Hi Steve K

The COVID-19 vaccines were far more dangerous than most people realize. I correctly advised our Alberta and Canadian governments on January 8, 2021 do not deploy these vaccines, based on the high risk / low reward equation.

I did not know at that time that these Injections were highly toxic; that became clear later in 2021.

Denis Rancourt and I independently calculated the death toll from the vaccines at 13 million to the end of 2022, and that was only in the developed countries where we had good data. That death toll has increased to 20 million to mid 2024 and the carnage is far from over. We can probably double that 20 million to include India, China and Russia.

Total deaths from the toxic COVID-19 vaccines now exceed the total number of deaths that the USA and Canada have lost in all our wars, going back to the 1500s. Somehow, our corrupt governments and health agencies are still pretending that this did not happen and some are even recommending these vaccines in the standard schedule for children six months and older.

I maintain that no individual or group could be Innocently this wrong for this long. I say they know that they are committing mass murder, and they are comfortable with that.

Another tragic anomaly is the increased deaths in hospital of 560,000 Americans in 2020, due to late treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators. Hospitals were compensated ~$30,000 for each such death. We had no such excess deaths in Alberta well through mid 2020, because our doctors practised competent early treatment of COVID-19 patients. This and other data proves that there was no real pandemic of the virus; there was a false pandemic created by government hysterical propaganda and late treatment.

The banning of ivermectin, which effectively cures Covid in a few days is another proof of their criminal intent.

We need to bring these mass murderers to Justice. We need Nuremberg 2.0 - military tribunals, hangings and firing squads. We need that now.

Regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

See my books that prove all these points on Amazon.

THE CULL TRILOGY – by Allan Malcolm MacRae

"The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence."


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull



Fifty Years of False Fears



The New Dark Age


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Nuremberg and heads rolling. "We need that now". Where is the justice? Why do not our lawmakers and law enforcers right the wrongs if what you claim is in fact true? What is it going to take? -BEGS to be answered.

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law makers? there is total lawlessness. they are all complicit in the depopulation satanic new world order agenda, leading to anti-christ. Destruction is coming upon us.

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Because they are democrats and they want to destroy the world.

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Republicans are just as guilty as democrats. Look at how many have kept silent while the jabs kill people and look at how many governors went along with lockdowns, ect.

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Wrong, dims shut down the country and fired Purebloods.

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For gawd’s sake Trump was president when he shutdown the country. Don’t rewrite history to make republicans look good. Bush signed the patriot act and Johnson voted to let the NSA spy on us without a warrant. Republicans dude.

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Democrats are transitioning children, abortions for eleven year old girls without parent notification - or police involvement - RAPE. Don't compare the two. Democrats are godless.

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Is it naive to expect Republicans to conduct Nuremberg trials if elected?

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Completely democrat thinking.

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do you think kamala the giggler will? so deep into darkness, now son of satan liberal vp as well. The demonrats put her in and ousted the elected pres, tho he is evil as well, and put in harris without voters voting for her to be the nominee. Already took democracy away and they are so stupid they will go along with it. anti police so when you get attacked no one will be arrested, if they are she will bail them out like BLM when they burned cities down. you will have higher taxes, more illegals, more crime, more men in womens' sports and bathrooms, more unGodliness. How can anyone with an ounce of intelligence vote to fk themselves. 😑🤔

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Yes. Both parties signed on to this scam. And voted for laws to give big pharma immunity.

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Only democrats fired people who refused the jab. Thankfully the courts reversed that garbage.

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but millions died, too late to reverse it.

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I have a friend whose 90 year-old father with a history of COPD went to the hospital in Phoenix, AZ with shortness of breath. He was provided with supplemental oxygen and his oxygen levels increased, bullshit PCR test for Covid was negative, but the hospital decided to admit him for monitoring anyway. The next day he was diagnosed with Covid. My friend was prohibited from visiting him or having him released. Several days later he was in the Covid ICU on a ventilator, probably on Remdesivir, and within a couple more days he was dead. When he went to the hospital after the body was removed, the attending physician basically admitted that he likely never had Covid, he was placed in the Covid ICU because they wanted to fill the 6 ICU beds so they could claim the hospital was overwhelmed, but the good news was that my friend could apply for monetary benefits since his father was a Covid death. He still has not forgiven himself for allowing him to be admitted.

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My husband caught Delta. Within a week, he couldn't walk unaided, was delirious and alternately sweated and froze. I commented online he seemed like he had a severe flu and I was crucified. I didn't take him to the hospital because they were busy killing unvaccinated COVID patients (and several vaccinated ones as well), so I called and pleaded with his doctor for Ivermectin. We live on a Florida island and have few pharmacies from which to choose. His doctor told me no pharmacy on the island would fill it and getting to the mainland isn't something you can do with one day's notice from here. The doctor told us to give him low dose aspirin to make his clotting blood flow faster as he believed his delirium was caused by lack of oxygen to the brain from the virus' ability to clot blood. I did. He was up and walking unaided (albeit with much unsteadiness) to the bathroom and in his right mind within 2 hours - from a single 81mg ASPIRIN! If he'd gone to the hospital, he'd have gone straight on Remdisivir, a ventilator and he'd likely be dead. My favorite part is when he had a conversation with a local doctor in the grocery line a month later and told him his story, the doctor immediately recommended he receive the mRNA injection - remember, he now had immunity. He thanked the doctor and asked for his card. When the doctor left, he handed me the card and said keep that so nobody we care about ever has to trust that man with their life. #Truth

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murderers. also a friend, senior like me got horse paste ivermectin and never got covid. it destroys biofilm that yeast and bacteria, viruses live in. ivermectin has been used by humans for years. They just want everyone dead. They took blood money! 👹

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We were able to get ivermectin for the entire family. We all recovered from covid in 48 hours. Democrats run Delaware and they threatened my doctors. They won’t prescribe ivermectin, you must go online and pay a $500 lawyer fee. And it shipped from California!

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I slept next to my husband for two weeks while he was ill and nursed him closely when I wasn't working. I never even had the sniffles and never missed work. My son, who lives at home and is also unvaccinated, has severe asthma and he nursed his father when I was working. He never caught it or missed work either. That's when I knew this wasn't a pandemic. It was mass hysteria drummed up by the government and complicit media. I'll never take another vaccine or drug again unless I'm dying anyway and it's my last hope of life. How long have they been practicing population control and eugenics on a compliant population? That's the question I have running through my head 1,000 times a day. They simply overplayed their hand this time and now the cat is out of Shrodinger's box. I say that because three quarters of the population is now both alive and dead and we won't know which unless someone transparently starts keeping publicly recorded statistics.

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statistics are out, the jabs studied, dissected, the truth is known. The satanists have planned these things for years. Read Revelation.

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...I bought several tubes of Ivermectin at the start of the COVID Diversity Genocide...and handed it out to people who needed it. My friend allegedly tested positive for COVID...(though I think the tests were all rigged, and doubt they were processing billions of tests per day...an impossible task). I gave her the horse paste and she was up and about 4-5 days later.

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We were able to get ivermectin for the entire family. We all recovered from covid in 48 hours. Democrats run Delaware and they threatened my doctors. They won’t prescribe ivermectin, you must go online and pay a $500 lawyer fee. And it shipped from California!

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the tests are fraudulent.

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yes, ppl have used ivermectin for years and animals. It breaks up biofilm that parasites, bacteria, yeast, etc live in! Do not believe govt, pharma, gates, wef, cdc, fda etc, they are satanists and are carrying out their depopulation demon agenda, like their father the devil. 👹

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Ivermectin is the most prescribed medication in history. They give it out in Africa and India when we go on mission trips.

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that 580k figure cannot be correct....I KNOW personally 3 in my circle murdered with hospital protocols in mid 2020-21. ages 69, 75, 68 all in very vibrant health, 2 still working full time.

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I calculated the 560,000 excess deaths in the USA in 2020 based on the "NO excess deaths in Alberta through most of 2020" - the difference between early competent treatment in Alberta and late incompetent treatment of Covid-19 patients in the USA.

Hasn't anyone else noticed this outrage, this medical-murder of the elderly? If anyone did this to my parents they'd better start running...

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The father of a friend of my son, I knew him well, was murdered in the hospital. He was low on oxygen and was admitted to the hospital. After a few days, the nurse came in and told him:”You are using too much oxygen, we have to put you on a ventilator!” Then followed the death protocol. They murdered him.

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18 year old Kai Matthews suffered for hours. In the parking lot of the IWK in Halifax. The hospital let him die slowly and painfully waiting for the results of a covid test? Which is the story I read in the local newspaper, which does not make sense.

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The survival statistics was all I needed to see to know it was all a load of BS.

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Hang on a minute! Didn't Denis Rancourt say there was no pathological agent causing Convid 19 on Steve's podcast? If that's correct, what are you claiming is Convid 19?

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TODAY Jessica Rose (on substack) released a rebuttal, with respect, to Dr. Rancourt's position on the existence of a pandemic.


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OK - I guess I disagree with Denis Rancourt on this question.

I do agree with him on most matters Covid.

It is conclusive that there was NO pandemic.

Many countries /states like Alberta had NO excess deaths through year 2020, pre-'"vaccine".

No excess deaths means no pandemic. Full Stop!

I am Covid-19 unvaxxed. I caught Covid-19 in Nov2023 and was sick as hell for one day, a Wednesday. I started taking 12mg/day Ivermectin on the previous Monday, rode my bike Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and was fully bedridden on Wednesday.

I took Ivermectin for about 20 days . The dizziness took a few days to subside.

It was the worst flu I ever had, unlike anything I had previously.

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I had almost the exact same experience. But most of the pain came from the area where they took the nasal swab, which was aggressively raked over my nasal mucosa.

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The nasal swabs were a total scam - they were running the PCR test at a ~40 multiple - which is guaranteed to give a false positive - one more part of the Covid-19 fraud.

And what was with those painful swabs - I swear they stabbed my brain! Sadistic Rat Bastards!!!

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There was no virus.

There was no "covid" anything.

It was ALL made up.

What people were getting was the common flu, like every year.

The only thing that was killing people more then the usual flu numbers, was the specific "treatment" of it by hospitals, which they KNEW were going to kill the frail.

But....if you'd read others' posts, you'd learn that hospitals were getting paid off for every "covid" death, which gave them NO incentive to save people, and EVERY incentive to deliberately murder people, just for the payout.

Many of our finest doctors and nurses walked because of this, and never returned.

Have you not been reading people's posts about this?

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Exactly. It was weird the flu suddenly disappeared and there was barely any talk about getting the yearly flu shot.

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Back down, Sasha. Many people have only just begun to wake up from several years of gaslighting.

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Yes. Just because someone saw through the lies does not elevate them to a position to be judgmental of others. We are all judged on our actions. Let's be an agent of bringing people together regardless of opinion on vaccines or the existence of a virus. We all make mistakes. No one is immune to psychological manipulation.

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....um....yes...there are people who are "immune" to psychological manipulation. People who know the truth and are informed about the key globalist players and their agenda were not taken in by all the lies, or the pressure to conform. That is why the elite's diversity genocide hasn't gotten the depth or traction they need for truly murdering 8 billion people. They will try again, only this time I fear they will use the distrust they created, and unleash a real, murderous virus this time around, using the people's anger and indignancy to cause them to avoid the next "treatment"...murdering even more people.

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Overconfidence is a weakness.

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Snake venom. Those of us who got "covid" were poisoned by something akin to snake venom-- all of the same symptoms in varying degrees. Not sure how we were exposed-- water systems, bottled water, etc?

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the jabs.

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nanoparticles released into the water and food supply.

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The flu.

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Quote;........"I really didn’t want to write this article. I was hopeful that people would easily see right through the unsubstantiated claims of Dr. Bryan Ardis that snake venom is the cause of “Covid.” I was hopeful that people would take the time to research the information presented in support of the snake venom theory to see if it held any merit at all. I thought his whirlwind alternative media tour on the who’s who of questionable sources (including the likes of Stew Peters, Mike Adams, and Infowars) would have people questioning why this theory was allowed to be so heavily promoted so quickly. I thought that the fact that the man who created the “Covid” snake venom theory was actually selling his own anti-venom line of supplements would be enough grounds to be skeptical of his motive and his claims......."

Read the whole article here;........


0r listen here;.........


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it is not unsubstantiated. wake up. Read Broken Truth and other documented sources and those involved with it

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I'm not buying all of what he claims, but it is good to hear people out. And bringing "The Blacklist" into his version of events is pretty cool whether or not it is true.

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Great detective work!

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there were clues everywhere including them saying the jabs were experimental. bidemon mandated them, get jab or lose job, took your democracy away. he said if you get vaccinated you will not get sick. are ppl new to the planet. no vaccine can stop a virus. WEF, Gates, all the satanists had this planned out while the govt and nazi propaganda media shut down the truth, warnings,etc. LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU.

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Deception, lies, manipulation, and minimal fact is the main stream media ethic. Listening to the so called news is choosing to pollute your mind. Government are basically in the same camp as media. The public are foolish to listen to either.

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I dictated this message and there is a typo, maybe more than one

Uber should read over - CORRECTED

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thanks for your work. Posted your comment to my X account just now.

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Thank you, Steve, much appreciated.

I was never an anti-vaxxer, and my daughter and I took all our flu shots up to and including Fall 2019.

Not anymore!

I had a flight booked February 4, 2020 for Phuket via China to visit my friend, Dr. Larry, an eminent Canadian physician who has retired there.

I was warned away on January 29 by a lovely young woman employed by my China airline. When I phoned her to unsnarl a problem with my ticket, she said repeatedly “Sir, It is bad here, you should cancel.“

I did cancel, and she probably saved my life , because I would’ve been stuck in Nanjing by the lockdowns with no way home.

I became interested in Covid and started my research in February 2020. I knew immediately that there was something wrong with the overblown public hysteria that was being spread by our governments. It reminded me of the similar public hysteria spread by governments in the climate fraud. My primary expertise is energy and climate, and the global warming/climate scam is a 50-year-old fraud, as well understood and proved by true experts.

Most of the government statements and data on COVID-19 were false and fraudulent. I finally found some good data on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined in Yokohama Harbor , and a few other data sources. It was obvious that the COVID-19 virus was only fatal to the very elderly and infirm, younger people had mild symptoms and children had none. I published that observation on March 21, 2020 and strongly recommended against the lockdowns. Six months later, world experts published their identical Great Barrington declaration.

I had the COVID-19 lockdowns scam nailed in February 2020, but was reluctant to publish against the massive wave of false propaganda being spread by our governments and health authorities.

Finally, on March 20, 2020 my good friend Dr. Dave advised me that his hospital, which had been emptied to make room for the alleged “tsunami of COVID-19 patients”, was entirely empty! Other hospitals across our province were similarly empty. I called the scam then and published the next day, March 21, 2020.

Everything our governments and health authorities said and did about the alleged COVID-19 pandemic was false propaganda. That included the phony PCR tests, run at an excessive multiples in order to generate false positives. All of the governments’ COVID-19 hysteria was false, intended to generate fear and control frightened populations.

This happened in almost almost every country all over the world, and one has to ask how they managed to pull off this gigantic global scam.

As I mentioned previously, Alberta doctors practiced early competent treatment for COVID-19 and we had no excess deaths well past July 1, 2020. That is all the evidence you need to prove that the 560,000 deaths in 2020 attributed to COVID-19 in the USA were in fact, deliberate medical murder, caused by late and incompetent treatment, probably deliberately so.

I lived in New York and Houston for almost a year each, and have many American friends. I tried to protect them in my publications, but was unsuccessful, as indicated by the huge death tolls, primarily caused by late treatment in 2020 and by the toxic vaccines starting in 2021.

I have come to grips with this failure, because I tried my very hardest for years, and nobody would listen.

I cannot imagine the horror that my American friends experienced, as their elderly parents were exterminated in hospitals, and they were not even allowed to visit them in their last days. The horror and cruelty of the medical profession in the USA is reminiscent of Nazi Germany..

Best personal regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary

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Allen MacRae. The corporate news media is the propaganda arm of the government and globalists. I turned them off a long time ago. I spotted the 'scamdemic' early too. Besides trying to bring people to the light, I used the time to understand the psychological manipulation deployed on the public and engineer counter strategies. The fear of being excommunicated if you didn't get the COVID shot I countered saying if they got the shot and something happened no one would be there to help them out (which was often the case).

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The horror in CHSLD Herron ond other elderly facilities in Quebec cities. The news reported the deaths as due to the virus but after the coroner released the report, most deaths were due to staff fleeing out of fear for personal safety, leading to dehydration, malnourishment, medications not being dispensed, and total negligence! And family members were not permitted access to elderly parents/grandparents.

"This happened in almost almost every country all over the world, and one has to ask how they managed to pull off this gigantic global scam", as you said, and Coroner John O'Looney confirms, the elderly were on a "pathway".

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My son-in-law had to say goodbye to his dad over Zoom. He was given Remdesivir and in 24 hours was in complete renal failure. My gracious son-in-law has decided not to be bitter but when I think about it, I feel so much fury. As a nurse, I didn't recognize members of my profession. It truly shook my sense of reality.

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I share your fury. It's not good to live with hate, but I hate these murdering rats who killed the elderly. My wonderful parents and their siblings are long gone, and it's good that they did not see this carnage.

I try to be a man of peace, but if anyone treated my elderly this way, they'd better start running.

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So, what happened to the flu? It miraculousy disappeared.

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The fictitious flu 'virus' was simply rebranded ass Con-vid 19, accompanied by a more expensive and fear-driven marketing campaign.

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People have become brainwashed to believe that everything is COVID. Even today. I just had discussion with someone who got back from overseas and called us to cancel appt because he and his wife have COVID. I said they have the cold or flu. We discussed it some more and I asked "how do you know it is COVID and not the cold or flu?" "They took the nose swab test." "Isn't that the PCR test that the CDC even stopped using?" "I don't know." But then this person believed the hype from the beginning including injecting their two children (high schoolers). One time when Ivermectin was getting "good" press again, this person asked me "why didn't they allow Ivermectin to be used then in the beginning." My response: "Because it would have made the EUA null and void. Too much money in it." Just walked away mystified.

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You have to stop calling it "covid, my man.

We ALL need to stop calling it that.

There was never any "covid" anything.

It literally does not exist.

What people were getting at the time and what they CONTINUE to get are the regular colds and flu like every year.

No different.

The flu can kill the frail as well, and if you look up average death numbers from flu every year, vs the "covid" virus, it is about the same.

Note though, that these numbers started getting out of whack soon after, when hospitals started getting paid off for every covid death they had, so then they started deliberately killing people off and calling it a "covid" death.

Literal deliberate, pre-meditated murder was being carried out, and by health professionals, no less....and STILL no one has been locked away for it.

Literal criminal behaviour here that deserves the death sentence.

I can only hope that justice gets met soon.

I'm sick of these criminals running free and being in charge of people's heath.

I have ZERO faith in any medical system as a result.

My partner and I have found an alternative healer to keep our health in check.

She does energy stuff as well as kinesiology, as well as a couple of other things that she's studied. She is excellent!

My partner originally hired her services (she does house calls twice a week for some people) to put him back together after his karate training each week, but she's been able to help us with so much more.

I HIGHLY recommend that people go find themselves a nice alternative healer of some description and let them help you to wellness.

Unlike those shackled to the corrupt mess of modern medicine, alternative healers actually CARE about you, and will use a bunch of different modalities to help you to wellness at ALL levels, not just the physical, but the emotional and energetic as well, which is SO important.

PS: Apologies for the unbroken wall of text.

This stupid system on this site does not seem to allow paragraphs, which breaks up a long rant nicely, lol!

It wasn't for the want of trying though, I promise! :P

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Justice isn't going to "gets met soon." Don't you see that yet? The socialists have infilitrated every country and all major institutions of government. And I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the "energy stuff" she does is just lining her pocket. It doesn't do a thing except to your mind and wallet.

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You had COVID nailed? what is COVID?

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The correct quotation that I wrote is:

" I had the COVID-19 lockdowns scam nailed in February 2020 ... "

If you quoted me correctly and read my posts, my meaning is obvious.

The Lockdowns were a costly, ineffective scam, never justified by the Covid-19 data. I hope that is clear enough.

I published on 21Mar2020, and an ~identical comment was made by world experts six months later - see their Great Barrington Declaration.

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Are you claiming there is a virus SARS-COv 2? What is COVID?

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Here is a post from today.

Here is likely the truth if you are interested... https://open.substack.com/pub/jessicar/p/on-the-there-was-no-pandemic-subject?r=3cokgz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Allen, could you please define Covid-19?

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Hi Andy,

First, I am an engineer, not a virologist.

There are many professional virologists etc more competent than me on the subject of Covid-19, and they have a range of opinions.

I am world-class in my field - energy and climate. When I was ~40, I initiated ideas that were adopted that injected more than one trillion dollars into the Canadian economy. Canada is only one-tenth the size of the USA. so one trillion is significant - "bigger than a breadbox".

Those ideas revitalized the Alberta oil sands and made Canada the #4 oil producer in the world. I am probably #2 in terms of supplying low-cost, reliable energy to the USA. The guy who invented fracking of oily shales is #1. I'm only #2 - I try harder.

In 2016 as an uninvolved citizen, I shut down the Mazeppa sour gas project , a few weeks or months before a probable sour gas leak that could have killed half the population of Calgary - about 600,000 people at that time. Calgary did not dodge a bullet - we dodged a nuke.

I called the Covid-19 Lockdown scam on 21Mar2020, based on reliable data. Six months later, world experts published their ~identical Great Barrigton Declaration.

I advised the Alberta government and others on 8Jan2021 to NOT deploy the Covid-19 "vaccines", based on the all-wrong high-risk/low-reward equation. Nobody listened. Now, 20+ million dead people killed by the toxic Covid-19 injections all agree with me.

I do have opinions on the nature of Covid-19, but so does everyone else on this site and I can only foresee an argument about arcane details if I respond further.

My books on the Covid and Climate scams are published at Amazon under my name - Allan MacRae.

Best wishes to you and your family.

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Thank you for this sharing this.

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'...how they managed to pull off this gigantic global scam.... ' << short answer: the military took over. this happened somewhere between march/may 2020, first in the US, the UK, later followed ('coerced') by governments all over the world (HT Daily Sceptic) - https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/07/it-was-biodefence-not-public-health-u-k-edition/#comments


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"...how they managed..."? Cowardice and disregard for, and apparent ignorance of, basic human rights. Commit obvious crimes to fight a "virus" and the people complied???

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Nazi Germany had the idea for eugenics donated to them by the US.

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With dollars, artillery, and IBM's punch cards to efficiently ship Jews, Slavs, and Gypsies to an early grave. They had no qualms about trial runs on their own undesirables first. Again, the medical profession was key to this satanic death cult. Much like CON VID 19!

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I have no illusions about the world in which I live. Maybe ignorance is bliss...until reality slaps you in the face!

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They need to stop hiding the data. As long as they keep the record level data secret on vaccines and mortality, nobody should take them."

The CDC publish the data. Please explain what's wrong with it?

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My preference was neither, but I got the virus anyway. Only once, and recovered just fine with the FLCCC recommendations.

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At http://www.youtube.com/lowwisezahstudios , The Productoin Company That Produced The FIRST NARRATIVE FILM Exploiting The COVID Pandemic, We Are Awakening Society With Purposeful Entertainment - We See Through The Oppressive and Combative Globalist "Woke" Agenda and We Are Creating Purposeful Entertainment To Exploit The Corruption Within Politics And Of Course The Big Corporations That Pull The Strings Of Their Puppetted Politicians.

Everything We Do ISN'T Political But What It Is For Is The Freedom Of All Individuals Within The United States And All Around The World.

We are not LEFT nor are we RIGHT - We Cannot Be Labeled Because We Stand For All Sides.

We are for Peace, Love, and Kindness.

If this is synonymous with your ways of being, Please Subscribe and Reach Out! Let’s Awaken Together.


Peace and Love to you,

Michael Angel Loayza Jr.

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This should concern everyone it was not about anyone’s safety it was a global experiment on whether they could sterilize large numbers of humans and control their health for the rest of our lives. There is real evil in the world. And they are generally powerful elites.

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Me and son refused to get vexed. We both had read up on mRNA and disagreed with it .

We both tested positive , both had flu like symptoms and recovered. It took him one week me a fortnight

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“How can we have vaccinated the world and yet nobody knows the relative safety of any of the vaccines??”

I think the most pressing question is 'after we vaccinated the world why are so many people still getting numerous covid infections?'

People are on their 3rd-6th infection and no one is asking that question. Why not?

This summer more people got infected than this time last year. And yet I see people saying that they will get jabbed this fall .

This is just insane.

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Thank you for this summary and for your tireless efforts to uncover the truth.

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Did you get the Jab Steve?

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Outstanding read as always Steve. Your teachers must have loved you!

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Find the people that made this bio weapon. Tell them they will be given the Moderna MRNA shot every two weeks until they die or come up with a fix for this poison.

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....I am forever saddened by humanity's inability to communicate with each other in a productive fashion. Having worked for US DoD for 25 years, all over the world....and being a protected Federal Whistle Blower for two decades, I was well aware of the corruption and evil inside our government. I am well informed as to UN Agenda 21, 30 & 50...and knew they were going to do something to insure their Agenda 21 goals were accomplished on time. I thought they would successfully install Hillary as President, and 2016-2018 would be their prep time for whatever catastrophe they had planned. I called all of my family members and warned them about what was to come....rioting, food shortages, lockdowns and other abuses. I warned them to watch their savings, keep food on hand, plan for the worst. I told them that I didn't know the timeline for these actions, but that I hoped I was wrong and they could all laugh at me over a beer in ten years. They thought me crazy. I think Trump winning in 2016 threw off the Elite's timeline, which is why they are so furious at him. Very few people that I warned took that warning seriously. Ten days after taking his first shot....my brother died of a massive blood clot and heart attack. As I was not "vaccinated" I was told by my sister that I could sit on the front lawn at my brothers celebration of life, but I couldn't come in the house. I declined. I wasn't mad at her. In fact, I felt so sorry for all of them who couldn't or wouldn't listen. A few months after her shots, the same sister who refused me entry to her home...died of a massive blood clot in her brain. She was fine on a Wednesday...and dead by Saturday. My healthy-as-a-horse son, a 30 year old Captain in the US Army, and capable of hiking 50 miles with a 50 pound backpack...took the shots as ordered...and immediately came down with chest pain and a terrible, terrible cough. I asked him to have his heart checked, but he dismissed my concerns...and spent 2022 fighting off nagging colds, coughs and flu-like symptoms....until his lung collapsed and was torn from his chest wall. I thought we might lose him, but he has recovered fairly well. Neither he or his wife can make the connection that his condition was caused by the shots. I just found out that my two surviving sisters are having a very hard time accepting my sister's death, and one sister is taking medication to help her get past her loss and the trauma it caused. I could call all of these people and tell them the truth, but they will not listen...and it will only destroy whatever relationship we still have. And even if they listened...what are they to do? How does informing them afterward help them to survive their own health after taking the shots? Not only have the Elite destroyed the trust in health care....they have destroyed families and our ability to communicate reasonably and rationally. So very sad.

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It’s devastating. How, how can they not see it? I think some suspect deep down it’s cause for their health troubles and death around them, but for whatever reason - ideology, inability to believe such evil was done or just plain fear they will never, never say it or give credence to what even their closest loved ones tried to warn them about. It’s quite bizarre. And it’s not all along political lines though much seems clearly to be. I’ve got conservative family members that won’t face it either. “Because of covid she had heart attack and clots” Yada yada they are always careful to say bc of covid. And my very liberal 82 mother is very suspicious and thank God was persuadable to a degree about danger of shots. She can connect it to govt malfeasance but won’t blame overzealous dems in any way. She refuses and has full tds which is whatever, but I’m fascinated by how she can know how intensely they lied and propagandized about the shots, but not realize they do it on everything. I just dabble in the doubt wherever I can and hope people put the doubt to use health wise. I feel happy to have been the crazy friend whose friends took it but listened just enough not to go there with their kids. One of my friends acknowledged thank God you said all of that. I had an appointment for my daughter and canceled.

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Steve: please check out the next two videos of this famous NAVY SEAL talking about what went wrong to a number of BUD/s classes ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OFBHZBo5gc&t=19332s .... you WILL find them interesting ...

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I am done with the medical profession. If I am injured due to some physical event, I will seek help. Carnivore diet and sprinting and some resistance exercise is how you can stay safe. And lastly four out of five dentists want to poison you with fluoride.

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