Here's an email I sent to my doctor today. If you have your doctor's email address (a rare thing), maybe you can ask too, because I doubt I will get a response and I REALLY want to know the answers!
Thanks for your comment, Baldmichael. I will have to admit my skills at writing have certainly gone down hill after reaching the ripe old age of 80. I don’t think I was ever a good writer in the first place. My expertise was in the medical arena. My main objective is to take part in a conversation with the younger generation and possibly share what I know or have learned during my 80 years on earth. I know there are many of our younger folks who are questioning our future and what’s to become of our country. I can say that over the years, I have found it comforting to read our Bible and understand what God says about our future. My purpose is to lead those who are unsure about our future to read the Bible. The Bible which I refer to as “God’s handbook for daily living”, has now become very important to those who are seeing the scary changes in our world today. So, if I can reach out and help them in anyway, I’m not really that concerned about my style of writing. However, you make some very good suggestions which I will try to follow. I generally do my emails late at night and I’m sure I don’t think of the things you have mentioned. So, I will try to improve. Thanks for the info. I was raised in a Jewish community and attended grades 1-12 with most of them. They were my friends and some I have kept up with throughout the years. In that day and time, Jews were not allowed to date the gentiles. We had a lot of fun just being friends during those wonderful years.
Lucky Question No. 13: "Lastly, Doctor, can you help me understand what makes the possible "COV!D" symptoms impossible for doctors like you to treat, especially at first signs? As a help, here is the list from the CDC on those potential symptoms: 'Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.'
If any of the above are beyond standard medical care -- in other words -- the U.S. healthcare system lacks any medicines for the above, can you help me understand how that can be the case? Especially when a standard OTC medicine described itself as "the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever so you can rest medicine?"
P.S. Loss of taste and/or smell is often a sign of zinc deficiency, as I'm sure you know, Doctor.
This comment is meant to answer FT. I hope this may answer your question about why our Savior wouldn’t act any sooner to defeat those satanic mass murders and prevent all world wide suffering. God has given Satan a short period of time to carry out his evil intensions. God knows he will loose but he will prove this by allowing Satan so much time to “do his thing!” We know Satan is the ruler of earth. First of all remember Jobe and his suffering that God allowed Satan to do to him. Why! Because knew how faithful a Job was to him and that he would never curse God or become an unbeliever. It was a lesson to Satan showing him how faithful and strong his follower was. Do you remember how persecuted Christians were during the time of Jesus and how some of his followers were persecuted, thrown in jail or put to death just because they followed Jesus? There is no guarantee that just because we are a believer that we won’t suffer from persecution etc. I think this is a testament to the world about how strong believers are when they suffer pain, disease or persecution. Right now, there are people out there who want nothing more than to see Christians gotten rid of OR to keep us from speaking out. Fear is our worst enemy and our enemy knows this. That’s why they are doing what they are doing now. But, we are told not to fear. We are a threat to the predators just as we have been in the past. Remember, Jesus came to minister to those who would listen, to heal the sick and to bring the Good News of Salvation to all who would believe. You know, salvation is free to anyone who believes in Jesus and accepts his gift. Salvation does not require any of us to WORK for it or Do anything to deserve it. I say again, it was his free gift to you and me. (Think: when someone gives us a gift, we are not required to do anything to receive this gift. That’s why it is called a gift.) I’m sure you already know this. Also: He left the Holy Spirit—the third person of the trinity— to dwell in the hearts of all believers. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to teach us to understand the Bible, how to live as Jesus wants all believers to live and how to love and pray for the sick and the persecuted. We know as humans we have an evil side to us. That’s why it is necessary to have the Holy Spirit dwell within us to teach us and to help us pray to God. I believe that having faith is one of the hardest things for us believers to understand and practice. One of the apostles—think it was John— suffered what many biblical scholars think was arthritis but he went on to travel, and to preach and write about what Jesus had done for all people of the world. I share this same miserable disease as he did and I know how miserable, painful and difficult life can be. So, I can certainly sympathize with him. There was certainly no time for him to sleep in and rest like I have been able to do. John the Baptist was beheaded. Our Bible tells how many believers and preachers of that day and time, suffered pain, persecution and death. We can be assured that if we have accept his gift of salvation we are definitely promised a place in heaven. I believe that before the great tribulation begins that Jesus will come back to receive unto himself those of us believers-Christians-who are still living. Why do I believe this? There are many scriptures that point to our deliverance. I have always said that I don’t believe there is any reason for Christians to stay and go through the tribulation. Why would we? I have always believed that the tribulation is like punishment to an unruly child where the parents are disciplining their child in order to change their ways. I believe this is a time when God is trying to get the attention of unbelievers so they may become believers. We are God’s children and He our father. I believe he tests us to help us grow stronger. The most important thing for all of us to know is this— our bodies are only a temporary thing, but our soul lives forever. If we die in pain or persecution, our soul is still in tact. So, try not to worry about what you have said here. There is a reason for everything and it is not up to us to worry about many of these things. It is our duty to get the truth to everyone like we are seeing at the moment. We are here to tell people about Jesus so they, too, can understand the purpose in life and how God wants us to live. God has given Satan (who was one of his most beautiful angels that he created) the right to rule over the earth for a short period of time. Satan knows he hasn’t much time left to be the king of the earth and to destroy every believer on earth. He wants every person to side with him and to destroy All Believers! You are watching this going on, now! Remember, we have many Jewish believers/Christians today. They, like the early sect of Jews, were jealous of Jesus and plotted for his murder. The people who are members of WHO, WEF and other secret organizations are probably like the evil people who lived many years ago and the ones our Bible tells about that are living at this time. Please remember not to blame the Jews who are living today. That’s God’s duty and not ours. I am not a Jew but have many friends who are. Many are believers just like us. If I may, I would encourage you to get the book written by a Jewish Christian called. The Footsteps of the Messiah : A study of Prophetic Events. By Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum. It is a great book for explaining our Bible. Hope this helps answer your question. Please don’t think I am some know it all. Just an old lady who has had to learn the hard way about life! It wasn’t until I became a believer did I understand why I went through all that I went through. Thanks for your thumbs up on my other comment.
It should also be noted that the true Jew is the one who is a Jew inwardly, and not those who say they are Jews but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan. They never were Jews but interlopers.
By the way, it would worth splitting your text into paragraphs, one long paragraph is very difficult to read. You can do this by coming back to your comment and clicking the ... to the right of the 'collapse' button under your comment.
Stopped going to traditional doctors 30+ years ago except for GYN. Our Naturopathic Physician saved our health. The medical system has been taken over by the evil/corrupt cabal. The silver lining is that more people are waking up to the TRUTH & seeking alternative health care providers ...
Steve just a suggestion. I am in Arizona but understand that California licenses naturopaths. Look into it. I am an ex-physician and never had a covid jab. My only medical issue is mild hypertension. I stopped going to allopathic doctors mid covid as I lost all trust in them. Traditional allopathic MD's can be exceptional at trauma and surgery but for most other issues I trust my naturopath.
I'm with factory medicine Kaiser. I get 15 minutes tops on rare visits. My doctor will not take the time to read, nor answer long form questions. I'll bet the farm that what I get is a CDC website to visit or maybe the phone of the Kaiser pharmacy.
Weird timing as I just posted. I quit the medical staff of kaiser years ago. There were some good surgeons and doctors, but lots of us quit. The word "factory medicine" is correct. If you got 15 minutes for an office visit you are lucky. Some big hospital systems are pushing the 10 minute office visit.
Your doctor knows less about the covid shot "which is not a vaccine" average person with a masters in cellular or molecular biology. I think the doctor will eventually respond to you with the predictable label - that you Steve are "conspiracy theorist. Thats all they have left, it's their predictable fallback position.
I now know more than the average doctor does about disease. They misdiagnosed me in the UK, none of them asked about diet, not one. I even said to the oncologist before my unnecessary and likely harmful immuno-therapy (my wife was present), was there anything I should do about diet and she said no. They are by and large ignorant, over paid and some plain despicable.
This was the real cause of my issue, and they should have known as you will see.
Our law books are replete with examples of conspiracies:
A circuit court in Illinois was declared a RICO enterprise, resulting in the jailing of judges and others involved in court operations.
Upper military management conspired to expose those they were obligated to protect to nuclear radiation to see what effect it had on them.
Upper military management conspired to does personnel under their care and protection with LSD, to see if it could be used to their will and want.
Government agents conspired to not release information about the hazardous effects of asbestos on people working near it, as it was being torn off pipes of ships and boats. This even into the 70's and 80's.
Pharmaceutical company agents conspired to violate laws imposed as policies and procedures of government agents executing laws, resulting in BILLIONS in fines and penalties against the companies. The same ones government agents are, now, buying covid treatments from.
In truth, the conspiracies out there are in the millions. The ones in law reports are just the ones that went to appeal. MANY more resulted in fines, penalties and jail, but did not end up being reported to the public. THEN there are all those that were never uncovered.
A conspiracy is just two or more people conspiring to an end.
* Can you explain why measles deaths fell by over 98% in the USA before there was a vaccine?
* Can you explain why measles deaths fell by 99.8% in the UK before there was a vaccine?
* Can you explain why while smallpox vaccination was declining (1939 England – Only about 34% of children are vaccinated against smallpox. - Derrick Baxby, “The End of Smallpox,” History Today, March 1999, pp. 14-16) In the United States the 72,946 smallpox in 1902 fell to 9,877 in 1939, an 86.5% decrease. The 2,510 smallpox deaths in 1902 fell to 38 in 1939, a 98.5% decrease. The case/fatality rate of 4.24 in 1900 fell to 0.38 in 1939, a 91% decrease. (“Smallpox in the United States: Its decline and geographic distribution,” Public Health Reports, December 13, 1940, vol. 55, no. 50, pp. 2303-2312.)
* Can you explain why most of the population doesn't know this?
Can it be explained without explaining the effect better hygiene, sanitation and nutrition had on health credited to vaccines, but without actual proof?
For example:
(1) Why did many take to drinking alcoholic beverages rather than water?
(2) Did boiling or distilling water before drinking it, make a difference in whether people contracted certain diseases?
(3) What happened when people better cooked pork and other meat they ate?
(4) What happened when people didn't get enough vitamin C, D and other vitamins and minerals, then did?
Why are we supposed to suffer because these doctors feared getting fired? Why are they allowed to be excused from doing due diligence at the expense of patients health? Why are lawyers and healthcare corporate executives excused because they wanted to protect earnings? Ask them what is the acceptable number of unnecessary deaths and injuries in order for a drug, treatment or vaccine to be mandatory? Maybe if the word “dog” were substituted for “patient “ it would create more outrage.
Mmm...I suggest the word "dog" be substituted for "doc" as in doctors. C & G are closely related.
Revelation says 22:15 says 'But outside are the dogs, the sorcerers,...'
In Greek the sorcerers are pharmakoi, the pharmacists,
In Greek 'dogs' is 'kynes'. Anagram of this is en sky, which happens to be the last letters of Rochelle Wal-ensky. I write about her here. I am not PC.
Oh. It works on my machine using the same link. You could see if going to my Home page works then go to posts on main menu bar. It is currently second in the list. Quickest though would be type 'Rochelle' in search box from Home page.
For over 15 years I have suggested my patients do this. If your doctor/practitioner is making claims regarding ANYTHING they recommend (shots, vaccines, medication, screenings, procedures...) kindly let them know you would like to make informed decisions (you are the client paying for their expertise/service), that you appreciate their expertise and respectfully request they PUT IN WRITING exactly what they are recommending, why it is being recommended, to provide the risks vs benefits, and most importantly ask for their personal guarantee that what they are recommending will not cause you or your child harm. Also, ask the doctor/practitioner who will ultimately be liable if harm is caused. I also suggest they respectfully let their doctor/practitioner know that you will be taking electronic notes so you may review the information later (basically, you are recording the appointment that you are paying for). Don't ask, just politely inform them. This seems to do the trick in ending those fearmonger's attempts to gain your blind compliance. It also forces them to be better doctors.
Type written matter supersedes printed matters. Hand written matter supersedes typewritten and printed matter.
As such, if a document says you waive your right to hold your doctor accountable for parroting the CDC, FDA or big pharma, writing something to the effect of "all rights reserved and any waiver of a right resulting from the language of the above agreement is a mistake, and null and void.
Your signature is, always, the last thing on the page. Anything under it is not binding.
In my opinion, based on a few years of experience, assembling notice and serving it on doctors and personnel can be a game changer.
FIRST, there is assembling sound information. Think in terms of a State of Washington law set out at RCW 9A.72.080. It says, "Any statement not known to be true is false." Include relative information that can be proven. Things like the drug company's own admission it did not test drugs. Admissions the for profit drugs do not stop people from getting or transmitting covid. Then toss in some indisputable statistics on increases in deaths among certain groups.
The notice can include declarations (e.g., "attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, as if fully set out herein is. . . ."). You could even warn retaliating against a patient by dropping them. or otherwise negatively reacting against them, if they ask too many questions and such, MAY result in further scrutiny of the professional's past and present activities, and other legal actions.
SECOND, have a disinterested third party with no association with your doctor or the medical corporation serve the notice on as many contracted with or otherwise agents of the corporation as possible.
THIRD, have the one serving notice sign an Affidavit of Service detailing the details of service. That is, what was served, when it was served, who it was served to, the date and time it was served, where it was served and anything else that could challenge challenges to the claim of service.
Hell, go broke and file the notice with an auditor. ALTERNATELY, start a generic case with a county clerk acting as the defacto court clerk and file it there. Where a lot of future information could be filed, then called upon, AS A PUBLIC RECORD).
The whole idea is to notice doctors and corporate administrators of their professional and private liability for their acts and omissions without putting their clients ) patients at risk of being outed and dumped by their caretakers.
SIDE NOTE: You can even take a lesson from Billy Jack. You can tell the people you are serving you are going to plant your foot against the side of their head. . . .
In this case, it would sound more like: "You are advised this Notice of_________ is part of a process of building a record that can be used against you, your associates and artificial persons (i.e., ______, Inc.) in future law suits for damages individuals suffer resulting from your incompetence, neglect or other act or omission relative to ____________.
I could go on and on, but it really can be as simple as I described (build that house a brick at a time).
Stellar. This is exactly what I would do if I were still going to medical doctors which I'm not nor have I for many many years. As such I no longer have a horse in this race. I sincerely hope others will take your advice to heart
Informed consent used to be a big deal. Now the facilities just rush patients through the paperwork. “Just sign here, here, and here, and initial this, this, and this.” We have to stay on schedule, after all.
Sarah, thanks for the organization of your research. How long have you been collecting such? Are you still updating it? What's your educational or occupational background? I'm sharing your Covid Vax Treatment folder with friends for starters (I'm unvaxxed myself).
maybe a ton of us, should print your letter, and mail them certified to every doctor at kaiser, hmsa, or those u know... ?
In response to "why" because he was honest with me.
Thanks for your comment, Baldmichael. I will have to admit my skills at writing have certainly gone down hill after reaching the ripe old age of 80. I don’t think I was ever a good writer in the first place. My expertise was in the medical arena. My main objective is to take part in a conversation with the younger generation and possibly share what I know or have learned during my 80 years on earth. I know there are many of our younger folks who are questioning our future and what’s to become of our country. I can say that over the years, I have found it comforting to read our Bible and understand what God says about our future. My purpose is to lead those who are unsure about our future to read the Bible. The Bible which I refer to as “God’s handbook for daily living”, has now become very important to those who are seeing the scary changes in our world today. So, if I can reach out and help them in anyway, I’m not really that concerned about my style of writing. However, you make some very good suggestions which I will try to follow. I generally do my emails late at night and I’m sure I don’t think of the things you have mentioned. So, I will try to improve. Thanks for the info. I was raised in a Jewish community and attended grades 1-12 with most of them. They were my friends and some I have kept up with throughout the years. In that day and time, Jews were not allowed to date the gentiles. We had a lot of fun just being friends during those wonderful years.
I have a feeling you gonna need to find a new Dr 😉
Lucky Question No. 13: "Lastly, Doctor, can you help me understand what makes the possible "COV!D" symptoms impossible for doctors like you to treat, especially at first signs? As a help, here is the list from the CDC on those potential symptoms: 'Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.'
If any of the above are beyond standard medical care -- in other words -- the U.S. healthcare system lacks any medicines for the above, can you help me understand how that can be the case? Especially when a standard OTC medicine described itself as "the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever so you can rest medicine?"
P.S. Loss of taste and/or smell is often a sign of zinc deficiency, as I'm sure you know, Doctor.
This comment is meant to answer FT. I hope this may answer your question about why our Savior wouldn’t act any sooner to defeat those satanic mass murders and prevent all world wide suffering. God has given Satan a short period of time to carry out his evil intensions. God knows he will loose but he will prove this by allowing Satan so much time to “do his thing!” We know Satan is the ruler of earth. First of all remember Jobe and his suffering that God allowed Satan to do to him. Why! Because knew how faithful a Job was to him and that he would never curse God or become an unbeliever. It was a lesson to Satan showing him how faithful and strong his follower was. Do you remember how persecuted Christians were during the time of Jesus and how some of his followers were persecuted, thrown in jail or put to death just because they followed Jesus? There is no guarantee that just because we are a believer that we won’t suffer from persecution etc. I think this is a testament to the world about how strong believers are when they suffer pain, disease or persecution. Right now, there are people out there who want nothing more than to see Christians gotten rid of OR to keep us from speaking out. Fear is our worst enemy and our enemy knows this. That’s why they are doing what they are doing now. But, we are told not to fear. We are a threat to the predators just as we have been in the past. Remember, Jesus came to minister to those who would listen, to heal the sick and to bring the Good News of Salvation to all who would believe. You know, salvation is free to anyone who believes in Jesus and accepts his gift. Salvation does not require any of us to WORK for it or Do anything to deserve it. I say again, it was his free gift to you and me. (Think: when someone gives us a gift, we are not required to do anything to receive this gift. That’s why it is called a gift.) I’m sure you already know this. Also: He left the Holy Spirit—the third person of the trinity— to dwell in the hearts of all believers. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to teach us to understand the Bible, how to live as Jesus wants all believers to live and how to love and pray for the sick and the persecuted. We know as humans we have an evil side to us. That’s why it is necessary to have the Holy Spirit dwell within us to teach us and to help us pray to God. I believe that having faith is one of the hardest things for us believers to understand and practice. One of the apostles—think it was John— suffered what many biblical scholars think was arthritis but he went on to travel, and to preach and write about what Jesus had done for all people of the world. I share this same miserable disease as he did and I know how miserable, painful and difficult life can be. So, I can certainly sympathize with him. There was certainly no time for him to sleep in and rest like I have been able to do. John the Baptist was beheaded. Our Bible tells how many believers and preachers of that day and time, suffered pain, persecution and death. We can be assured that if we have accept his gift of salvation we are definitely promised a place in heaven. I believe that before the great tribulation begins that Jesus will come back to receive unto himself those of us believers-Christians-who are still living. Why do I believe this? There are many scriptures that point to our deliverance. I have always said that I don’t believe there is any reason for Christians to stay and go through the tribulation. Why would we? I have always believed that the tribulation is like punishment to an unruly child where the parents are disciplining their child in order to change their ways. I believe this is a time when God is trying to get the attention of unbelievers so they may become believers. We are God’s children and He our father. I believe he tests us to help us grow stronger. The most important thing for all of us to know is this— our bodies are only a temporary thing, but our soul lives forever. If we die in pain or persecution, our soul is still in tact. So, try not to worry about what you have said here. There is a reason for everything and it is not up to us to worry about many of these things. It is our duty to get the truth to everyone like we are seeing at the moment. We are here to tell people about Jesus so they, too, can understand the purpose in life and how God wants us to live. God has given Satan (who was one of his most beautiful angels that he created) the right to rule over the earth for a short period of time. Satan knows he hasn’t much time left to be the king of the earth and to destroy every believer on earth. He wants every person to side with him and to destroy All Believers! You are watching this going on, now! Remember, we have many Jewish believers/Christians today. They, like the early sect of Jews, were jealous of Jesus and plotted for his murder. The people who are members of WHO, WEF and other secret organizations are probably like the evil people who lived many years ago and the ones our Bible tells about that are living at this time. Please remember not to blame the Jews who are living today. That’s God’s duty and not ours. I am not a Jew but have many friends who are. Many are believers just like us. If I may, I would encourage you to get the book written by a Jewish Christian called. The Footsteps of the Messiah : A study of Prophetic Events. By Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum. It is a great book for explaining our Bible. Hope this helps answer your question. Please don’t think I am some know it all. Just an old lady who has had to learn the hard way about life! It wasn’t until I became a believer did I understand why I went through all that I went through. Thanks for your thumbs up on my other comment.
Well said. You may be interested in these links. Please not I do use humour as necessary and am not PC.
It should also be noted that the true Jew is the one who is a Jew inwardly, and not those who say they are Jews but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan. They never were Jews but interlopers.
By the way, it would worth splitting your text into paragraphs, one long paragraph is very difficult to read. You can do this by coming back to your comment and clicking the ... to the right of the 'collapse' button under your comment.
Stopped going to traditional doctors 30+ years ago except for GYN. Our Naturopathic Physician saved our health. The medical system has been taken over by the evil/corrupt cabal. The silver lining is that more people are waking up to the TRUTH & seeking alternative health care providers ...
Steve just a suggestion. I am in Arizona but understand that California licenses naturopaths. Look into it. I am an ex-physician and never had a covid jab. My only medical issue is mild hypertension. I stopped going to allopathic doctors mid covid as I lost all trust in them. Traditional allopathic MD's can be exceptional at trauma and surgery but for most other issues I trust my naturopath.
Regarding your poll questions to doctors:
I'm with factory medicine Kaiser. I get 15 minutes tops on rare visits. My doctor will not take the time to read, nor answer long form questions. I'll bet the farm that what I get is a CDC website to visit or maybe the phone of the Kaiser pharmacy.
Weird timing as I just posted. I quit the medical staff of kaiser years ago. There were some good surgeons and doctors, but lots of us quit. The word "factory medicine" is correct. If you got 15 minutes for an office visit you are lucky. Some big hospital systems are pushing the 10 minute office visit.
Your doctor knows less about the covid shot "which is not a vaccine" average person with a masters in cellular or molecular biology. I think the doctor will eventually respond to you with the predictable label - that you Steve are "conspiracy theorist. Thats all they have left, it's their predictable fallback position.
I now know more than the average doctor does about disease. They misdiagnosed me in the UK, none of them asked about diet, not one. I even said to the oncologist before my unnecessary and likely harmful immuno-therapy (my wife was present), was there anything I should do about diet and she said no. They are by and large ignorant, over paid and some plain despicable.
This was the real cause of my issue, and they should have known as you will see.
The irony:
Our law books are replete with examples of conspiracies:
A circuit court in Illinois was declared a RICO enterprise, resulting in the jailing of judges and others involved in court operations.
Upper military management conspired to expose those they were obligated to protect to nuclear radiation to see what effect it had on them.
Upper military management conspired to does personnel under their care and protection with LSD, to see if it could be used to their will and want.
Government agents conspired to not release information about the hazardous effects of asbestos on people working near it, as it was being torn off pipes of ships and boats. This even into the 70's and 80's.
Pharmaceutical company agents conspired to violate laws imposed as policies and procedures of government agents executing laws, resulting in BILLIONS in fines and penalties against the companies. The same ones government agents are, now, buying covid treatments from.
In truth, the conspiracies out there are in the millions. The ones in law reports are just the ones that went to appeal. MANY more resulted in fines, penalties and jail, but did not end up being reported to the public. THEN there are all those that were never uncovered.
A conspiracy is just two or more people conspiring to an end.
Good work Steve. Here is why your Doctor will not tell you what she really believes.
* Can you explain why measles deaths fell by over 98% in the USA before there was a vaccine?
* Can you explain why measles deaths fell by 99.8% in the UK before there was a vaccine?
* Can you explain why while smallpox vaccination was declining (1939 England – Only about 34% of children are vaccinated against smallpox. - Derrick Baxby, “The End of Smallpox,” History Today, March 1999, pp. 14-16) In the United States the 72,946 smallpox in 1902 fell to 9,877 in 1939, an 86.5% decrease. The 2,510 smallpox deaths in 1902 fell to 38 in 1939, a 98.5% decrease. The case/fatality rate of 4.24 in 1900 fell to 0.38 in 1939, a 91% decrease. (“Smallpox in the United States: Its decline and geographic distribution,” Public Health Reports, December 13, 1940, vol. 55, no. 50, pp. 2303-2312.)
* Can you explain why most of the population doesn't know this?
Can it be explained without explaining the effect better hygiene, sanitation and nutrition had on health credited to vaccines, but without actual proof?
For example:
(1) Why did many take to drinking alcoholic beverages rather than water?
(2) Did boiling or distilling water before drinking it, make a difference in whether people contracted certain diseases?
(3) What happened when people better cooked pork and other meat they ate?
(4) What happened when people didn't get enough vitamin C, D and other vitamins and minerals, then did?
. . . .
Why are we supposed to suffer because these doctors feared getting fired? Why are they allowed to be excused from doing due diligence at the expense of patients health? Why are lawyers and healthcare corporate executives excused because they wanted to protect earnings? Ask them what is the acceptable number of unnecessary deaths and injuries in order for a drug, treatment or vaccine to be mandatory? Maybe if the word “dog” were substituted for “patient “ it would create more outrage.
Mmm...I suggest the word "dog" be substituted for "doc" as in doctors. C & G are closely related.
Revelation says 22:15 says 'But outside are the dogs, the sorcerers,...'
In Greek the sorcerers are pharmakoi, the pharmacists,
In Greek 'dogs' is 'kynes'. Anagram of this is en sky, which happens to be the last letters of Rochelle Wal-ensky. I write about her here. I am not PC.
Tried to pull up link could not.
Oh. It works on my machine using the same link. You could see if going to my Home page works then go to posts on main menu bar. It is currently second in the list. Quickest though would be type 'Rochelle' in search box from Home page.
Do ask again if stuck. It is conceivable that the powers that be don't want you to see it.
Got it thks.
This is why, Please pass it on to all u know.
For over 15 years I have suggested my patients do this. If your doctor/practitioner is making claims regarding ANYTHING they recommend (shots, vaccines, medication, screenings, procedures...) kindly let them know you would like to make informed decisions (you are the client paying for their expertise/service), that you appreciate their expertise and respectfully request they PUT IN WRITING exactly what they are recommending, why it is being recommended, to provide the risks vs benefits, and most importantly ask for their personal guarantee that what they are recommending will not cause you or your child harm. Also, ask the doctor/practitioner who will ultimately be liable if harm is caused. I also suggest they respectfully let their doctor/practitioner know that you will be taking electronic notes so you may review the information later (basically, you are recording the appointment that you are paying for). Don't ask, just politely inform them. This seems to do the trick in ending those fearmonger's attempts to gain your blind compliance. It also forces them to be better doctors.
Remember, in law and regarding signing documents:
Type written matter supersedes printed matters. Hand written matter supersedes typewritten and printed matter.
As such, if a document says you waive your right to hold your doctor accountable for parroting the CDC, FDA or big pharma, writing something to the effect of "all rights reserved and any waiver of a right resulting from the language of the above agreement is a mistake, and null and void.
Your signature is, always, the last thing on the page. Anything under it is not binding.
Good to know.
In my opinion, based on a few years of experience, assembling notice and serving it on doctors and personnel can be a game changer.
FIRST, there is assembling sound information. Think in terms of a State of Washington law set out at RCW 9A.72.080. It says, "Any statement not known to be true is false." Include relative information that can be proven. Things like the drug company's own admission it did not test drugs. Admissions the for profit drugs do not stop people from getting or transmitting covid. Then toss in some indisputable statistics on increases in deaths among certain groups.
The notice can include declarations (e.g., "attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, as if fully set out herein is. . . ."). You could even warn retaliating against a patient by dropping them. or otherwise negatively reacting against them, if they ask too many questions and such, MAY result in further scrutiny of the professional's past and present activities, and other legal actions.
SECOND, have a disinterested third party with no association with your doctor or the medical corporation serve the notice on as many contracted with or otherwise agents of the corporation as possible.
THIRD, have the one serving notice sign an Affidavit of Service detailing the details of service. That is, what was served, when it was served, who it was served to, the date and time it was served, where it was served and anything else that could challenge challenges to the claim of service.
Hell, go broke and file the notice with an auditor. ALTERNATELY, start a generic case with a county clerk acting as the defacto court clerk and file it there. Where a lot of future information could be filed, then called upon, AS A PUBLIC RECORD).
The whole idea is to notice doctors and corporate administrators of their professional and private liability for their acts and omissions without putting their clients ) patients at risk of being outed and dumped by their caretakers.
SIDE NOTE: You can even take a lesson from Billy Jack. You can tell the people you are serving you are going to plant your foot against the side of their head. . . .
In this case, it would sound more like: "You are advised this Notice of_________ is part of a process of building a record that can be used against you, your associates and artificial persons (i.e., ______, Inc.) in future law suits for damages individuals suffer resulting from your incompetence, neglect or other act or omission relative to ____________.
I could go on and on, but it really can be as simple as I described (build that house a brick at a time).
Stellar. This is exactly what I would do if I were still going to medical doctors which I'm not nor have I for many many years. As such I no longer have a horse in this race. I sincerely hope others will take your advice to heart
Informed consent used to be a big deal. Now the facilities just rush patients through the paperwork. “Just sign here, here, and here, and initial this, this, and this.” We have to stay on schedule, after all.
Want some more files to back this up? Here's a link to my Google drive ->
Sarah, thanks for the organization of your research. How long have you been collecting such? Are you still updating it? What's your educational or occupational background? I'm sharing your Covid Vax Treatment folder with friends for starters (I'm unvaxxed myself).
Wow! Impressive organization!