Thank you, Johnny. My question goes deeper, though. This latest outcome is only what should come as absolutely no surprise. Hence, my deeper question: Have we -- over these past 2+ years -- shown ourselves to be worthy people? We obeyed an absurd dictate from elected and unelected freaks -- shut everything down except what we tell you is "essential". Not a peep except toward those of us who pointed out the absurdity, the illegality, and the guaranteed harm that would come. Later, "society" obeyed another absurd and illegal edict about undergoing a useless and harmful medical intervention -- and one with dire implications for the environment, too -- face masks, or as I call them "slave rags". I said at the time if people obey this or conversely do not protest such an obviously stupid and illegal dictate, next up is compulsory "vaccination". A worthy people?
Again, "society" had an opportunity to halt this. Yet what did the people do? They'd gotten themselves into this hot water by their prior failures. Would they act to get themselves out? Show some backbone? Some moral fortitude? Nope. They failed to act -- again and in so doing set themselves up for a terrible choice -- one between the taking of an experimental concoction of injectable junk or their job...And what did "society" do? Well, they told themselves they had to comply because, well, their job...A worthy people?
Airline employees subject to the regulations of that vaunted federal agency, the FAA, allowed the FAA, their unions, and their CEOs to force these injections on them in violation of the FAA's own regulations regarding the use of new pharmaceutical products. This regulation applies specifically to pilots -- the airlines' most valuable asset -- and air traffic controllers. A worthy people?
And now -- now that the freaks and liars and frauds and law breakers and evil doers and idiots across the spectrum are coming for our children, it may just be too late.
BTW, I did see it coming back in Feb/Mar 2020 and was "waving my arms" in warning to absolutely no avail. I packed up and worked from home; after all, my building got locked down. When it finally opened up and people started slowly going into the office, I negotiated continued working from home -- as part of my notice to leave. I refused to wear a slave rag. Never have; never will. I refused to walk only counterclockwise in the office. (Yup, that was actually a thing.) I refused to stand in the corner facing the wall with my feet on two painted shoes as one of only two people allowed per elevator. (Yup, that was actually a thing.) I gave up a job I loved, income, health insurance, colleagues, a lovely life -- a year and a half from full retirement. How was it possible that I was the only person I knew who opposed this and was willing to walk away? How was it possible that people I'd respected and thought highly of could debase themselves so completely by cooperating with the absurdities I provided above? A worthy people?
P.S. I lived in MA for nearly 30 years before escaping in 2021.
I totally agree with your views and relate to your experiences as you so eloquently wrote. Much of the Western World's decline is I believe attributable to decades of prosperity that planted the seeds of our destruction.
That is, after many years of rising wealth (at least for some people), easy credit and abundance people generally have become gluttonous and self-centered only looking out for themselves. We forgot (or were ignorant) about all the sacrifice and hard work of prior generations that made our prosperity possible.
Regarding the Covid Scam I knew something was not right from the beginning and being retired I did not have to endure the insane mandates and workplace rules many suffered. If I was employed, I would have forced the company to fire me before taking the Clot Shots.
That said, what has transpired in the last few years has even shocked this highly cynical person. The crimes against humanity that our government is involved in with Medical Industrial Complex is beyond Comprehension. I am hoping sometime soon our survival instinct takes over because the Genocidal Maniacs running this horror show really do want to kill us and are close to taking full control of the planet.
I agree that prosperity has played a role, but also the disdain for liberty, the infidelity to it, and the disregard for the sacrifices -- past and present -- that it takes to maintain it. We all as individuals in our words and deeds carry the torch of liberty -- or we don't. I looked around and saw the vast majority either actively tossing it away out of cowardice or obeisance or sanctimony or all three. Utterly disgusting. I think that has been the greatest trauma for me -- having my fears confirmed of the utter uselessness of the average person in the defense of liberty -- in this, the "land of the free and home of the brave. Cynical much?
If we end up saved, along with this republic, it will be because of a "tireless minority" -- not the useless blob under the fat part of the Bell Curve. As it has always been...
True. Any people that do not question what is being forced on their children are a people not worthy of surviving as a society.
Thank you, Johnny. My question goes deeper, though. This latest outcome is only what should come as absolutely no surprise. Hence, my deeper question: Have we -- over these past 2+ years -- shown ourselves to be worthy people? We obeyed an absurd dictate from elected and unelected freaks -- shut everything down except what we tell you is "essential". Not a peep except toward those of us who pointed out the absurdity, the illegality, and the guaranteed harm that would come. Later, "society" obeyed another absurd and illegal edict about undergoing a useless and harmful medical intervention -- and one with dire implications for the environment, too -- face masks, or as I call them "slave rags". I said at the time if people obey this or conversely do not protest such an obviously stupid and illegal dictate, next up is compulsory "vaccination". A worthy people?
Again, "society" had an opportunity to halt this. Yet what did the people do? They'd gotten themselves into this hot water by their prior failures. Would they act to get themselves out? Show some backbone? Some moral fortitude? Nope. They failed to act -- again and in so doing set themselves up for a terrible choice -- one between the taking of an experimental concoction of injectable junk or their job...And what did "society" do? Well, they told themselves they had to comply because, well, their job...A worthy people?
Airline employees subject to the regulations of that vaunted federal agency, the FAA, allowed the FAA, their unions, and their CEOs to force these injections on them in violation of the FAA's own regulations regarding the use of new pharmaceutical products. This regulation applies specifically to pilots -- the airlines' most valuable asset -- and air traffic controllers. A worthy people?
And now -- now that the freaks and liars and frauds and law breakers and evil doers and idiots across the spectrum are coming for our children, it may just be too late.
BTW, I did see it coming back in Feb/Mar 2020 and was "waving my arms" in warning to absolutely no avail. I packed up and worked from home; after all, my building got locked down. When it finally opened up and people started slowly going into the office, I negotiated continued working from home -- as part of my notice to leave. I refused to wear a slave rag. Never have; never will. I refused to walk only counterclockwise in the office. (Yup, that was actually a thing.) I refused to stand in the corner facing the wall with my feet on two painted shoes as one of only two people allowed per elevator. (Yup, that was actually a thing.) I gave up a job I loved, income, health insurance, colleagues, a lovely life -- a year and a half from full retirement. How was it possible that I was the only person I knew who opposed this and was willing to walk away? How was it possible that people I'd respected and thought highly of could debase themselves so completely by cooperating with the absurdities I provided above? A worthy people?
P.S. I lived in MA for nearly 30 years before escaping in 2021.
I totally agree with your views and relate to your experiences as you so eloquently wrote. Much of the Western World's decline is I believe attributable to decades of prosperity that planted the seeds of our destruction.
That is, after many years of rising wealth (at least for some people), easy credit and abundance people generally have become gluttonous and self-centered only looking out for themselves. We forgot (or were ignorant) about all the sacrifice and hard work of prior generations that made our prosperity possible.
Regarding the Covid Scam I knew something was not right from the beginning and being retired I did not have to endure the insane mandates and workplace rules many suffered. If I was employed, I would have forced the company to fire me before taking the Clot Shots.
That said, what has transpired in the last few years has even shocked this highly cynical person. The crimes against humanity that our government is involved in with Medical Industrial Complex is beyond Comprehension. I am hoping sometime soon our survival instinct takes over because the Genocidal Maniacs running this horror show really do want to kill us and are close to taking full control of the planet.
I agree that prosperity has played a role, but also the disdain for liberty, the infidelity to it, and the disregard for the sacrifices -- past and present -- that it takes to maintain it. We all as individuals in our words and deeds carry the torch of liberty -- or we don't. I looked around and saw the vast majority either actively tossing it away out of cowardice or obeisance or sanctimony or all three. Utterly disgusting. I think that has been the greatest trauma for me -- having my fears confirmed of the utter uselessness of the average person in the defense of liberty -- in this, the "land of the free and home of the brave. Cynical much?
If we end up saved, along with this republic, it will be because of a "tireless minority" -- not the useless blob under the fat part of the Bell Curve. As it has always been...