New survey confirms that vaccines are, by far, the #1 cause of chronic disease in America
Nobody should be vaccinated. Ever. Especially not during pregnancy. And vaccines are also the #1 cause of sexual orientation issues. The numbers are consistent with other published studies.

See Math professor validates my survey conclusions: vaccines ARE the main cause of chronic diseases
Executive summary
I recently asked my readers to tell me about their chronic health conditions.
The single most important conclusion is this
In all 58 conditions we asked about where we had sufficient data to compute an odds ratio, the vaccine always made the condition worse.
In other words, the medical community has gotten it backwards for decades. When you combine this with the realization that vaccines provide a benefit that is too small to measure as described here for the highly acclaimed COVID and flu vaccines, it’s clear that we should be stopping most, if not all, vaccines.
In fact, for the COVID vaccines, we have FOIA data showing that the vaccines make things worse and over a dozen attempts to ask the Santa Clara County of Public Health for comment have been ignored.
This is fundamentally why the mainstream medical community has deliberately avoided doing a study comparing the highly vaccinated to the completely unvaccinated: it would blow the narrative and destroy their credibility. The book Turtles All the Way Down makes this point referring to the vaxxed-unvaxxed studies as “the studies that will never be done.”
Other important results of the survey include:
3.3X higher likelihood you’ll have 1 or more chronic diseases (OR 3.45 [95% CI: 3.02-3.96]). The one-sided p-value was 1.6e-78, something you don’t see very often. It basically means that this was not caused by random chance.
7X higher likelihood you’ll have 5 or more chronic conditions requiring treatment (drugs or therapies) (OR 7.03 [95% CI: 4.24-12.32]).
4X higher likelihood of a birth defect if the mother was vaccinated during the pregnancy (OR 4.31 [95% CI: 2.39-7.51]). That’s a huge effect. Nearly 80% of the birth defects are caused by the mother being vaccinated during pregnancy (actual value is 76.8%).
14.5X higher likelihood of sexual orientation/gender dysphoria issues in people under age 60 (OR 14.49 [95% CI: 2.33- 598.86]). This is a stunning result that isn’t discussed. Basically, 93% of the cases of sexual orientation issues are caused by vaccines.
The good news is that we can reduce chronic diseases in America by 70% with one simple change: tell people to stop taking the vaccines that are making them sick. That’s it. No new medications are needed. Just one policy change communicated from the CDC. It could literally happen tomorrow. It costs nothing.
And there needs to be full data transparency about all these vaccines so people can see how badly they were fooled.
The efficacy data for all vaccines is easy to gather, but we aren’t allowed to access the data to do the studies. This article shows how easy it is to expose the fraud. This research can be replicated for every disease if the government made the data available.
Survey demographics
Over 13,000 responses, average age=55
Breakdown of the two comparison groups I used in the analysis:
Fully unvaccinated: 2,355 responses, average age=55
Highly vaccinated: 2,260, average age = 49
63 conditions tested
44 conditions had odds ratio (OR) >=2 which means vaccines are the single largest cause of that condition
14 conditions had OR of 1.3-2.0 which means vaccines are a significant cause of that condition (23% of the cases or more are attributable to vaccination)
The remaining 5 conditions had insufficient data to compute an odds ratio (p-value >.05).
List of symptoms and odds ratio table
Here is the list of symptoms and the odds ratios and p-values. Values >1 mean the vaccines made people less healthy. p-values of >.05 mean the result is not statistically significant.
IMPORTANT: Note that the “No chronic disease” odds ratio was deliberately flipped so an OR in the table means “the vaccine made health worse.” So that item should be more properly labelled as “one or more chronic diseases”

Earlier work
I did a similar survey of 10,000 kids of my readers. You can compare the effect sizes in that survey vs. this survey.
But basically, the results there were the same as here: vaccines made things worse.
Downloading the data
Unlike papers in the peer reviewed literature, my data and analysis is available for public inspection. This is a novel concept that is frowned on by the medical community which is why they rarely do it.
Article announcing the survey March 29 at 6:52pm PST.
Responses (these are updated live)
Excel spreadsheet analysis with OR calculation, p-values, and 95% confidence intervals (note: when you click this link, it will silently download the spreadsheet to your Downloads folder).
Data cleanup
I blanked out the age field of 18 entries where age field >102 or more. This was likely user entry error.
Some of the wording was changed during the course of the survey to make things more clear.
Some new symptoms were added during the survey, but this doesn’t affect the odds calculations; the raw incidence rates would not be accurate for these. Raw incidence rates were not used in the analysis.
About the survey
I collected over 10,000 responses in < 24 hours from launch.
The average age of all respondents was 55 and was 49 for the fully vaccinated, so these adults reporting they are fully vaccinated are undervaccinated compared to kids nowadays.
This means that our kids will be negatively impacted more than the (mostly) adults in our survey.
So these odds ratios should be conservative.
Was the survey accurate?
My results were consistent with numbers published in the peer-reviewed literature. There is a tab on the spreadsheet for you to verify for yourself. So you can gaslight me all you want, but you need to explain why the numbers were so consistent if my survey was not “scientific” or was biased.
All surveys have bias. The question you have to ask is whether the bias was large enough to make a material difference in the results.
The best way to assess bias is for someone to replicate this survey with their followers. But I’m having a tough time finding someone willing to do that. They don’t seem to be interested in validating or not my results. Perhaps they don’t want to embarrass me? Nah. They don’t want to validate that I got it right. That’s the real reason.
People who took my survey didn’t lie; there was no incentive to do so. If you think my fully vaccinated people are not representative (arguing that they became my follower after they were vaccine injured), then you can compare the incidence rate of these diseases in the unvaxxed in my survey vs. the general population using other sources. This is the exact same technique used in the studies by The Control Group. When you do that, you find the disparities between the unvaccinated and the general population incidence rates are much larger than in my survey. Look at the “pilot survey data graphs.” Here’s one of the graphs:
The OR values found in my study were consistently LOWER than those in the TCG study.
In other words, my findings are conservative. If the survey was unbiased, the results would be even worse for the vaccines.
But nobody wants to challenge me on my statement by doing their own survey. It’s never going to happen. Hand-waving arguments are preferred by non-scientists who ignore data that doesn’t fit their belief system. Real scientists focus on data collection and would try to replicate the survey with different audiences.
Every single study comparing fully vaccinated vs. unvaccinated shows the unvaccinated are healthier. So even if my survey is “biased” it is clearly directionally correct. Society has a tough time dealing with the truth. That’s the fundamental problem.
Watch this video:
In the first 13,000 entries, I didn’t find any deliberately “gamed” entries.
Now that the survey is out, it’s a good bet that some people will take it upon themselves to game the entries. So keep that in mind.
Positive and negative controls
The survey incorporated both positive and negative controls.
The positive control was asking someone if they have a COVID vaccine injury. That OR “should” have been infinite because unvaccinated people can’t get a COVID vaccine injury! But it wasn’t because of vaccine shedding. And there were probably a few people who interpreted “fully unvaccinated” as “fully unvaccinated BEFORE the COVID vaccines rolled out. So that’s why the OR was “only” 26.
The negative controls were Lyme disease, Down syndrome (sorry for typo in the survey), birth defects, COPD. and glaucoma.
I also thought sexual orientation issues would be a negative control, but I was wrong. It ended up being one of the strongest signals (4th largest), comparable to smoking and lung cancer.
Birth defects was not a negative control because people who are fully unvaccinated had parents who didn’t believe in vaccination. These parents didn’t vaccinate the mom during pregnancy. That’s why the OR was so high. Vaccination didn’t cause birth defects, but it was correlated with the mom not being vaccinated during pregnancy.
I accidentally listed Lyme disease twice in the original survey before discovering the error. The results were consistent. This ended up being a nice additional control showing that the surveys were not filled out randomly. I’ve removed the duplicate when I discovered it (after 10,000 responses).
Replicating the results
Replication is key. Good science is all about replication.
If the survey results are replicated with a different set of respondents, the conclusions will be hard to ignore.
It took me about an hour to code the survey, under 24 hours to wait for results, and 2 hours to analyze the results.
It would be nice to repeat this survey with followers of someone more neutral, but I have not found anyone willing to take the reputational risk of promoting my survey to their followers.
But here’s the thing…
If vaccines are safe, why aren’t THEY showing us the “correct” data?
Or simply give us access to the VSD database and we’ll do all the work!
They won’t because it would destroy the credibility of the White House, the medical community, government agencies, health authorities, and the mainstream media.
That’s the real reason why the NIH will never do a study comparing health outcomes between fully vaccinated and fully unvaccinated and why no mainstream media organization will touch this issue (other than the “fact checkers”).
It’s the same reason a House bill requiring the NIH to do such a study was killed in committee: (see HR 3069): because it would be harmful to the American people if they learned the truth about vaccines.
Attributable fraction mini-tutorial
The formula for attributable fraction (AF) is (OR-1)/OR.
For example, an OR=2 would have an AF=50%.
What that means in our case is that if you have an OR of 2 or more, it means that half of the cases are caused by vaccines.
So for conditions where the OR>2, it means that vaccines are the LARGEST cause of the condition and if you eliminate the vaccine, the rate of the condition should drop by a factor of 2 or more. The larger the OR, the larger the drop.
Vaccines are the #1 cause of chronic disease
Highly vaccinated people are 3.3X more likely to have 1 or more chronic diseases (OR 3.45 [95% CI: 3.02-3.96]).
I asked about 63 different conditions. Vaccines didn’t reduce the risk of any chronic disease. Not a single one.
44 symptoms had an OR of 2 or more. 58 had an OR of 1.2 or more. The remaining 5 were not statistically significant.
Highly vaccinated people are over 7X more likely to suffer from 5 or more chronic conditions requiring drugs or other therapy to treat (OR 7.03 [95% CI: 4.24-12.32]).
This effect is very well known among my followers as this poll demonstrates:
Still not convinced? Watch this excellent short video which talks about the scientific evidence that vaccines are causing the health problem, not reducing it:
And read this excellent post from A Midwestern Doctor: What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous?
Vaccination during pregnancy
No mother should ever take a vaccine during pregnancy. It creates nothing but bad news, including almost a 5X increase in the risk of birth defects among other things OR 4.31 [95% CI: 2.39-7.51].
It is shameful that the CDC is promoting mothers to get the COVID vaccine while they are pregnant.
This effect has been known for years. Joy Garner of The Control Group pointed this out to me, so it was nice to confirm that the same effect was replicated in my survey.
There are a host of other conditions that are elevated by vaccinating while pregnant. Here are just a few and their odds ratios:
ADHD 2.4
Autism 2.3
Autoimmune disorders 1.9
Bipolar 4.6
Birth defect 4.5
Brain bleed 3.2
Diabetes (type 2)
Dyslexia 1.8
Celiac disease 1.7
CFS 1.7
Crohn's 3.7
Depression 1.7
Food allergies 1.7
Learning disability 2.0
POTS 3.0
Speech disorder 3.6
And if that’s not enough, there is this
Here’s a screenshot of the unavailable post that was referenced pointing out the issues in the Pfizer trial studying this issue:
See also:
Pfizer post PARTIAL results of their "COVID vaccine in pregnancy" trial. Truly stunning. It was NOT safe.
And this comment:
No, it isn’t a coincidence. Of course this was caused by the vaccines. But people are being gaslit by doctors and convinced it is not related. Give me a break. This is not normal or random. If you are “stonewalled” in research it means someone has a reason for hiding the truth from you.
Sexual orientation issues
Sexual orientation is about who you're attracted to and who you feel drawn to romantically, emotionally, and sexually. It's different than gender identity.
Gender identity isn't about who you're attracted to, but about who you ARE — male, female, genderqueer, etc.
Gender dysphoria is clinically significant distress caused when a person's assigned birth gender is not the same as the one with which they identify.
There was a stunning 14.5X higher likelihood of sexual orientation/gender dysphoria issues in people under age 60 (OR 14.49 [95% CI: 2.33- 598.86]). Basically, 93% of the cases of sexual orientation issues in those under 60 are caused by vaccines.
This is comparable to the association of smoking and lung cancer; generally, the odds ratio between smoking and lung cancer falls within the range of 15 to 30. There are few effects in the world that are stronger than this.
To be causal, you have to satisfy the Bradford-Hill criteria. The key thing to show is biological plausibility which helps you to determine causation vs. correlation.
We have biological plausibility in spades here because the vaccines get into your brain. People like Ben Tapper have been saying this for years.
As before, most of my followers have figured this out already:
Sexual orientation and gender dysphoria is the tail end of the autism spectrum … no one wants to hear that… because the LGBTQ community has done so much work to grow acceptance and normalize it… but it is what I personally strongly believe.
I have talked to many top researchers and they agree with this working theory… and they all also have said to me … THIS IS A THIRD RAIL issue… do not touch it! So.
There is a huge overlap between the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and autism … so if people wanted to get to the bottom of this ‘new phenomenon’ that’s the group to start with!!
A percent of boys with autism are feminized and a percent of girls with autism have hirsutism. There is a connection.
What’s next?
Replication to prove that the numbers are independent of the audience. Good science should always be repeatable.
Age stratified analysis to confirm that younger people who were fully vaccinated are less healthy than their older peers (this would be a shocking result since generally older people have more health issues).
Publication in a scientific journal
Paid promotion of the paper in mainstream media to get the word out.
Will the world come to an end if all vaccines are stopped?
It seems unlikely.
I know of a pediatric medical practice operating in the US over the past 25 years with thousands of kids, all unvaccinated, and they are uniformly healthier than their fully vaccinated peers. And there is ZERO autism for example.
Some might argue that that’s because 99% of their peers are vaccinated which protects the minority and that if everyone was unvaccinated, diseases would run unchecked and deaths from diseases that are treated with vaccines would skyrocket.
We have already seen that this is not the case as vaccination rates have decreased and no numbers have skyrocketed if you look at the 20 year history of each disease.
So we can start by simply giving people the ability to choose without the coercion we have now.
All we have to do to get started is stop the coercion and the censorship.
You shouldn’t have to be vaxxed to go to school, participate in a sport, go to work, etc. And the White House and the medical boards need to stop censoring doctors.
Tragic story of a vaccine injured child (MMR vaccine)
From Maureen Fuhr:
My son was vaccine injured 16 years ago. He went from a bright healthy beautiful child to sitting in a corner repetitively throwing things over his head and he was unable to focus. This occurred immediately after his 18 month appointment and the MMR vaccine. I didn’t want him to get it but my doctor assured me it was perfectly safe and there was nothing to worry about (her exact words). I thought he had adhd at first but he was ultimately diagnosed with autism, apraxia and Lyme disease. My mother received two doses of the Covid vaccine and died a year ago from Leukemia. She also came down with Parkinson’s.
I’m very grateful the truth is finally coming out about vaccines thanks to the tireless work of people like Steve. I’m sure many here understand how lonely it is when you understand the dangers but you are unable to convince others and typically you know its probably better just to keep your mouth shut because most people don’t want to know the truth. The truth is we’ve been lied to not just about vaccines but about so many things.
I couldn’t agree more.
How many stories like this will it take before the CDC stops these unsafe vaccines?
Will anyone challenge my work?
I doubt it.
It’s SO obvious. If vaccines led to better health outcomes, the CDC would have a dozen studies posted on their website. They have none.
The NIH has never funded such a study and they never will.
They tried to pass a bill (HR 3069) in Congress to force NIH to do such a study, but the bill was killed in committee. Why? Because Congress is working for the drug companies, not the people.
That tells you everything you need to know.
Here’s another datapoint on that… most everyone wants to end the liability protection for vaccine makers:
But few in Congress are talking about this. This is not a government of the people. It is a government of the drug companies.
Please help support my work
The only reason I can afford to quit my job and do this full time is with your support. If you like the work you just read about and want to see me continue to pursue and promote it, please consider becoming a paid subscriber at just $5/mo (or $50/yr).
The survey has identified that the single easiest, cheapest, safest, and most effective way to dramatically improve the health of people all over the world is to stop vaccinating them.
The simplest way to get started is to:
End the liability protection for all drug manufacturers. This is a license to kill. If you can only do one thing, this is it. If Congress won’t do it, we should amend the US Constitution.
Stop the coercion in schools, business, medical boards.
Stop the censorship and intimidation tactics.
Stop hiding the public health data from the public. Embrace data transparency, e.g., open the secret databases to allow us to query them
Engage in dialog in public forums where both sides can meet to resolve our differences. The folks who agree with me will do this at any time. But for some reason, nobody on their side is willing to talk to us. We will never resolve our differences by refusing to engage in dialog with the other side.
The rest will take care of itself.
If you liked this post, please share it on social media.
I forgot to mention the positive and negative controls in my article. I’m adding that section shortly. There were other sections i neglected to add as well. So as of 4/3/24 at 10:47am the missing pieces have been added.
Totally agree. I had a brilliantly wise mom in the 60s who eschewed vaccines for all of her 5 children (she also insisted on natural childbirth when women were getting put to "sleep" for delivery). She was a total rebel and took us to chiropractors and natural healers if/when we had issues growing up. As a result, all of my siblings, and including me, are in their 60s and early 70s without any of us having or having had a chronic disease of any sort. My three brothers are the fittest, healthiest men I know. One is a triathlete and the other is going to Berlin in the fall to compete in an international world rowing event. My third brother is still doing heavy labor building houses mostly by himself in his early 70s. Point being of all this incidental info: we are a healthy bunch. None of us are on prescription meds, either. As the result of my mom's wisdom I never vaccinated my own children, who are now in their late 20s. No chronic or health issues in them, either. I am so glad I learned about the evil toxins in vaccines from her, and I have no idea how she knew!