Vaxxing Airline pilots mandatorily has officially caused the pilot's health requirements to be lowered.

Simple solution; Train more pilots so each plane can have a Pilot, a Co-Pilot and a 'SPARE' to prepare for the increased likelihood of one suffering vax 'health complications' while on duty!

MickFromHooe(UK). Unjabbed since 2019 when I began to realise the devious and manipulative Big Pharma have no genuine interest in public health and wellbeing, but mercenarily creating useless, sometimes deadly, concoctions for financial gain.

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Breast implant illness and how to remediate it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/vAw95MRpBdfo/

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People who fly should really be concerned.Their safety is top priority. Somebody who is vaccine injured is a safety risk.

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Tous dans la rue le 31.01.23 , de moutons contre 60.000 francs-maçons ?prient Moloch, la Bête,le Bouc,le Malin, Lucifer comme dans nos Etats Pontificaux, BERGOGLIO et le roi d'Angletterre, notre vassale, parent régicide génocidaire ,pédophile, CHARLES III ,S.O.B d'Elizabeth II, "LA GUEUNON" dixit ST JEAN PAUL II.@+ sur notre page FACEBOOK: "Vivien DURIEUX de CAROLI",la vérité nous rendra libres en 2023 avec le retour selon 3 prophéties de la Bible dont de Daniel, de Jésus Christ,Roy de France,Amen,Amin,la messe est dite le 27.01.23 par les frères Louis DURIEUX de CAROLI.

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Tous dans la rue le 31.01.23 , de moutons contre 60.000 francs-maçons ?prient Moloch, la Bête,le Bouc,le Malin, Lucifer comme dans nos Etats Pontificaux, BERGOGLIO et le roi d'Angletterre, notre vassale, parent régicide génocidaire ,pédophile, CHARLES III ,S.O.B d'Elizabeth II, "LA GUEUNON" dixit ST JEAN PAUL II.@+ sur notre page FACEBOOK: "Vivien DURIEUX de CAROLI",la vérité nous rendra libres en 2023 avec le retour selon 3 prophéties de la Bible dont de Daniel, de Jésus Christ,Roy de France,Amen,Amin,la messe est dite le 27.01.23 par les frères Louis DURIEUX de CAROLI.

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Tous dans la rue le 31.01.23 , de moutons contre 60.000 francs-maçons prient Moloch, la Bête,le Bouc,le Malin, Lucifer comme dans nos Etats Pontificaux, BERGOGLIO et le roi d'Anglettere, notre vassale, parent régicide génocidaire CHARLES III ,S.O.B d'Elizabeth II, "LA GUEUNON" dixit ST JEAN PAUL II.@+ sur notre page FACEBOOK: "Vivien DURIEUX de CAROLI",la vérité nous rendra libres en 2023 avec le retour selon 3 prophéties de la Bible dont de Daniel, de Jésus Christ,Roy de France,Amen,Amin.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023

This is not the FAA but here's how the CDC has been spending it's time in the last year or so. Notice it can investigate things in detail if wants to.


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Useful info, thanks.

Had a quick look myself. Like most big pharma products I would say it was pointless at best. How about some diluted warm salty water? The ingredients listed on GeriCare don't look good so why should any of the wretched things be of any use?

I have a facial palsy (LHS) and I have not bothered on the whole with eye drops, although my eye has not been dry as such, except tears came back when I stopped the sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning once I realised what was going on with my diet.


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https://iqfy.com/unvaccinated-silence/ very strange.

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Wait - is that article a joke??

The vaxxers wanted us DEAD. They marched right up to get in line while DISMISSING and MAKING FUN OF our fears and questions. THEY SILENCED US!!!

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Why the unvaccinated stayed silent?

Because we don't want to fight with our family members and lose friends.

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I lost a 48 year friendship of an air force friend. I warned him about the jab (he had the Moderna three times at the last count) and that masks were a joke and that was our friendship over. He's still alive, but I wonder what is waiting for him a year or so down the line?

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The same for me, 75 years old, lost af friend know from kindergarden when 5 year old, and later 12 years in school. His mother was neurse, and he blindly trusted vaccines, and said that Malone was wrong as the Danisk health ministery told that nohing wrong with the "vaccines", still told by news and ministeries. A month ago, a commond friend, few years uger, suddently died by breast cancer, but my friend can't connect 2 and 2. I from january 2021 told that the vaccines aren't vaccines, that is helping againg being hit by a disease.

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Yes, this lad I met when we joined the air force together in 1974. We were the best of mates and just over a year ago I said to him that no matter what happens with these "strange times" our friendship will survive. We clashed over the wearing of masks. He said they helped, I said they had no effect, but helped harm your immune system and that was it. After some name calling, telling me I didn't know what I was talking about. I had the evidence, the facts and he had nothing to back him. He wasn't interested at all in seeing my information.

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It's the same for me. Back im April, he called on my birthday, and we talked an hour and I said as you concerning mouth mask, then mentioned Malone, Stive, and other, and press censur, but he would not belive that there are any censur, as we were told about Sovjet, (he don't own a PC). He did not, as probably all of the Danish, knew about WEF, or reality about Bill Gates, the nice helpfull person as he belived. And then on his birthday 12th og July I phoned to him, and he answered that no time now, so he would phone me another day. He not yet have phoned, And today I send the last letter,finishing letter, to him, number 551, since back in 2002 mowing to thailand, and each letters after 2 weeks, each on 15 - 20 sides + plus copies. Today only copies about Covid and WEF (Mercolas artickel yesterday). I daily e-mail to at close friend of us, around 14 year younger than me, pevious direcctors son known since he was 7 years old, civil engine, his brother academic engineer, and sister doctor. I send enourmous writing and copies to him, because total censur i Denmark, without peoples knowing. In Denmark everyboy have been told that not ower all of the World yet a singel person have died by mRNA "vaccines"! But he the engineer (as I), understand my informations, but was by his sister, the doctor, put on mRNA vaccine, when I warned him back in May month 2021. I have since 1920 been sceptical against vaccines, by enourmous much readings since child.

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Not owning a PC doesn't help in educating him. Watching the TV news and believing what they tell us. is the beginning of OUR end. I no longer watch TV. I watch all sports I want to see on my laptop or movies. And I get all my info from people like Steve Kirsch, God look after him and his family and of course the patriotic sites. Great doctors like McCullough, Malone, Urso, Cole, Marik, the late Zevenko, Marble, Ardis, Lawrie, Yeadon................

I told my ex friend that I will end up on the "right side of history" and he the wrong side. Even when it eventually dawns on him that he's made a dreadful mistake, I do not think he will ever admit it. This is how stupid these people are.

It's been nice talking Gert.

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You might lose them anyway if they fall ill and die from vaccines. Still, if you have warned them once, their blood is on their heads as it were.

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Absolutelig interest, and with wise worths.

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The Free Press -

Court Documents Reveal Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis

In the days leading up to the mandate, transportation officials were frantically looking for a rationale for it. They came up short


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...and I doubt it was legal anyway.

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It's a plot to DEPOPULATE the planet!

The CAMOUFLAGE is, that they will "save the planet"!

So these psychopaths have put themselves between a rock & a hard place!

THIS is - in simple words - why only world-war III can "save us" now!

And THAT is blamed on "Putin's aggression" in Ukraine"!

HIDING 50 years of US-planning to crush Russia!

Just read: Zbigniew Brzeziński!

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I read the article "Steve Kirsch’s Deceptive Vaccine Truths". At first it attacks him, then as you read further down, they start to agree with most of what he says. The article should be titled "Steve Kirsch’s Questions on Vaccine Truths".

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You don't say where the article is.

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It was written for "Headline Readers", ... the people who never read anything but the headline and then run with it. Or the people who only read the first paragraph or two. It's a recipe for propaganda.

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Steve, thought you might enjoy reading this....thought you want to know what is written about you so you can reply to them..... here it is.... STEVE KIRSCH’S DECEPTIVE VACCINE TRUTHS https://starkmanapproved.com/steve-kirschs-deceptive-vaccine-truths/

I have never heard of this guy....have you.....

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I read this morning the FFA has changed acceptable limits from 200 to 300 ms on ECG’s which puts pilots in the range for future cardio- vascular events. I guess they heard you- I still wouldn’t feel safe flying.

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That's backwards. A shorter PR is desireable.

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That’s 100% correct exactly what the blog I was reading discussed- the coverup continues. Any pilot having a cardiac arrest/stroke/dissecting aorta will free the FAA of responsibility under the new guidelines. Add to that there’s a worldwide movement to remove co- pilots. No way am I getting on another plane.

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It seems that the WEF will permitted only unjabbed pilots to fly themselves to DAVOS, because psychopathic lives matter.

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The US freedom flyers ( unvaxed pilots) responded by saying it was the independent individuals owning jets contacting them for unvaxed crews not the WEF - splitting hairs I’m guessing.

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I'll bet you're right. Guessing the pilots'd be so grateful for the work that they would not want to offend those providing it.

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I would hazard a guess that the WEF ''bigwigs'' have their own private staff -- unvaxxed, of course.

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That is bound to be a sure bet- I’d put my shirt on that lol

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Steve - Maybe see if Tucker Carlson will cover this. Someone better get on it. Otherwise it’s a ticking time bomb ready to go off. The people in the government also fly. Are they willing to put their own lives at risk just to please their corrupt bosses?

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They use non-vaxed pilots at DAVOS

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Steve, with the position that DeSantis has taken in Florida about the Jab Grand Jury and remarks etc. Wouldn't it be reasonable to ask him and Florida for a look at jab status and excess morbidity stats to get numbers you want for analysis that nobody seems to want looked at anywhere else? With his stand wouldn't it be stupid for him to deny access? Have you tried?

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The global elite are destroying the airline industry in the name of climate change and to keep their subjects from traveling . They, of course, will continue to travel in their private jets with their unjabbed pilots.

But the elephant in the room is the millions of jabbed people who are driving automobiles who are just as susceptible to “dying suddenly “ as any pilot. And there obviously are more licensed drivers than pilots.

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