Whats mindblowing is the maskers cant see that catching a cold and or flu was re branded with a scary name called Covid. Now Im hearing Omg I got covid vs. Im not feeling well I think I caught a cold. Its pure evil the psychological manipulation!

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These unions were started with the purpose of safeguarding actors and actresses. WTF. I know for sure that the stage hands union voted against mandating the ConVid death shots. A friend who's a stage hand who worked in L.A. for years told me about his god daughter, age 27, who died within minutes of receiving one of the death shots.

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Herd mentality communists push the politburo's narrative 24/7. People like that are beyond reasoning. Most of them will die with the lie. Very few of them can learn, even from direct pain from what they've been willingly injected with. Also, .6% is way too low. The lethality are/were 6.5% per dose, non-randomized per location. Killing off 10% of the population, and the herd doesn't notice. Killing off 20%, and they notice. Basic Psych. And we haven't even gotten to the sterilization portion of the bioweapon. That will kill a civilization quicker than any weapon, even a nuke. Btw, 4chan was right. You should have listened.

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Well, Elon Musk's noticed. All the Blue Pilled warriors are up in arms because he's noticed the birthrate is 1.7 meaning we are not having enough kids to replace just ourselves. How has the "One Child" population agenda worked for the good of overall society in Red China?

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Love it! Thank you for sticking it in their faces.

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They like fiction - magic potion narratives and story lines where the good-guys win. By virtue of their prestige and association with politicial power, they also feel omnipotent.

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Good to see your estimates of 0.2% and 10%. I appreciate seeing the top dissident experts like yourself give their best simplified summary of what they think the data is showing.

My latest is once again on the sorry but important topic of "respectable conservative" suppression of the widespread covid-vax-harms story. The first two parts of a 3- part essay:

https://pomocon.substack.com/p/the-rationales-of-the-knowing-suppressors and https://pomocon.substack.com/p/the-rationales-of-the-knowing-suppressors-f10

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If we who oppose the jab were REALLY the cranks and conspiracists the will accuse us of being they would not hesitate to charge forth to refute us.

After all I do frequent a channel whereby with endless patience someone refutes the flat earth and the Apollo moon hoax theory.

Even if most will roll their eyes at nut jobs and move on there will ALWAYS be someone out to refute such craziness


Why is there NO ONE out to refute us with solid data and impeccable reason if they are right and we are crazy?

As always their every action in response to our assertions of truth positively scream bad faith

We know why the will not come forward and refute as


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Hello Steve Kirsch,

Thank you for STAYING IN THE FIGHT !

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Steve, well done yet again mate. I would LOVE to see that exact set of words MADE PUBLIC TO THE WHOLE WORLD. Question. Do you feel "high profile People" would add their name to your statement? I believe many would! Here (in my opinion) is an opportunity I have been seeking for many many months now (in fact I mentioned it in one of YOUR earlier Substacks). THE WHOLE WORLD needs desperately to hear (and see) from "The Good Guys" to swing the pendulum back towards reality/truth/logic/facts. I imagine you would have (or could get) contact details for many of the brave and "well informed" in today's world (you KNOW who I refer to). I suggest making widespread contact with as many as you can. Perhaps post your full statement on your web site and provide for Identity and their acceptance of your statement. With your permission I will post it on my web site (www.theWILLofamericans.com) and ask these high profile people to visit the site (s) identify themselves as valid and ENDORSE your Statement to The World! Certain People at Epoch Times spring to mind to ask for assistance. You have made a tremendous impact toward the goal mentioned (Truth) here Steve, but I believe something along the lines of what I mention here could be your "Crowning Glory".

Hope you don't mind the suggestion.

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Helloooooo! This is 2024. Are people still asleep?

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They'd better Awaken with JP! https://www.youtube.com/awakenwithjp

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Definitely one of the funniest guys on the planet!

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unfortunately yes! My husband is!! He cannot believe vaccines would harm anyone.

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The brainwashing has been effective. Maybe try showing your husband how the definition of vaccine was changed in 2021 to accommodate the modified mRNA injections.

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Tell him the mRNA jab destroys the immune system, causing HIV, which leads to AIDS, which is always fatal. All the jabbed will be dead in 10 years, unless they start now with vaccine removal therapy. That's a subject I know zero about, but I've seen protocols which are designed to mitigate the jab's effects. Don't use Google for search. Use StartPage.

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You can bet your bottom dollar that the union is and has been "incentivized" by the USG (and the Alphabet Boyz) for MANY years to be their mouthpiece for entraining the peasantry to follow the narrative of the day. Nothing sells better that Hollywood...

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Why are so many afraid of the truth...I is it because of lawsuits ..Is it because they do not want to admit that they they bought the lies and took the vaccine...The media will not say anything because of advertising revenue ( millions)...If you checked on the internet at the beginning of the pandemic the red flags were flying high...It was not hard to see that this was about greed...What bothers me more than anything is the lack compassion for another human being...How can anyone be that cold hearted..Look at our flag and remember what it stands for and what it cost...We must unite against this evil... This is a fight that must be fought and won..".SEMPER FI"

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i only did the two, i am 75, altho i seem to be getting the Flu like symptoms more than i like. Yes got the flu shot. but i am sharing this info for some who are interested. July 11,2024

The Ninth Circuit Court EXPOSED THE TRUTH in a groundbreaking decision that will have profound legal ramifications for COVID-19 shots and beyond.

Here’s what you need to know:

The Ninth Circuit ruled that because the COVID shots do not stop the spread of disease, they cannot be classified as vaccines.

This means it was completely illegal for the US Government and its various tyrannical health agencies to force anyone to take these shots.

In October 2021, America’s Frontline Doctors and I sued Kaiser on behalf of 4,000 employees based on this argument. I clearly saw that these were experimental therapeutics that did not stop transmission - they were not vaccines as the word had been historically defined, and therefore our government had no legal standing to mandate them. We were the first to present this legal theory, and this pivotal ruling is a direct result of our work.

The Ninth Circuit's decision affirms my work, and the work of America’s Frontline Doctors!

Liability protection under U.S. law is granted only to valid vaccines. The CDC and pharmaceutical companies were fully aware of this critical distinction when they changed the definition of “vaccine” in 2021 to include mRNA shots.

This pivotal decision also reveals the lack of integrity of the CDC's actions and holds Big Pharma accountable for its attempt to manipulate legal protections.

The US Government and its corrupt health agencies mislead the public by altering definitions and pushing mandates that do not meet legal or health standards. This ruling challenges government overreach and represents a HUGE VICTORY for medical freedom.

Ultimately, this decision challenges Big Pharma's unlimited liability protection and may hold them responsible for producing dangerous COVID-19 treatments.

I believe this ruling may fundamentally reshape national vaccine policies and prevent future un-constitutional mandates. Further, this opens the door for those who lost their jobs and livelihoods for refusing the injections to seek restitution. do your research . go to their site for more infor.

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Thank you for this comment. Excellent.

What that 9th Circuit decision also did was expose Jacobson v. Massachusetts. So many incorrectly believe -- even the vaunted "Constitutional" lawyer Dershowitx -- that that decision gave the State the "right" to inject. It DID NOT. Jacobson was contesting the validity of the fine imposed on those who declined injection.

The Court in Jacobson ruled that the State was within its bounds of power to impose that fine. Jacobson became a "criminal" when after that ruling he declined to pay the fine, too!

So, no. The State has no power to force injections and Jacobson did not say they did.

You're 100% right in the importance of this most recent 9th Circuit ruling.

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Please so NOT take ANY vaxxx.

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My dad just told me that my BIL requires my dad to get all shots in order to see his grandchild.

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Thats so unreasonable. And if he went and did it, would BIL just come back with more demands? Unacceptable.

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No idea. BIL is in the medical field so parrots all lines. He currently has hoof and mouth though so doesn’t seem to know much about health. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I can't believe that this crap is still going on!!! Such insanity is quite hard to accept. Were I your dad, I would NEVER bow to such fascist extortion. ANY parent who acts like this is a totalitarian nutcase and their lids WILL come to realize this as they reach maturity and shun their oppressors.

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Thank you for continuing to speak out. I have a relative, a perfectly healthy and wildly talented and hardworking young adult, who, though he did not want them, took the jabs in order to appear in a film. You can guess my opinion on his decision to do that— not that my opinion matters, because it was his decision to take the jabs and, after all, it's his body, he gets to live in it, not me— but the requirement imposed on him that he do so in order to work, that was criminal. May those who mandated this crap be held accountable before the law.

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No one will ever be held accountable.

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I wouldn't be too sure about that. But time will tell.

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This makes me think about the impact on our military, pilots, surgeons and other critical personnel. Is there any doubt now that a foreign adversary is trying to dismantle America and other Western nations?

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Understand the argument, but this is not mere incompetence. It has all been carefully plaaned and orchestrated over the past century. The final implemented of the agenda has been underway a couple of decades, IMO. "They" have been at this a long, long time and we are nearing the final act of the play... Will the good guys win in the end? I remain a long term optimist, but a short term pessimist... We shall see within the next few months.

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It is NOT a "foreign" adversary. It is our own fascist government that is intent on imposing its vision for a one world techno-totalitarian government by the Ruling Psychopathy upon the planet. Pogo had it right years ago: "We have met the enemy and it is us."

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In my view, it is both--foreign adversary/ies and our greedy and/or incompetent "leaders" following commands, knowingly or unknowingly.

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