Aug 6Pinned

Steve; s it open to Canadians??

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Author

yes. anyone from any country can invest (except maybe banned countries).

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I wish you had a smaller sign up for us little people. x

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Steve, why are you doing this? if i get this right you are starting a fund exclusively for your followers here on substack?

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I read “ minimum net worth” 2.2 million. Is that a rule or a suggestion?

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This is a great service but clearly for the accredited investor only. I am part of a private group that is correctly structured offshore to reach opportunities that are not available in North America. There are some extra costs and the average return is above 50% pa. after fees, and the entry amount is lower so it serves the mythical 'average person'. Deposits can be made in crypto currency if one so chooses. I would be happy to compare results, privately, from time to time.

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I'll invest if you comment on Scottish COVID inquiry. Remember you reached out to me on X in PMs. I replied, you didn't. I am no longer on X as it's full of shills. So why so silent on Scottish COVID inquiry Steve? Fake lab leak narrative torrn to shreds i think. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing

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i could buy in but i don't think i will because imho not enough is being done to call out the full extent of the evil of what has happened re: transfections. there is more coming down the pike like bird flu and there aren't enough influencers like steve actually calling it out and calling it murder, So- history will repeat itself.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

I'm not a seasoned investor by any stretch of the imagination, but I've managed a small-sized account which generates around 25% per year, and another high-risk tester account which generates between 50-63% per year. I don't know what will happen now with all the stock market insecurities.

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As a supporter of your work, I do not want you to open yourself to attack by investment firm regulators. Your opponents would love that. What you wrote does not appear to have been reviewed by a lawyer skilled in investment regulatory rules. It makes me wonder if you are even registered as an investment adviser.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 7

If you give the boot to the 60 or so math-type managers, your returns will jump and risk will fall overnight, since those overthinkers need to justify their fees, and you'd be starting off each year in the hole.

You can't beat the algorithms that work over 70% of the market on a nano-second basis. They make the market - it's their market, they own it. Only a fool would try to out-think thousands of silicon-speed, cruel and merciless, adaptive Ais laser-focused on taking all your money. They've been specifically engineered to slice you up, which is big fun for them.

Yet foolish Humans (defined by cognitive dysfunction) go up against these machines - they try to win by being smarter than these killers who are Way Smarter and far more experienced than they are. Humans are obsolete, so don't do what they do; instead, swim with the algos and coldly take the Humans' money.

Them Humans' are full of fear and greed. Simply wait for extreme fear (like now, https://tinyurl.com/4pxk395j) and buy solid companies that fell at least 20%, like Charles Schwab (-22%), Estee Lauder (-47%), ASML (-27%), Dominos (-21%), or Lululemon (-55%).

Or just buy the S&P500.

If you bought the S&P500 every time the media ginned up the extreme fear index (from 2010 to 2020) you'd have average annual returns of 40% with a 100% win rate, without overpaid managers.

Did I just beat your strategy?

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

A day later, each of those five stocks is double-digit up. I just beat Steve's smart managers' annual returns in one day, for free. (That's an average annual return of approximately 13,780,612,339,694.6%, conservatively calculated, for free)

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Much of what you say is true, but anyone buying retailers or restaurants for the next few years is in for a big disappointment, and a depleted brokerage account. Brokerage firms will also be losing customers left and right.

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I'd be surprised if you're wrong, but people do consistently spend on food and clothes, and brokerage firms make money in both directions.

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Only the rich get richer.

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Thanks for the opportunity

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Hi there Steve... thanks for offering this opportunity. Can one use IRA funds as an investment or is this a cash account only.

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The best investment strategy these days would be to algorithmically duplicate the investment choices of Congresspeople. Whatever they buy -- buy. Whatever they sell -- sell.

Algorithmic control of puts and takes will be fast enough to catch the trend. Congress people are mostly corrupt and operate on insider trading. There's no more sure strategy than that.

Plus, why isn't following their strategy mostly legal (even if terribly unethical)? After all, a strategy of blindly following cannot be insider trading. It's merely tracking a history of success.

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No offense, but a brand new fund has NO performance. And backtesting, while interesting and necessary, is like saying "our model shows xxxx deaths from Covid". If you are trying to make up for lost time and looking for a better than S&P return, good luck.

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The proof of the pudding is in eating when every stock goes down by 50% or even 80%….

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