Which vaccine has been proven to do that?

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Thanks Steve for your tenacity and devotion to the people of our world today.

I lost my beloved wife last year to a very aggressive cancer. We were never vaccinated. I’m beginning to feel like I want to start dating again for the first time in 30 years. That in itself is challenging enough but I’m worried about the women that have been vaccinated. Are their immune systems compromised and therefore susceptible to infection and disease? Can I contract the spike protein or other mRNA nasties from a sexual partner?

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Long ago, now. Nothing done except cover-ups and more propaganda.


JAMA. 2000 Jul 26;284(4):483-5. doi: 10.1001/jama.284.4.483.

Is US health really the best in the world?

Barbara Starfield

* conventional treatment is the third highest _cause_ of death. *

Proper journal.

Replicated by Harvard papers

Ignored by US CDC

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Great work!

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I have long been skeptical of statistics that claim to compare vaccinated with unvaccinated population. In any survey or any analysis, there will be a third position. The position of "don't know". Sometimes dead bodies cannot be identified. Sometimes medical records are lost or corrupted. Where then is the third column with don't know cases?

Under COVID there were furthermore other effects:

1) doctors were incentivized to vaccinate as many individuals as possible, which may have led to less honest doctors over-reporting or faking records.,

2) There were all sorts of pressures to vaccinate, with one's choice affecting professional development, family life, travel, etc, and this must surely have incentivized people to manipulate or seek fake certificates.

Both of these incentives must surely have led to an overreporting of vaccination data.

Now that it is all over, an honest government would offer an amnesty so people can come forward without fear of retribution, so that at least the statistics can be cleaned up. This has not happened, suggesting to me that the government does not actually want to know the truth.

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What if the people who got vaccinated were on average older than the people who were not vaccinated? Generally, a older population will have a higher all cause mortality than a younger population. That could explain the difference in all cause mortality between the two groups, could it not?

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USMortality's plot was age-standardized. But I think the underlying age-specific mortality rates were not correct because he wasn't able to estimate the unvaccinated and vaccinated population sizes correctly: sars2.net/moar.html#USMortalitys_calculation_for_mean_monthly_ASMR_based_on_Chris_Johnstons_OIA_response (see also the sections whose title matches "FOIA response"). He got the monthly number of deaths in vaccinated and unvaccinated people from a FOIA response which only contained the number of deaths but not population sizes, so he had to estimate the population sizes based on two other datasets.

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By using age-standardised rates, those differences in the ages are taken into account:


There are other confounders/biases that can impact the rates too. In some cases they could potentially have a massive impact on the interpretation of the rates (much like you noted with different ages) if the rates are not adjusted to take them into account. One such bias is the underlying health of the different groups. Age is but one factor impacting that.

It's been shown that those more likely to take vaccines are generally in better health to begin with than those who dont. We need to take that into account when looking at these mortality rates if trying to pinpoint what difference vaccination alone makes to them. If we don't then the unjabbed group, which would generally be unhealthier, would have a much higher death rate and might lead us to think this is because they were not jabbed, which is often very misleading. So we need to adjust for the differing general health of each group as well as the ages, to take that difference out of the equation. Age standardising does that to a degree but I'm not convinced it is a good enough proxy for the health differences.

Hopefully someone can work out what the healthy vaccinee effect/bias is for these two groups of Kiwis, adjust for it and we can at least take that out of the picture. That said, given other research on other groups has shown the HVE accounts for 50% or more of the difference in rates, and even before adjusting for it in this NZ data the jabbed deaths rates are already higher, they'd only go relatively higher still after adjusting for the HVE. So there would have to be something seriously flawed in this NZ chart, and the deaths rates for jabbed would need to be corrected down and the unjabbed up drastically to swamp even what I think might be a conservative HVE impact.

I hope someone can work out what the HVE is for these two groups of Kiwis, make the adjustment and also correct for any flaws in the current charts and we can at least see with a bit more clarity how the rates compare.

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Yes indeed AJR, they all knew, and yet the government’s ‘military grade’ propaganda aimed at citizens was, and still is, relentless.

My research disclosed the mRNA/LNP bioweapon is, in essence, a general ‘membrane/epithelial’ toxin. It travels the entire vascular system. Thus, any pre-existing medical predisposition is augmented/worsened. This concurs with your investigation, such that ‘inflammation’ is a symptom, but however, ‘not’ the cause. The mRNA/LNP bioweapon attacks all epithelial surfaces of the vascular system, crossing all epithelial layers - skin, brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, placenta, absolutely every organ’s surface. And, sadly, there is no escape from the persistent, insidious, nature of the mRNA/LNP bioweapon. No detoxing protocol. It is designed to be persistent, by the replacement of uridine with synthetic pseudo-uridine, inserted in the genetic coding of the ‘alleged’ spike protein, which also apparently acts as a prion, capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. It persistently and relentlessly attacks ‘all’ surfaces of the vascular system reaching the very smallest capillaries.

The response from the perverted, neo-Nazi, Trudeau government is to offer MAID, ‘Medical Assistance In Dying’ protocol. Where a person is chemically waterboarded, under sedation so they can’t scream for help. How very convenient for the government - FN bastards.

Yes, we must continue to expose the perpetrators of aggravated assault, genocide and democide.

Fiduciary profits and back-handers must not supersede one’s Right to Exist.

Government/Pharma/WHO is a criminal cartel/pariah.

United Non-Compliance.

Best wishes and kindest regards AJR.


WIKIPEDIA: ENDOTHELIUM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endothelium

The endothelium (pl.: endothelia) is a single layer of squamous endothelial cells that line the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. The endothelium forms an interface between circulating blood or lymph in the lumen and the rest of the vessel wall. Endothelial cells form the barrier between vessels and tissue and control the flow of substances and fluid into and out of a tissue.

Endothelial cells in direct contact with blood are called vascular endothelial cells whereas those in direct contact with lymph are known as lymphatic endothelial cells. Vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries.

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Hi Steve,

Thanks for the graphs. I'm not a statistician, but the p-value cited seems too high (should be LT 0.05)?


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I think the Covid "vaccines" aka miracle mystery juice, does work, just not against COVID. I don't think they were ever designed to protect or provide immunity from Covid infection, its the bit about trying to suss out exactly what they are designed to do that is so vexing.

Tremendous sums of money, and tremendous sums of propaganda was spent in a co-ordinated effort to get the magic juice inside bodies. There must be a reason, we know it wasn't to help people fight off Covid.

As certain as no banker invests in a project without a reason and an expectation of returns, on that investment, we can be sure the governments and the NGOs had a reason and time will make that reason evident if we merely observe the fate of the brave volunteers who took the juice, took the selfie, took the donut and now are on a path of their own. Different from the path of those who did nothing but watch, and politely decline the magic juice.

I would think it will manifest over the next few years, the curve of complications has to be slow enough to allow deniability and diverse enough to allow deniablity. but in a population subset as large as the injected and boosted a commonality should be able to be defined, that is different from the control population.

Its an interesting future, we've all bought our tickets, and now we wait to see the show...

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My coworker’s father and his two uncles( his dad’s brothers) all died from turbo colon cancer within six months of receiving their boosters. He begged his father not to get any of the jabs. His father was in his early 70s, and his uncles were too. My two retired friends got “COVID” and died in the hospital when they were intubated. My cousin died in the hospital after intubation, and before intubation, he was fine. According to the documentary Death by Medicine by Gary Null on Rumble, our medical establishment kills over 400,000 patients annually. I lost all trust in the medical establishment, the health insurance industry, and Big Pharma. We live in a world of lies; those three establishments are the biggest liars.

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Follow the money.

Revenue Canada retracted ("clawed back") my Old Age Pension without looking at this year's tax return, and promised a two month minimum time to re-assess the file.

Killing off pensioners and replacing us with (Liberal and NDP-voting) immigrants makes a lot of fiscal sense. It will not be enough, however.

Why did you neglect to name government in your list of liars?

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yes, death by too much healthcare is real, and most people don't even know. The best way to a long happy life is to spend as little time as possible in the world of "healthcare".

It seems like inverse advice, but its not. ps most medical studies cannot be replicated, indicating fraud or worse is wide spread in science and medicine..

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Yep, my buddy in his 80s said hes still going strong and on no meds at all because he avoided doctors as much as possible.

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The medical establishment is owned and controlled by Big Pharma. Big Pharma’s vaccines are toxic concoctions that cause death and injury. See the documentary Death By Medicine by Gary Null on Rumble. Read an old book from the 1950s for free on archive.org titled The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean who warned the American people about the dangers of vaccines and vaccinations.

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Thank you Steve!

I've heard that Kamala Harris still has a VAX MANDATE for people working on her campaign. Can anyone confirm this, or share links? Thank you!

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Apparently the office is beset with Covid after the Chicago party!

I think I saw this on Coffee and Covid today.

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Wow, the Democratic Party is really unabashedly becoming the doubling down on insanity party. Good Luck with that!

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She will be killing off all her supporters with toxic concoctions called “vaccines.”

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They also serve, who only wait (to get vaccinated)

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Unbelievable. I just signed up to VOLUNTEER for her campaign, will see if the mandate covers VOLUNTEERS, too (I encourage everyone to VOLUNTEER and raise this question)... ;-)

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Why volunteer for someone that mandates this garbage for ANYONE?

Serious question.

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Sarcasm. I would "volunteer" only to get info, waste their time, push back on them. I try to practice care about where I actually put my labor, and yes, you're right, vax fanatics won't be exploiting it (again)...

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Sounds like to force them to answer questions about the vaccine during the interview process.

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Yes; tie up their resources, verify the current status of their mandate (generally when "employees" are under one, volunteers are too, but I'd like to check), generally be a PITA...

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Makes sense...

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I'm not the first to catch it, but that P value can't be right.

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His plot shows average monthly ASMR over a period of 16 months. So the p-value is high because he's only comparing one vector of 16 values against another vector of 16 values, so the sample size is fairly small: https://github.com/MortalityWatch/charts/blob/cb5ee378f5843c169cbc12eb47466f259b710da3/covid19/nzl/rates.r#L218. But he would've probably gotten a lower p-value if he would've looked at daily data instead, so he would've been comparing one vector with 485 items against another vector with 485 items.

He used the t-test to calculate the p-value, which is a method to calculate a p-value when you're comparing the average of one group against the average of another group.

I tried calculating average ASMR for unvaccinated and vaccinated people in the Czech record-level data in 2022. When I used monthly data, I got a p-value of about 8e-6 with the t-test, but my p-value decreased to about 2e-126 when I used daily data:

> t=fread("http://sars2.net/f/czbucketsdaily.csv.gz")

> a=t[,.(dead=sum(dead),alive=sum(alive)),.(date=substr(date,1,7),dose=pmin(dose,1),age=pmin(age,100))]

> a=merge(a,fread("http://sars2.net/f/czcensus2021pop.csv" )[,.(age,std=pop/sum(pop))])

> a=a[,.(asmr=sum(dead/alive*std*365e5)),.(date,dose)][order(date)]

> a[grep(2022,date),t.test(asmr[dose==0],asmr[dose==1])$p.value]

[1] 7.590744e-06

(Remove `=substr(date,1,7)` in order to run the code for daily instead of monthly data.)

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The simplest way to avoid the perils of this jab is DO NOT COMPLY!

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It did what they wanted it to do, as in murder, so it was not a failure for them. 👹 I cannot comprehend why ppl are still getting the jabs!! The truth has been out for several years now so ppl must have a death wish. Also news media, even demon fb is finally admitting biden/ harris demanded censorship re the jabs so the warnings and comments re it being harmful were mostly removed. BLATANT MURDERERS. But yet they are still voting for them. SMH

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as the ex boat captain, Mark Twain noted, "it is easier to fool a man, than convince him he has been fooled."

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