My question to the The Times science reporter
Do you think he will respond? I asked him a simple question.
I just sent this message to Kaya Burgess, science reporter of The Times:
I’ll let you know if he responds.
I will be pleasantly surprised if he does, but I’m not holding my breath.
Update 10/1
Kaya did not respond. In other words, he’s interested in keeping his job, so he’s not going to expose the truth, but will instead stick to the government narrative. I can’t say I’m surprised.
Steve, my yahoo mail account wouldn’t let me open this post. So I decided to close out all windows and try again. Then it was no longer in my yahoo inbox. Wasn’t in trash or junk folder. I had to open an old post of yours to get to this one. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
The Times reporter chose not to respond, as we all knew he would not.
Keeping your job is priority #1 for most people. I've updated the end of the article to reflect this.