Gotta Attack Back then. They know the truth is spreading as friends and family get maligned or killed by the vax. As we keep grinding away with the overwhelming evidence that the Vaccines are Poison there will be those in the Medical Mafia that sense a shift in public sentiment and quickly change sides to save themselves. It's human na…
Gotta Attack Back then. They know the truth is spreading as friends and family get maligned or killed by the vax. As we keep grinding away with the overwhelming evidence that the Vaccines are Poison there will be those in the Medical Mafia that sense a shift in public sentiment and quickly change sides to save themselves. It's human nature. This really is an Intellectual War and it's nice to be on the side of the Truth.
It is true that the wheels a currently flying off of their fraud and murder agenda. I guess we needed it at "warp speed" to get the frogs to start jumping out of the pot;-)
Gotta Attack Back then. They know the truth is spreading as friends and family get maligned or killed by the vax. As we keep grinding away with the overwhelming evidence that the Vaccines are Poison there will be those in the Medical Mafia that sense a shift in public sentiment and quickly change sides to save themselves. It's human nature. This really is an Intellectual War and it's nice to be on the side of the Truth.
It is true that the wheels a currently flying off of their fraud and murder agenda. I guess we needed it at "warp speed" to get the frogs to start jumping out of the pot;-)