allof them not me

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Both my parents took the shot, my mother had myocarditis and my father suffered deafness, temporary and arthritis.

Both of which happened within 1 week of the second shot.

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Steve I had friends tell me after going to Urgent Care facilities they administer IVs that aren't needed then days later come up with COVID like symptoms. Can you do a survey on this?

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the survey asked only for nearest family members, so I didn't enter the 3 deaths in our family, 2 with more than 3 injections. All in ~ the same age group as Seiji Ozawa, who in ~2020 looked like this:


in 2023 like this:


and in 2024 died of heart failure... Was it another covid injection crime? Knowing how long and healthy Japanese people can live, I can imagine it was another covid crime..

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I wish I had known that there was going to be questions after the initial sign in with my name. As presented, it just looked sketchy to me so I did not participate. In retrospect, I was wrong to not have added to your survey. I know that 3 of my family got the injection. Two siblings and my BIL. Both siblings developed atrial fibrillation as a result, one ultimately had an ablation performed, the other is being evaluated for the same procedure and possible pacemaker as well, some delay on treatment due to insurance coverage issues. These adverse events occurred within about 4 months of the administration of the poison. One had the J&J product, don't know about the other. BIL had no apparent sequelae. Thought you might like to know.

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Incredible research!! To bad there are no attorneys who are willing to take on a company on behalf of a fired employee who refused 'the shot.' Every attorney contacted made their employees get vaccinated and won't touch it. So close to retirement, asked for religious exemption (even had pastor sign his letter), gone! Terrible what companies did to employees!

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It's facism. The public should have stood up and said no.

We are being poisoned in such a way we don't die all at once and develop chronic illnesses that are highly profitable for healthcare.

Companies have decide humanity is no longer needed and is phasing us out as AI takes over.

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The pharmaceutical industry actually need to cultivate humans. They discovered a good while ago that their mRNA poison shots mostly kills the elderly and the chronically ill by shortening their life by a couple of years, or months, and make only a "small" percentage of the younger population chronically ill. Basically, it's only slightly worse than the typical old fashioned vaccines that are programmed in the human couscous as the most successful medical intervention in human history which keeps us healthy. So, a 1% deathrate happening mostly to the elderly, and a 4% chronic illness rate as a side effect that cannot be known (scientifically proven) for sure that is connected to the miracle shot can be easily ignored especially when information is controlled by the communist/fascist type of centralized government. There are enough survivors, so there is no public outcry from the general population. Meanwhile professionals who did their research and studied the available statistics (despite the fact that relevant health data that is available was deliberately kept murky, while public access to reliable health data has been denied) are censored along the injured, ignored, declared to be insane conspiracy theorists, called the enemy of the state, and their professional accreditations and livelihood is destroyed. Finally, on a personal level any injuries connected to the shots are denied, because by "law" (written by pharma), if people cannot produce a "scientific" proof than there is no way to establish a causation. Who came up with this insidious plot? Or was it a gradual evolution of evil? How and why did our society accept these tenets to be valid? We were asleep at the wheel, for sure. Thus, for pharma those who suffered side effects continue to generate profit, and those who had no side effects can be used to hold onto the narrative and potentially "convinced" in the future to roll up their sleeves for another wave of profit generation. Bottom line, big pharma made unprecedented amount of profit, and in spite of the casualties still made enough people sick to keep up the inflow. They are sitting strong in their power positions and dictating politics. The best indicator for it is when Trump decides to dine with the snake oil salesmen, the CEO of Pfizer, Lilly and PhRMA and calls these criminals honorable men!!!

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First shots were given in 2020

Dec. 14, 2020 11�17 pm ET

Peter Loftus Melanie Grayce West

"The first U.S. Covid-19 vaccinations outside of clinical trials began Monday, kicking off the most urgent mass immunization campaign since polio shots were rolled out in the 1950s".

To a nurse in NYC

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If this survey and the vast increase on deaths from the vac and the attempt to coverup the Biden/Dem responsibility we see their true nature of massive inhumanity to their fellow human beings. No doubt as we say such they are planning their deep opposition not just at ensuring the truth never gets out but their next chance to secure true lasting power to really go after any and all anti- vac folks and force another depopulation scheme upon us. Millions no doubt are pouring into the true Progressive coffers to retain power via manipulated RINOs and true fascist policies to torpedo our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Supreme Court…these true Gates types are-the -disease/cancer within our Nation…they will never stop….our very lives will once again be at risk in the very near future unless the truth is exposed and those responsible are sent to prison…the longer that is delayed the greater risk to our future.

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Oh stop...

It was a black op run by the DoD, started during a Republican president, who was misled, and continued during a Democrat president, who was also misled. They were very thorough, as it was planned for several years (follow the patents).

Just don't fall for the next "scare disease", which is likely to invoke aerosolized vaccines, to fix the mistakes made the first time.

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Is it still true Steve, that the stats regarding Vax injuries and deaths do not count until AFTER a 14-day period has elapsed since the DEATH SHOT was administered?

So if a 'vax' recipient dies during this initial period he/she is regarded as UNJABBED?

Unjabbed Mick (UK). (+44) 777 414 7148

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Hi Mick from UK, any reason why you included your mobile ph number? Yes the UK stats from the UK's ONS (Office For National Statistics) start 14 days after the covid shot was given. ONS hasn't changed this baseline and has changed how excess deaths are calculated in june/July 2023 in order to reduce excess deaths since 2021.

Of course most immediate vax induced deaths happen within that 14 day windows which is why the UK stats from ONS were used to show that unvaxxed were dying faster than the vaxxed in the spring / summer 2021 but no one questioned this.

SAGE and MHRA and NHS were stating that being fully vaccinated takes 2 weeks from injection date.

See: https://expose-news.com/2024/03/05/mps-write-to-ons-to-ask-them-for-data/


'Fighting Goliath': Exposing the flawed science and statistics behind the COVID-19 event

By Norman Fenton and Martin Neil

Steve Kirsch recommended 'Fighting Goliath' — Steve Kirsch, entrepreneur and founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

“This is an important book because it reveals the extent to which Governments used flawed studies to deceive most of the population into unnecessarily taking a vaccine which is now known to have caused harm to many”.

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Thanks, KT-S and Happy New Year!

I inserted my phone number because Steve Kirsch has responded to some of my previous comments and I felt he might wish to discuss the article I was responding to.

I'm up on some of the info you've referred me to and regard Norman Fenton as one of several realists I file under 'mRNA deadly Vax Heroes'

I'll try to find time to study the other items you've referenced.

I hope you have a great 2025 and keep avoiding poisonous injections of mRNA Gene Editing crap! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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These figures, believe it or not, ARE WONDERFULLY CONSERVATIVE. Too wonderful for words. You ain't seen nothing yet. The compounded effect will make this look ONE grain of sand in the dessert. Covid vaccines just spell DEATH, DEATH AND MORE DEATH.

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I wasn't sure if the questions about deaths included my whole family or only those with jabs.. I answered for my whole family.

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Isn't it impossible to extrapolate to the general public from the survey given people might discover and choose to follow you precisely because they observed something suspicious and unfortunate?

I answered. In my family:

mom, dad, sister, brother in law, boyfriend, me I am the only one unvaccinated. My boyfriend had one shot. No one died or had side effects.

My partner and I have not had Covid to my knowledge, but we don't test every sniffle. The other 4 had two doses and more boosters and at least 3 of them have gotten Covid with positive tests and lost sense of smell. So I would not be surprised if there were reverse correlation.

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It seems like your vax-recipient family members got lucky.

Obviously, Pfizer et al, ship out some 'PLACEBO' (or out of date) mRNA crap to avoid killing too many at once. That would be far too obvious and scare everyone off.

My hunch is that even the 'lucky ones' might realise they can now anticipate a shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer by avoiding ALL poisonous mRNA injections.

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They, the powers that be in the public health/medical/pharmaceutical conglomeration knew what mRNA for SARScoV2 was before they ever release them via emergency authorization. 2000 stated adverse effects discovered during the FDA trials.. Half of all pregnant trial members miscarried or showed other maternal issues. Exemptions from vaccine mandates throughout these organisations. The Biden admin just extended immunity from civil litigation until after Trumps term ends, 2028. A million plus deaths here in the US but an estimated 20 million worldwide. Crimes against humanity are in order but the ICC is busy persecuting the Israelis for defending themselves. Free Reiner Fuëllmich!! PU.

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Thank you for this report. We the people have to organize and overwhelm the House and Senate to STOP MRNA no matter who gets into office.

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Cat's out of the bag now but a pity your debate opponent couldn't have done the same survey amongst his followers simultaneously.

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for some reason, they don't want to. they said it is scientifically worthless (since it won't prove their point).

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Sadly, they could survey every single person in America and still dismiss the real life experiences as anecdotal while finding nothing wrong with the way the Pfizer trial was conducted, for example.

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