It is going to take an immense amount of death and suffering before the average person realizes what is happening. The reporting of Steve and other people like him maybe the most important intellectual event in modern history, future societies if there are any will look with amazement at how the population fell for this outrageous scam.

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Very sad indeed.

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@Steve Kirsch - You wrote: "The health authorities should be educating the public on the RORs for the most serious adverse events.

Yet they are silent. Worldwide."

I can explain this phenomena.

It is, of course, the same phenomena Robert Malone wrote about and termed "MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS", but Robert could not remotely begin to figure it out, just gave it a fancy name. This might be difficult for you, don't know...

The event we are seeing comes straight out of Isaiah 29:9-16


And Paul quotes from Isaiah 29, in 2 Thessalonians 2 citing "11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie"


And of course at the same time, something called "Israel" is fighting all her enemies she created, just like the prophecies state, in the Middle East with the lovely future prospect of drawing in the various superpowers for a total world blood bath.

I find is absolutely astounding, despite the Mount Everest of EVIDENCE, from all sorts of scientists/MDs/labs, and even more particularly stunning is the data evidence - that virtually all government leaders in the world are under the same, exact spell and they do not seem able to get out of it. And moreover it appears 75%+ of all people are under the same spell.

I'm flabbergasted and astonished, but it is what it is.

Its like watching that caterpillar turn into a chrysalis bag of juice, then into a butterfly. Not supposed to happen, but it does.

If I thought any political leader could have broke free of the delusion, it would have been Ron DeSantis with his AG, after Joe Sansone's filing, and after Joseph Ladapo's statements. It was stunning to watch DeSantis cave, like a henchman/minion.

RFKjr could make a difference, via Trump, on these JAB and health/food issues. Of course my concern is the deception continues but only takes on a different persona... If you read those 2 bible chapters, you will see the deception does not go away. There are very few people left, in the world, who have a strong drive for the truth on ANY subject, let alone the biblical subject. Finding truth in any realm is all that is keeping anyone away from the delusion these days.

Keep up the fantastic work!

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That is interesting, I would be curious how the two vaccines compare in other adverse events like PE or CA… my father was a casualty of the Pfizer vaccine after a PE and then lung CA that spread to his brain…

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I know two older from my gym who both took the Moderna shots. One had a mini stroke and the other blood clots in his lungs. Neither of their doctors reported anything. Neither had a history of TIA & clots. I told them both that I believe these were caused by their Covid shots. They both said something interesting. “But I didn’t have the Pfizer. I had the Moderna”. I said it’s three times stronger than the Pfizer. It’s actually worse. Both looked like deer in headlights. SMH

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So in reality the US Govt still is pushing an unsafe “vaccine” which even the most liberal Appeals Court in the Nation…the 9th Circuit….say is not a vaccine and does not do as it was original sold and given blank immunity. If this “vaccine” with all the negatives we have seen with it is now the “gold standard” of testing and allowed contamination imagine the total number of doses your kids will get of the same sorted trash with such “ new allowed standards”. The Govt is the sales person for Big Pharm for which Faucci gets a piece…$$$$…of the action!!??

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Sorry Steve but I don't know what ROR (Reporting Odds Ratio) means. I understand it's a negative measurement in regards to effectiveness and safety, but your article didn't enlighten me on the exact meaning.

With such negative results on Safety and Efficacy, neither Pfizer and Moderna should be stopped from distributing their crap until SAFETY and EFFICACY is proven AND they all accept LIABILITY for Vax INJURIES and XAX RELATED DEATHS. Because there is a flow of money from Big Pharma and the FDA there is no valid checking done by the FDA.

And, because the FDA receives massive contributions (kick-backs) from Big Pharma they turn a 'blind eye' and allow the DEADLY MAYHEM to carry on unnoticed.

Then there's my favourite 'Red Herring' = How can the FDA allow Big Pharma to distribute these unproven DEADLY INJECTIONS with NO LIABILITY for these deadly 'experimental' poisons?

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer without corrupt medical intervention!

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Thankyou steve. I hope you can influence the next administration.

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Our children were the first for this issue with baby well visits. They are now coming for everyone.

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Is it any wonder that Pfizer wanted to sit on their trial results for 75 years? Then after they were ordered by one of a handful of judges in the country with guts, to release it they deluged us with data. Naomi Wolf had the foresight to gather a posse of 3000+ lawyers and doctors to look through it. The data on especially pregnant women was shocking . They were having miscarriages like never before. And yet they continued promoting this poison. Billionaires are coined when there is "no liability " permission protecting them. I see that rep. Gossar ( R- AZ) wants to look onto this. Lets see how far he gets , since Congress is where investigations go to die.

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What's a wonderful to be is 5 years after a Bioweapons was released, Nobody has been arrested, convicted or EXECUTED. WTF?

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It wasn't pfizer that wanted 75 yrs, it was the FDA!! Supposedly for there amount of work it would take to process the paperwork.

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Absolutely. Agree 💯

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Not related to this post, but one thing to consider is that children who get the Covid shots probably got all the other vaccines on the schedule and therefore will tend to be sicker than children who do not get the Covid shots.

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And let me add that now we know that the jab increases your chance to get Covid (Cleveland study) which helps to put papers in perspective that talk of the dangers of Covid and suggest the jab as the cure.

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18 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Last resort is vigilante justice. When?

Also, Substack is poorly programmed. If you reply to someone thinking logged in, you have to go in login process - then after logged in you are not taken back to the place you were at. And comment is posted as new (like this comment) not reply. Substack won't do anything because they don't want to communicate with people - they hired out to.the worthless Zendesk org who are taking over all online support if we don't complain and accept.

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Your recent stats are getting more convincing. I may use some of them on my friends. It's easier to show absolute harm than to argue that the risks outweigh the benefits.

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Because he is butt hurt still about being pied in the face by surprise in public. He is getting revenge on everyone. Globally. One sick prick.

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People can be "herded" if conditions are right. How many bought into fads like hula hoops and those little critters made from from silicone that would stick to a mirror? Fads have innate abilities to make people join into the action, to be seen as being in the group. We need that sort of mentality when attempting to penetrate the fog that prevents people from consideration and acceptance of a concept they never heard of. I've seen many couples, intelligent couples, that have both sides differing from each other severely despite said intelligence. Overcoming bias is one tough job. We don't have a bully pulpit on these crucial issues and MSM does. Result? We can't get our message into skulls.

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It sounds bad, but won’t be understood by most. What was the ROR for well known drugs pulled off the market? For instance Vioxx?

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The ROR for VIOXX was 8.

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