How is it that Kevin McKernan, and not any world health authority, found the contamination in April 2023? And why are the FDA, CDC, and the mainstream media still silent about this?
I am just back from a cardiology conference. There is already an injectable cholesterol lowering drug using mRNA technology snd 2 more in the pipeline to lower triglycerides! The tradename is Leqvio
Same playbook they've been using for approaching 100 years in the modern world. This is yet another piece of great scientific proof, but if you want to be ahead of the curve on this stuff, watch the narrative. Play back articles and news stories from early 2021 and you can tell they are bluffing - they missed so much stuff I don't even think they could have predicted it.
I am not surprised. I have learned in the past 4 years that the govt. never tested the "vaccine", never read the manufacturer's reports of its development and testing, never look at VAERS for deaths and injuries. In other words, abandoned their responsibility to the taxpayer.
Sometimes the obvious eludes us....I think public opinion would be immeasurably changed by adding a simpler word equivalent for simian everytime SV40 is mentioned.
Reverse engineering is generally allowed. The laws that impose limits on it are not criminal. You'd be facing something like infringement or breach of contract.
"It would have been discovered sooner by independent researchers, but people were threatened with arrest if they supplied vials for analysis. I know this first hand because I was warned I would be arrested and criminally charged if I participated in trying to analyze the vials." Anyone know under what law? This comment was a big red pill for a doctor I know, so am hoping for a link to share.
Not sure this is the right place to ask, but a friend who took the vax has finally (after 2 years) admitted his chronic health problems that are getting worse and worse are due to a vax injury. He can barely stand for 15 min, has tendonitis and other inflammation, became super skinny, he’s just age 28...
Any advice on which resources to guide him toward? He feels the regular doctors aren’t giving him accurate remedies as they can’t admit it’s due to the vax.
If he knows of a good naturopathic doctor I would recommend going to one. I understand not everyone can afford this. Also it’s important to do research and buy only high quality supplements. Thorne, Designs for Health, Cymbiotica are just some of the brands I like. Clean eating is very important. Organic fruits/vegetables, organic grass fed meats etc. I go to my local farmers markets. When I bake I use Jovial organic Eikorn flour from Italy. Regular USA wheat products are unfortunately not good. Stay away from processed foods. I hope this helps.
Thank you - I do not know what to say to him really because both me and another friend of his warned him for a whole 6 months in mid 2021 to not take the vaccine, but he succumbed to the propaganda and took it anyways...
Tell him you're sorry his decision turned out not to be a good one; you CARE about him and want to help him find the help he needs! That's a
"hard turn" for those of us ANGRY and hurt by friends, neighbors, and family attacking us and shutting us both down and out... But, "needing to prove we were right" is useless -- and our loved ones (and even just-liked ones!) need help.
Maybe ask him what KIND of help you can help him find... someone who can prescribe whatever is needed to moderate (or, we hope, STOP) the poisoning? Stuff for him to read? Synopses of things that YOU'VE read? Ask HIM how you can help. (You already know enough to start -- you're HERE aren't you?!)
The problem with our 'others' discovering that they've made a HORRIBLE mistake likely also makes them unwilling to 'humble themselves' about it -- and so WE have to go the extra step. (And yes... I have to bite my tongue with my now-widowed sister; but what is MY goal? To get HER to admit I was right all along and she made a very bad -- and deadly in the case of her shotshotboosted husband -- choice? OR to entice her (BEG her!) to TAKE the precautions and ameliorations I THINK will help her, her son; maybe our other sister and HER husband and son! (Whole stupid FAMILY bought the lies!)
It seemed to make a 'dent' in her "you may not discuss covid!!" rules when I wailed (yes, intentionally, planned, -- and also entirely true!) "Look, I DON'T want to be left alone! You and Abby are ALL THE FAMILY I have left in the world! Please, PLEASE take precautions!"
If your friend gets touchy about "what, you want me to say you were RIGHT?" You can entirely legitimately yell at him: "NO, GOD DAMMIT! I want to you to live! To not get sicker and weaker! To take the precautions that SEEM to be working to moderate the effects!"
I understand. Pretty much everyone I know is vaccinated. They wouldn’t listen and I had to stop trying because I would have damaged the relationship. I think they now understand that I was correct but many are still in denial to the seriousness of it. I wish they’d take better care of their health and detox but many don’t want to change their ways. They think they’ll be alright. I pray they’re right.
Yeah exactly same here, I had to stop because it felt like I was badgering them.
And yes, even after the first signs of health issues started appearing for him (stuff like not being able to walk/hike being a 20 something which is bizzare) - he blamed work stress (although he was on a break from working that year). I think perhaps just now after 2 years after the problem has become bad he’s finally accepting it’s a vax injury.
At the grocery store today it was repeatedly announced over the loudspeaker that you could get 10% off your grocery bill if you got the Covid vaccine today at their pharmacy. Given the price of food these days that's a much more generous reward than a free donut. I only saw one (double masked) person go into the room to be shot in spite of the endlessly repeated offer.
It's horrifyingly unethical to offer rewards for taking any kind of medical treatment. Free and informed consent is supposed to be free of both negative AND positive incentives, so the person makes decisions based solely on what they think is best for them. Can they be sued for this?
People sometimes call this an "experimental" vaccine, meaning that it's new and not necessarily well developed.
But that flatters it: it's worse than that. An experiment would involve carefully analysing the outcomes; BUT THEY'RE NOT MEASURING ANYTHING, just pretending to look the other way.
It's not an experimental vaccine: it's a bioweapon. That's the case in terms of its effect, its intent, and legally, as we know from Brook Jackson's legal case.
Oh they’re measuring- the number of new cancer cases and whatever “types” of deaths that the shot was intended to accomplish. Likely a long term experiment.
Am not sure why we focus on this irrelevant issue. Pardon the bluntness.
Opposition will use this against us to demonstrate we are biased, anti-vax and looking at irrelevant details.
Even Kevin says it's not major. Hear me out.
It seem quite obvious that the cost and/or the technical capacity makes it impossible for Pfizer to filter out the DNA. That means that billions have had it, including you btw, and billions are fine.
There is zero reproductibility of the DNA being the cause of harm. Zero.
Moreover panicking people on this isn't exactly ethical, and on top, people will say who cares if GMP [General Manufacturing Practices] aren't in compliance with FDA regulation if it doesn't harm.
So we'll lose people willing to listen, anchoring them further in their belief that there's no real problem.
DNA is neither the cause of cancers (cats have cancer with rabbies vaccines! horses have cancer with influenza
vaccines...none have DNA or SV40) , nor the cause of the vascular disorders (the MoH is Tcell mediated in line with the MoA of the vaccine! Totally unrelated to DNA ) and frankly the germ integration will be so minute in terms of people only pple transfected in testis immune peivileged stem cells!! ) that injured people will think it's a joke we are focusing on such irrelevant and conjectural AE when so many real AEs are documented.
We lost valuable time on an easily falsifiable spikeopathy theory for 24 months! Now we've wasted another 6 months on this...?
Why are we not addressing the only theory that proves it all, the only theory that explains harmed and unharmed, the only theory that is reproducible multiple times in animals and humans, the only theory that is explained and validated (almost) from A to Z, the only theory in line with the clinical signs of harm, etc...? Why ?
Are we collectively unintelligent? Are we being controlled from within? Is our camp blind to the exception of John Campbell?
"That means that billions have had it, including you btw, and billions are fine."
Your last two words should have been: "so far."
How many of the dead and crippled teens were "fine" right up until they 'died suddenly'? How many went to bed "fine" and never woke up? "Being fine" is NOT sufficient. What was that recent study of heart damage -- and 100% of the folks HAD heart damage, even though they had no clinical signs at all? They WERE in fact "fine"? Well, except for having heart damage...
This SV40 thing is -- yes -- minor. But, you move a mountain one grain of sand at a time! Heaping up proof after proof after proof DOES make a dent in the sheepies... Deciding NOT to tell them this one contaminant in the shots may be 'small potatoes' -- but ever heard the tale of stone soup?
Notice, too, you're arguing as a man of science TO a man of math and science. Notice next that our enemies, who made and spread this poisons, NEVER bothered with science -- they made all their shit up specifically to scare the hell out of the sheep -- and are STILL trying to scare them! Pointing out (to the sheep!) that "here's yet ANOTHER lie from the people you believed" is MUCH more likely to get them to look around than, "well yes, SV40 DOES seems to increase cancers, but the numbers are slight! (Cancer being the scary word for the sheep!) Why you could ALMOST call SV40 "safe and effective" too, couldn't you?
So I think (and hope sincerely bc he is a friend) he's out if the woods.
My work is that oo an engineer, and so I have identify the MoHs, most AEs are visible very fast, some like aneurysm take 4-6 months, heart scarring/calcification can indeed happen.
Cancer is immediate with varying degrees of aggressiveness, the more aggressive the more numerous
And Alzheimer's and Parkinson's can wait decades ifthe immune system does its cleaning up work.
I've never understood why this logic (billions of people have gotten vaccine and billions are fine) only applies to vaccines. Why doesn't it apply to Covid? Why do some smokers live into their 80s and some die of lung cancer in their 50s? Why didn't everyone who took Vioxx have a heart attack? Why are some able to take prescription pain pills no problem and others become addicted?
I don't agree that this is irrelevant. From a regulatory and security engineering perspective this is a big problem. Government agencies allowed a company to omit key information about a product that was then pushed on the public. They are still doing nothing about it. Let's say you are right about the DNA issue. That doesn't mean the problems with government oversight goes away. There is a major vulnerability in how regulators are handling these products. Will they behave in the same manner with medical devices, chemicals, etc?
They didn't look into reports of actual deaths of millions of people, and ten of millions of maimed for 40 years... And they are accelerating, so I don't really care about GMP.
I am sorry. Doubt legally it'll break the contract, am sure their lawyers put a clause saying they are being forced to accelerate, and will commit to doing their best, and are not liable for Anything.
Where is the onus today? First and foremost on the FDA who had 221 deaths in VAERS on January 15, 2021, and over 40,000 serious AEs and double/triple downed.
So either the FDA iss corrupt politically (executive order) or financially (by Pfizer
+ Moderna).
But the liability lies there, first.
But I want to stop hurting the kids with the other vaccines and they dangerous delivery.
So Marc, why don't you spell out what you mean by "the only theory that proves it all"? It would be nice to know what you are referring to.
And also, why is John Campbell the "exception"? Because he is a trained medical person who has come to the conclusion that he's been hoodwinked? i think there are a lot of such folks around. What do you mean?
Well, I actually did see that one. Your picture here looks different so I thought you were someone different. Here's another question: How about the Danish study that shows 1/3 of folks apparently received inert material and had no ill effects, another 1/3 had moderate side effects, and the final 1/3 had more serious effects? And the timing of these shots showed that the more serious effects came early in the vaccination effort. I don't see how your bolus theory, though possibly correct in general, also accounts for the Danish study results. And didn't they have the policy of routine aspiration in Denmark. How would that fit into your theory
Unfortunately it is the Zeitgeist , and even non Covid science has abandoned the proven way to vet a theory! I recently read an article in limnology, where the UNR professor stated: we all agree it is a fact! And then proceeded to oppose the UCD experimental data based only on the consensus! We’re back to the Dark Ages!
Unfortunately this is the Zeitgeist! Even in non Covid related science, i read a comment of a limnologist stating a certain theory how clarity in Lake Tahoe is restored was factual because
Steve, Thank you for taking on Seheult. I listened to many of his youtubes during 2020 and 2021. I eventually realized he was brainwashed, but was attempting to appear like an even-handed, objective researcher. In youtube, I asked him, "How does anyone know the concentration of spike protein in any one person, and how is that measured? The amount of spike protein produced by each person is different, and high levels may be toxic. Would you take an injection or pill where the dosage is unknown?" He passed off my question as having already been answered, but when I pressed him, he didn't answer. This question has never been answered, and it is the reason why all the Big Pharma companies should never have released this bioweapon without extensive testing to answer this question first. The fact that every person generates a different amount of spike protein in his/her system, and that no one knows how to measure that, may be why some people (low production of spike protein) have no effect and others (high production) have horrible effects.
"why all the Big Pharma companies should never have released this bioweapon without extensive testing"
"Does not compute. Does not compute." (old WAY old Star Trek allusion.) You don't TEST a bioweapon for safety, do you? You test it for efficacy, but not safety.
Though, I suppose, they MIGHT want to be testing over time to see how effective their BIOWEAPON was in action.... (ggggrrrrrrrrrr!)
I am just back from a cardiology conference. There is already an injectable cholesterol lowering drug using mRNA technology snd 2 more in the pipeline to lower triglycerides! The tradename is Leqvio
Same playbook they've been using for approaching 100 years in the modern world. This is yet another piece of great scientific proof, but if you want to be ahead of the curve on this stuff, watch the narrative. Play back articles and news stories from early 2021 and you can tell they are bluffing - they missed so much stuff I don't even think they could have predicted it.
where is the list of 90 lawyers one can use to sue for harm of the shot it was a post on the 22nd onX
I am not surprised. I have learned in the past 4 years that the govt. never tested the "vaccine", never read the manufacturer's reports of its development and testing, never look at VAERS for deaths and injuries. In other words, abandoned their responsibility to the taxpayer.
Sometimes the obvious eludes us....I think public opinion would be immeasurably changed by adding a simpler word equivalent for simian everytime SV40 is mentioned.
Probably because it would be considered reverse engineering the vaccine and would be a patent infringement. I'm guessing.
Reverse engineering is generally allowed. The laws that impose limits on it are not criminal. You'd be facing something like infringement or breach of contract.
"It would have been discovered sooner by independent researchers, but people were threatened with arrest if they supplied vials for analysis. I know this first hand because I was warned I would be arrested and criminally charged if I participated in trying to analyze the vials." Anyone know under what law? This comment was a big red pill for a doctor I know, so am hoping for a link to share.
Not sure this is the right place to ask, but a friend who took the vax has finally (after 2 years) admitted his chronic health problems that are getting worse and worse are due to a vax injury. He can barely stand for 15 min, has tendonitis and other inflammation, became super skinny, he’s just age 28...
Any advice on which resources to guide him toward? He feels the regular doctors aren’t giving him accurate remedies as they can’t admit it’s due to the vax.
I seem to recall Dr Peter McCullough talking about some remedies early on in his testimony during this video:
The whole video is very good, by the way.
Regards, Andy. 31 Oct 2023. (bit late I know, but I'm somewhat behind on things)
Go to the FLCCC Doctors Website:
Hi. I’m sorry to hear about your friend. This website may be of help to him.
Also here is a study from Australia about NAC and Bromelian.
If he knows of a good naturopathic doctor I would recommend going to one. I understand not everyone can afford this. Also it’s important to do research and buy only high quality supplements. Thorne, Designs for Health, Cymbiotica are just some of the brands I like. Clean eating is very important. Organic fruits/vegetables, organic grass fed meats etc. I go to my local farmers markets. When I bake I use Jovial organic Eikorn flour from Italy. Regular USA wheat products are unfortunately not good. Stay away from processed foods. I hope this helps.
Thank you!
You’re welcome. I wish him all the best.
Thank you - I do not know what to say to him really because both me and another friend of his warned him for a whole 6 months in mid 2021 to not take the vaccine, but he succumbed to the propaganda and took it anyways...
Tell him you're sorry his decision turned out not to be a good one; you CARE about him and want to help him find the help he needs! That's a
"hard turn" for those of us ANGRY and hurt by friends, neighbors, and family attacking us and shutting us both down and out... But, "needing to prove we were right" is useless -- and our loved ones (and even just-liked ones!) need help.
Maybe ask him what KIND of help you can help him find... someone who can prescribe whatever is needed to moderate (or, we hope, STOP) the poisoning? Stuff for him to read? Synopses of things that YOU'VE read? Ask HIM how you can help. (You already know enough to start -- you're HERE aren't you?!)
The problem with our 'others' discovering that they've made a HORRIBLE mistake likely also makes them unwilling to 'humble themselves' about it -- and so WE have to go the extra step. (And yes... I have to bite my tongue with my now-widowed sister; but what is MY goal? To get HER to admit I was right all along and she made a very bad -- and deadly in the case of her shotshotboosted husband -- choice? OR to entice her (BEG her!) to TAKE the precautions and ameliorations I THINK will help her, her son; maybe our other sister and HER husband and son! (Whole stupid FAMILY bought the lies!)
It seemed to make a 'dent' in her "you may not discuss covid!!" rules when I wailed (yes, intentionally, planned, -- and also entirely true!) "Look, I DON'T want to be left alone! You and Abby are ALL THE FAMILY I have left in the world! Please, PLEASE take precautions!"
If your friend gets touchy about "what, you want me to say you were RIGHT?" You can entirely legitimately yell at him: "NO, GOD DAMMIT! I want to you to live! To not get sicker and weaker! To take the precautions that SEEM to be working to moderate the effects!"
I understand. Pretty much everyone I know is vaccinated. They wouldn’t listen and I had to stop trying because I would have damaged the relationship. I think they now understand that I was correct but many are still in denial to the seriousness of it. I wish they’d take better care of their health and detox but many don’t want to change their ways. They think they’ll be alright. I pray they’re right.
Yeah exactly same here, I had to stop because it felt like I was badgering them.
And yes, even after the first signs of health issues started appearing for him (stuff like not being able to walk/hike being a 20 something which is bizzare) - he blamed work stress (although he was on a break from working that year). I think perhaps just now after 2 years after the problem has become bad he’s finally accepting it’s a vax injury.
At the grocery store today it was repeatedly announced over the loudspeaker that you could get 10% off your grocery bill if you got the Covid vaccine today at their pharmacy. Given the price of food these days that's a much more generous reward than a free donut. I only saw one (double masked) person go into the room to be shot in spite of the endlessly repeated offer.
It's horrifyingly unethical to offer rewards for taking any kind of medical treatment. Free and informed consent is supposed to be free of both negative AND positive incentives, so the person makes decisions based solely on what they think is best for them. Can they be sued for this?
That's funny in a very fucked up way...
People sometimes call this an "experimental" vaccine, meaning that it's new and not necessarily well developed.
But that flatters it: it's worse than that. An experiment would involve carefully analysing the outcomes; BUT THEY'RE NOT MEASURING ANYTHING, just pretending to look the other way.
It's not an experimental vaccine: it's a bioweapon. That's the case in terms of its effect, its intent, and legally, as we know from Brook Jackson's legal case.
Oh they’re measuring- the number of new cancer cases and whatever “types” of deaths that the shot was intended to accomplish. Likely a long term experiment.
Yeah, could well be.
Hi Steve,
Hope you are well, my friend.
Am not sure why we focus on this irrelevant issue. Pardon the bluntness.
Opposition will use this against us to demonstrate we are biased, anti-vax and looking at irrelevant details.
Even Kevin says it's not major. Hear me out.
It seem quite obvious that the cost and/or the technical capacity makes it impossible for Pfizer to filter out the DNA. That means that billions have had it, including you btw, and billions are fine.
There is zero reproductibility of the DNA being the cause of harm. Zero.
Moreover panicking people on this isn't exactly ethical, and on top, people will say who cares if GMP [General Manufacturing Practices] aren't in compliance with FDA regulation if it doesn't harm.
So we'll lose people willing to listen, anchoring them further in their belief that there's no real problem.
DNA is neither the cause of cancers (cats have cancer with rabbies vaccines! horses have cancer with influenza
vaccines...none have DNA or SV40) , nor the cause of the vascular disorders (the MoH is Tcell mediated in line with the MoA of the vaccine! Totally unrelated to DNA ) and frankly the germ integration will be so minute in terms of people only pple transfected in testis immune peivileged stem cells!! ) that injured people will think it's a joke we are focusing on such irrelevant and conjectural AE when so many real AEs are documented.
We lost valuable time on an easily falsifiable spikeopathy theory for 24 months! Now we've wasted another 6 months on this...?
Why are we not addressing the only theory that proves it all, the only theory that explains harmed and unharmed, the only theory that is reproducible multiple times in animals and humans, the only theory that is explained and validated (almost) from A to Z, the only theory in line with the clinical signs of harm, etc...? Why ?
Are we collectively unintelligent? Are we being controlled from within? Is our camp blind to the exception of John Campbell?
{shrug} You left out part of this sentence:
"That means that billions have had it, including you btw, and billions are fine."
Your last two words should have been: "so far."
How many of the dead and crippled teens were "fine" right up until they 'died suddenly'? How many went to bed "fine" and never woke up? "Being fine" is NOT sufficient. What was that recent study of heart damage -- and 100% of the folks HAD heart damage, even though they had no clinical signs at all? They WERE in fact "fine"? Well, except for having heart damage...
This SV40 thing is -- yes -- minor. But, you move a mountain one grain of sand at a time! Heaping up proof after proof after proof DOES make a dent in the sheepies... Deciding NOT to tell them this one contaminant in the shots may be 'small potatoes' -- but ever heard the tale of stone soup?
Notice, too, you're arguing as a man of science TO a man of math and science. Notice next that our enemies, who made and spread this poisons, NEVER bothered with science -- they made all their shit up specifically to scare the hell out of the sheep -- and are STILL trying to scare them! Pointing out (to the sheep!) that "here's yet ANOTHER lie from the people you believed" is MUCH more likely to get them to look around than, "well yes, SV40 DOES seems to increase cancers, but the numbers are slight! (Cancer being the scary word for the sheep!) Why you could ALMOST call SV40 "safe and effective" too, couldn't you?
I am not good at scaremongering.
Steve had his shots almost 3 years ago.
So I think (and hope sincerely bc he is a friend) he's out if the woods.
My work is that oo an engineer, and so I have identify the MoHs, most AEs are visible very fast, some like aneurysm take 4-6 months, heart scarring/calcification can indeed happen.
Cancer is immediate with varying degrees of aggressiveness, the more aggressive the more numerous
And Alzheimer's and Parkinson's can wait decades ifthe immune system does its cleaning up work.
I've never understood why this logic (billions of people have gotten vaccine and billions are fine) only applies to vaccines. Why doesn't it apply to Covid? Why do some smokers live into their 80s and some die of lung cancer in their 50s? Why didn't everyone who took Vioxx have a heart attack? Why are some able to take prescription pain pills no problem and others become addicted?
I don't agree that this is irrelevant. From a regulatory and security engineering perspective this is a big problem. Government agencies allowed a company to omit key information about a product that was then pushed on the public. They are still doing nothing about it. Let's say you are right about the DNA issue. That doesn't mean the problems with government oversight goes away. There is a major vulnerability in how regulators are handling these products. Will they behave in the same manner with medical devices, chemicals, etc?
I am sorry, I prioritize differently.
They didn't look into reports of actual deaths of millions of people, and ten of millions of maimed for 40 years... And they are accelerating, so I don't really care about GMP.
I am sorry. Doubt legally it'll break the contract, am sure their lawyers put a clause saying they are being forced to accelerate, and will commit to doing their best, and are not liable for Anything.
Where is the onus today? First and foremost on the FDA who had 221 deaths in VAERS on January 15, 2021, and over 40,000 serious AEs and double/triple downed.
So either the FDA iss corrupt politically (executive order) or financially (by Pfizer
+ Moderna).
But the liability lies there, first.
But I want to stop hurting the kids with the other vaccines and they dangerous delivery.
So Marc, why don't you spell out what you mean by "the only theory that proves it all"? It would be nice to know what you are referring to.
And also, why is John Campbell the "exception"? Because he is a trained medical person who has come to the conclusion that he's been hoodwinked? i think there are a lot of such folks around. What do you mean?
The Bolus Theory explains all the adverse events observed, including cancer.
John Campbell interviewed me 7 months ago, and completely bought into the theory. He qualified my work as"superb" and as "an impressive body of work".
I thought I had seen all of Mr. Campbell's videos but I guess I missed yours.
I'll go back and view it. Thank you.
Well, I actually did see that one. Your picture here looks different so I thought you were someone different. Here's another question: How about the Danish study that shows 1/3 of folks apparently received inert material and had no ill effects, another 1/3 had moderate side effects, and the final 1/3 had more serious effects? And the timing of these shots showed that the more serious effects came early in the vaccination effort. I don't see how your bolus theory, though possibly correct in general, also accounts for the Danish study results. And didn't they have the policy of routine aspiration in Denmark. How would that fit into your theory
That was debunked. There was delayed reporting from whqt I understand. In other countries these lots had harmed the same .
Can you provide a citation for that? I thought the Danes could be counted on to have reliable information
Unfortunately it is the Zeitgeist , and even non Covid science has abandoned the proven way to vet a theory! I recently read an article in limnology, where the UNR professor stated: we all agree it is a fact! And then proceeded to oppose the UCD experimental data based only on the consensus! We’re back to the Dark Ages!
agree Seheult tows the Fauci line
Unfortunately this is the Zeitgeist! Even in non Covid related science, i read a comment of a limnologist stating a certain theory how clarity in Lake Tahoe is restored was factual because
Steve, Thank you for taking on Seheult. I listened to many of his youtubes during 2020 and 2021. I eventually realized he was brainwashed, but was attempting to appear like an even-handed, objective researcher. In youtube, I asked him, "How does anyone know the concentration of spike protein in any one person, and how is that measured? The amount of spike protein produced by each person is different, and high levels may be toxic. Would you take an injection or pill where the dosage is unknown?" He passed off my question as having already been answered, but when I pressed him, he didn't answer. This question has never been answered, and it is the reason why all the Big Pharma companies should never have released this bioweapon without extensive testing to answer this question first. The fact that every person generates a different amount of spike protein in his/her system, and that no one knows how to measure that, may be why some people (low production of spike protein) have no effect and others (high production) have horrible effects.
"why all the Big Pharma companies should never have released this bioweapon without extensive testing"
"Does not compute. Does not compute." (old WAY old Star Trek allusion.) You don't TEST a bioweapon for safety, do you? You test it for efficacy, but not safety.
Though, I suppose, they MIGHT want to be testing over time to see how effective their BIOWEAPON was in action.... (ggggrrrrrrrrrr!)
It looks like only 1 in NH. But it's a start. Thanks Judith!