I wish we had 534 other members of Congress like Ron Johnson.

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John Coleman's book was plagiarized from Eustace Mullins and LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review: jsbin.com/kusoqet. The original publisher of his book was George Green, who also published dozens of books by a cult he was part of which claimed that they were channeling a 9-foot-tall Pleiadian who lived on a spaceship together with Jesus.

One of the books by the cult claimed that John Coleman was trained in Israel where he went by the name Joseph Pavlonski (which was probably written by George Green even though it supposedly consisted of words channeled from a Pleiadian named Commander Gyorgos Ceres Hatonn).

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Re-read the letter carefully. I don't see where Johnson "asked them what the comparable US numbers are." I suspect you think he asks for that in the last section, with the points numbered 1-4. Perhaps he meant to - but that's not how it's worded. I thought he was still talking about the Czech data.

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Senator Johnson is definitely one of the best.

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Seriously? Johnson had 3 meetings on covid he sent letters before. Nothing happens Nothing changes Still after 4 years of this shit But yea let’s get excited about Ron Johnson’s latest letter!! wtf Are people really buying into this!

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Sep 8Liked by Steve Kirsch

Prayers for Senator Johnson & his efforts 🙏 A Godly Man who has Integrity & a Warrior’s heart. Thankful he is on the side of Team Humanity!

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Only been how many years!!!!!!

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It’s all a big movie that goes nowhere. They are not leaders and don’t care about us, this country or our lives here.

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They stopped testing for COVID because right there the evidence will show. Not necessarily injury but mostly who is getting COVID. The only people I know getting it now are the vaccinated, as they run for tests when any symptoms show.

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Sep 7Liked by Steve Kirsch

Thank you Steve. Many of us are exhausted and you are ruthless. I am currently producing a film about this nonsense, as that is my medium of expression. Senator Johnson is a hero. May we all do what we can with our talents and positions. Keep up the fight!

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Many are still under the illusion those agencies care about them.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Steve Kirsch

Rock on Senator Ron Johnson! A US Senator who questions Post Vax 'Excess DEATHS'!

We're making progress in proving the useless but dangerous nature of these gene editing mRNA injections - which are more likely to prove to be Planned DEPOPULATION jabs!

And they call us Conspiracy Theorists for suggesting 'THEY' interfere with our food supply, food quality and food availability. 'They' create obstacles to artificially increase food prices - like the many instances of spontaneous fires occurring in food processing plants, food storage facilities and on many animal farms. 'They' need us to become ever more hungry and reliant on 'their' generosity to supply us artificial foods and insects on which to survive.

These are the words of the insane Adolf Schwab of the World Economic Forum; "They will eat bugs, they will own nothing but they will be happy"

Watch this latest vaccine damning video to learn what is being injected into all willing vax participants; https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=John+Campbell+Good+Morning

We first learned about this post vax phenomenon, shortly after the mRNA contaminated Covid Vax was launched.

Various uniform structures were identified by electro-microscopic inspection of mRNA injected human blood samples taken from the mRNA vaxxed. Way back then, I suspected that these unusual, non-human like structures might have some link to 5G. The theory was that, under certain conditions, specific 5G radio frequencies could be directed towards disruptive individuals misbehaving or spreading Anti-vax propaganda. Thereby incapacitating (Punishing) those concerned. This latest finding was from incubated mRNA vax-infected blood, simulated to create a 'human environment' for the process to develop as if in a human body. It's quite bizarre!

Could the information on the dubious contents of Covid injections, as shown below, be yet more proof of our Conspiracy Theories coming to fruition?

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer by refusing to accept the next false virus that requires a dodgy poisonous jab - made by companies who deny ALL LIABILITY for injuries and deaths that follow!

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Sep 7Liked by Steve Kirsch

Senator Johnson is my favorite too!

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Moderna had Tromethamine from the beginning and Pfizer introduced it without any trial late in 2021.


Moderna was ordered by the FDA to source Cholesterol with less Endotoxin in 2022.


Next time you communicate with Senator Ron Johnson, please ask him if the FDA analysis shows inflection points in Deaths and Harms for both brands that correspond to the changes in formulation.

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Steve, the shots are safe and effective. Stephen Colbert told me so.

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whew. that's a relief. finally a reliable expert to weigh in.

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Sep 7Liked by Steve Kirsch

He’s not even my senator and I sent him money. Wish I could send him a lot more.

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Sep 7Liked by Steve Kirsch

Yes. That's my experience.

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