The rumble link tells me the video is restricted.

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After the live show is over, you can always find the saved video here: https://rumble.com/c/VaccineSafetyResearchFoundation

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Ok thanks. Appreciate it!

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Has anyone considered that the problem with smoking might be the chemicals they added? Why did Obama make it illegal for me to buy pure unadulterated cigs directly from the Seneca Indians?

At 69yo I’m tired of that example

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Tobacco is not considered beneficial for one's health now. It was used in certain tribes for important discussions, it is important to note that the chemicals in tobacco can have negative effects on the body. Liquorice was sometimes added to tobacco to prevent coughing, this and chemicals makes people smoke much more and enhances the smell and delivery of cannabis. which is truly a toxic drug when grown chemically unnaturally because its a phytoremediation plant of the highest calibre it takes radiation from the soil a living organism and what are we a living organism of 51% bacteria and why it is used for cancer patients. the problem is it also takes up heavy metals which is in the chemical feed . This is why people think plants are making us sick because they are absorbing the toxic chemicals that are being dropped from the skies and added to our water. If you grow your own tobacco and smoke it, you won't be able to smoke many of them in a day.

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Hmmm. Good points! Thanks tho still wish they would not use that example.

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The tone of this substack has certainly shifted lately to appeals for money.

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Yes, because it all goes to support Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. It takes funding to make all this happen. https://rumble.com/v30si92-vsrf-is-making-an-impact.html

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Steve Kirsch's infomercial for weight loss for paid subscribers was an embarrassment. No one takes the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation seriously, for good reason.

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Steve has risked his career, and possibly more, to help people with their health.

Also, VSRF is a nonprofit.

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You don't read the articles or watch the videos to know how many hundreds of new paid subscribers signed up from that one article. The comments are extremely positive. You don't know what the VSRF does or who they work with.

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The Vaccinated

Sold Their Natural Immunity

- For Nothing.

The Unvaccinated Held On To Their Natural Immunity

And It Is Now Worth

More Than Anything.

More Than Anything That Anyone "Owns".


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To all you beautiful ethical Health Practitioners: https://standfirmnow.org/home.

Stand firm with Dr Christiane Northrup and colleagues! Blessings to all of you!

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I like Schneider. He and Dore, whilst not really seeing the macro picture - they are comedians - certainly have a lot right locally. More power to them. PS - there is no "virus" - just read the papers.

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Your broad range of guests on your weekly VSRF Live Tonight shows are soooo valuable and inspiring to hear from. Huge gratitude for your consistent commitment to bringing us a wide range of talent, expertise and Truth. Humanity is so fortunate to have you among us. I personally deeply admire Dr. Thorp and his commitment to speaking out on behalf of his patients, no matter what the consequences are to himself, and I'm so glad to learn that Rob Schneider is also standing up for health freedom. Big gratitude and blessings to all of you.

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Steve why are you refusing to debate James Roguski on virus's? If everyone was touching an elephant in the darkness they all would be thinking its just what little part they feel and not the whole. I think its time you get together and listen then discuss everyones findings to help all of us.

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He is not refusing. James Roguski can use option 2 on https://kirschsubstack.com/p/how-to-contact-me to set up a zoom meeting with Steve Kirsch on virus's.

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This is good news, I have left a comment for James Roguski and hopefully he will read my comment and set up a meeting with you. We all need to get together and share the knowledge to give us answers and solutions for todays problems.

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Have there been any studies looking at number of shots and rates of cancer? I know I've heard there has been an increase in "turbo cancers" recently but didn't know if anyone has looked at the association with the shots these people have gotten.

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Dr William Makis, Canadian oncologist, has been reporting on this issue on Twitter and Substack, if you want to have a look at those.

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Pandemics really shouldn't be this much fun. 😇 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT88yYKhE/

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UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS,,,,, ABSOLUTE TRUTH = https://www.brighteon.com/3c08014a-39a7-4347-bfda-3b6731e1582c AND https://clayclark.substack.com/p/tucker-carlson-tucker-carlson-explains?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email = UNITE WITH LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE THE PEOPLE, FOR OUR GOD GIVEN AMERICAN JUSTICE,,,, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

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Proof of corruption is the fact that there’s no secondary market for Hunter’s artwork - because only the initial buyer can obtain influence from Hunter.

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I had the pleasure of working with Rob Schneider on SNL. I thought he was good then, but I think he is GREAT now. There are many on the crew today who stand with him, and on behalf of our circle -- we want to say thank you for your courage.

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This should be nice! Comedians have a nice way of waking people up to the reality of things. I know George Carlin was a big time comedian who woke people up to the tyrannical rule of governments back in the day:


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Do vaccines work or don't they? The article is ready on my free page ;https://rev10.substack.com/p/vaccines-do-they-work-or-are-they

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