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Only 8.7%.

Remember when people said they were so sick but lucky they took the jab. Meanwhile the unjabbed were shaking it off…

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Ha! Was just thinking about that today. They seemed to follow a script given them.

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I don't know what is more black swan...

The gaslighting about the phony, forced vaccines...

Or the obsession with stocking up on toilet paper.

Like, is this what humanity got reduced to? Stocking up on ass wipe? LOL

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It was shocking to me that the majority of people were taken in by the covid psychological operation. People went along with the crazy mask wearing- using the same filthy mask day after day like a pair of underwear that never gets changed. My faith in humanity has changed forever. Even people who knew that this was a mass hysteria created by the news organizations ( now we know the news shows were purposely inciting fear of covid to sell the public on the untested vaccines )went along to get along instead of standing up to fight the tyranny. When is this going to be made right? When are the people who defrauded the public going to be called out? When is the CDC, FDA,NIH,and WHO going to apologize for this horror show? When are the people at the NIH going to JAIL for doing illegal and criminally negligent experimentation to increase the deadliness of a corona ( cold) virus?

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And now and for the last few years they are going down severely with every minor cold that does the rounds. And each year they are getting worse. Ed Dowd's figures for the long term disabled are continuing to rise and not stabilise at some higher than normal level as he thought they might do.

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Many people continue jabbing with the bivalents. I know people who have had 8 jabs now and dollars to donuts, they'll be taking next whatever their doctor recommends for them and that will be --$$$guess what$$$-- more "vaccines." Chances are, that means jabs 9, 10, 11— at some point they're going to "die suddenly" or otherwise go. (As will we all pass on, but I for one don't plan on doing anything to accelerate the process.)

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actually, some truly awakened scientist should see this as a true opportunity.

Long term study on how long those last with the MOST jabs. The health, metabolic, and physical analysis of these people could show what genes, characteristics resulted in their ability to resist the spike protein.

A REAL opportunity!

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