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Another great post Steve and thank you for highlighting our latest article. Please follow our work at www.nocollegemandates.com. We need more people to join this fight until all of the 1000 colleges that mandate vaccines and the 325 colleges that mandate boosters drop their unscientific and unethical vaccine mandates.

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Following your site and saw the ridiculous mask mandates for Mass. students.

With the absurd mandates, next stop: Mass General!

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Harvard students are required, yet Harvard employees are recommended?

So those imposing the rules are not held by the rules?

... when the CDC is now saying the people should not be treated differently based on their vaccination status?

STUDENTS: Don't let authority figures require you to inject experimental drugs into your body that are shown to be a particular risk for your age group, have skipped clinical trials, and have only been tested on 8 mice.


Where there is risk there must be informed consent!

Students need to peacefully protest at their university to end this double standard. Bring your phones fully charged at dusk at your union square, shine your flashlights as your vigil for change. Paint the "rock" to denounce the double standard. Write how you disagree with this double standard to your student newspaper. Distribute wristbands showing your solidarity. Post flyers and memes explaining how students need to wake up:


... BEFORE covid shots are combined with the flu shots and/or "over 110 other influenza therapies are under development", including ones using mRNA technology.


Parents have tried to stop this, and they were censored.

As a adult now, please do your part. It is appearing that this can only be stopped by you not complying with rules that do not make sense, are hypocritical and harmful.

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Thanks for your work and your support. If we could just get these students to critically think about all the data that is out there, I really want to believe (perhaps naively) that they would push back. Many already know, but feel alone and afraid to speak out. When the college students rise up, the college mandates end.

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For a mere $52k annual tuition and a 3.5% acceptance rate, this is what you get?

Or is this just lip service with the religious exemption form requiring a checkmark only?


Perhaps why students aren't rising up.

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Schools like Boston College have denied all religious exemptions, because you know, the 80 year old Pope says its a moral obligation. They even fought some medical exemptions.

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Yes. I disagree, and why I haven't returned to the church I had been going to.

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Yup - that is it, but last year it was more involved. They have "evolved" to rubber stamp exemptions basically b/c NO ONE requests them.

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What are the ways to speak directly to the students effectively? I realize many feel they are invincible and is a big part of the problem. Perhaps a collection of vaccine injuried testimonials specifically in the 16-22 age range?

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It is very difficult to get injured students (or their parents) speak out (or sue the colleges) for fear of retribution. The majority of young adults get their news from TikTok (sad but true). Do you know an influencer who would post some of these stories before they get cancelled? We working on trying to get the attention of college newspaper to investigate and print recent studies on the dangers of the vaccine of their age group. No luck so far but we keep trying.

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Schools have been indoctrination mills for conformity for several generations. They're the last to protest autonomously these days. Organize a rally for the latest meme issue like tyranny abortions and they'll put on their costumes and join the worst riots in an instant. Shouldn't be too hard to herd them in more constructive directions. They are trained to obey, now we need to train them to think. Save the schools to save civilization.

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Oct 5, 2022
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Not just noticing. Simply presenting good questions

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It will take a very expensive lawsuit or two or three to get the attention of ne of these institutions, sadly.

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