May 31·edited May 31

Hi Steve... Great work as usual. As you know. we're living in a totalitarian state where Covid was the excuse to make it this way. Government, media, medical establishment, Big Business (Pharma and others)... all combine to push false info (propaganda, brainwashing) and fear. Because alternative info is not allowed to be presented in any way, in the mainstream media outlets... and doctors who do not follow the prescribed treatments lose their licenses... it's a done deal. Most USA citizens believe that 'the vaccines saved millions'. And react with rage when this 'orthodoxy' is questioned. Maybe it's worth considering shifting the focus of VSRF to raise awareness of this. We live within a totalitarian takeover. And there's no excuse for it not being called out incessantly. The news about Uttar Pradesh, Mexico City and other locales, regarding the fantastic success of Ivermectin was never allowed to manifest in the mainstream media. If you'Google' Uttar Pradesh, you don't get the real story. You get censored reporting that excludes the 'Ivermectin Miracle' that happened there. Duck Duck Go allowed me to access articles that reported bon the Uttar Pradesh Ivermectin reality. And what about Africa, where there was very little vaccination and where they take a weekly dose of Ivermectin to ward off malaria and other diseases ? Africa had very little covid. Reporting this stuff in a way that makes it through the censorship seems vital to me. And what about something I've never heard addressed, 'the Patients Bill of Rights'. We've lived through a time where 'the Patients Bill of Rights' was discarded. Hospitals administered PCR tests at too high a cycle rate (40 instead of 20) and voila... you were declared covid positive. And after that, there was no 'Patients Rights'. You could not choose your treatment protocol, or to leave the Hospital. That was, and is, criminal. And what about Hospitals being paid bonuses for every Covid death ? And what about the 'Joe Rogan Protocol', where he was admitted to a hospital under his doctors care... where he received Vit C & NAD drips, Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc and a bunch of other stuff. He was cured in 3 days. Left the hospital on day 4. How come that treatment protocol was not made available to anyone who wanted it ? There's still a lot to address about what happened and how it created the Totalitarian State that we now live in. I hope you can use your platform to make some headway in addressing these issues ? Good Luck and keep up the Great work !

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re: duckduckgo, my devices default to this search engine nowadays, and i went to google by accident the other day and couldn't find anything! a fair bit of head scratching later, i realized it's because the "don't be evil" corporation (former company motto, abolished without much fanfare in 2018) is effectively censoring any and all information deemed the least bit controversial by them or rather the powers that be these days. Astonishing.

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Thanks right. 'Google' is totally censored. Like what is this, the USA or the USSR ? I don't use gmail, or anything 'Google'. They are evil. Part of the new USA Totalitarianism.

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Isn't it interesting that every time a report comes out showing higher than average death rates following COVID vaccination campaigns that I find these locations have active Smart Cities?


Todd Callender is right! The COVID vaccines are more than gene therapy, they are installing bioantennas and networks to connect and control humans in 15 minute Smart Cities.

And electrical engineer Matt Taylor proved that cell phone frequencies speed up the assembly of the deadly lipid nanoparticles composed of graphene and polymers which are forming the 'novel' clots. He video'd live microscopy of a vaccine vial sample under no frequency exposure, then put his wifi next to it and the particles rapidly began self assembly. When he turned off the wifi, the particles dissolved back into the liquid.

5G wireless EMF's and frequencies work in tandem with the COVID vaccines.

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These are the diagnosed cases... how many have passed off symptoms of mild cases of Myocarditis?

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When people came in with chest pain after the jab, they were told it was all in their head, and sent to a psychiatrist.

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Yes, Psychiatry is an arm of Medicine too often used as a solution when Medicine has nothing else to offer.

No case of Myocarditis is 'mild' in it's potential for damage.

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That's a really good point, Leisa!

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5/30 watching Today Show. Discussion about your adults developing heart issues. Questions centered on diet, alcohol use exercise and stress. But wait for it no mention of the Jab. Amazing

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SUPPORT THE KIND OF WORLD YOU WANT TO LIVE IN! https://jimychanga.substack.com/p/people-power-101-what-world-do-you

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Minnesota's Health Commissioner during COVID, who pushed the injections and lured people with false 'facts', had a blood clot from the injections herself, reported to VAERS. We called her 'not a Doc' Jan Malcolm. She worked hard to have everyone take the gene therapy, though she did not call it that.

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why was the covid vaccine rolled out ...?

(and it's recipients, like pavement, under the steamroller's 'roller')

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The only thing that comes to my mind other than the novel synthetic mRNA technology that was pushed by DARPA and Moderna and the military pharmaceutical complex as a whole, is G5 technology which has been pushed by telekommunication industry and our governments. The Motivation behind both is greed and fame.

Both inventions are novel, and we still don't know how much harm they are causing.

The precautionary principle seems to have been replaced by a blind belief in and government support of novel untested technology.

It is only a few people and organisations that are pushing these things. But nobody seems to be able to stop them from testing these technological advances that may well be altogether very harmful on a global population.

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Silos of knowledge, dearth of ethics. Nothing to cross the boundaries which checks unwise progressions. It’s a race to the next calamity.

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Guernsey hell. There were plenty here. I personally know of one young schoolteacher/mother who was coerced into the jab. A few days after her jab she developed a cardio/pulmonary disorder. Multiple trips to ER she couldn't breathe, excessively high heart rate each time. The ER doctors would not touch her. We made the assumption it was myo/pericarditis. They never diagnosed her with anything, so her case never made it to VAERS. They did tell her each time it was not the shot, but they didn't know what it was and since they didn't know what it was, they couldn't treat her. I would say that was the protocol.

So often I think of the video I saw in 2022 of a physician, I think in San Diego, who stated of VARES with a sincere bewildered authority such that I believed her. It was her position that only about 1%, if that, of VAERS were making to the report.

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The CDC acknowledged that the vaxx induces myocarditis in youth.

What more does one need to know?

Unless it is proven that myopathy does NOT occur in adult vaxxed, it does.

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CDC came out later. They didn't say a word about how it could cause myocarditis in youth in the beginning. They knew it and still pushed the JAB.

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True. That is the correct way of looking at it. There will never ever be ANY safety signals appearing on any of our passive adverse events reporting systems for elderly people. Because doctors whose elderly patients suffer heart problems, heart attacks, increased troponin levels and strokes, lung embolism, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis or other symptoms that could be caused by microclots or heart attacks such as passing out are not likely to report such symptoms when observed in younger vaccinated people even if it is just a week or two after receiving the Covid jab let alone when it comes to elderly patients and when health deteriorates several weeks or months after their jabs.

And our governments seem to be not interested in analysing data from health insurances where they could find such potential adverse events en masse.

It will all take years if not decades until we have functioning active surveillence systems. And I am not so sure whether that will help all that much either because pharmaceutical industry will try to contoll and interpret and analyse that data looking at it with their own types of biased views and hidden motivation.

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When the purveyors of health meds push formulations that they have studied—no, scrutinized—to find ill effects and causation, the game is pretty much over.

It isn’t enough that the regulators have to be honest; if the DESIGNERS are themselves dishonest, well…

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Guernsey was also one of the islands where former British Prime Minister Ted Heath was alleged to have slit the throat of young boys. There was a dig for hidden remains at a former children's home in neighbouring Jersey 15 or so years ago. Not sure what happened in the end.

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Myocarditis is known to be directly caused by Endotoxin in Jabs

Mechanism studied in exquisite epigenetic detail since 2003


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I'm sure they'd love us to believe it was the c0v1d virus that is causing this.

Truth be told it would be beyond interesting to see if this 5x increase is only amongst the vaccinated but it's unlikely that that information would ever be brought to light.

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Please address this issue: some of those who received the vax emanate BlueTooth signals from their bodies.

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Gary. Have you been able to verify the blue tooth signal coming from people that got the COVID shot yourself? I would like to see videos on it too.

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Maureen Fuhr. Thank you so much. We got to demonstrate to people what has been done to them without their consent. This will go a long way.

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