I apologize for being late to the party here, but I just got a chance to listen to Mr. Kirsch’s interview with Maajid Nawaz, in which this particular stack was referenced. Someone has touched on this I see, but I’m going to summarize: Mr. Kirsch, regarding the Massachusetts health department emergency, I’m afraid you’re failing to get into these politicians’ heads: while a form of democracy began with the Mayflower Compact, Massachusetts has been a collectivist-minded state since the Puritans (I heard a great lawyer several months ago mention how the Jacobson case originated in MA and how the state constitution is decidedly collectivist) - It has nothing to do with how many children suffer, only to do with their chances of transmitting Sars-CoV-2, casualties be damned. And whatever media they’re following has indoctrinated them to believe that anything referred to as a “vaccine” prevents or at least reduces transmission, regardless of the facts. Notice the CDC director said that vaccination failed to prevent transmission WITH DELTA - implying that, had we been able to vaccinate everyone BEFORE that variant emerged, we would have eradicated the virus. I’m afraid this philosophy of pure utilitarian ethics has taken over vast parts of the country over time due to the failure (whether or not intentional) of American education to discuss the problems with thinking of people as mere numbers.

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Why don't any of the medical people understand that when the depopulation scheme with the jabs has achieved its aim their jobs will be gone anyway. No population to treat equals no need for the medical staff any more.

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Steve, this is all so infuriating. Thank you for tenaciously doing the very important work you are doing.

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Steve, this is all so infuriating. Thank you for tenaciously doing the very important work you are doing.

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Keep up the good work Steve. We need more guys like you on the bleeding edge of getting it right. Sue the messengers sue someone for something. They are killing people.

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Evil just just got eviler!!! Each time the criminal cabal pushes the boundaries of what can be construed as evil..... such talent!

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“The American people trust the doctors. The doctors trust the FDA. The FDA trusts the drug companies.”

It’s one big pyramid scheme of abused trust. Genius.

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You seem to be unaware that the Mayo Clinic has published that over half the survivors of Covid exhibit brain damage

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That's interesting because the nano particles in the vaccine travel right through the blood brain barrier and cause neurological damage to the brain. I'll bet most of those cases are people that took the vaccine prior to catching the virus.

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The Mayo Clinic also says 'vaccines' are safe and effective.

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I read that Governor DeSantis back tracked and is approving the vaccines for children. Governor DeSantis has 3 young children. Is he now planning on vaccinating them? I don’t hold much hope for Ron Johnson either. I feel like they do just enough to control opposition. There is a pandemic in Washington. It is a complete lack of ethics and a moral compass. Emergency Use and experimental inoculations for innocent infants and children. Dear God.

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You need to get a better source of information.

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I did thank you. I misspoke. I didn’t do my usual research. I support Governor DeSantis wholeheartedly. I should have corrected the record so thank you for the opportunity to do so.

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Florida/DeSantis is standing against this all. Here is a notice sent to all Florida physicians this morning. Note the starred paragraph below:

PROVIDER ALERT: Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines

Contrary to disinformation circulating, the vaccine ordering process has not changed in Florida. COVID-19 vaccine ordering – including for the 6 month to 5 year age group – has always been available to providers. Following the Emergency Use Authorization issued today, June 17, 2022, enrolled providers are able to order COVID-19 vaccines for the newest authorized age groups through Florida SHOTS.

Per this Emergency Use Authorization, the following is now authorized:

• Moderna COVID-19 vaccine 2-dose primary series for children ages 6 months to 5 years (25 mcg),

• Moderna COVID-19 vaccine 2-dose primary series for children ages 6 through 11 years (50 mcg),

• Moderna COVID-19 vaccine 2-dose primary series for adolescence ages 12 through 17 years (100 mcg),

• Pfizer 3-dose series for children ages 6 months to 4 years (3 mcg).

Florida's decision to not participate in the cumbersome vaccine pre-ordering process never prohibited vaccine supply from being ordered or from being available in Florida.

According to the federal government, vaccines will be delivered as early as next week to:

• Pharmacy partners (CVS, Walgreen’s, Publix),

• Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs),

• Health care providers who place orders through Florida SHOTS.

*****The Florida Department of Health (Department) does not recommend pediatric COVID-19 vaccines for healthy children. The currently available evidence on COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months to 5 years is inadequate for assessing risks and benefits. *****

The Department encourages parents to discuss vaccination decisions directly with their children’s health care providers, which is exactly why providers are charged with ordering the vaccines they need.

Last year, the State of Florida shifted COVID-19 response to an effective locally-led effort. COVID-19 is endemic and health care providers are charged with managing patient care. All health care providers are expected to maintain awareness of evolving COVID-19 prevention and treatment options, including:

• Evusheld is a long-acting monoclonal antibody for pre-exposure prophylaxis, for immunocompromised patients, including cancer and/or transplant patients.

• Paxlovid and Molnupiravir are available oral antivirals for COVID-19 treatment,

• Bebtelovimab is a monoclonal antibody treatment for high-risk COVID-19 positive patients.

Health care providers can find more information about these medications and where they can be located here.

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That was a MSM lie!!! His Media rep lady, Christine Pushaw tweeted that the Whitehouse was lying.


State of Florida wasn't going to order but it was always available for individual doctors/hospitals/pharmacies to go through the forms to order the shots themselves. There was just not going to be a statewide push for it.

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Thank you Mea for providing the background research. I didn’t research this so that is why I stated I hope I am wrong. I am a supporter of Governor DeSantis. No issues there. Any pediatrician that is planning to prescribe this to infants and children should sign a waiver that they have read the data and are prescribing anyway. They should not be protected from liability by Prep act EUA either. I am not holding my breath. I am still in the fight to protect children. Will never give up. Thanks again for clarification. Sounds like we are on the same page.

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1.3 Million Reports of Injuries After COVID Vaccines, VAERS Data Show, as CDC Meets to Rubber-Stamp Shots for Kids Under 5

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,301,356 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,859 deaths and 238,412 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 10, 2022.


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Don't know if you heard but the 17 y/o daughter of congressman Sean Casten died suddenly in her sleep earlier this week at her home. Sean Casten recently said there was no apparent cause of death as she was in good health. Dig a little deeper and you will find that she (Gwen) was very vocal, like her dad, about getting the Covid Vaccines. Looking at her bio I think you can rule out drugs and suicide as a cause.

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The question I think we should be asking society is whether we are actually worthy people.

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True. Any people that do not question what is being forced on their children are a people not worthy of surviving as a society.

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Thank you, Johnny. My question goes deeper, though. This latest outcome is only what should come as absolutely no surprise. Hence, my deeper question: Have we -- over these past 2+ years -- shown ourselves to be worthy people? We obeyed an absurd dictate from elected and unelected freaks -- shut everything down except what we tell you is "essential". Not a peep except toward those of us who pointed out the absurdity, the illegality, and the guaranteed harm that would come. Later, "society" obeyed another absurd and illegal edict about undergoing a useless and harmful medical intervention -- and one with dire implications for the environment, too -- face masks, or as I call them "slave rags". I said at the time if people obey this or conversely do not protest such an obviously stupid and illegal dictate, next up is compulsory "vaccination". A worthy people?

Again, "society" had an opportunity to halt this. Yet what did the people do? They'd gotten themselves into this hot water by their prior failures. Would they act to get themselves out? Show some backbone? Some moral fortitude? Nope. They failed to act -- again and in so doing set themselves up for a terrible choice -- one between the taking of an experimental concoction of injectable junk or their job...And what did "society" do? Well, they told themselves they had to comply because, well, their job...A worthy people?

Airline employees subject to the regulations of that vaunted federal agency, the FAA, allowed the FAA, their unions, and their CEOs to force these injections on them in violation of the FAA's own regulations regarding the use of new pharmaceutical products. This regulation applies specifically to pilots -- the airlines' most valuable asset -- and air traffic controllers. A worthy people?

And now -- now that the freaks and liars and frauds and law breakers and evil doers and idiots across the spectrum are coming for our children, it may just be too late.

BTW, I did see it coming back in Feb/Mar 2020 and was "waving my arms" in warning to absolutely no avail. I packed up and worked from home; after all, my building got locked down. When it finally opened up and people started slowly going into the office, I negotiated continued working from home -- as part of my notice to leave. I refused to wear a slave rag. Never have; never will. I refused to walk only counterclockwise in the office. (Yup, that was actually a thing.) I refused to stand in the corner facing the wall with my feet on two painted shoes as one of only two people allowed per elevator. (Yup, that was actually a thing.) I gave up a job I loved, income, health insurance, colleagues, a lovely life -- a year and a half from full retirement. How was it possible that I was the only person I knew who opposed this and was willing to walk away? How was it possible that people I'd respected and thought highly of could debase themselves so completely by cooperating with the absurdities I provided above? A worthy people?

P.S. I lived in MA for nearly 30 years before escaping in 2021.

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I totally agree with your views and relate to your experiences as you so eloquently wrote. Much of the Western World's decline is I believe attributable to decades of prosperity that planted the seeds of our destruction.

That is, after many years of rising wealth (at least for some people), easy credit and abundance people generally have become gluttonous and self-centered only looking out for themselves. We forgot (or were ignorant) about all the sacrifice and hard work of prior generations that made our prosperity possible.

Regarding the Covid Scam I knew something was not right from the beginning and being retired I did not have to endure the insane mandates and workplace rules many suffered. If I was employed, I would have forced the company to fire me before taking the Clot Shots.

That said, what has transpired in the last few years has even shocked this highly cynical person. The crimes against humanity that our government is involved in with Medical Industrial Complex is beyond Comprehension. I am hoping sometime soon our survival instinct takes over because the Genocidal Maniacs running this horror show really do want to kill us and are close to taking full control of the planet.

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I agree that prosperity has played a role, but also the disdain for liberty, the infidelity to it, and the disregard for the sacrifices -- past and present -- that it takes to maintain it. We all as individuals in our words and deeds carry the torch of liberty -- or we don't. I looked around and saw the vast majority either actively tossing it away out of cowardice or obeisance or sanctimony or all three. Utterly disgusting. I think that has been the greatest trauma for me -- having my fears confirmed of the utter uselessness of the average person in the defense of liberty -- in this, the "land of the free and home of the brave. Cynical much?

If we end up saved, along with this republic, it will be because of a "tireless minority" -- not the useless blob under the fat part of the Bell Curve. As it has always been...

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Interesting the 25-44 and 65-74 age groups have some significant excess deaths going on there

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My career was focused on drug safety & efficacy, using published peer reviewed data. Never before have I witnessed oppression and censorship on a global scale.

Global…as in all governments, all medical communities, all journals. Science and scientists have been muzzled successfully by something more powerful than I can comprehend. It’s not good my friends.

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Unfortunately, I believe that the general population is so "over" Covid, that anything that does not affect them (he, she, they, them, it) is unremarkable. I am mourning the death and maiming of our little children, the very ones who depend on and need us most. This is deplorable and a sin against God! Please stop this tragedy from happening; check the data for yourself and refuse this unnecessary gene therapy.

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I am a loyal follower of Dr. Jane Ruby, she just posted that Dr. Daniel Nagase from B.C. Canada tried (desperately ?) for help from Ron Johnson, to find a lab to analyze the vials, but was told the process violated copyright laws? and Ron Johnson refused to help…clearly this is all way beyond my understanding, but it appears Johnson is not the hero we think

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My understanding is that Ron Johnson faces a tough reelection this fall. He could be under pressure to go silent on the Vaccine scandal. If true, that would make him just like any other politician. More worried about their job than doing the right thing.

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I think you're right re Johnson. What has he actually done except call for another public forum? Seriously, Ron? Is that the best you can do?

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Actually he CAN’T do much more legally as a minority senator - more details are in his Highwire interview

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