Next study says that yours mentioned study is biased: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8629773/#bib0025 quoting: "We thus avoided the pitfall of drawing biased conclusions from the study of rural and urban counties combined [25]"

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roflmao. I see more than one study

Truth hurts I know, but I would rather smell shit than eat shit.

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The study from July when very few were vaccinated and the data was from spring and summer? Lol come on get better

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Thanks for proving that no matter what the REAL science shows the brainwashed will never believe it.

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So my girl, born 1995, got one set of well baby shots at 2 months of age. Developed horrifying colic and diaper rash. It cleared in 3 months but I never went back for more shots. Felt scalded and afraid but did not realize it was the injections filled with mercury, aluminum, human primitive DNA, etc., etc., that caused her issues.

Skip forward to 1999. I put her in a small private Episcopal School.

They literally lied to me, said, "If she does not take all the shots she will never go to school in the state of Florida."

I thought I had to. I thought, "every other child takes them and appears to be fine." After the first set she became very seriously ill,

and wound up in the hospital with pneumonia. Fighting for her life at 4 years of age.

I now know from the Guinea Bessou study that deaths by sepsis and pneumonia in vaxxed little girls are 10× higher than Mumps, Measles and Rubella ever were. Same with DPT. More unvaccinated survive than vaxxed. Fact. Vaxxes kill kids more often than anyone knows in the mainstream medical world. But the studies are there to prove it, if you look.

After that she received 3 more sets. To be compliant. It almost killed her. Totally destroyed immune system. Allergic to everything on Earth. Miserable permanent Rhinitis and unending stomach pain. Caught every bug on Earth.

Eliminating all allergens and years of herbal medicine got her 3/4 of the way to healthy. I think that's a win, considering.

I did not understand, at the time. Looking back I cannot believe I did what a pack of ignorant fools told me I had to, and watched my daughter's health and happiness be destroyed as a result.

But, it made me dig for the facts for 2 decades afterwards. I now know what was in those injections. And will never ever listen to "experts" again.

Pity the people who are now where I was then. It's terrifying. And will break your heart when you know what you have done to those you love.

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Hello Katherine,

My heart breaks when I hear stories such as yours. I'm very grateful for your words of wisdom.

I also learned, with good reason as well as facts, to lose more than faith in the allopathic medicines of the west. Without going into too many details, two of my siblings went to the medical establishment for help. One died young, brother 34, and my sister now 67 has been bed ridden for approximately 5 yrs and recently admitted to a nursing home as my brother in law couldn't provide 24/7 care. He's a Saint in my book for the care and patience he's displayed for the past 20 plus years.

For the most part the people in the medical industry have noble intentions but the schooling of all medical doctors and nurses is indoctrination first implemented by the Rockefellers.

The following I copied from;


"Anyone who introduces a treatment outside of the allopathic paradigm is summarily punished, vilified, ridiculed, attacked and eventually nullified, ostracized and eliminated from the public discourse, and their funding is quickly cut off. The credentials, education, accomplishments, etc., of the person do not matter. The punishment is the same for all of these ‘medical heretics’ who do not ‘tow the allopathic line’."

But it's written in a way, especially with the extensive reading and research I have done, that I agree word for word of it.

Much like the suppression of all dissenting views on the plandemic.

God bless you,

Michael A. Stilinovich

p.s. please keep spreading your light and truth

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Thank you for your kind words. By the Grace of God I wound up studying with a brilliant practitioner of TCM, Homeopathy, and Western Eclectic Medicine, (and who was also a Western Medicine Veternarian, although she almost never utilized that modality, ) who I watched cure or reverse, or provide relief for, one "irreversible" health condition after another!

And, she and others like her knew the actual causation of all these conditions and illnesses that are labeled " etiology unknown," by those who run the system. Just for more profits, once you really get to the bottom of things.

And the poor doctors, many of whom truly want to help their patients, are the most clueless and misled of all! They have no healing tools in their toolboxes, and are completely in the dark as to the effects of their toxic options, as well as the diseases caused by the poisonous nature of our food supply, air, & water, and the absence of high quality nutrition in most people's diets.

My girl is "recovered," but never will she have the robust good health she had before the Injections. Or the happiness either. And for me the hardest part is that she lined up for the experimental mRNA jab to keep her life in Los Angeles comfortable.

No immediate catastrophe ensued, but, the long term possibilities look very grave to me.

The amount of coercion utilized to force people into this experiment is the greatest act of evil I have witnessed in 61 years of life.

I pray humanity finally wakes up and comprehends that all "Rulers" are inherently evil. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts completely.

Never, ever, give your power away to others. That's my final lesson and conclusion.

God Bless you and all your loved ones. Perhaps all this suffering will lead us to Wisdom, finally.

Katherine Green

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Is this the Lyons-Weiler study referred to above?


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Thanks Steve for your excellent work. I agree with your premise. I just don't think the graph provides any valuable data. Please see the ourworldindata link below which shows cases increase in line with number of tests. Given the recent phenomena of massive queuues to get tested, your graph looks more like correlation than causation. Would like to see similar with a vertical axis of cases per number tested. The more we test the higher the number of cases. Better to know 'Cases per 100,000 tests'. The more tests you do, obviously the more cases: a major confounding factor. Without measuring cases per 100,000 tests, (or per million), there is no valid proof of Steve Kirsch's claim. The graph is based on number of cases only. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-19-daily-tests-vs-daily-new-confirmed-cases-per-million https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/the-more-we-vaccinate-the-higher

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That’s what i was thinking too. I live in Idaho, and we are one of the dots on the left, but of course we will have less cases, we have less people.

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A while back someone in my friend's household, one of the teenage boys I think, got Covid and then everyone in the house, dad, mom, 2 teenage boys got it. No one was hospitalized. Later they all got 2 vaccine jabs. Me and the dad had a social lunch planned for today but yesterday he called me to tell me that one of the son's brought Covid home from school and infected his brother and mother. Dad is not infected yet. Mother also had the third jab. We canceled lunch as I am not vaccinated. This is in Idaho.

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You get an A+++ for sharing this. If some maggot can not read and follow simple lab instructions, do not allow their immaturity and compulsiveness become your problem. Keep it their problem. I know from personal experience that acing a university's first year Microbiology lecture and lab section is as easy as working at Starbuck's. If you can avoid pouring coffee into the microwave or grinding a bagel, you can ace first year Microbiology. If you are a mewling little whiner who needs mother's 24/7 attention, best to stay home and be sent to a FEMA camp to learn personal responsibility when your welfare is taken away.

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Are you spamming everyone with this?

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Why would you call the truth spam? Are you that asleep? Spend more time reading the proof the document holds than criticizing that we sent it. Our agency has advised thousands of people, groups and organizations in 12 states and 3 countries since March of 2020 with the proof and 100% accuracy.

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A chimp figured this out months ago. A hairy chimp. Only the chimp was smart enough to blame the Death Jabs posing as vaccines for the confirmed serious illnesses cropping up, as well as the chimp PROVING that the entire medical boards of Hawaii and elsewhere were LYING people into a state off poor health, denying proven CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE cures to these patients. This eventually or soon thereafter killed them.

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I am glad I am not a greedy pig of a doctor.

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Looks pretty random to me. We need a clearer trend before making any claims.

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Agree with Hawkeye that the R2 value is very low. It might suggest something, but that alone isn't enough to suggest further research. We already have enough data to suggest a lot of research, and this R2 value isn't it.

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no standardisation of testing methodology across states; variable testing rates; variable quality of lab analysis; vaxxed believe narrative = more likely to get tested; PCR not diagnostic of any disease; "virus" never isolated; "virus" never proven to be mono-causal agent of covid19. I could go on...

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It's intentional.

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STEVE KIRSCH - If I were you, I would remove “Jeff” and “p3ck3rwood” from your comments section. I have been a paid subscriber for quite some time and have found your site to be very helpful. However, these nutjobs are making me doubt the site’s credibility. Thank you.

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I don't know, some of your comments actually are suspiciously just like what a corrupt establishment's shill might claim with "trends in rural areas" etc. Maybe you're completely on the up and up.

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They are poisoning the well intentionally. They will also say a lot of nasty things or things that arouse anger in order to upset viewers. Now is not the time to be divided.

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Dec 14, 2021
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Thank you, Steve. I don’t want to be part of an echo chamber - we must follow the facts where they lead.

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You might know this, Steve, but Cornell University is having a "spike" despite its 97% vax rate. Red alert level, with 469 active cases. Final exams will be remote! There's a link to their dashboard in the article. I wonder if they treat students who have the virus? I see that they offer mental health counseling for students and employees. What about early treatment for the virus??


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How can you have a 'COVID-19' spike when the CDC confessed under government investigation that the PCR tests were 100% fraudulent positives? And the inoculations are not vaccines, but different concentrations of Death Jabs or otherwise just saline solutions. Search: "howbadismybatch.com/states" You been had. They are using the common cold and influenza for 'COVID-19' data.

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They "just follow orders"... Where have we heard THAT before?

Never forget.

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Hey Steve, check the link for the study...in G-mail it doesn't work. When I came to this page in Chrome - it works fine. 🤔 Screwggle's BigTech fuckery at work?

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Ditch gmail!!

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Yeah...I know.

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FYI: an R2 value of 0.0269 is VERY LOW. It may be statistically significant, but it means that a VERY small percentage of the variance is "accounted for" by these two variables.

Yes, the line of best fit is going the wrong way, but it is of pretty low "meaningful significance".

All that said, I agree the vaccines are terrible. They were never designed to work, and it is absolutely terrifying that those vaccinated before naturally infected appear to be much worse off that those infected naturally only, or vaccinated after natural infection. The risk profile of these vaccines is also absolutely insane, and somehow we need to get someone to step up and put an end to this complete madness.

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I took the significance of that chart to be that it did not slope downward to the right like you'd expect it to if the CV19 inoculations even remotely worked. To me the chart looks like random numbers with no real correlation between the two variables.

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EXACTLY, thank you. I don't think the critics here actually watched the video, and the breakdown within.

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Well said 👏

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