Great job, Steve! You got one of the psychopaths to actually tell the truth! Let's hope that Steve Preminger (and/or his assistant) pays the penalties for his actions & truth statement above. Great follow through, Steve! We appreciate you and all that you do!

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The arrogance of these people, who ostensibly work for us, never ceases to amaze me. We the people need to get serious about electing candidates who will clean house.

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I, like you, am serious but came to the conclusion that our [s]election system is bought and paid for by the enemy of humanity. We, the people who "give a shit" realize the election system is made to cheat. Be assured, we will get justice on those interlopers and their minions who have carried out the evil plans, but the reality is our [s]election system is functioning perfectly as designed by and for the enemy. Best regards, Jim

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I really hope you can kick an opening in the system that's brought us genocide by jab.

But apart from the long-term plan to eliminate around 90% of the world's population, the shorter-term plans are to use 'pandemics' (whether real or fabricated), so-called environmental catastrophes, and mass immigration to create a dystopia disguised as utopia.

The goal is to instil in people the idea of not going out altogether via lockdowns, to introduce rigid controls/fines/taxes in the name of 'climate survival' and to swamp countries with subsidised excess people to put pressure on housing, inflate costs of everything and to impoverish people.

Then governments will 'solve' their created crises by fast-tracking the building of high density housing apartments next to rail tracks in new cities you can't leave. An open air prison.

Oh sure, they'll have schools (with programming and transgender agenda), walking & cycling areas, shops you can only buy from a few times a year, gene-altering chosen food sent to your door by drone, a universal basic income (UBI) and some sort of work.

You'll have no real meat, only be permitted only 3 items of clothing a year, no dairy products, no private vehicles, and you won't own your tiny home. (which will be used by others every time you aren't there.)

Absolutely no privacy. Street furniture (i.e. lampposts) monitoring (eye-tracking/facial recognition.) Checkpoints like Gaza. You won't even own your clothes. Communal bathrooms & living spaces.

The Great Reset (You will own nothing and you will be happy) where everything will be controlled by bio-digital and AI, enforced by heavy-handed punishments and 5G assassination. (the police & military are obedient slaves.) There'll be no elections as AI knows best. More forced jabs and sterility.

To get some idea of this, see: zeeemedia.com

And specifically: zeeemedia.com/?mc_cid=f1999c4ac6&mc_eid=d47694227d

'Smart City Dystopian "Precincts" Revealed.' (July 9 2024.)

Regards, Andy 13 July 2024.

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Hi Andy, The thumbs up isn't because I like what you've typed above but it's a good summary of the parasites' plans. We have to keep waking people up but as far as relying on police, here in New Zealand, they have been notified at the highest level numerous times yet nothing has changed. How can each country be held almost hostage to these evil doers and by each country's own supposed law enforcers? It's almost unbelievable and at times feels insurmountable. With so many millions around the world knowing what is going on, how can we unravel these crimes against humanity? Any thoughts?

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At what point is violence necessary? Perhaps if there were real means by which the citizens could hold such officials actually accountable, it might not be.

I have no doubt that putting the heads of a few of these officials up on pikes alongside the interstate would insure better "service".

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The link to send an email to Santa Clara county exec is not working

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Steve, have you called for Nuremberg II?

If not, why not.

I kinda think those who Have Not are controlled opp?

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I wonder if Steve's emails will ever be offered up as evidence during a Nuremberg style trial for these people.

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The Seattle King County Health Dept has the same mindset as Santa Clara and is still recommending Covid shots. I wrote them numerous times as data and doubts came tumbling in. Never got a response. I suggested that they at least recommend folks take Vitamin D as a prophylactic as data came out early clearly indicating that low Vitamin D levels were directly linked to high mortality rates, particularly in morbidly obese folks. And even their St. Fauci admitted to taking Vitamin D. Alas, no response and no positive health protective action to broadcast this simple, cheap lifesaving recommendation. .

I think in particular in California, and in more politically “Progressive” areas like Seattle, the fear of death by Covid remains strong. In Seattle, on a daily basis I still see young, healthy, apparently very athletic people all by themselves walking up steep hills, riding hard on their bikes, and even while driving alone in their cars wearing masks. I very much doubt they are all cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or sick with some other immune disease where they are told by their doctors to wear masks in public (around people). I suspect they are all still terrified of death.

The govt. & media doubled down on the fear-porn propaganda and it worked.

As to your tirelessattempts to merely ask them to look at data and answer simple questions…Having worked in local, state & federal for several decades, my experience tells me that all staff have been strictly warned by their legal teams not to talk to you; they are told that any admittance of wrong doing or bad decisions will open the govt. to bankrupting lawsuits. Whether your information is true and would save lives does not matter to these lawyer guardians of the ruling class. They are wired to always avoid ever admitting responsibility.

Sadly, as you’ve experienced, high powered lawsuits are the only means of getting any policy change out of today’s over-lawyered bureaucracies.

But the other serious factor that remains is that the brainwashed citizen remains terrified of Covid and sees anyone who even questions the vaccine as a tin foil, right wing dangerous threat to their lives & community. The data coming out that shows that the greater number of covid vaccine jabs = repeated more severe bouts of covid seems to be true.

I only hope predictions that a much more virulent strain emerging precisely because of the stupidity of how the pandemic was handled do not come true. The trap door will shut quickly in blue states. But also the door has been opened for govt to release yet more toxic strains to citizens to quell unrest.

Those who would do away with our US Constitution & bill of rights, who will put aside rule of law for a single issue political win are the real threat.

It’s an ongoing battle. Apple News headline today was “the new dark stories about RFK”. The Democrats, big pharma, the MIC, and big tech-big media cohorts like Apple and NYT are totally unable to refute his research, so they go after RFK on a personal smear level to discredit his impressive extremely well documented body of work in his books about Fauci, Gates & the Wuhan cover-up as no in Children's Defense Fund program

Thank you for your constant efforts to waken folks and your attempts to at least get them to glance at the truth. I think it’s too hard (cognitive dissonance) for vaxxed folks to face the fact they were given poison so it’s easier to write you off and dismiss the terrible reality. It takes a lot of courage to face the dismal truth. This issue has been highly divisive in many families & communities. I still have family members and friends who refuse to see me in person.

Prayers your way. May the force be with you!!

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Terrified of covid? Or allergies? However, an N95 mask makes breathing difficult while riding hard on a bike. A sander's mask might be better.

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As a former RN I was shocked at the response. My first thought was is this for real? Did this actually come from the SCCDPH? Then my thoughts went to a doctor in Gilroy who told me he had a patient he tested for West Nile Virus. He called the SCCDPH as he was required to report any cases and they told him to there was no West Nile Virus in SCC and he repeated I have the test and it is positive so I am reporting it and this went on for several minutes until it was made clear to him they said there was no West Nile Virus so therefore there was no WNV. Also they deny that there is Lyme disease in SC Valley even though Standford did a drag with with white sheets through the foothills hiking trails surrounding Stanford and in the parks. They found plenty of Lyme ticks especially in the areas with grassy trails and in the east and west side mountains. Especially populated with Lyme ticks is Henry Coe Park in the mountains above Morgan Hill on the east side and grassy meadows and trails. We have never known anyone to go Hiking on El Toro on the west side in Morgan Hill who didn't return with ticks on themselves. Lyme or not. So I was already aware SCCDPH controls the narrative they want to put out true or not. But this careless, callous disregard for the injured, the sick, the dead, their families and the psychological effect this has had on everyone (remember it was the head of the SCCPHD who called for lockdowns here, copying what they did in Wuhan, and it then spread nation wide) needs to be reckonned with. The MSM won't give Steve a platform anymore so I think this should be shared with outlets that will listen. This needs to get out.


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Didn’t Rush Limbaugh used to make fun of Santa Clara county?

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I differentiate between RESPONSE and REPLY.

RESPONSE: Addresses the query in good faith in a complete manner

REPLY: Any acknowledgement of contact

What you have been receiving are non-responsive replies. These serve as a way to avoid the exchange of information, provide resolution or to change the context of the exchange. Non-responsive replies are dishonest and manipulative. They are part-and-parcel of the gaslighting used by narcissistic conmen, psychopaths and politicians.

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Put yourself in their shoes. They are responsible for countless amount of physical harm and death due to their promoting, continuing to promote a gene therapy injection that is fraudulently called a vaccine, was shown from the beginning to be ineffective, with dangerous side effects, with all the unconstitutional and unethical mandates, to protect us from a disease that is not much more than a cold or flue to most people. They took the money and ran with it.

You couldn’t do anything else but ignore it. In the hopes it will go away over time. Before you get held accountable.

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Are they bonded?

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I’m wondering Steve about your thoughts of a second Biden presidency. After all, he did mandate this vaccine upon millions of Americans & thankfully the Supreme Court stopped him from mandating it on employees from private companies. Just wondering what your views are of such a tyrannical move from this tyrant President.

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I'm not Steve Kirsch but I've seen he endorses RFK JR and attends many RFK JR events and fundraisers.

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Steve, the commissioners and execs, will continue to take government and pharma $ and ignore the data and you till you find a prosecutor or a law firm willing to take them on.

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Criminal charges need to be filed against these people.

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