Numbers Matter. If you want to post an anecdote, please include the size of your town in numbers of people, how many unvaccinated people there are, how many Covid deaths there are, and how many unexpected deaths there are

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What if we stop pretending mRNA TRANSFECTION has any basis beyond syringe delivery to be called vaccines. How about an honest assessment of TRANSFECTING novel proteins as failed therapy decades ago & classification as "novel vaccines" nothing more that reset for IP under novel use for lab tools in every medical school and pharma for ALL virology transfecting cell culture with CRISPR clones and calling it Gain of Function.

Let's try for some honest science.. mRNA TRANSFECTION has always been lobotomy level malpractice & criminal insanity w Nobel Prize for both. Biotech death of Jesse Gelsinger 1999 was definitive proof that transfecting humans was deadly.


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EXCELLENT link! Gene therapy has been killing people since the last century. Now gene therapy is planned for everyone with anything, all of the time. The chosen path to the Georgia Guidestones outcome.

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In my workplace alone, where vaccination was forced (I took the unpaid leave instead), two people dropped dead out of 165 employees. There were only 11 of us that refused the shots and temporarily lost our jobs. So many reports of heart attacks, strokes, cancer that have affected the ones who took the jabs. So sad.

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Same here. Everyone who took the vaccine has been to the hospital so many times since their shots. Sadly their children as well. One guy had to "have his immune system reset" He was vague about what they did, but said it was basically some kind of chemo. Cancers, heart attacks... And they continue to deny it's the vaccine and go back for the latest booster. 😞

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Workplace injuries have to be reported on an OSHA 300 Log but of course, everyone's pretending the heart attacks, strokes and cancer weren't caused by the mandated jab.

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End Times Black Magic Spells/ Get Free of it All Roy Masters bse

Join us tonight on X Spaces @ 6pm west coast time.


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Steve, I said in a separate comment that I'm a lawyer and I'll take your offer. However I should also add that there will be legal consequences if you fail to make good on your offer. Your words have legal effect and we have a contract now.

Who is your lawyer? I need to contact him/her ASAP.

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For a lawyer you don't know very much. The bet money is in escrow and all the details are worked out between the two parties so a precedent has been established on bet parameters. Also, I would think a lawyer could find the huge article called "how to contact me" on a Substack. Maybe there's an intern at your firm who could help you.

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Who is your lawyer? I'm a lawyer myself and I'll take the bet.

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I have now countered most of your points here: sars2.net/rootclaim2.html.

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I’m a little late responding but my question that just occurred to me today is regarding the fact that even though our autism rates are high there are some countries whose rates are higher than ours. My gut instinct is to think that the countries with the highest number of vaccines given to children throughout the world correlates with the number of cases around the world. Has anybody tried to look at that? I found a list of the top 10 countries with autism and the lowest 10 countries with autism and it seems to me that the top five are the ones that had the highest uptake of the Covid vaccine which probably means they have the highest number of vaccines in their schedules for children as well.

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It is both sad and ironic that I observe many who have been vaccinated and boosted seem most susceptible to infections and general ill health - their immune systems appear to be frail and easily overwhelmed- this affects young and old alike - entire family households getting sick for days on end - and they appear to be clueless as to the causes of such lack of immune health - meanwhile, the unvaxxed are less likely to succumb to colds and the flu. These are my personal observations so they are limited but I am sad about the circumstances of others albeit relieved that I never received the experimental toxic jabs. There is persistent denial by those affected as if they are blind and deaf to these overt symptoms and differences in health outcomes. I pray that RFK Jr. is confirmed and given leeway to conduct studies - and to listen to you, Steve!

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What is not mentioned here is that many Covid deaths were NOT caused by Covid but by hospital Covid protocols or by folks that died WITH Covid

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I wouldn't recommend you attribute the rise in CFR to the vaccine rollout. There is a very simple reason for the increase that is unrelated to the rollout.

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I wouldn't recommend you attribute the rise in CFR to the vaccine rollout. There is a very simple reason for the increase that is unrelated to the rollout.

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Yes your data is convincing. I came to the conclusion in the beginning of the scam the experimental jabs were not proven. Your data analysis is Q.E.D for me. As an aside, I also notice the majority of the people around me in MA and family in NJ are mostly democrats and voted for the government that created this atrocity. To this day they talk about getting the updated jabs and don’t see the results that your data proves. I think of a quote from Sherlock Holmes to Watson in these times “ you see but do not observe”. The result is tragically being a statistic in the ACM category. Thanks you for service

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I started to notice reports of sudden deaths in the online version of the local paper (Wales UK). Particularly sportsmen on the field of play. About the same time I started following your blog. Thankyou for your efforts.

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You may want to check out the new report from Alberta recently posted in Epoch News

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Igg4 antibodies is increased in the vaccinated.Indicating decreased immune system.

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I agree with you, but your charts and graphs have always been hard for me to understand. What is CFR? A graph doesn’t signify anything if it’s not understandable. I often look at your graphs and try to figure out what I’m supposed to be seeing- to no avail. I’m sure there are a few with superior understanding, but it would be more effective to also explain it to everyone else. At least label your x and y axis. I really do want to understand and it’s frustrating.

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CFR= case fatality rate

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Read the fifth paragraph of this article… https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/frc/blog/the-backfire-effect. It begins, “Not only would I argue…”

That is the foundational reason your arguments fail to hit it out of the park, like they should.

(I pray regularly that people will start to hear you. And I am more than happy to help explore how we can overcome this hurdle! And I am confident we can!)

With my utmost respect and admiration!

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