You can't write a scientific paper without listing any conflicts of interest. Are there any conflicts of interest in this committee's paper that they might want to disclose?
Hey you all, in California the Facebook page of any public agency is considered "public record." This means, for example, that if you write a comment about propaganda that your county's public health department posts about COVID vaccines, the agency can't delete your comment. And they can't block you from commenting.
If you live in California, you can use this to do some "public education" on government agencies' Facebook pages. (Consider posting on public agency pages in the most populous CA counties.) If you live in another U.S. state, find out whether public agency Facebook pages are considered "public record" in your state . . .
Another thing. The NZ government shut down CARM at the end of 2023. In early 2022 they asked the public to make submissions about adverse effects, but that closed at the of 2022, This was not long enough or published wide enough to capture all AE's. And doctors deliberately unreported events. On top of that, there were very few autopsies done by the time of this July 2023 report and for almost all of 2022, NZ never had a senior Coroner, so there was a huge under reporting. My 54 yo work colleague who had a massive blood clot in his neck in January 2022, that completely paralyzed him 3-days after his booster, was cremated only a few days after life support was turned off. Nonne of the treating physicians lodged a report to CARM. I, an informed and motivated member of the public was the only one who bothered to file a report to CARM.
That's weird. So my work colleague who had blood clots to his neck, 3-days after his January 2022 booster, completely paralyzing him and then died on the operating table, had nothing to do with the jab. I entered this death on CARM, but don't know what their assessment was. It's all hidden due the Privacy Act. And then another guy who I interviewed who had clots to his neck and a PE, causing major paralysis and requiring urgent surgery, 8-weeks after his second Pfizer,. His injury was never lodged on CARM because he was afraid of doctor backlash and the effect on his compensation payments. He believed his stroke was caused by the jab. Even after surgery he was badly incapacitated, when I interviewed him more than a year later. CARM wouldn't even discuss this with me due to Privacy. There was a guy who worked for CARM who left a message on my phone wanting to know a little more about the first gentlemean. .He said it was an "unusual" event. This guy's name was Michael Taitley.
Is anyone aware of a comprehensive summary/document of the whole Covid-19 fiasco (origin/Rx/prevention/propaganda/vaccines, etc.)... summarized but INCLUDING references to the source data? I would love to 1) have a better (more refined) command of the subject and 2) have a credible resource to provide people (especially those in the medical profession still towing the line). Motivated by an interesting conversation with my Primary yesterday!
It is astounding how corrupted the public health systems have become. Full of non-scientific people who are protecting the status quo (and their cushy jobs and high salaries).
The medical biz is ripe for a comeuppance, as they have managed to increase their slice of the GDP pie steadily since i have been alive. I can remember under Nixon when they decided to create the HMO system to keep it from going past 10% of the GDP. It must be close to double that now, with no reforms in sight. Maybe a new HHS will fix some of this dishonesty.
This New Zealand Vaccine Safety Analysis Report is nothing more than Pure Effuent and the reason I say this is because I live in New Zealand and have personally known, both People that have died and People that are now and always will be seriously ill not to mention the Long Covid that only Vaccinated Folk get this constantly !!
Well, no. I had long covid, despite no vaccinations. None at the moment (my tolerance for vitamin C is now only 1 gram per day). Eating pineapple almost daily seems to have accomplished that.
Does any one care what THEY say! We watched our loved ones and friends drop dead, go into heart failure, get cancer, long covid and shingles, know ppl who say they felt they were going to die after the jabs and took days to recover, had heart attacks...too numerous to list. Liars all who say otherwise. 👹
Something about vax-induceed pulmonary hypertension? Likely. Consider chronic thrombo-embolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), or associated with auto-immune vasculitis, versus SECONDARY pulmonary hypertension from left ventricular failure, backing up into the lung, so, yeah, EXPECTED!
I believe that everything we do is written on our soul...and we get away with nothing. It does say in the Bible that the soul is weighed at the moment it makes its transition...and determines where it will go next. When one makes decisions that injure and cause the death of others for any reason...that soul will be held responsible...and pay. Do those who still promote these deadly vaccines have any kind of conscience about harming others or are they psychopaths?
They have no belief in even taking another incarnation. No concepts of karma. With this go around and what the zionists are doing, is going to lead to GREAT SHOCK for the perpetrators. Some of them will be quickly swept away into dark holes for eternity. The standard hell would look like luxury living to the many.
I'm thinking most are just cowards who are more concerned about their jobs and pensions than the lives of people, who aren't important when weighed against their retirement. It won't matter in the end, because God reviles a coward as much as a killer. If you stay silent when people are dying, you as much as murdered them yourself. It's like witnessing a shooting and telling the police you saw nothing. Do they really believe God excuses that because they didn't fire the fatal shot themselves? The Bible speaks often about "having courage." That suggests to me courage is important to the Father and I wouldn't want to have to explain to Him why I let millions die because I didn't want to work past 65 years of age.
That's one of many. Paul tells his church to "have courage" many times. Peter says it at least once I can remember. May God bless us all with the courage of our convictions.
We are a tough lot down here! Covid..povid. ln truth, 2 people l know had the jab with no apparent ill effects but got covid twice quite badly. So much for its efficacy. There are rumours about deaths but nothing tangible. I didn't choose to be jabbed and am fine. But then l avoid people as a matter of course- such an unsavoury species. The absurd reaction to this virus was indicative of just how gullible people are.
What's happened with all the money challenges? Have any of them resulted in the exchange of real money? There have been so many, it would be interesting to read a run down.
Just an example of the big pharma industrial complex at work with their cover up and misinformation. No doubt if I lived there they would hammer me for saying such…freedom of speech is what this report is not. But then I am an unvac’d and proud of it…this is but propaganda towards those who bowed to big pharma and the State.
NZ labour PM Efesto Collins was one of the two deaths. He made pfizer and moderna proud forcing the covid vax on his constituents. Until he dropped dead (at age 49) after walking a few meteres at a charity 10K.
Was this the guy who died during a live feed of the charity event to a TV channel one morning? I recall the presenters on breakfast TV doing their best deer-in-the-headlights impression, trying to minimise the optics.
Regardless, I do wonder if any of the people on the committee who raised this victory flag/protection racket report ever attended Rory Nairn's funeral and told the family his death (coroner ruled the jabs killed him), while regrettable, was a statistical anomaly according to their modelling and thanked his family for their sacrifice for "the greater good".
That was efesto - hell couldn't wait . . . I'm not familiar with Rory Narin, but yeah I am sure that is the prevailing attitude of the NZ covidiots - thanks for taking one for the team, good heavens, pathetic.
Rory was a typical kiwi tradie, with a new wife, newborn, and finishing off their first family home. He never would have taken the jabs if the govt had been truthful about the harms. He never would have taken the jabs had the person jabbing him had themselves been informed enough to warn him of the harms, including a prior death of another woman.
Instead, he took the jab, felt unwell at home, and died from a jab-induced heart attack while popping to the loo before getting a lift to the hospital.
I'd guarantee the spineless fuckers on that committee that do their best to abstract such deaths as statistically insignificant and absolve themselves of any guilt with such terms as "available evidence" etc, sticking to their brief/terms of reference like flies on horseshit, wouldn't dare attempt such obvious BS directly in front of the bereaved family members or those people left with lifelong disabilities.
You can't write a scientific paper without listing any conflicts of interest. Are there any conflicts of interest in this committee's paper that they might want to disclose?
Hey you all, in California the Facebook page of any public agency is considered "public record." This means, for example, that if you write a comment about propaganda that your county's public health department posts about COVID vaccines, the agency can't delete your comment. And they can't block you from commenting.
If you live in California, you can use this to do some "public education" on government agencies' Facebook pages. (Consider posting on public agency pages in the most populous CA counties.) If you live in another U.S. state, find out whether public agency Facebook pages are considered "public record" in your state . . .
Very relevant to this New Zealand data here:
Another thing. The NZ government shut down CARM at the end of 2023. In early 2022 they asked the public to make submissions about adverse effects, but that closed at the of 2022, This was not long enough or published wide enough to capture all AE's. And doctors deliberately unreported events. On top of that, there were very few autopsies done by the time of this July 2023 report and for almost all of 2022, NZ never had a senior Coroner, so there was a huge under reporting. My 54 yo work colleague who had a massive blood clot in his neck in January 2022, that completely paralyzed him 3-days after his booster, was cremated only a few days after life support was turned off. Nonne of the treating physicians lodged a report to CARM. I, an informed and motivated member of the public was the only one who bothered to file a report to CARM.
That's weird. So my work colleague who had blood clots to his neck, 3-days after his January 2022 booster, completely paralyzing him and then died on the operating table, had nothing to do with the jab. I entered this death on CARM, but don't know what their assessment was. It's all hidden due the Privacy Act. And then another guy who I interviewed who had clots to his neck and a PE, causing major paralysis and requiring urgent surgery, 8-weeks after his second Pfizer,. His injury was never lodged on CARM because he was afraid of doctor backlash and the effect on his compensation payments. He believed his stroke was caused by the jab. Even after surgery he was badly incapacitated, when I interviewed him more than a year later. CARM wouldn't even discuss this with me due to Privacy. There was a guy who worked for CARM who left a message on my phone wanting to know a little more about the first gentlemean. .He said it was an "unusual" event. This guy's name was Michael Taitley.
Is anyone aware of a comprehensive summary/document of the whole Covid-19 fiasco (origin/Rx/prevention/propaganda/vaccines, etc.)... summarized but INCLUDING references to the source data? I would love to 1) have a better (more refined) command of the subject and 2) have a credible resource to provide people (especially those in the medical profession still towing the line). Motivated by an interesting conversation with my Primary yesterday!
It is astounding how corrupted the public health systems have become. Full of non-scientific people who are protecting the status quo (and their cushy jobs and high salaries).
The medical biz is ripe for a comeuppance, as they have managed to increase their slice of the GDP pie steadily since i have been alive. I can remember under Nixon when they decided to create the HMO system to keep it from going past 10% of the GDP. It must be close to double that now, with no reforms in sight. Maybe a new HHS will fix some of this dishonesty.
This New Zealand Vaccine Safety Analysis Report is nothing more than Pure Effuent and the reason I say this is because I live in New Zealand and have personally known, both People that have died and People that are now and always will be seriously ill not to mention the Long Covid that only Vaccinated Folk get this constantly !!
As a Kiwi I can concur. We know the NZMB silenced doctors.
Well, no. I had long covid, despite no vaccinations. None at the moment (my tolerance for vitamin C is now only 1 gram per day). Eating pineapple almost daily seems to have accomplished that.
Does any one care what THEY say! We watched our loved ones and friends drop dead, go into heart failure, get cancer, long covid and shingles, know ppl who say they felt they were going to die after the jabs and took days to recover, had heart attacks...too numerous to list. Liars all who say otherwise. 👹
Did my last comment get deleted?
Something about vax-induceed pulmonary hypertension? Likely. Consider chronic thrombo-embolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), or associated with auto-immune vasculitis, versus SECONDARY pulmonary hypertension from left ventricular failure, backing up into the lung, so, yeah, EXPECTED!
Dr. Winters, do you know who pioneered the CTEPH surgery?
Right Stuart did. I have collaborated with him before. We first met in 1994. I hope you read his book "Close to the Sun" it is an amazing read.
I believe that everything we do is written on our soul...and we get away with nothing. It does say in the Bible that the soul is weighed at the moment it makes its transition...and determines where it will go next. When one makes decisions that injure and cause the death of others for any reason...that soul will be held responsible...and pay. Do those who still promote these deadly vaccines have any kind of conscience about harming others or are they psychopaths?
They have no belief in even taking another incarnation. No concepts of karma. With this go around and what the zionists are doing, is going to lead to GREAT SHOCK for the perpetrators. Some of them will be quickly swept away into dark holes for eternity. The standard hell would look like luxury living to the many.
I'm thinking most are just cowards who are more concerned about their jobs and pensions than the lives of people, who aren't important when weighed against their retirement. It won't matter in the end, because God reviles a coward as much as a killer. If you stay silent when people are dying, you as much as murdered them yourself. It's like witnessing a shooting and telling the police you saw nothing. Do they really believe God excuses that because they didn't fire the fatal shot themselves? The Bible speaks often about "having courage." That suggests to me courage is important to the Father and I wouldn't want to have to explain to Him why I let millions die because I didn't want to work past 65 years of age.
Revelation 21:8 says that the cowardly will be the first into the Lake of Fire....
That's one of many. Paul tells his church to "have courage" many times. Peter says it at least once I can remember. May God bless us all with the courage of our convictions.
Amen. And who better to provide that much-needed courage than God Himself ? awesome indeed !
We are a tough lot down here! Covid..povid. ln truth, 2 people l know had the jab with no apparent ill effects but got covid twice quite badly. So much for its efficacy. There are rumours about deaths but nothing tangible. I didn't choose to be jabbed and am fine. But then l avoid people as a matter of course- such an unsavoury species. The absurd reaction to this virus was indicative of just how gullible people are.
What's happened with all the money challenges? Have any of them resulted in the exchange of real money? There have been so many, it would be interesting to read a run down.
These 17 people need to be jailed! Paid for shills.
Just an example of the big pharma industrial complex at work with their cover up and misinformation. No doubt if I lived there they would hammer me for saying such…freedom of speech is what this report is not. But then I am an unvac’d and proud of it…this is but propaganda towards those who bowed to big pharma and the State.
NZ labour PM Efesto Collins was one of the two deaths. He made pfizer and moderna proud forcing the covid vax on his constituents. Until he dropped dead (at age 49) after walking a few meteres at a charity 10K.
Was this the guy who died during a live feed of the charity event to a TV channel one morning? I recall the presenters on breakfast TV doing their best deer-in-the-headlights impression, trying to minimise the optics.
Regardless, I do wonder if any of the people on the committee who raised this victory flag/protection racket report ever attended Rory Nairn's funeral and told the family his death (coroner ruled the jabs killed him), while regrettable, was a statistical anomaly according to their modelling and thanked his family for their sacrifice for "the greater good".
That was efesto - hell couldn't wait . . . I'm not familiar with Rory Narin, but yeah I am sure that is the prevailing attitude of the NZ covidiots - thanks for taking one for the team, good heavens, pathetic.
Rory was a typical kiwi tradie, with a new wife, newborn, and finishing off their first family home. He never would have taken the jabs if the govt had been truthful about the harms. He never would have taken the jabs had the person jabbing him had themselves been informed enough to warn him of the harms, including a prior death of another woman.
Instead, he took the jab, felt unwell at home, and died from a jab-induced heart attack while popping to the loo before getting a lift to the hospital.
I'd guarantee the spineless fuckers on that committee that do their best to abstract such deaths as statistically insignificant and absolve themselves of any guilt with such terms as "available evidence" etc, sticking to their brief/terms of reference like flies on horseshit, wouldn't dare attempt such obvious BS directly in front of the bereaved family members or those people left with lifelong disabilities.