I believe what you believe, Steve. I am on Day 14 of the CCP virus, took ivermectin and Zpack for 5 days. On day 4, I felt good but then days 5-7 had a killer headache, took and did what I could for relief and by day 10 tested negative. It never did affect my breathing, and started off like a cold, but when I ran a fever, I tested and started the 5 day treatment. My hubby did, too, prophylactically as he tested neg twice. Then yesterday when I tested negative, he tested positive...twice! No fever, a little sore, ( could be from heavy work in his garden a few days ago). He is 71, I am 69, both active and in pretty good health. So, NO, we will not take any mRNA jab nor any currently in the market. I feel blessed to now have natural immunity and do not wish to compromise that with a jab. Thanks for fighting the good fight, Steve!

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Thank you, Steve. It is a blessing to be able to get truth in these days.

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Looks like the deadline has been extended to Jan 19th

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I think the deadline is Dec 16th, not the 6th

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Done! Thank you, Steve.

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Good points, Steve. I copied those and added a few words of my own. Thanks!

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I believe what you believe. As many of us.

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You are absolutely right steve. Having a mandate is communism at it's finest! You want to keep the free world free? Kill the mandate, for employers, and employees! I'd like to say, my body, my choice! Works for others.. of course, that could be changing. They are already short staffed from this crap! This will just make it a whole lot worse. Also, no need for a test out option. as that is also skewed, in whatever direction thay choose.. I do not trust the Government, CDC, NIH, or the pharmaceutical company's! I will make my own choices for me and my family's health needs..

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All who comply with communist orders are democrats loonies brainwashed uneducated untraveled no science just Fauci madman politician lying to Americans everyday If your husband company comply with OSHA Democratic party is dead and buried all left take your companies children move to Venezuela Thus is not a vaccine In Europe oeople are waiting to Marxist straight up racist party Marxist to vaccinate their children if they have Experiment on theme and world will fallow In Europe one epidemiologist said ; if you love your children don’t put that chemicals in theme Many legal emigrants are democrats We are leaving this crazy Ocazio Cortez is sick Marxist and all democrats are voters too Nuts We need in infrastructure bill lot of mental institution building to put theme there Flew over the cocos nest cult Stalin please blacks Asians Latinos democrats republicans independents vote in 2022 all out they will get worse Laugh of the world Sorry but socialism will destroy all African American mothers if one of you are here take your beautiful children out from streets Marxist are using theme to push Stalin agenda Stop using African American moms dead boys for pushing this tyrant regime I come from Eastern Europe White tyrants murdered 100 milions white people black tyrants in Africa oppress black people Most virus in USA Today is taking Marxism socialism by force They are animals cruel and dangerous Almost all Democratic Party have this virus is deadly and will destroy theme us and our country Only antidote is 9 months and vote theme out and watch what tyrany is in our schools You don’t need board in schools fire theme all Sorry I got to more than I should but all Marxists in this conversation have news for you We come from Eastern Europe China Vietnam Latin America we voted fir trump first time Republican in 40 years Join us to send all democrats racist Marxist home In communism we did not say marry Christmas but now we do We love this country Wakeup Marxist you are amateurs dangerous stupid people 🇺🇸

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Totally agree masks are useless and probably very bad for everyone's mental health. Love how you summarized how the previously infected should be treated. Spot on accurate and concise. Don't have enough knowledge about the vaers data to speak on your 3rd point.

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OSHA should be sued for every reaction and health damaged by gene therapy Is not working mascks not working Viruses mutates and will OSHA should show to Americans MSDS data sheet All chemicals in these drugs how many sick people become how long was the trials and all side effects This is their responsibility This is not communist entity or should be desmantale

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Напълно Ви поткрепям. Поздрави от България.

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I’m writing my comments right now and both my husband, my 2 kids, & I will comment based on your points. Thank you for putting it so succinctly!

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I totally support your comments.

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You Rooccckkkk, Maaaannn!!!!

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Steve Rocccckkks!!!

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