Dear Steve, Will there be a part 3 of your discussion with Bill Briggs? I liked that series because this exchange of arguments between such intelligent actors is often highly clarifying. Also, it would be interesting to hear your comments to a post by Eugyppius (also on Substack) who argues there is simply no reservoir within the NZ death excess for the number of vaccin deaths that would result from the percentage that you claim.

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Argument is often healthy and productive. However, many conflate "argument" with "altercation." This is sad.

Productive argument is uncomfortable. It requires personal strength and integrity.

Avoiding argument is commonly a sign of personal weakness and cowardice. It sometimes exposes the coward's fear of being incorrect and/or of having something to hide.

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Wow, can’t comment on Kim Dotcom post. Shiva is arrogant and appears to be a BSer.

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Shiva was allways full of shit.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Enough scientists and doctors worldwide have examined the vials of the Not-A-Vaccine Bio-weapon shot. Their findings prove that NO thinking person would ever knowingly agree to put this toxic cocktail inside their bodies once the facts are known. For those who are STILL arguing that the Quackcines are safe, AOC has a special message just for you...“We should go to the sun at NIGHT because it will be cooler then.”

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Mr. Kirsch: Please contact The National Academy Review of Covid Vaccine Safety Committee. A committee is being formed to study vaccine safety. You can make a comment on committee composition and the structure of the study. If you review its report on the polio vaccine, you may agree on its objectivity. The announcement of committee formation with a highlighted line to provide input to the Academy is here: https://www.nationalacademies.org/our-work/review-of-cdc-covid-19-vaccine-safety-research-and-communications#sectionProjectScope

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Why is this governor taking so long to release? If it’s Florida I will be livid. I can deconstruct how he made the money first than changed. Wrote the law 8 months (way to late) to allow outside doc. My sis a casualty

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Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

This is what was blacked out from the American public for 8 minutes

If msm & their big pharma pay masters didn't want you to see it, then it's probably worth sharing.


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I was shocked to discover your clip has also been edited to hide part of the debate.

Here is the unedited clip of the blacked out section:


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That was great! I’m glad you were able to capture it. At first, I thought the gentleman agreed on warp speed and if trump was proud after the facts. He ended his statement very strong and the lack of respect shown against him is unacceptable. It’s a blatant disregard for the opinions of others, and that which was during an actual debate. Thank you for sharing it!

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If A Vaccinated Person

Drops Dead In The Forest



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It Will Be The Result Of Climate Change...

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David Orski rebuts Kirsch's MOAR presentation. Mr. Kirsh keeps calling out scientists to prove him wrong, Mr. Orski does here: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/steve-kirschs-mother-of-all-revelations-about-the-deadliness-of-covid-19-vaccines-goes-poof/ I attended Mr. Kirsh's presentation and think that I was the only one who sat and did not applaud upon completion (I yelled out about the polio vaccine as being useful), not because I am smarter than him, but the sloppiness of the presentation made me question his credibility. First, simple me would test the data feed several times to make sure it was working and not make my audience sit for 13 minutes; secondly, I would have coordinated with the MIT students to limit their comments to 30 seconds; third I would have focused on the NZ data; fourth, how can you have 2 gold standards? Medicare and NZ; Fifth, he goes on to attack all vaccines, citing the pediatrician practice that does not vaccinate its patients which really made me question his credibility at this time. Reviewing the slides, the analysis of the NZ data is superficial, without back-up confirming data and other errors described by Mr. Orski. I really wanted to believe, I have been following Mr. Kirsch for over a year and was impressed with his tenacity, energy, his MIT degree and tech background, but now it just seems he truly doesn't listen to others and that maybe his early success in life may have bred overconfidence and a Midas syndrome. Anyway, I hope he can focus his energies in a more scientific manner which he now seems lacking as indicated by Mr. Orski.

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What "Orski"?.. actually he's David Gorski best known (vaccine) pharma shill, for the past few decades. https://www.naturalnews.com/053760_dr_david_gorski_big_pharma_financial_ties.html

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He questioned all vaccines, because once your eyes are open to the lies and propaganda that has been pushed about Covid shots you realize that the same has been done for all other vaccines and when you start to look you realize that there is no proof of efficacy for any of them and that they are sweeping the harm under the metaphorical carpet. The harm from other vaccines was easier to hide but it has been significant. Bottom line: NO MANDATES! All mandates are a crime against humanity and murder when there are adverse events of which there are many. You don't like Kirsch's analysis, then try John Campbell, he goes deep dive and has to be careful what he personally says or youtube will deplatform him. Or you could check out Dr. McCullough (world renowned cardiologist, under attack for refusing to push the propaganda). Or you could check out some of the other top epidemiologists, Pfizer's former VP and a scientist/doctor. Or you could try to find the cruise ship data (raw) from 2020. We did at the time and the infection rate, death rate, etc. were exactly the same as any flu season. No different, takes simple math to analyze it. That's important because 2020 propaganda was all about scaring people into getting the shots released in 2021 and it was used to violate our fundamental human rights. Now they are continuing the propaganda to get people to take more shots and follow more rights suspending policies.

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The slope for polio was in rapid decline by the time they started giving the shot. A lot of people have been killed and maimed by the polio shot as well, so that has to be taken into account when you evaluate any supposed benefit. Healthy people maimed and killed by the vaccine vs a small number who might have been prevented from getting sick. Or did it have any positive effect at all as the line was going down and was not noticeably effected by the vaccine. I know people who keep getting sick and testing positive for Covid, all of them got the shots. I know people who keep harming their health by wearing masks, all of them got the shots. Did polio shots reduce polio and protect anyone, they haven't proven that they did and a lot of previously healthy people have been maimed and killed by them. Same for the Meningitis shots they are forcing on College age people. Only choose schools and programs were you can opt out. The truth is you shouldn't have to opt out, you should have to opt in and the default should be opted out.

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Wondering why David Orski does not want to debate Steve....he could make a cool million.

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FYI, "In a pharmaceutical industry that routinely exploits children for profit, Dr. Gorski has become the poster child for 'science rage' online trolling," Mike Adams, author of Food Forensics, science lab director of CWCLabs, continued. "But Dr. Gorski is to science what Kim Jong-Un is to democracy. He wields the word 'science' as a weapon while initiating character assassination campaigns against complementary medicine doctors and advocates of natural healing modalities."

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What "Orski"?.. he's David Gorski best known (vaccine) pharma shill, for the past few decades.

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Just went through it and the entire first half and mixed into the second half violate debate rules. It is an article engaged in name calling and defamation of character. It dismisses the reality that so many have experienced during these mandates of death and illness (not caused by the virus) and doesn't actually address any of the questions, observations and statistical data presented. David Orski has discredited himself and if he fancies himself a scientist he needs to tear up his scientist card. Stating that someone else isn't a scientist and therefore has no credibility is a copout. Steve hasn't worked alone and hasn't done all of the analysis in a vacuum by himself. He has invited review and he has gotten reviews. There are also plenty of top "scientists" who have spoken out and I'm sure David will dismiss them with insults and no actual debate as well.

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Actually he's David Gorski best known (vaccine) pharma shill, for the past few decades. I wouldn't expect any other input from that paid shill. www.naturalnews.com/053760_dr_david_gorski_big_pharma_financial_ties.html

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Is he the one that served up his own children to pharmaceutical injury and still pushes the lies? or is that a different one? I have trouble keeping up on the names of individual players. There is a former VP of Phizer with all of the appropriate credentials to make the snobs happy who has been denouncing what they have done with the Covid shots, approvals, mandates, etc., I forget his name. There is also a top epidemiologist in Europe who has been speaking out, but of course if people only listen to the propaganda channels they haven't heard about any of these people or the fact that they are more qualified to speak than the people who are getting lots of coverage speaking as schills for the pharmaceutical companies. Then there are the names I remember: Cole, McCullough, Malone, Kirsch, Campbell. Then there are the undertakers who have been largely ignored. Our local guy said that he was seeing a couple of "real probable Covid deaths" out of 50 - 100 listed as Covid and he was also seeing the unnatural congealing clots in the blood that others have reported. There are all of the "experts" who signed the Barrington Declaration and were then attacked by Fauci and his grant receiving pals.

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You didn't read Orski's comments. Test question: what is the statistical trick he points out in the graphs?

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If in his long dissertation of personal insults he has a point to make then I'm sure that Kirsch and the other analysts would be happy to debate him. So is he ready to be involved in an actual debate?

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That's usually the case and exactly what I suspected it would be. Another good point you make - vaccine apologists like to focus on Steve Kirsch and conveniently forget there are many other experts including mathematicians, biologists, epidemiologists, doctors, scientists, engineers and many others also questioning vaccines.

It's like a hydra! You cut off one head (take away medical license and de-platform) and two heads take it's place. Suddenly I like hydras.

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That would be a response, not a debate. They are different.

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You were irritated at waiting 13 minutes and by students talking longer than 30 seconds each. You disrupted the presentation by yelling. For your tastes, Kirsch is too independent, too confident, and makes too much money. Quite the charmer.

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I'm glad Mr. Kirsh makes a lot of money, but his presentation was sloppy. He should use his money to produce a credible report like the Institute of Medicine produced on the polio vaccine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK221112/

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As you piously opine how Kirsch should use his own time and money, you peg yourself as Democrat.

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Just a quick question about David Orski.

Has he EVER criticized ANY profitable corporate product for its lack of proven safety in his entire career? As far as I can tell, he has not.

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I am one of the 30 million Baby Boomers contaminated with the SV40 virus in the 1955-63 Polio vaccination program. This has caused a spike in cancers from norm since. I am so far a survivor and witness to your vaccine death shots!

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IOM's Immunization Safety Review Committee has done extensive work on the SV40 virus and its results are interesting and shown here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK221112/ I was impressed with the exhaustive process and it makes me think that this is not easy work and that it is very time consuming with many factors that need consideration. Has IOM's Immunization Safety Review Committee done work on the Covid vaccines? Apparently, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine was supposed to form an ad hoc committee to review the Covid vaccine for safety. I do not see if a report has been published, but from what I know of the National Academy, I would think it has credibility. Likewise, it would be interesting to learn if IOM's Immunization Safety Review Committee has done work on Covid. I think the IOM report on the polio vaccine was good and disclosed potential issues. Shouldn't we be looking to see if IOM and the National Academies have produced a report? These organizations do seem to maintain independence from both CDC, FDA, and the drug companies. Just my humble take on what appears to be a very complicated task.

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Does Fauci hold the purse strings for money and grants? If there is any connection then they don't have credibility. The people who have credibility are all the doctors who were respected and in some cases world renowned in their fields and have had their licenses attacked and/or seized by the organizations that are supposed to protect the public and clearly aren't.

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Fauci not hold purse strings for National Academy grants and most of the Academy scientists have other jobs and work for Academy as volunteers.

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I will never believe another NIH funded study again. I have essentially fired that organization as well as the CDC and other three letter gov organizations. They do not exist for me. They are essentially killers. Also I have fired all my doctors; except trauma ones. There is some thinking that Polio never existed as a virus. It may have showed up after farmers began spraying their farms with poison. You might have some fun looking into that. Another fun thing for you to do is some great reading "Dr. Mary's Monkey" (Free download online if you search or buy the book on Amazon). OK, it is a JFK linked story where Lee Harvey Oswald is involved with a group of scientist to create a cancer causing method to kill Castro. They do this in New Orleans and use SV40 virus implanted in mice and irradiated to give it a kick. Oswald takes it to Mexico, but the hurricane in and around Cuba eliminates his contacts and he tries unsuccessfully enter Cuba on his own. The program is shut down, everyone low level close to the bio weapon program is killed (Oswald the fall guy too) except for Judyth Vary Baker. There is a lot of discussion about the Polio vaccine program and SV40 virus contamination within the book.

In the mid 1950’s the vaccine manufactures for the polio vaccine grew their polio viruses on the kidneys of monkeys. In October 1960 NIH doctor Bernice Eddy presented at the New York Cancer Society her finding that in examining monkey kidney cells in which the polio virus was grown, she found they were infected with cancer-causing viruses.

It was the SV40 live virus. From 1955 – 1963 30 million of us Baby Boomers who got the polio vaccination were also given the SV40 virus cancer causing ingredient. Cancer rates since then became higher than the norm. Bernice Eddy was professionally persecuted. Vaccine developer Maurice Hilleman also confirmed that work. Big Pharma does not give a Sh-t about us. Jobs, $, professional status, avoid public hysteria, etc and etc matter more to them. Avoid this evil as best you can!

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IOM, Institute of Medicine is not part of NIH, nor a federal agency. It was originally chartered by Abraham Lincoln. Its top minds are strictly selected for membership and almost all volunteer. If you read its report on the polio vaccine, through its Immunization Safety Review Committee, you may be encouraged as to its objectivity. Its report was very detailed. I look forward to its report on the Covid vaccine. Mr. Kirsh may have touched on some issues, but his report simply is not rigorous enough to be credible.

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Show me the money! Who is controlling the purse strings and were do the people involved get money from?

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From National Academy Web site. Note that its members "volunteer" their time to sit on study committees.:

Policy Studies and Reports

Our policy work is conducted through the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Each year, more than 6,000 experts—including members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the National Academy of Medicine—volunteer their time to serve on hundreds of study committees that examine some of society's most pressing issues. The reports that result from their efforts often form the basis of public policy for decades to come. In addition, members of standing committees and roundtables provide ongoing advice and guidance on a range of issues.

The following resources provide information about current studies and reports issued by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine:

The National Academies' Web Site: Provides a wealth of information about activities across the institution, including information about newly released reports.

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To me, this whole controversy, while interesting. is not as clear and compelling as merely looking at gross New Zealand mortality data that nobody is disputing.

New Zealand was and is experiencing significant mortality according to official OECD data.

6% in 2021

18% in 2022

14% in 2023 (so far)

You can argue that these numbers are just in the thousands, and you would be 100% correct, But for a country that typically averaged just 32,000 to 33,000 total deaths per year (using previous 5 year rolling averages), excess mortality in the thousands is very significant.

So the question becomes, why is New Zealand experiencing all of this excess mortality? For whatever reason or reasons, New Zealand experienced significant excess mortality on 2019 and a significant decline back to baseline mortality in 2020. But since then, New Zealand has been setting new historic records for mortality in both 2021 and 2022. And the 2023 data is on pace to come in behind just the HUGE spike in mortality New Zealand suffered in 2022--4,400 more deaths than in any year before 2021!

Now consider that according Wikipedia, New Zealand's official vaccination statistics once claimed that New Zealand's primary series vaccination rate for residents over 12 was 94.7%. And consider that fewer than 60 people died from COVID in New Zealand before the less deadly omicron variant took and well after over 95% of New Zealand's primary series vaccination effort had been completed.

So why has their been so much excess mortality, both COVID and non-COVID, in such a "protected population"? And when is somebody going to say anything about this that doesn't muddy the waters with outrageous overstatements?


New Zealand's history mortality:

2014 31,062

2015 31,625

2016 31,176

2017 33,499

2018 33,059

2019 34,095

2020: 32,522 deaths, -168.8 excess deaths, 25 COVID deaths

2021: 34,802 deaths, 2111.2 excess deaths, 6% excess mortality, 26 COVID deaths (1% of excess mortality)

2022: 38,478 deaths, 5787.2 excess deaths, 18% excess mortality, 2,280 COVID deaths (39% of excess mortality)

2023 (so far): 28,993 deaths (through 40 weeks, so on track for 37, 691 for the entire year), 3,548.8 excess deaths, 14% excess mortality, 1,045 COVID deaths (29% of excess mortality)

By any measure, 2022 and 2023 are HUGE outliers. You can try to pin this all on omicron, but all that does is highlight the lack of efficacy of these injections rather than their lack of safety.

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And that is just one country. The same excess mortality is seen in every country where these shots were mandated or widely distributed. Autopsies are being avoided, studies are being avoided, and the media is mostly crickets on 20 - 40% increases in mortality when in the past 7 - 8% would have been the top news story for months. Conversely countries that rejected the shots (whatever their reasons) did not see a spike in all cause mortality.

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Exactly. As far as I can tell, corporate media, the medical establishment, and all of our political misleaders are somehow managing to currently ignore extremely disturbing continuing excess mortality rates that would have been trumpeted to the high heavens had they occurred in 2020 or 2021.

Just look at [the OECD data: https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?queryid=104676

Huge, ongoing excess mortality numbers stand out in Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Israel, the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA and to a lesser degree in Chile, Norway, Portugal, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland.

Now look at the [Our World in Data excess mortality rates:https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?queryid=104676

Taiwan, Singapore, Qatar, and South Korea are off the charts! And Japan, Brazil, Ecuador, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, South Africa, and Thailand all remain disturbingly high.

And nobody is making a peep about all of the continuing excess mortality that is almost exclusively occurring in highly vaccinated countries as far as I can tell.

So what gives? How many more must die before anyone sounds the alarm about all of this ongoing excessive mortality?

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What would be great is if we knew how and to whom shall we sound the alarm. There are way more of us knowing the truths surrounding the entire mess those unforgivable monsters made of our world. But they’re the ones in charge of everything. Who do we run to then, if not on a very personal level of trying to talk sense into actual authority figures? There is not one that I know of who will make things happen in the favor of humanity, who will be ALLOWED to make rules and Laws to govern without oppression. I’d love to envision an army of intellectuals who understand and fully appreciate the needs and wants of humanity. I’d like to know who will stand firmly behind the beliefs that we all deserve to live in Freedom. The very few egotistical, money and power-hungry fascist that hold everything in their hands- DO NOT deserve our loyalty, respect and much less, faith. They refuse to play fair. Why should we?

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And people who throw around $1mil debate bets aren't scientists either.

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Steve hasn't claimed that he is a scientist as far as I know, but the crickets from the scientific community are noteworthy. Dr. Malone didn't create the Covid shots, but the pro tyranny and pro murder contingent keep hurling that at him as if it discredits his position against the shots, the mandates and data black out. The fact that these people keep spewing propaganda and refuse scrutiny is really the end of the debate in my book. Early in 2020 before we knew how corrupt the system and the people involved are I recognized numerous lies and that was all I needed to know what they were about, along with the hard push of propaganda.

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There's no scientist club that you have to join but I know many engineers who are also scientists; they make that claim because they use the scientific method to develop new procedures and explore new realms of science. They often have science degrees (like Steve Kirsch) science patents (like Steve Kirsch) direct teams of engineers and scientists to create new products (like a billion dollar search engine company Kirsch founded and ran) and work with other scientists on science projects (like Steve Kirsch.)

If Steve Kirsch is not an official computer scientist then hundreds of thousands of others need to take "scientist" off their business card. Also, Mr. Kirsch has run medical foundations for a couple of decades, working with medical scientists and discussing the science.

If we look at the facts he's a computer scientist especially expert in gathering facts and statistics (billion dollar search engine company which he developed) with an extensive knowledge of medical science (decades of hands on medical science research) and directing teams of engineers and scientists.

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Kind of like credentialed teachers. My niece and nephew both got stuck with a credentialed teacher, with a math certificate saying she can teach 8th grade math. Of course she was/is totally incompetent, didn't understand the math and when her advanced math students tried to explain it to her she had a melt down. The parents aren't supposed to discuss or comment on the curriculum or schools because they aren't "credentialed" teachers. I'm thinking the whole idea of being "qualified" to call yourself xyz is highly overrated. Largely the credentialing is based on having gone through and accepted an indoctrination program and being beholden to the "correct" people for your livelihood thus making you obedient. Einstein wasn't a "scientist" until rather late in life after he had already done a lot to prove himself. The doctor who tried to protect pregnant women from bacterial contamination from doctors was kicked out of the field for daring to go against the establishment and then when he still wouldn't shut-up about the observations and data showing doctors were "inadvertently" killing mothers and babies, he was tricked into going to Germany where he was locked up in an asylum, against his will, and died a short time later from bacterial contamination. As a side note his wife joined with the establishment to betray him. The moral of this story is partly, be careful who you marry and partly know who your enemies are and don't trust them an inch.

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I know scientists who have bet a case of beer. Is that okay?

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Beer is a universal currency.

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Real scientists relish a healthy debate, it's called discovery

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CANADIANS end the NDP liberal coalition. Only 2 weeks left to sign!


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Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void, no matter who makes it, and an unconstitutional law “imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it” No matter how dire the emergency, the Constitution may not be suspended or violated No government agent or agency has the authority to overrule the local sheriff’s decisions. The sheriff is the ultimate authority and law enforcement power in his or her jurisdiction. FEAR = FORGET EVERYTHING AND RUN -- OR MY CHOICE = FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE --- UNITE --- FAITH = FOR ALL I TRUST HIM --- IN GOD WE TRUST ONE NATION UNDER GOD

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In a just world, yes you're right. But in our present upside down world, it's a different story. The swing states all violated the Constitution when they illegally changed their election laws, that is only their state legislature has the Constitutional authority to do so, yet they had other authorities change their laws. Then in the Texas law suit, our Supreme Court, refused to hear this case, stating "No Standing". So each Supreme Court justice, swears on the Bible to defend and uphold our Constitution, yet they refused to do so. This was the most shameful ruling of all time.

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Completely shameful. It’s genuinely the time to move forward in keeping our lives safe from any harm- without politics interfering...when we know darn well that what they offer is damaging, especially. This division they’ve tried to impose as part of their plan is what we cannot afford to live by. United we stand- yes. That would be amazing! But please don’t let yourselves be fooled again by identifiers which separate people, ie: what political party you may stand for; racism; where you stand on the climate issues, etc. If we’re here for our freedoms as individuals and communities, none of those things they’re trying to push should take away the focus. Thank you Steve! I appreciate you and all the efforts you’ve made in fighting for this. Stay well and safe.

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DEMONICRATS ARE NOT SWEARING IN ON THE HOLY BIBLE I STATED THIS A FEW YEARS BACK WHICH IS TREASON THE IZLAMOCRATS ARE USING THEIR QUEERAN IN OUR GOD BLESS AMERICA USA TO SWEAR IN THEIR LIES TO USA = https://img.mewe.com/api/v2/photo/WEb1yGYg3d-K21chMi-G6tbro_Hn0B4n45PhwX1XB_9ldOMb-uodGlRxB_o/800x800/img?static=0 --- Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void, no matter who makes it, and an unconstitutional law “imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it” No matter how dire the emergency, the Constitution may not be suspended or violated No government agent or agency has the authority to overrule the local sheriff’s decisions. The sheriff is the ultimate authority and law enforcement power in his or her jurisdiction. FEAR = FORGET EVERYTHING AND RUN -- OR MY CHOICE = FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE --- UNITE --- FAITH = FOR ALL I TRUST HIM --- IN GOD WE TRUST ONE NATION UNDER GOD WE THE PEOPLE MADE THE GOVERNMENT... WE OWN THE GOVT....., THEY DO NOT OWN US....,. THE GOVT., GOT TOO BIG FOR ITS BRITCHES BY TAKING BRIBES, BLOOD MONEY AGAINST US AND USING OUR TAX DOLLARS AGAINST US. TREASON THUS USURPERS ILLEGALS FOR VOTES BECAUSE WE THE MAKERS OF OUR GOD BLESSED AMERICA KNOW THE TRUTH THEREFORE WE MUST UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED SOLDIERS OF CHRIST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS TO PREVAIL IN GOD WE TRUST

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We aren’t prepared for the hell Demonicrats will put America through In 2024. From: The Federalist. Democrats cornered themselves. But there is absolutely no way in hell they will quietly plod their way to likely defeat. It’s going to get very, very messy, and it’s destined to be dangerous. -- WE THE PEOPLE UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED

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We are in a war with many fronts, we need to dig in for the long haul.

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