Is this poll still live? Will it be an ongoing collection of information? (If so, we can refer it to many more people in the future.)

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My mom was a healthy 90 years young!!!! But she got real sick after 1st, she got a second a few months later...really sick , diagnosed with liver/overy/uterus cancers HAD her 3 rd...she could barely walk or breath but her doc encouraged her till she died

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I personally don’t know of anyone. I do know that the death jabs were loaded with Graphene Oxide, Human Fetuses, Cancer Cells, MRNA Gene Therapy etc.

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We have a few friends that have 'coincidentally died' since Covid was created for release before 2020.

Many of us already know that FLU was 'cancelled' in 2020 to falsify the Covid numbers. Also every death from any cause was categorised a COVID DEATH if it occurred in hospital. If the patient (falsely) tested POSITIVE during their occupation, and subsequently died = IT WAS DEEMED a COVID DEATH!

There never was a Scamdemic, but the man enhanced virus coronavirus was planned, created and released to justify a 'cure'. The 'CURE' was fiction because it never worked but denigrated recipients natural immunities so that they had less resistance to ALL pre-existing and future illnesses the might have encountered.

Pre-existing SAFE and EFFECTIVE anti-viral medicines like IVERMECTIN were hidden from existence in order that Big Pharma could cheat the Approval System and be granted an Emergency Use Authorisation. The policing bodies like CDC & FDA assisted in this dubious process.

A cunning but highly profitable plan to undermine the financial stability of ALL NATIONS whilst depopulating the planet. The objective is/was to reduce Global Warming whilst making a fortune.

A fortune with absolutely no liability or risk because Governments assumed the responsibility to compensate the thousands that suffered and died following the injection *called a VACCINE). Governments were assured the useless but POISONOUS injections were "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE". What a Fantastic Business Plan!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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I have a friend killed by Johnson Vax. He was already in poor health with advanced diabetes and obesity. I don't know the date of his 2nd vax, so I can't add him to the survey.. He was found a couple weeks later, day after Thanksgiving, face down on the floor in front of his chair.

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My brother died in 2022 approximately 50 days after taking the second shot. He was a non smoker, non drinker, had an organic garden and he was slightly overweight but not obese. He was 60 and had put his papers in to retire within the next year. He died in his sleep of heart failure. My cousin (a male) died within 45 days of the second shot. He had a massive stroke from a blood clot. My other cousin (another male) died after taking the second shot. Again, it was from heart failure in his sleep. Non were smokers, drinkers or considered high risk. I find it very hard to believe statistically that this can happen in one family if this product is so "safe and effective!"

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

My brother in laws, brother age 60, good health, not overweight. Got vaXX. Died last year Sudden Heart Attack. I can only believe it was the vaXX. No one in family talks about it. No autopsy.

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Yeah someone should contact whoever Matthew Perry was close to. He sold T shirts that said Could I be anymore vaxxed?

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I don't have enough of these details and don't have the time to put them together. We saw at least 25 pass from the vax in our circles and stopped counting.

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I’m sorry, I think the Jab likely killed thousands of people. But this type of survey will prove absolutely nothing. There is nothing scientific about the way you conduct this survey. Almost 100 percent of your followers believe the vax killed people and so they will absolutely blame any death on the VAX.

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It's true, those that read Steve's SubStack is hardly representative of the pop at large.

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It's difficult to get the people who do know the status of the dead to talk about it even if they believe the shots killed them.

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Steve, I am like many commenting here. I have a nephew who I believe was killed by the “vaccine”. My problem is I don’t know exactly how many shots he had or the date of his last shot so I don’t feel I can participate in your poll. My guess is that he was fully vaxxed. He was a fire department Captain at a major airport. The physical demands of his job made proper diet and fitness mandatory. He was in EXCELLENT shape. In late July of this year he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer to three major organs, including a large tumour on his pancreas, and blood clots throughout his body. He was gone in one month. He was only 44. So tragic and unnecessary.

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I would like to do the survey, but dont have the needed information. We can think of at least 8 people in the artist/music communities who passed away too young, and some we knew were vaccinated while others we can only assume as such was the predicament for artists at the time of the pandemic in order to continue doing business.

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I’d like to respond and I know four people who died suddenly and were vaccinated because they told me but I don’t know for sure the exact number of shots.

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Steve, I volunteered for over a year (Feb 2022-March 2023) for the Canadian adverse event reporting system developed by Max Diegle (caers.info) who is himself vax injured from the H1N1 vax. Volunteers trained as healthcare professionals collected submissions from across Canada with all the details you are looking for. He has thousands of reports but hasn’t found a trustworthy source to process the data. Most reports are injuries but many are deaths. All details documented with consent and saved securely. Would you like me to connect you to him?

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I clicked the link and voila, the website has been disabled.

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I know over 20 'sudden deaths' but don't know these details. I was hoping to be able to provide something but understand why you need this information to support the credibility of the survey. I've passed the survey to friends who may help

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