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The reason all of this whitewashing and complete disregard of stated regulatory duties is a mystery to you Steve is because you fail to appreciate that the "vaccine" is a slow kill bioweapon.

Steve Kirsch is Dead Wrong About the True Nature of the COVID-19 "Vaccines" -- Will He Debate Dr. David Martin and Our Team?


We are ready to engage in friendly debate whenever you and your team are.

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If you have anything definitive, publish it. If not, if it’s debatable, then it doesn’t really matter.

Would it be better for Steve to spend his time trying to get the word out about the dangers, or by debating (for free) people who write rude messages like yours above? Put up the money to debate him.

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Steve and I are negotiating a friendly debate now.

We can put up $1m if need be.

You are presumptuous and dumb.

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Jan 18, 2023
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Jan 17, 2023
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Remember he took the jab. His brain might be starting to fog up. Hope not, but it's a possibility unfortunately. In any case, he's no longer acting intelligently for an intelligent man.

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I stated this when Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova uncovered their research on this bioweapon. We need to move on!

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Steve is numbers guy, he is doing great work with data. Let others sleuth out the politics and intrigue if they want. It is all work that needs to be done and it is not necessary that we all subscribe to the same narrative.

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I’m not sure it’s a matter of why they are doing this evil. Either way, it’s evil. And Steve is one of the few that is exposing it. Praise the Lord!!! I appreciate this man taking the time and effort to investigate for us little guys out here. I hope you don’t try to separate people that are clearly for the truth of how dangerous this vaccine is.

How can we save lives or future lives?

Expose the truth of the dangers of this.


Argue about the details of why they are poisoning the masses?

Sorry 2nd smartest guy in the world, but you might want to spend more time exposing the darkness with the light than attacking a guy that is using his light to expose the darkness.

Just add another light my friend!!!

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I agree there is no reason to attack Steve, that’s playing into the divide & conquer activity that is running rampant now. But I do wish Steve would apply his formidable analytical skills to at least look at the DoD op idea that has been floated and let us know, disturbing as this is, if this is plausible.

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This is not about attacking Steve, it is about seeing the World the way it is...Period.

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Well now he at least commented on it on Twatter apparently. I think contract language referring to the poisonous injections as “counter measures” is not innocuous. Lawyers are notoriously obsessed with building devious bombs into language to cover their & their clients’ asses. That is what getting a law degree is about, WORD CRAFT word games lol. It is not an innocent term. Are we going to get into that stupid ‘it depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is” argument? ‘Countermeasure’ has a specific meaning in the warcraft game. It not only conveniently provides another liability escape clause for Pfizer - IT MEANS WEAPON. DoD plays warcraft. That is their job. WE ARE THE OBJECT OF BIOWARFARE by “our own” military & government.. This is deliberate and not just another Clintonesque joke, a la “we came we saw he died”!

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I don’t think any one of us has the complete panoramic view. Together we can piece it together. The movement is more important than any one person at this critical juncture lest we be rightly accused of playing into our enemies’ divide & conquer tactics.. We should not be about purist ideology or thoughts, outing others’ inconsistencies or converting others, this is not a religious movement this is war. We should be about bringing along as many ppl as possible into our army. If someone fails to conform to our standards we should stand down, step aside & not fight them.

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Yes this is war so we had better start reading out of the same book. Steve's shaming of the CDC and other agencies has accomplished nothing as evidenced by innocent children at ZERO risk now being injected with this poison.

The enemy is client states of the CCP controlled WEF and their publicly stated goal is to murder us and so far at least 20,000,000 are now dead, Men, Women Children alike.

This is not a conspiracy theory but a "conspiracy fact" and we are willing to wager any amount of money that the vast majority that would witness this debate would be in total agreement with us after presenting irrefutable evidence.

We don't have another three years of shaming the feckless CDC and others while millions of children are murdered. We have to get our act together NOW!

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OK now Steve has commented on the DoD stuff revealed by Sasha…I personally am not satisfied with his “give them the benefit of the doubt” argument. Turns out its coming out today the FAA is admitting pilots are turning out abnormal EKG’s, and this is alarming. They also are tweaking EKG parameters so the pilots appear normal, but they are not! This means compulsorily vaxxed military pilots flying toys costing us millions are also throwing abnormal EKGs! WTF! The military didn’t read the Pfizer contracts reading “countermeasures” not medicines!? To assert this is a mistake or mere incompetence is not plausible. WHO WERE THE LAWYERS WHO DRAFTED & APPROVED THE CONTRACTS ON BOTH SIDES? Someone clearly knew, in advance, that the military was contracting massive amounts of BIOWEAPONS not medicines. The choice of that word proves prior knowledge and intent to kill and injure millions of Americans. SO, STEVE MAN UP. THINK LIKE A LAWYER. This is intentional genocide.

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Can or should we give enemies provably trying to exterminate us “benefit of the doubt”? That is an intellectual luxury no one can afford in a life-or death struggle such as we are engaged in. Here is more on this important subject:


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Absolutely correct. But anything that stirs ppl to awareness,& away from induced sonambulism is good. The beauty of that is we do not have to convince humans that killing innocent ppl is bad, most (except for the defective psychopaths responsible) know that very well. Nor do we need to manipulate & funnel this energy - once ppl more fully realize what is happening and who is responsible their energy & anger will flow directly at the perps from the top to bottom. This is a holy war between good and evil and evil will not prevail in the end.

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Jan 17, 2023
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So Fast Eddy I understand your frustration and it’s very possible the government is using SS to track people down but highly doubtful. Let’s say they are using SS to track you down, what then? Be afraid of them? Let them win by shutting up? Should we hide on the computer to inform the blue pilled?

We still have the Constitution to back us up for free speech and the 2nd amendment to protect our families. There is a reason they don’t teach the Bill of Rights or the Constitution in the government run public schools. This goes WAY deeper than just a poison they are putting in a jab. And as it is now NOBODY is forced to take this jab....only the ignorant will take it. Unfortunately.

And why are they ignorant? The news media.

They are using Hitler’s playbook:” in Mein Kampf:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

The Bible says this truth:

Hosea 4:6

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

Fear is probably the number one tool of the Devil. Deception is as well.

And I guarantee Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are working directly for the Devil even if they aren’t aware of it themselves. Judge them by their fruits. Gates says he want to depopulate the world by vaccinations. He said it at Ted talks.

The spiritual realm is VERY real but most people are not aware of it.

Demonic spirits are working in these people and they believe the thoughts they are getting about depopulation is their own but it is not.

People CAN change but only if they want to.

Like I said I understand your frustration but we must encourage one another to help one another to expose this dark dark evil world with the truth.

I have an idea of t-shirts with a website link that people can get more information if they choose. What about bumper stickers?

We MUST get the truth out there!!! That is the key!!! Using the internet is ok and you can reach some people but wearing a t-shirt to the grocery store telling the truth with a website is probably MUCH more effective. Slowly more people will do this as well. But right now most people are afraid they will be yelled at or cursed at or called names. Boo Hoo!!! None of that bothers me what ignorant people say about me. I have the Spirit of God living in me!!!! And NOBODY can take that away from

me!!! And if they kill me? I get to go to a MUCH better place than this evil world!!

So I am in a win win situation no matter what happens!!! So...WE MUST TRY!!!! We MUST try to wake up the ignorant masses!!!

The National Media is totally controlled. But we still have the Freedom of the Press and the Right to Free Speech and the Right to Bear Arms!!!! It’s still WE THE PEOPLE!!!! (unless we are afraid)

The Constitution is ON OUR SIDE!!!!!!

God is ON OUR SIDE!!!!!

We MUST make our voices heard!!!!

I hope this helps!!

I will be starting my t-shirts very soon!!!!

Maybe you will see one on some dude in a grocery store someday!!! 😎

God Bless!!!!

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Things are just really getting started. I agree - what you say needs to happen. And take heart…as science has told us the observer effects the outcome of the experiment. The more ppl become aware & apply their consciousness to our situation, the more uncertain the outcome planned for us is. In fact, I believe they are doomed. Totally. Also we are being watched by everything, our TVs, Roombas, fridges, cameras everywhere. This effects the outcome but imagine billions of us observing the experiment! 👁👁 All bets are off that the evil doers can shape the outcome of the experiment to fit their plans. They have run up against Nature and my bet is that Nature will out. All we need to do is to apply consciousness to the problem….this is what they fear most of all. Take heart.the outcome of the experiment is very much in play and not fixed.

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Amen Darlene!!! Love the attitude!!!

We MUST get the information of truth OUT to the people!!!

Truth ALWAYS wins!!!


Praise the MOST HIGH!!!

Lies, deception and fear win.......when we are silent!!!!

God Bless!!!

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Jan 16, 2023
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I understand. Just don’t want to see division amongst ourselves. As you are probably aware the divide and conquer strategy is VERY old....get the people to fight amongst themselves Republican/Democrat when the elite control both sides.

God Bless!!

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Steve is an expert at divide & conquer techniques. You must be new here!

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Jan 17, 2023
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Why Eddy? There are people dying every single day. There is depopulation as we speak.

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Jan 17, 2023
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Do you honestly think the Department of Defense cares about “the PR team”????

The entire thing is a psychological operation. Proven…oooops!

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No, it wouldn’t cause any problems. We’re three years into this.

See any problems????

Did you see the propaganda all of us were forced to see 24/7? She had absolutely nothing to do with people getting injected with a bioweapon. People simply live in FEAR. And they certainly don’t believe or trust in God.

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