting different results. The articles might be persuasive to regular people but will not even be glanced at by the medical elite. If you want to reach them find the absolute best double blind, peer reviewed, placebo controlled studies that advance the true facts about the C19 vax and the best studies showing death and injuries. It's the only things they will accept. They have been brainwashed to believe that only these are noteworthy and honest. They are tone deaf to everything else except perhaps a lawsuit directed at them personally.

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I'm pretty naive too, but have learned lessons the hard way; this should be one too.

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Jun 3, 2022
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The hierarchy of evidence is the problem. Most doctors I know are far too busy to research much themselves so they rely on others WHOM THEY ASSUME are honest and above reproach to provide the gold standard evidence. Namely, from the journals they were taught to trust the most, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), The Lancet, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). All of these publications receive more submissions than they publish. The Editorial staff are the arbiters of what gets printed. Now, if you were to ask any doctor at random if they're familiar with NEJM for example, probably 100% would say yes, of course. Then if you were to ask if they consider that a reliable source of information the vast majority would again say yes. Then if you followed up and asked who the editor and chief was you'd probably stump most and if you were to ask them to name one of the people on the editorial review board you'd got a sheepish shrug of the shoulders.

So, the important take away is they rely on people they do not know to give them the honest truth about all manner of things medical including the C19 vax. Why is that important? Because it's not first hand knowledge, second hand or probably not third hand in nature. Probably the most important item to note are the people who actually conduct the trials that appear in these journals. There's always a statement about conflict of interest that seldom gets read and if it does seldom researched and checked. Big trials are worth big money and that can skew how trials are done.

For example, I recall reading a trial where hydroxy-chloroquine faired poorly and one of the reasons why is was supposedly rejected by everyone for use on Covid 19. Reading that trial and not looking deeper is what most physicians did and thus dismissed its use out of hand. However, looking into HCQ use by doctors experiencing good results when it was used early, the drug prevented Covid patients from getting worse and being admitted to hospital. It's efficacy waned the later in the disease process it was started. Knowing that is key but that wasn't made known in the trial. Why? Because the trial only enrolled hospitalized patients which made a big, big difference. By the time they were hospitalized HCQ was not as useful as when symptoms first present which then kept them from deteriorating to that point.

So in this case those who constructed the trial either didn't know or purposely left out the body of knowledge of clinicians who had treated Covid successfully with the drug when symptoms first presented. This "official" trial was a half truth that was pushed out as the whole truth. So where did it fall on this hierarchy of evidence? Were the editorial board, aka the unknown arbiters of truth that published it convinced it was the "whole truth" or because they relied on ads from Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and knew they had lots riding on the vaccines and didn't want to rock the boat? Valid questions but the mere fact that this study appeared in the journal read by many doctors and the conclusion said HCQ was not effective was enough for it to be rejected for use early or late stage. We are left to wonder how many people died needlessly as a result?

Steve's trials are like preaching to the choir. Sounds great but those that need converting aren't in attendance. A subpoena would compel them to attend and that's what is now needed.

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Jun 3, 2022
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Dr. Simone Gold, MD board certified in Emergency Medicine had treated many cases of Covid presenting to the ER with HCQ very successfully until she was told to stop by hospital administration. Her first hand experience guided her work and she continued doing what was right by her patients until she was dismissed for not following orders. Her first hand experience was not isolated to a few patients but to a significant number. The hierarchy of evidence didn’t matter in her case and in many others. In fact, it was quite the opposite. During the pandemic she was let go for doing the right thing for her patients, not the hospital admin. Obviously, curing patients was not in the hospital’s best interest as they were getting paid handsomely to admit Covid patients and vent them. Narrative? No, the truth.

I’m happy Steve has the warrior instinct and has seen first hand how difficult the task to show the truth to those in charge of health care. But I maintain nothing he says or does will get their attention more than them being a defendant in a law suit. They will pay attention to that.

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Jun 4, 2022Edited
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"Assuming Dr. Gold did give patients HCQ all we would actually know is just that she gave it and didn't notice any problems. That's it. She simply doesn't have the data to claim that the treatment was useful. So again, you are wrapping a narrative around the facts."

It might more informative to actually listen to Dr. Gold rather than imply what you think she knew or didn't know.



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To the colleagues commenting in the thread above. Shall we cut to the quick here? I politely note the more direct comments by Dr. David Martin--and that I agree with him. This has absolutely nothing to do with health, other than the goal of absolutely diminishing the health of the recipients of the injections--to kill them. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/05/no_author/dr-david-e-martin-gives-explosive-jaw-dropping-information-in-canadian-zoom-meeting/ . Once one gets "over the hump" and that does involve appreciating what Dr. Martin outlines...then it is possible to "think the unthinkable." Someone/thing is at war with us. "It" wants to kill a very large number of people. That includes with remdesivir, and the democide in old folks homes in the UK that was conducted there. "It" ("They") want to kill, and are killing, by murder...

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No respect. The first article "Letter from a pediatrician" is anonymous, layed out like a sales funnel, and thus has zero credibility. In an environment of society divided and misinformation I could not send it. I didn't bother to read the rest.

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In addition to vaccine safety issues, does anyone have any details on the covid tests containing sodium azide and the effects of frequent and long-term exposures?

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I have a nurse friend who has been and is still being tested weekly. She says she feels like her ear always needs to “pop” and that her lymph node is swollen on the right side all the time. She had strange “passing our” symptoms 2 weeks ago and her periods have been off. I have been thinking a lot about morgellans after listening to Elana Freeland.

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Sodium aside is tasteless, colorless and odorless. When making contact with water (perhaps the moisture on the qtip after the swap) it becomes a toxic gas. Short-term side effects are irritation to the areas it made contact, headache, nausea, labored breathing and dizziness due to low blood pressure. Long-term effects can be cancer, reproductive issues and more serious and intense versions of the short-term side effects. I also have some questions about the physical act of touching and scratching the inside of the nose. The nasal mucosa is the first line of defense against airborne germs. Does frequent manipulation of this area disrupt its ability to function properly?

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I know of some pharmacists who are keen to have their fourth injection !! How insane is that !! ???

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It's a lack of religion that has been replaced by trust in the science. Sadly these people can't see that real science has been replaced by censorship and politics.

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I'm a pharmacist in the UK, I know full well how dangerous these so called gene- based treatments are, declined being injected right from the start. However I feel like I'm the only pharmacist who feels like this !

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i graduated with PharmD in 2009 at age 40, refused to get or give the shot since day 1, Feb 17, '21, got sent home bc i couldn't tolerate wearing a mask, haven't been back since. 10 years of education and $150k in student loans repaid, finally replaced my 25-year-old car in 2019... now what??

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Jun 6, 2022Edited
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thank you! I do have a lot of drug knowledge... the more i interacted with people, the more the company hated me, but i learned drug companies and prescribers are RARELY benevolent... will definitely be considering your comment!

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Another low key approach. (v). (Sigh). Yeah. A world-famous scientist in Australia has decided to just quit doing science. Shortly after the 2nd shot he was diagnosed with diabetes, was quite sure it was due to the shot. (Sigh). Needs to focus on his family...keep the job, will be purely administrative and teaching classes henceforth. (then wait.) (vi) Fantastic person in Seoul, Latin Dance Teacher and performer...after the 2nd shot suddenly "got" auto-immune disease. Her life's been a wild roller coaster since then, she posted online that there was no way she was going to let her teenage boy get injected...this after the enthusiastic first post after the first shot "I am vaccinated" etc. She can't dance, she can't teach now. Sigh. (then wait). (vii). A friend of a friend simply died while sitting on the toilet. She was sitting straight up, and her friends found her in that position...no one among all these older ladies had ever heard of anything like that. Here in Korea, they cremate, no embalming for a funeral...this was just a few days after this lady got the 2nd shot. Well. There seem to be plenty of sad stories like this. (then wait.) Etc, etc....

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Well, the hypnosis is significant--it is indeed astonishing, but a very real thing. Mattias Desmet's new book "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" is soon available on both Kindle and by hard copy (in June). I offer a few (admittedly low key) approaches that have had moderate success for me. As I am talking, I might say (not necessarily in this order...maybe only say one, or a few, but letting the other person respond). (i) A lot of strong opinions on this topic! (then simply wait...) (ii). My family and I are very careful about what we put into our bodies--well, and thus what we might allow anyone to put into our bodies. (then simply wait....) (iii) Once I saw the suppression of information about inexpensive and highly effective early protocol treatments...I could smell the evil. (then simply wait....). (iv) Gosh...I wonder if every person at times in their lives is certain they are correct about something...but later find out it actually wasn't the case? I know that's been true for me. (then simply wait...) . Etc.

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I just listened to talk with Desmet. He absolutely thinks that we all need to keep speaking out in a non-threatening way as it makes people uncomforable. It keeps the pressure on....

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Thanks, Steve and team. Polite suggestion: map of USA that shows those states where (i) Ivermectin is available over-the-counter (for humans...nothing wrong with the horse paste, just to be specific), or (ii) where it is available by prescription. I'm not very good at such graphics, perhaps one of the readers is. Could be simple color-coded, or could be interactive showing when the legislation passed to guarantee (i) or (ii). I suggest this is helpful...to the general cause.

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...I appreciate that I am a bit off topic here. Just wanted to get this polite request on the table. Step by step on the IVM, the HCQ, the fluvoxamine, etc.

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Persistence furthers.

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Great idea. I’ll give it a try with some deep blue pilled friends.

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