The Times reporter chose not to respond, as we all knew he would not.

Keeping your job is priority #1 for most people. I've updated the end of the article to reflect this.

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Steve, my yahoo mail account wouldn’t let me open this post. So I decided to close out all windows and try again. Then it was no longer in my yahoo inbox. Wasn’t in trash or junk folder. I had to open an old post of yours to get to this one. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

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get off Yahoo and use Protonmail. Or other encrypted emails which are not controlled by TheState

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Yes, I don't get Steve's emails. I have to go directly to the substack

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A lot of people are reporting trouble in opening links that might be perceived by Big Brother as anti-vax.

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Here's some advice from Linux guru Bryan Lunduke


To get to the gist he uses KolabNow for email but cites ProtonMail as an option.

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Mailfence and Protonmail.com both offer free email options. Try those.

Yahoo is part of Big Tech and will censor anything the Whitehouse says to censor. You can find many other censoring companies here: https://wordsalad.info/tag-censorship.html

Based on the other commenters who could read this email in their own Yahoo account, it's possible a Yahoo admin deleted your email for you, which would confirm the email content is the truth. It's also possible they have a process to delete emails that do not conform to the narrative, every few hours.

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Get off Yahoo, Gmail, etc. Do you really think these big tech companies aren't data harvesting your info? Try Protonmail which provides security and privacy.

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It was in my inbox. Gmail

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No problem opening email using my yahoo mail account.

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Yahoo is my home page and I use their mail service for now, hopefully soon to change. Have you noticed that in ALL their articles they have: Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.

This temporary suspending must be closing in on two years now. I wonder why they don't tell us the truth and say it's permanent?

How can you engage with other people when you are not allowed to comment?

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I use protonmail. Zero issues. But you’ll need to create an email with Protonmail.

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I still use Gmail, but so far have not missed (or lost) any of Steve's posts (keeping my fingers crossed).

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I'd like to recommend protonmail, I"ve used them for about 3 or 4 yrs and really like them. It's free and all emails incoming and outgoing are encrypted. They respond quickly if I have a problem or question, which has only happened 2 or 3 times. They have lots of handy extra features, too. I'm not getting paid to promote them. Here is more info and how to sign up:



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Wouldn't the secret police security surveillance state simply hack into your device and read your encrypted incoming and outgoing emails to determine whether or not you may support the opposition party, on whatever pretext is convenient, as part of its routine overreach?

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I have had Protonmail for 4 years now. I have not been censored, yet. However they do support the UN. This was an an email they sent me.

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I've subscribed for about 3 yrs IIRC. I never saw anything from protonmail re: the U.N. hmmm, have no idea what that means. Wouldn't be surprised, they are based in Switzerland.

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This is why I use a protected email account, you should try one. It's a pain in the patuty getting everyone informed but it's worth it in the end

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Received in Yahoo account 1:26 pm central. Opened at 2:50 pm and clicked link to read article.

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I see many politically incorrect emails falsely flagged as spam in my @msn.com account but I've never seen them deleted before, that's pretty bad.

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Forgive me for making your email a case-in-point, Wayne. I hope we can stop using the language of traitors and madmen to characterize our activities. "Politically incorrect" is more-likely-than-not the last thing to define mail unpopular with authoritarians.

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It's less typing than "Email the Deep State Doesn't Like and Wants To Censor."

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I have yahoo mail too. I opened one of Steve’s emails yesterday and, about a minute into reading it, I was all of sudden kicked out of it, and returned to my inbox. When I went to open the email again, it was no longer there, and couldn’t be found anywhere (not in my spam folder, trash or anywhere). It was just gone. Very strange.

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Karen, my advice is to get out of Yahoo-email, and get into Fastmail or better yet Protonmail.

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wow. just wow.

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Welcome to ChinAmerica.

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You have to be aware than, according to various privacy experts, Yahoo trolls through every Yahoo email in search all kinds of information, and Google, with Gmail, does that also.

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Yes, most of the time I can't open your newsletters and have to go to your page, then click on the post.

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Problem is that there're so many people might've blindedly bought it. I tend to blame those who are so gullible over fake news spreaders. I'm sick of them 😔

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Courage is no longer a virtue. Self preservation is.

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Very good question.

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"Kaya did not respond. In other words, he’s interested in keeping his job, so he’s not going to expose the truth, but will instead stick to the government narrative. I can’t say I’m surprised."

If you sit back and think about it, we are all being confronted with tough choices by the powers that be. And the choice comes down to how strong your principles are. Are you willing to violate them to keep your profession, to travel, to enjoy some forms of entertainment? People are being forced to make a choice, and when they choose career over principles, they enable the powers behind it and a piece of their soul dies.

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Steve, how does it feel to be so honestly direct in search of the "truth"?

Must be powerful and energizing, as you are a revolutionary speaking in times of deceit (paraphrasing Orwell). For a few millennia, mankind had already lost its ability to see simple truths, but never as severe and engulfing as we are witnessing now. Never-the-less, the hidden ruling elite have exploited this known weakness as that is their automatic impulse when their self-desired and valued destructive living meets the truth.

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Thank you you for all that you do.

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I have ATT mail, but they outsource their email management to yahoo). I have my email accounts set up to auto forward email received from the various accounts to a "master" account. Guess whose mail doesn't make it through the auto-forwarding process? Steve Kirsch, Paul Alexander and a few others.

I wish there were major stockholders who could alert ATT to Yahoo mail's practices..

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How strange. Are all the filtered emails from misinformation spreaders?

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Exposing more truth - "1354 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues — 922 of Them Dead — Since Covid “Vaccine” Rolled Out"


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doubt he'll respond. Thank you Steve!

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Never give up. You are a fantastic super hero super spreader… God bless you.

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ZERO response

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Leave big tech. Look at skiff for email.

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Thanks Andy, I've just checked it out. We are presently in the throes of moving, but I'll certainly check it out once we've settled in. I'm presently with Yahoo mail and would like to get off that.

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Yahoo is terrible. Almost all my spam from friends emails (or pretending t be them) is through yahoo.

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The times also said how effective and successful the covid 19 vaccine roll out had been!! Even in the face of re-infection, adverse events and the need for boosters. Do they take us for morons?...

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They've no doubt been paid BIG by Big Pharma to lie.

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Don't hold your breathe Steve, the UK reporting media is the worst, most untruthful on the globe. Their reporting on the war is worst of all. I am battering on my MP(email) currently.

He never replies. They know the truth about the inoculations from their constituents, but would rather cower in corners, yours fed up and furious, Dr Jo Stanley East Anglia

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