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Crrow777 is not a flat earther. I listen to him all the time! He filmed the Lunar wave then eventually started a talk radio show. It is very good. He hardly ever mentions the flat earth topic and when he does, he is agnostic - probably because neither can be proven by the common man. He is a free speech supporter: https://www.crrow777radio.com/

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Ok, I haven't followed him, but the description of a podcast episode from 2019 says: "Crrow777 takes us on a journey into his work surrounding the idea that the earth is not a globe at all. Our discussion takes us from his accidental start after recording the 'Lunar Wave' and into how this journey developed and took shape to become his life's work and what would spawn the beginnings of the flat earth movement." (https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/127-flatearth-and-beyond-crrow777/id1461725746)

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Sorry, I don't do Apple (or GoogleDroid). I'm strictly de-googled. I went to Crrow777 episode 127, but it was unrelated to what you wrote. As far as I know, the earth was flat until the 1600s, when it became a sphere, but hey, history is fluid depending on who is in charge at the moment. I doubt Crrow would say he "spawned the flat earth movement." That would be rather egotistic.

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