That video was from June... Was there discovery of more info after that? Are there any public documents from those courts hearings we can read?

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Hello, do you have additional information on , "Trump hired Robert Kadlec in 2017. They launched 8 bioweapon attacks on China, including Covid." I am aware of the US biolabs around the world and of Russia's investigations into the ones in Ukraine. However I was unaware of 8 attacks on China and any Trump involvement in that activity. Would really appreciate it! Thank you.

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Where can we find court documents that Pfizer presents this argument? Been looking for 2-days.

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Operation Warp Speed was the way of getting the jabs created under a US Military requisition law for experimental products called Other Transaction (OT). Ever wonder why no one mentions Operation Warp Speed anymore?

OT law was created by congress and allows the US military to contract out experimental products (weapons or vaccines or whatever) and allows everyone involved to circumvent all laws and regulations. Everything is secret for 5 years, after which the secrecy can be extended at the discretion of the OT authority (indefinitely, I would assume).

I'm a factory worker in Canada. It's Aug 8, 22 and I've tried to quickly scan the comments. No one was even close to the target. How is this possible?

The same organization that created the jabs is the same organization that created the virus and all the variants and released one variant in Wuhan as an economic attack on China. And all of this was known prior to Mar. 2020. See Larry Romanoff, unz.com, dilyana.bg.

Trump hired Robert Kadlec in 2017. They launched 8 bioweapon attacks on China, including Covid. Then used a special law made for the military to produce an experimental gene therapy that was injected into 5 billion people because the FDA and CDC said it was safe and effective.

Any wonder why Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and half of Asia are now joining BRICS and they are developing their own economic and financial system.

Every intelligence agency in the world and therefore, every government in the world knows what's really going on. Russia and China have never allowed an mRNA product into their countries and they both run their countries as if they're planning on having larger populations into the future.

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I should mention that BARDA also has OT authority, though I don't know, but I assume, they received their's after the military. So technically the jabs could have been created exclusively under BARDA and the situation would be much the same.

When Brooke Jackson brought her case, which is about Pfizer circumventing all regulations in their clinical trials, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said they didnt have to follow any regulations. He was correct.

As for getting justice: the god mentioned in the founding documents, the god that gives you your inalienable rights, is Lucifer. Look at your dollar. Look at DC from the air. Shaped like an owl's head. The obelisk. The pine cones painted in the federal building. Jefferson's bible that had Jesus removed. The US was created by 33 degree freemasons. Satan worshippers. Ever wonder why all the mindless wars?

Ever wonder why SCOTUS has wiped their arse with the constitution for decades. I'm more weirded out by their recent show of enforcing the constitution. What could that be all about?

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I'd like to know the exact wording of that statement, and whether the person who made it is still employed! 🤣

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If the government was corrupted or fooled and they approved fraudulent and harmful medicines then they are complicit at best and culpable at worst.

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These evil bastards need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are. I wouldn`t trust the government not even 1%.

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Steve, you need to write about the alien blood clots. They aren’t blood.

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Pfizer execs dont care. I mean the ceo said that people who speak out against the efficacy are spreading falsities that will kill people( mostly just his profits) and are therefore criminals. They might get a slap on the wrist at most and a few hundred million dollar fine but that is the price of doing business for them. They made untold billions. Next is Moderna’s turn for profitland, as they get the approvals to vax all the children and infants. If u get ur child vaxxed in order to stay in school, u will most likely be responsible for shortening the life or altering the long term health of your own children. If they can coerce u to kill ur own kids then you may as well get in the gas line with ur family when they call ur name. After all you hate yourself and the useless eater that you are and your carbon footprint upon the earth. Only the elites deserve this Earth not u

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"it isn’t fraud because the government was in on it"

Just a variation of an old tradition:

"When the president does it, that means it is NOT illegal"

-Richard Milhaus

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Brook Jackson didn’t kill himself. May God watch over him and Barnes.

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Her. Brook is a woman. Knows she is and calls herself one. :)

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Good to know. Thanks

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😊 ❤️

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Yes. Or close. When the Democrat establishment admitted to rigging the 2016 primary in violation of their charter and taking money from people who gave based on this charter promising fair unrigged elections...because screw you, they should have known they didn't mean it despite their founding document promising it, and they have the right to annoint anyone they choose anyway, so taking money from people based on fraudulent documents is perfectly legal,and its the voters' fault for thinking legal documents etc have any actual meaning or possibility of being enforced on people above a certain pay grade. Just because I signed a contract doesn't mean I have to follow it, and if I break the contract its your own fault for not knowing I was going to break it. Of course,this only applies very selectively to themselves, not to you or me, we are required to keep our contracts or face consequences,because rules are for peasants.

And the court bought it. Because its bought.

Gee whiz, and I wonder why no one trusts the government or any part of the system anymore.

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Steve please note the US gov site linked below. Pfizer has already been found guilty of illegal activities, more than once.

Pfiz*r has been fined billions of dollars by the United States Justice Department. In 2009, they were fined a record $2.3 billion for felony violations relating to intent to defraud.

Here’s a link to see it first hand. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history

You would think that they learned their lesson. But 3 short years later, they are again fined for BRIBERY in 8 countries.

See the Bribery story here. https://www.corpwatch.org/article/pfizer-admits-bribery-eight-countries

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The FDA are the ones who need investigating. The buck stops with them. The FDA is as equally guilty in the fraud as Pfizer is. Actions during the past 2 years have taught me how evilly corrupt the entirety of Pharma is and has been.

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The CDC owns over 20 vaccines.

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Yeah whose on the jury? Information matters not at all! If the jury is stacked like the Sussman jury was, this boat won't float any better than that one did! God's intervention is needed! Those idiots are trying to say "if you're a conservative you can't tell a lie from the truth!" Wow! And to top that off, the liberal communists fluffed up a "scientific" research paper to prove it!!!👵😇 NUTS JUST NUTS!

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