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Here's what I sent to him.


Apparently, you have been unable to find an association between the covid vaccine and the 25Million injured.

Let me start by telling you:

1. My friend’s 25yo firefighter son died within 6 hours of his 2nd moderna shot. I included a picture of his vaccine card and his obituary).

2. My daughter’s flight attendant friend died mid-flight from a heart attack (after the shot)

3. My brother-in-law suffered a heart attack 6 days after receiving the booster. The dr said it was the largest clot that he’s ever removed in the 10 years he’d been doing this.

4. My daughter’s co-workers’ husbands (as in multiple)developed shingles and a-fib after receiving the shots.

5. My daughter’s co-worker developed heart issues and had to wear a monitor.

6. My daughter’s co-worker developed and all body rash that she’s had for more than a year!

7. My daughter’s friend, a NICU RN, says that instead of the typical loss of 6-8 babies/year, they’d lost 20 in 9 months and mostly from strokes or clots. She’s convinced that it’s a result of vaccinated breast-feeding moms.

8. My other daughter’s a radiologist and has seen an increase in aggressive breast cancers in young women.

9. She’s also seen late term, as in 39 weeks, stillbirths.

10. My daughter’s friend suffered a miscarriage after receiving the vax. She had conceived via In-vitro.

11. My brother-in-law’s friend’s CLL, that had been in remission for 20 years, came back with a vengeance and he died.

12. My daughter’s boss’ 18 yo son’s best friend died while they were playing basketball. Imagine giving CPR to your best friend…at that age.

13. My daughter’s co-worker’s husband died from bile duct cancer after receiving the vax. That’s considered a very rare cancer. With that said, my brother-in-law just died from bile duct cancer as well. AND my friend’s cousin was just diagnosed with it and sent home to die. AND one more person we know has bile duct cancer. Please explain that!

14. Too many people, with no previous health conditions, have died unexpectedly. Too many to count!

15. My friend’s daughter’s co-worker, 30yo, died at home while working out-leaving 2 young children.

16. My friend and her 2 sisters all developed cancer within a couple months of receiving the vax (2 breast and 1 colon).

17. My friend, Suzanna Newell (google her name), was a triathlete and after the Pfizer shot she can no longer walk without a walker and she’s on disability.

18. I’m part of a group of vaccine injured and MANY of them are suffering from tremors, heart PAIN, neurological pain, extreme fatigue, and brain fog.

How much more do you need before you’ll see an association?

There's still more.

19. In Feb, my daughter, the radiologist, had a 34yo patient following up biopsied breast lesion from when she was pregnant 6months earlier. She got her first shot in Jan, still pregnant. Six days later, there's an x-ray for fetal autopsy bc she lost the baby at 33 weeks. "That just cannot be coincidental. You don't just have a 3rd trimester miscarriage with no other known complications."

20. My friend, KJ's husband's work really pushed the shot and he had 2 co-workers die in the same week.

21. Friend, CM, had a normal mammogram 9mo earlier and now stage 4 breast cancer.

22. Daughter's patient suffered a heart attack followed by a blood clot. Dr. from Mayo contributed it to the shot.

23. Daughter hearing about a lot of autoimmune diseases, specifically rheumatoid arthritis. Multiple people...and although we can't say for sure it's from the shot....it is suspected.

24. Friend, Kate, after just 1 shot, has been in a-fib for 18 months, suffers from enlarged heart, "burning feet" neuropathy, vertigo and bone ache and much anxiety. Walking can be difficult at times.

25. Friend, NS's son suffered pulmonary embolism that the doctor contributed to the shot.

26. Friend HR's brother-in-law, suffered a seizure on an flight and now sees a neurologist...possible early onset parkinson's.

27. Daughter's co-worker's mid-20s son currently undergoing evaluation for new onset arrhthmia.

28. May 2022, daughter had a 23yo-14 week pregant woman's CT for TIA symptoms. Patient got the shot in Nov.

29. Aug 2022, teacher at our local school "died unexpectedly".

30. Friend CD's husband lost his job bc he refused the shot. His previous co-worker died while on a zoom call.

31. Family friend's daughter, Vickie L, a marathoner who only missed 130 days of running in 31 years, died in her sleep from a brain hemorrhage after the shot.

32. SIL has suffered from tinnitus since receiving the shot.

33. BIL had increased blood pressure after first shot, was treated and still got the second shot, only to deal with high blood pressure again!

34. Friend GJ's friend was hospitalized after the first shot and was told not to get the second.

Keep coming back, because I continue to get more updates.

This is so very sad and must be made public.

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Hi Anita⚘️

One coworker on the first covid jab had an MI. She still took the seond after I asked her to not take any. Another one keeps shedding on her family and friends from boosting. She is clueless. Her family got really sick this last time. All the jabbed keep getting sick around me. They also lined up for the 2023 flu shots. Those who did not take the covid jabs took the flu shots with the mRNA covid ingredients.

I took none. Yes I still have my job. God places me where He decides and will remove me at the right time.

Folks got confident they had minimal symptoms in my work place meaning not yet disabled or dead..

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Very impactful.

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If every single MD and nurse would be SO DETAILED IN SUMMARIZING WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THEIR PATIENTS, LIKE YOU ARE, we'd be done with the shots long time ago, we'd be done with covid, we could have normal life, again. Please encourage everyone to do the same, care about the family, friends, other humans:)

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The medical industry bought into it completely in January of 2020. It made a lot of people feel important. As if they were warriors in a heroic battle.

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I have not vaccinated myself or other people. It has been alraming tfor me to see what has happened. It takes a toll on me and my family. The world was changed. I did not allow ppl to label me as a hero of any kind. I did not buy into it. Been warning ppl. They refused to hear the Truth. Most in hospitals are vaccine injured. Blind eyes from doctors and coworkers. Flu shots and other vaccines have the mRNA tech and nano tech in them. Substacks have show me a lot more reading folks articles and research. Very thankful for all their hard work. Knowledge is important.

Trust God folks.

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that is why we were labeled in the beginning........

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Entry number 11: "CLL" = Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

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Yes, he had CLL in remission for 20 years. He regretted getting the shot! After it his CLL came back with a vengeance, he developed lung cancer too and then died.

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I had an elderly friend who had had lung cAncer but been in remission for eight years. Got vaxed and after his second shot it came back. With a vengeance. He died in three weeks.

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Thank you so much for documenting these disasters. Can I ask where you and those who underwent these side-effects, live and specifically at what latitude? And another relevant question is their ethnicity, simply because a darker skin means you make, for any given area of skin sun exposure, down to 10-20% of the amount of vitamin D of someone of lighter skin colour.

I believe it is urgent to consider seriously the possibility that, as was evident to us among the minority ethnic medical deaths from Covid-19 in the UK at the start of the pandemic, (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vitamin-Deficiency-Covid-19-Central-Pandemic/dp/0956213278) that these genetic spike protein pseudovaccines are especially dangerous for anyone who is vitamin D-deficient. Any exogenous immune insult, be it an infection or an inoculation, is followed by local activation in immune cells of 25OHD3 by the enzyme 1-alpha-hydroxylase, to form 1,25 OHD3. This is the ligand for the Vitamin D receptor (VDR), component of the VDR/RXR complex, which is a major controller of the natural immune system. Like water in a drinking trough, the 1,25OHD there can only be used once - upon dissociation from the VDR activated 1,25OHD is immediately destroyed by 24-hydroxylase, one of the enzymes induced by activated VDR. So anyone presenting such studies should surely also make diligent enquiries of vitamin D status (blood levels of 25OHD and Vitamin D intake). Vitamin D repletion to blood levels of 50-100 ng/ml (125-250 nmol/l) might be the single most important way to protect against these immunotoxins, and at least should do no harm.

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Very good idea to consider Vit D levels. 44.9532" N, 93.1023" W

So many are deficient. Some are family or friends from other areas. I do agree that Vit D is essential and a huge contribution to immune protection.

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Thanks Anita. My co-author Dr David Grimes and I have been actively promoting vitamin D from the start of the pandemic (see https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vitamin-Deficiency-Covid-19-Central-Pandemic/dp/0956213278), and have encountered no obvious disasters among family and friends). If you write to me on anderson.drdavidATgmail,com I will send a free pdf file for liberal distribution

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thank you very much for posting all this. I've always said that the best evidence we have is what happens to people within our "circle" of family, friends, acquaintances, and their "circle". Your circle has clearly been "hit". But what's interesting to me is that my circle hasn't been hit much, and I'm thinking it's cuz calif didn't get a very lethal "batch" of the vax.

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The lefter the people I know who have been vax injured, the less likely they are to accept the vax as being the problem. I know a ton of people who have been vax injured. Only two, maybe three now, accept it was the vax. A lot of vax injury too, from what I'm seeing, is very odd in that it is moving around the body. So, a 60 year old friend lost 80% of his strength in both arms for a month or so. However, this seems to have abated, but not totally. His stomach 'was on fire' for months. He lost a ton of weight. Now, he has gained a lot of weight. To be fair he gains weight easily, but in this case it is because his digestion is messed up. He is forgetful. He left his home and FORGOT TO PUT ON HIS PANTS a month ago. I have seen others develop weird symptoms that go away in a month only to be replaced with something else for a month or so. A lot of young seniors having confusion. Not a moment of forgetfulness, but actual confusion. By young I mean 62-72, not 80+. You might be correct about them giving California a lot of blank shots, but you also might not be aware of all that is happening. Things like people's faces aging more quickly.

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I've actually wondered if they are giving blanks to leftists -- if they can determine that they're leftists, that is. My cousin & her whole family, including 2 year old (!) & 93 y.o. dad, got vaxxed & boosted. So far, they're all doing great. They're staunch dems, which is what made me question this...

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Also, my step sister, also a dem in WASH state has a heart issue now.

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My dem cousin (he's a nurse) died in his sleep. He's on the other side of the country than me. Died in Jan of 2020. He's in his late 50's. Crazy thing is, Years ago his sister died of SIDS when she was a baby.

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When I first saw the acronym SADS a wave of horror hit me in my visveral gut-

Our planners also created SIDS

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My circle also hasn't been hit much. My guess is that this is because my circle was very 'Blue' and highly educated. It seems that strongly Blue communities get far more placebo shots, thus less death and destruction. I've already seen some large scale statisiical analysis indicating this is the case. This would be consistent with the "do whatever to harm my political enemies" that's been the modus operendi of the WEF's infiltrator agents. E.g. Trudeau Regime.

To Anita Jadar: is your circle primary Blue, Red, or a mix? Has the death and harm fallen harder on those in Red communities?

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My thoughts exactly!

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Interesting you say that. Do you have any documentation or data that supports that?

I live in MN. Even though rural mn may be purple, the Twin Cities are very blue. There are some conservatives and we try to find each other. With that said... I'm not sure of tbe political standing of all the injuries i listed, but I'm will to guess that the majority are liberal. Also, some were friends from other states or patients of my two daughters.

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Hi Anita - I remember reading some preliminary data analyses that suggested that conclusion. Unfortunately I've not done that research myself, nor do I remember just where I saw it. It would be most accurate to attempt to analyze for the same factors from multiple independent data sets and multiple methods. I was speaking mostly hypothetically. I suspect such data is floating about.

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It sure makes you wonder. Have you gone to www.howbadismylot.com ?

For those who took the shots, you can see some of the data.

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That's one data source one might tap. Indeed, we've looked up the lot numbers for several friends. E.g. One person close to me got a [highly probable] placebo in place of Pfizer #1 in in a deep blue college town location in Oregon USA in February 2021. Then got a full strength Pfizer #2 in early May of 2021 in an older-demographic deep blue rural BC Canada location. This is going from lot number adverse event statistics on howbad.info . With the disclaimer that we don't know lot size, lot size may vary between lots, and typical lot size is 100K doses.

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Aug 21, 2022
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yep, I've done that - it blows their mind. They hate him so much they took his untested killer jab. It would be funny but people are being maimed and are dying

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Interesting. I wish I knew that answer.

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in Quebec Canada the vast majority of people are double vaxxed, even teenagers. Now, if I didn't ask around I would think that all is fine. Then you discover some developped high blood pressure, leg blood circulation problems, heart palpitation, some it's onsets or return of cancers; of course no one will tell me if they have erectile dysfonction or "feminine" health issues. People don't talk, many recover so it's all done and gone. So we think all is good. And they won't associate the jab with the newly aquired health challenge. Ask around, you will be suprised. And yes I heard that some wicked batches intentionally went to different states... I did not check for our provinces.

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Hmm. My triple-vxxd sister has developed what she thinks is neuropathy-- her right arm goes numb and is painful/tingles; and within the past three months she's been breaking out every couple of days in full-body hives. Previously healthy as a horse.

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thos are listed side effets of pfizer jab

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Do your part, Sophie. Check into that erectile dysfunction! We all have to do what we can.

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Quebec votes largely in favor of Trudeau and the left/socialism. They wouldn't want to kill those who will vote in favor of socialism....now conservative Alberta on the other hand....

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Keep asking. It's only a matter of time.

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That's also interesting to me, also here in CA. I've been warning people from the very begin of the scandemic for the last 2.5 years about the dangers of the SARS-CoV2 SPike, the gene therapy falsely called 'vaccines' etc., etc. and despite of not too big of a circle of friends, I don't know too many who are injured, 'only' 3 deaths... So I do believe it is also a matter not only where, but also who is getting the injection...

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Only 3 deaths! In a small circle?

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I wrote: 'only' 3 deaths.., hoping people get the point, but apparently not:(

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Ha! I missed the quotes around the ‘only’. Sorry about that.

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Thank you so much for your reporting. If you don’t mind, I’m going to share in my next podcast episode! https://anchor.fm/jsk/episodes/mRNA-Science-NOT-Fiction---59-e1mcab8

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Please do. I can hook you up with many of the injured, those who are just trying to get the injured public acknowledgement.

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I’d love to help if there’s anyway I can. If they want to come on the podcast or anything else I can do, please let me know…

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I think the way people are able to ignore this is that many people do *not* know anywhere near as many people suffering from these strange outcomes. Strange, or effed up, or in any case extremely undesirable.

Which doesn't mean you didn't see what you saw, not at all, just that the events don't seem evenly distributed, and of course that raises the question, "why?"

If you saw what you saw, and I saw what I saw, and they're entirely different sets of events, what's the explanation? There are obvious paranoid-sounding explanations, but are there any others?

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One issue is the side effects are many and varied. It isn't just heart attacks or strokes. A lot of neurological issues, for example. That makes it harder to see. Let's say it ends up being 1 in 30 are quite injured, and it takes 3 years to fully come out, that means you might see 3 or 4 severely injured over time if you are a reasonably social person. Over society those are massively catastrophic numbers - ten million people. But, one could easily go years and not see someone hurt. Another way of putting it is let's say young people death rates are up 50%, also massive. Yet if only one in 400 normally die in a year, and now it is 1 in 266 you would still have to know 266 young people to get one death that year. However, with over 100 million young people it means 125,000 extra deaths a year in young people. Breast cancer kills under 45,000 a year, to put that in perspective.

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The probability might work out differently - I think it's the case that in a randomly selected group of people you only need a total of 25 to have a 50% likelihood that two share a birthday, which in either case would be a one in 365 chance. So if it's one in 266 and you live in a randomly distributed city of a million, you wouldn't have to know 266 people to have a 50% chance of running into an unlucky one.

Someone else might be able to make this claim with actual clarity.

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Now that I write this it makes me realize it will be much higher than 1 in 30. I know of a minimum of 25 vax injured, probably higher. I don’t know closely 750 people. Close enough to know their medical history. It might end up being one in five or ten.

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The obvious answer is that the vaccinators have been distributing placebo shots to 'elite-friendly' Blue communities and giving 'the real juice' to minority and Red communities.

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also the reason for priortization of shots, take out first line responders police and healthcare workers and of course our elderly as they have lived history/know truths and of course there are no funds to continue to care for them..........

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Yup, that's one of the obvious paranoid-sounding explanations, fer sure.

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Particularly given that technical capabilities for such an operation are already in place. All of them. Including the legal and contractual elements. Look at the details.

Also, yes, there's plenty of data indicating that certain batches are 'hot' while others are placebo. Furthermore, yes, there's data indicating 'hot lots' go predominantly to communities that are already predisposed to oppose whomever is in power. There's not 'proof' that this is occurring, but it WOULD be a PERFECT way to maximize the partisan divide. It's pretty obvious to everyone paying attention that SOMEONE is trying to maximize the partisan divide. Planting hot lots with traditional regime enemies and then mostly placebo with traditional regime supporters would do that quite nicely. Is it actually happening? Maybe or maybe not. It's something to watch for, in case more evidence manifests.

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Globalists are at war with the 'free' West', thus the targeting. We have not seen this kind of war so openly displayed in the past, and whenever anyone tried or tries to call attention to the aims of these elites, they have been/are dismissed as kooks and extremists. Have observed this since the 50's. Time to grow a thick skin and a backbone if one is a lover of freedom, because they aim to take it ALL from all of us, whether we are freedom lovers or not.

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Oh, yes, we know plenty.....I'm a nurse and my best friend is an MD, we sit and update our list 2 or three times a month. Currently I have one second degree acquaintance who died of covid and 24 who have died or been injured by the injection. There is willful blindness.

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As I say, I don't doubt you or the others who have reported similarly. It does seem odd, though, that the distribution of events is so uneven. E.g., I know of one person who died in the past year. He was 91, and had to have surgery for a bowel obstruction. I have issues with how things went, but none of the usual vax-injury patterns seemed to apply.

I know one vax-injured person who is still around and functioning pretty well, with smell and taste issues. I know another who had weird tingling in his extremities, but seems otherwise OK. I'm not blind to the issue, but the cases don't seem to be occurring in my circle of acquaintances.

The question is why. And "it's not really happening" doesn't seem at all an adequate answer.

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Look at lot numbers. Some are associated with many more adverse events than others. Therefore either a lack of quality control or intentional testing of therapeutic range.

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Sure, and that's a very odd fact which needs explanation. Pfizer should address it. Is the lot number issue common to all manufacturers? Are there any differences in what fraction of lots are problematic? Are there any patterns observable, like zip codes, voting precincts, demographics, etc.? I'd think this data would all be available, the question is who regulates the distribution.

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I was just told by my friend today that if I want to believe what I’m hearing out there what good does it do me??!!! Like I guess her answer is just look the other way. Cause if it doesn’t effect you personally then it’s ok. That’s fucked up!!! I believe every single person who has suffered from these shots whether I know them personally or not. I have empathy and compassion for those who are being shut off and silenced. To have the attitude it has not happened to me so that means it’s all good conspiracy or lies is a fucked up way to treat people!! WTF mine own kids tell me. Why do you worry about it so much mom?? Cause I fucking care about people!!!

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I think the first question to ask is, is there action you can take? Because if there is, then your concern can focus your action. If there is nothing you can do, then getting bothered will help nobody, yourself included. There probably is something you can do, whether it seems large or small.

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Yes. I think that’s why I have so much anger. I try to tell people and warn them not to take the shots but nobody wants to hear it! My own daughter is on 3 ready to take 4. What the hell can I do at this point. People don’t care snd don’t want to know. If they are ok. Then it’s all ok. How do u break through that thinking!!! I want to do something more! I’m lost!!

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Deb, start writing to your elected officials. Write & tell them you are watching their position. Send them studies. And pray.

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I have seen a graph showing the relative level of "lethality" in the specific batches of vax that were sent to the various states. I found that my state (a blue state) was way down the list in lethality, thus, my circle has not been much affected by the vax.

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I'd be very suspicious of any such correlation. The idea that the administrative state favors one major party seems unlikely. Neither party really gives the north end of a southbound rat about anyone in the bottom 99%. Greedheads all.

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That's not it ,Tyrone. The administrative state doesn't give a &^% about political party. Consider, however, that someone (???) seems to be attempting to generate civil wars. Several WEF puppet dictators (e.g. Trudeau, Macron, etc) have shown that they badly want to provoke violent attacks on their government. Whatever the reason, someone is trying to provoke civil war in many countries.

Imagine the utility of convincing people intended to be on opposite sides that the opposition is insane. E.g. Send mostly placebo to predominantly blue communities,. so people observe that it's mostly safe. Send the most dangerous stuff to communities one wants to arouse against the Blue, so people observe it is perilous. This generates two equal and opposing versions of reality, BOTH TRUE. This provides fertile ground for propaganda amplification.

If I wished to drive a country to civil war this would be one way to do it. We know that the distribution system is very precise. We know there is large variation between lots. We know that far more 'hot lots' show up in predominantly red communities. This might be a one tool being used by the Five Eyes intelligence agencies that are behind the actual operational elements in use.

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"We know that far more 'hot lots' show up in predominantly red communities."

Do we, in fact, know this? From what source?

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Great question. I remember seeing this in several analyses but I can't remember where. Possibly Matthew Alredd or Unacceptable Jessica. Probably not findable via search engines ...

Those initial analysis indicated that there seemed to be a correlation between 'hot lot' distribution and red/blue predominance in a region. My recollection is that both said, "this is preliminary and more research with more and better data is needed."

Such data exists but I've yet to see any multi-sourced redundant deep analyses of this angle.

My gut instinct says this is being done, hot lots are being carefully placed to create maximal partisan strife.

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A smoking gun might change perception. So how is that smoking gun being hidden? Can it be hidden if it's searched for?

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There are already multiple more obvious smoking guns sitting in plain sight. So far the combination of media control and censorship makes it difficult to notice even those.

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I wonder if Steve Kirsch's polling technique could suss some of this out. Without actually *starting* that civil war, of course.

I guess the questions I have in mind sound kind of paranoid to begin with, huh. The poll would require some care.

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Do VAERS reports have zip code data?

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Your foment-civil-war scenario seems not at all absurd.

And the Trusted News Initiative couldn't have been better designed to foment *mistrust* of the news.

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Sadly I agree. A few years I would have found it absurd. No more. Not after watching what is being done.

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It doesn't matter if there are any other "plauseable" explanations. Drugs -- experimental at that -- do not have civil rights. They are guilty until proven innocent. The trial should be stopped and their guilt ruled out before continuing.

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Exactly. Common sense. Where has common sense gone!!

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Dr. Yeadon, the retired Pfizer scientist, has commented that the speed with which the drug companies were able to set up shop to sell so many shots calls into question quality. He argues that the different batches may be subject to serious quality control issue.

Also, Kirsch in another thread talks about the 5 vials he managed to get tested that had nothing in them.

So: human experimentation as the 'How bad is my batch' statistician's data would suggest;

Or: criminally incompetent data control;

Or: criminal fraud, selling empty vials;

Or: some combination

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I know 25 people seriously hurt. One accepts it was the vax. Two more are conceding it as a possibility. A buddy just told me he’s having memory issues. He’s super busy with two or three businesses on the go. I suggested he’s overdoing it and has too many details to remember them all. He said he wasn’t sure if that was it. He said ‘this morning I left my house and forgot to put my pants on’. Uh, yeah. That’s not a detail one forgets cuz you’re busy.

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Well. I don’t personally know anyone other than my daughter who had a weird blood clot for no apparent reason in her large vein in leg which dissolved on its own. She is age 27. She has had 3 moderna shots. Her doctor has no explanation as to why she may have had the clot but the clot has now caused her blood flow in her leg to back up and she has constant swelling and pain in that leg. Forever now. That’s my one and only close experience. I have one other friend who is young , maybe 40. She had an aneurysm in brain after vaccines. BUT. I have heard so many injuries and watched so many videos of people who have had awful experiences. Horrific stories are everywhere. So. Even though I personally don’t have people close to me dying or being injured I don’t have my head in the sand and only listen to MSM. I search out info on these experimental shots because I am curious as to how these experimental shots will effect mankind not only now but in years to come. The number of people who ran out and got these experimental shots knowing full well they were never tested fully on humans is mind boggling! I guess everyone just trusted the CDC. Trusted the government. Trusted big pharm. I mean. Why not. Right. These people aren’t in it for the money! No. Never! Paranoid sounding explanations! Hmmm. Follow the money and you get all the answers. These vaccines were NEVER about peoples health.

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Allowing the CDC and FDA to become mouthpieces for Pharma was a major mistake. It wasn't always this way, but it is now. They're like a cancer for which standard treatment would be to poison it, burn it, or cut it from the body. That's Pharma's protocol.

There are other approaches that have to do with changing the cancer-fomenting tendencies in the body, and maybe one of those would work on these alphabetic agencies. But the rot produced by Big Money seems pretty deep at this time, and those approaches may not work.

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So, two you know of. How many others that haven't told you they have been having problems? How many of your circle know about your daughter for example? A lot of the problems are neurological and people don't tend to say 'I'm having moments of confusion I've never had'. Often because they don't accept they are the ones confused.

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Well just today an older man working our house told us he had Covid twice. Had the shots. And he ended up a blood clot in his lung. He does not seem good. Our neighbor across the street got the shots. Ended up with a blood clot in his lung. Neither of these men see it as the vaccine. I tried to tell both. It could be the vaccine. People just don’t accept that. I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s like living In the show leftovers. Everyone has their own way of dealing with this craziness. I’m not sure how we cont8nue on in this insanity. I just want to connect with people who see what I’m seeing. Thank God for substack. I have no family members or friends who see what I am seeing. Makes me feel crazy at times. Angry a lot!

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you are NOT alone We are millions that see what is happening, the damn is getting ready to break-

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The tested animals died or were killed 2 weeks after their shots. (see Vejon Health's recent video). No possible way of knowing the longer-than-2 weeks effects. You already know 2 ruined lives -or long recovery stories-. That's already 2 too many. When you start digging and questionning, you will discover more skeletons in people's closets, regular folks or witnessess that keep their misery to themselves or will never associate their clot with.. well... clot shots. I was forgetting the testimony of a work collegue who started to be treated for scapula/elbow/wrist tendonitis ant treated left and right. Then she tells me they discovered something very wrong in her liver. Then she opens up more and tells me her husband suddenly developped high blood pressure. He's 40... and she was the first to mention that all this started after their shots... Well well..

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I think the whole situation is alarming. I don't trust the authorities even as much as I did before 2020, which wasn't much. Their suppression of safety tested early treatments with bizarro propaganda just screams "dishonesty."

Still, I work to avoid being drawn into other people's delusion, even as an opponent of it, because it seems to me there's a good chance I will only deepen it if I don't oppose it perfectly (which is obv not easy to do).

If we stop seeing human beings who are under great pressure, under assault by sophisticated, well-funded propaganda, if we start treating them as a mass of *other*, then the real bastards win.

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Lot numbers. There are reasons to believe the various production runs have significant differences in LNP concentrations, materials used, metallic contaminants, etc. and the stabilizing agents changed. And the claimed needed conditions (energy they had to be kept cold and then suddenly didn't?)

Not saying it's the cause of the clusters, but of course they've done everything to prevent our easily ruling it out by making the data garbage.

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Aug 12, 2022
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It's not about tariffs. It's about genocide.

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God help us

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Way to go, bring on the reports and testimonies people! it's a genocide! how can there still be people on the blue pill?? That's besides the persons who had 2 to 3 shots and have had ordinary surgery that I'm aware of all had a heart arythmia problems or hemorraged very badly. We are not through with this deadly shot! May I add the possible troubles from vaxxed shedding? this is yet to be proven but the more I look, the more I believe in it!

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That’s my biggest concern to us the Shedding. I know to many couples where one took the shot or forced to take the shot. And their spouse gets sick with Covid too. HIW DANGEROUS IS SHEDDING TO THE SPOUSE THAT DIDNT TAKE THE VACCINE??? How do they protect themselves from getting sick???

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Sophie, very disconcerting this shedding! Can you provide evidence / your own observations in terms of this stuff? I'm grappling with it myself, and would like to know how to protect myself from the horror.

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I'm surrounded by vaxxed people at work and in the community. I live alone so that helps but I take zinc, quercetin, vit D3&K, vit C, probiotic, apple pectin, etc., for detox. I also made my myself a Chinese Star Anise tincture. I take about .75-1 ml a day. Chinese Star Anise contains shikimic acid. I haven't had any problems.

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I take Vit D3, quercetin, some minerals (zinc, liquid copper, iodine). sometimes vit C. We have to use detox methods for protection and healing. Pine needle tea is good to, I interchange with star anise. Tinctures are powerful you are right! I still feel out of whack with circulatory issues.

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I'm unvaxed and don't move among dense crowds much. Never became symptomatic with COVID and all tests have come back negative. I'm interested though in how you make a Star Anise tincture. Sounds like it would be good to have on hand.

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Get a nice clean glass jar with a lid. Fill it HALF way with the dry star anise pods. Then get at least 80 proof vodka and pour in enough to completely cover all of the pods. Put it in in a closet where you can get to it. Shake/swirl once or twice a day for about 6 weeks. Strain out the tincture and put in a bottle. Protect from light. Easy Peasy. You can do a search on making tinctures. I'm sure there are plenty of videos and such.

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I'm sure there are videos. I like reading and writing though. Thank you.

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Aug 12, 2022
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Or they might not. Really, anything *might* be dangerous. What have you got?

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Aug 12, 2022
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It is asserted there that PCR tests are dangerous, that they are deadly, and that there's a good chance the drip you may feel afterwards is cerebrospinal fluid. But no evidence to that effect is presented. None whatsoever.

I get that there's a problem with excessive cycle thresholds, that you can get a positive result for *anything* if you double it 40 times (2^40=1,099,511,627,776). So they aren't reliable if used that way, but that doesn't mean there's any danger in taking one.

As for the spooks of the world taking DNA samples under cover of PCR tests, wouldn't there be an easier way? And why would *my* specific DNA be valuable to the NWO? What could they do with it that they can't do without it?

In any case, I've never taken a PCR test, or sent my DNA to 23-and-me. I have taken lateral flow tests, and disposed of the sample kits privately. I haven't seen moon-suited operatives sifting through my garbage.

I know there are wealthy, powerful, and utterly amoral bastards in the world. But I don't want to hallucinate their activity where it's not happening.

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Aug 12, 2022
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That story appears to be about an incredibly inept person performing the test, and there's no serious suggestion that it's common or normal.

There should be an investigation into WTF happened in that case, but it's one instance, not the usual story.

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How will that work?

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"Friend, Kate, after just 1 shot, has been in a-fib for 18 months, suffers from enlarged heart, "burning feet" neuropathy, vertigo and bone ache and much anxiety. Walking can be difficult at times."

My 74 year old mother has been suffering from the "burning feet" and neuropathy for months since vaccination. She has to carry ice packs around with her everywhere for relief.

She has been following the vaccine recovery protocol here for some weeks and that has provided some, but not total relief so far:


She has also seen a Georgetown neurologist who disclosed treating many, many patients for similar post-vax issues.

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Thank you for your testimony and link. Everyone should have this protocol on hand. May God heal them both!

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Thank you. I will share with her.

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Anita. Can I ask where u live? Wondering if somehow different locations around the country are having more side effects. I know there are lot numbers out there. I wonder if you put all the vaccine cards with lot numbers of all these people side by side you would see some patterns there.

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See howbadismybatch.com and check out your lot number on this site. My husband had no side effects -thank God- , both his shots were from the same batch that did not seem to have reported side effects. But then... who really knows what's in those shots?

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The majority of people I know are vaxxed. Most are in NorCal but others are sprinkled throughout the country. To my knowledge none of them have experienced injuries or know of anyone who did, so I think you may be on to something. Hard to say if it was intentional or just luck of the draw. Could it be that a number of batches were placebos or very low dose? Of course, in this current environment people aren't speaking up publicly which makes it harder to discern.

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I think you’re mistaken. If you know a number of people it is almost impossible some of them aren’t injured. However of the 25 I know whom I strongly suspect are vax injured only one connects it to the vax. A couple of others are somewhat accepting they have been. The rest won’t connect it.

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You are probably right. I haven't been in contact or communicated with a lot of people since all this insanity began. But I recently re-connected in person with a friend who had shared via text last summer that she had a miscarriage. Shortly after that I saw her post to social media that her 2 year old got Covid and she bragged that she had breast fed her when she was vaxxed to pass the antibodies to her child. I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

Then when I saw her last week she told me she had had another miscarriage and she and her husband were going to try a less expensive alternative to IVF as a last resort. Then a few minutes later she mentioned that her now 3 year old just got the second dose of the Pfizer series. Ugh!! She clearly has no idea!

She's really the only person I know personally who has obviously been injured but hasn't connected the dots. I did hear from a couple of friends last year that they knew people who were injured and one who had died 24 hours after getting his 2nd dose but none were people that I know.

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I have heard that the red states, the ones that usually vote against the Democratic Party, are having the most serious problems.

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Not so. Have lots of family in MN. Lots of deaths and tons of side effects there.

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There is a site where you can look up incidence by lot and there are definitely bad lots. That explains why some people know a lot of people who for sure or most likely died or were disabled by the shots and some only know 1 or 2 who they can't prove died of the shots. That said when I was looking at VAERS by state and seeing the 50 - 60% increase per 13,000 for 2021, there wasn't a huge difference by state. Idaho was a little lower, probably due to lack of compliance, NY & CA were similar and I think I checked Texas and Florida which were a few percentage points higher than blue states, but not by much. So I don't know that there is evidence that the red states were sent the bad lots.

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I believe the war that the Globalists are waging against the 'free' West has been first targeted against all those that are in essential support positions, such as doctors, nurses, paramedics, police, firefighters, etc. They received the strong first wave of the vaccines if they were obedient and will likely die young. It is ESSENTIAL to see the big picture.

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It’s to bad that these doctors didn’t do their jobs with Vaers. Most never reported anything. Those studies show it before you can see how many were reported. And remember docs and nurses were getting bonuses when they gave remdesivir as a cure. And by the way, Remdesivir killed all those people in Africa used as a cure for Ebola. It kills it dies not cure. Fauci knew this and so did many, he choose Remdesivir purposefully knowing it kills. Floods the kidneys and lungs. Survival is not good. What a crime.. all about the money. Interesting they have all these drugs to help you after you’ve been injured ftom the vaccine. Gee, they knew exactly what to put out on the market right away. Wake up people and read

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Remdesivir kills people at a really high rate, something like 50% right out of the gate. Also ventilators have something like an 80% death rate and were never a recommended treatment for respiratory illness prior to 2020. Also like Sophie mentions they are sedating them with drugs that are not supposed to be given together and have no justification to be given at all. They aren't just targeting the old or disabled, there were a lot of youngish healthy people who were murdered in the hospitals too.

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My retina doctor worked with Fauci in Africa when Ebola broke out. Fauci have those people Remdesivir. He already knew way back then it kills people. Yet that was his protocol for American people on every hospital. And we know these doctors and nurses in these hospitals know what this drug was doing. They said nothing and took the bonus money. They should be liable too! They took an oath and wouldn’t let families see what they were doing to your loved ones.

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According to some interviews, the depopulation plan is well on its way:(targeted goal: -1% per year per country). The drug cocktail given to a patient will shut down the breathing process. Medically each of us is evaluated by points: they won't start you on the "protocol" if you are young and healthy. Beware, if you are over 70 and 80, with co-morbidity being the worse, or mentally challenged, you are targeted, whether you come in at the hospital for Cov or an ingrown toenail. Follow your hospitalised loved ones carefully!

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We are being including the rest of the world in many ways. Vaccines, Geoengineering with toxins in the sky’s which stop rain but distributes those toxins onto us, plant life, animals. When it rains, the rain water is poisonous. Then when it frys those toxins are in plants and trees The fires are thousand times hotter and grow on all directions.

Biden spending our money to go to more Armed IRS agents. With our money. We are paying for all of this. By the way IRS PURCHASED $70 million on ammo. Hope you all see the big pic.

Many countries are out of water. There is no climate change. It’s Geoengineering. Educate yourselves. Go to Armstrong Economics. Learn what’s going on in the world.

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You summed it up well! It's insane how they keep us so busy working our b...t off just to get by, bringing our kids to more new classes or medical visits - because we've all gotten so sick- that we don't have any spare time to get informed past their narrative. How can this be not satanic? only pure evil can think of all these frauds and skillfully implement them!

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You should be following the front line doctors. Following their protocol to stay healthy.

Kids that have taken the vaccines will shed on others who have not taken the vaccine, especially spending lots of time with each other.

Same with parents that one did take the vaccine and the other didn’t. It does affect the unvaccinated spouse.

My response is load up on the vitamins and protocol for your family, especially if they are unvaccinated. Why should they suffer with effects.

My question is, will those being shed on that are unvaccinated end up with a stronger immune system.

I personally was visiting a relative recently. One spouse in military (was forced to take Pfizer and had heart issues in hospital after 2nd shot).

With that being said. Spouse unvaccinated.

Because spouse was breast feeding baby they were not affected when the vaccinated spouse had Covid twice). When I was there the vaccinated spouse came down with Covid 3rd time. Unvaccinated spouse wasn’t breastfeeding baby any longer( both she and baby got Covid).

I got nothing.

Very obvious the shedding. She also told me her periods were so heavy, nothing she had experienced before. She was just black under and around her eyes. So again, more evidence of shedding. Breaking down her immune system. She did take ivermectin and zpac and that nailed it fast. She still has a long lingering cough.

Personally, I would keep my kids as safe as possible. I’d find group of people that want their children safe. Find a great unvaccinated teacher that’s retiring (all pay her to homeschool your kids). Be involved and help. Make weekly changes so all parents can contribute. This isn’t rocket science to figure out, how to keep your kids safer. Doesn’t mean they lose their other friends. However, you can monitor there time together. Can’t imagine if your kids are unvaccinated in a round with 15 kids who are. Well I’d say they would be shed on by different degrees of what each of those kids have.

I’m so mad this is even happening. Norway completely stopped giving kids 18 and under any vaccines cause the kids are dying( yes they did a study). Many countries are backing off vaccines all together because if the loss of lives. People need to get out of the lil box in America and research what’s going on in the world. There’s a lot more going on than just these vaccines, it’s really just that bad.

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Shedding is real. Dr Ruby made a video interviewing a man who looked from a microscope at blood of unvaxxed people that were closely aroung vaxxed and the blood cells were abnormal. My spouse has been vaxxed, my daughter once and one of her teenagers once also (stopped there because I intervened). _ after lockdown (one school year) my daughter realized she could not send her kids to school outdoor activities because they were not jabbed. One or two other fellas in their classes were not either. The rest was absolutely "done". The whole office here are jabbed at least twice. I'm spending a fortune on supplements, but I have no access to medication such as Ivermectin. I stay away from doctors or tests, I don't feel like being ostracized or killed (!)... But I feel my circulatory system is not 100%... We do what we can with what we have I guess. In Quebec we have an outstanding percentage of vaxxed, like 90%. There's no way escaping shedding unfortunately...

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You need to follow Ftobt Line Doctors. Find a pharmacy that compounds drugs and ask them if the compound ivermectin.

Then contact Front line doctors, they will write out a prescription to that compound pharmacy. You have to fill out paper.

Don’t forget to have zpac too.

Don’t ever give up. Every family should have these items in there home. And follow the protocol Dr Pierre Corey recommends for preventative care.

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I hope that you are right.

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I was just looking at VAERS data by location, someone else may be able to get a better view using other tools or data.

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Vaers is a joke it was never set up to handle what’s going on with these vaccines. CDC say vaccines do not work nor the spreading. And you don’t know what’s in them. That says it all. We need to find cure for those people that took the vaccines because they believed in this government. Fauci and gates paid off all the hospitals to use Remdesivir. Tone for us to step up and save our families, friends, neighbors. Stand United, read, and help others

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Anita Jader, Great Work! Would be (what?) to see similar info from others. Comments on a Utub vid titled something like "do the vaccinated shed the spike?" got my attention as were numerous people told their experience one after another after another. One lady said about "I'm not vaxxed but I know it is real because I spend a little time with someone that is vaxxed and I can feel it. It gets in my nasal, throat, chest, more." Then she says, "I can smell it."

I'm saying comments are such convincing evidence. I wanted to print up a page of those comments and just pass them out to people to read for themselves. So many are only getting info from Main Stream sources. From my experience passing out bits of material like this, more are curious than opposed, and by a margin.

I'm saying this cuz you recognize the necessity of getting info like your notes out to the public. Would you object if I printed word for word this above telling of your own observations? Or in any form you'd accept for public distribution.? I haven't passed out many, But with this one I'd get at it with some vigor. Can't think of a better way to reach the "Television/Cable News" set. I can tell you that the majority do not look at alternate internet news sources, at all. And they are amazingly ignorant of so much like What is Ivermectin? Do you know who Robert Malone is or Steve Kirsch? as examples. This is my observation from passing these out at grocery store, gas station, anywhere. Sometimes talk with them, sometimes just describe it and leave it for them to read. If I don't talk to some, I'm not getting input. When I talk to people I worry I'll un-sell them.

I'd also communicate this to Steve Kirsch, just in case he'd have objection. I would deliver an exact of what I'll pass out for your approval. And do whatever you'd like as far as inclusion, attribution, anonymity, contact listing or whatever. I haven't found anything that is being offered for this purpose that has struck me. I tried writing some things which wasn't too bad, but personal experience is just so indisputable.

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The shedding is real. My unvaxxed household has experienced effects from shedding. 2 kids spiked big fevers; negative for everything Doc tested them for on rapid tests. It was in late spring so very unseasonal for fevers. And my cycle goes totally crazy after being around vaxxed parents. And it happens repeatedly with boosters so I know that is it.

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I practise a type of natural therapy in Australia and we have found that if you find the remedies /supplements that strengthen the person's constitution and they take that every day, the shedding symptoms go away even when you're around vaxxed.

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Curios- are there general base/start point protocols that they are using to counteract?

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We use a homeopathic version of the SP to challenge the person using a muscle test (which will unlock if they have a problem with the SP, then find what protective support will counteract that. Then we take the SP off and balance them to that support to make it super effective for that person. Support is different for everybody, sometimes it might be something in a protocol, sometimes something very simple like lemon juice in water and dandelion tea a couple of times a day.. Mine is 10mg Calcifideol, 1 tab folinic acid (have a MTFHr snp) and small amount of pure licorice. People's symptoms disappear if they take this regularly

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Penny, I am in Australia, can I contact you? Which state are you in?

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Western Australia. there are people who do this in other states as well

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Thanks. I'm in Vic. My two kids were vaccinated by their father against my wishes. I put them on a homeopathic vax detox remedy but what you're talking about sounds the best, if it's tailored to the specific individual. So is it like a combo of kinesiology and homeopathy? What kind of practitioner am I looking for?

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can send you someones details and they would know others, but don't know how to send a private message through substack

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I-Recover by FLCCC is a good protocol

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Thank you for the hope! Thank God for the Naturopaths during this challenging time! I frankly I could not imagine keeping a relative balance without supplements and plants.

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I believe you, and have testimonies (myself included) from this shedding. It is now proven under microscope that the blood cells from unvaxxed got as coagulating and deformed as the vaxxed. We're in trouble folks.

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Yes the shedding is real. My cycle is interrupted when I'm around vaxxed women, so I've had to drop vaxxed clients for my cleaning service. We have never vaccinated our children for anything, let alone the death jab. But we hired a 15yo (vaccinated) girl from the neighborhood to babysit my 7yo daughter and within a week she started having serious nosebleeds. (We home school and really only leave our home to go to church, where all the kids are unvaxxed an only a handful of the elderly are vaxxed.)

After 3 days of random nose bleeds that wouldn't stop, she pulled an inch long blood clot out of her nose that was still in the shape of the blood vessel. A healthy 7yo child. I tried with tweezers to break the clot and it wouldn't budge. I knew instantly what it was because I've seen the radioscopy of the nanotech and all the doctors pulling out almost entirely clotted vascular sections. So I was reluctant to just flush it and just let it out into the world. Y'all, I've never been more freaked out in my life from what happened next. I decided to burn the tissue with the clot inside. The clot RESISTED BEING BURNED. It fizzled like metal and I had to hold the flame to it for over 30 sec to get it to shrivel into ash. The ash was in a distinct line that still looked completely solid with highly geometric structure. The tissue that was around the "clot" wouldn't even burn. What the absolute f have they done?

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If it happens again send it to Mike Adams at Natural News. An embalmer send Mike some clots that he worked on in his lab. https://www.brighteon.com/76993eb7-db76-4792-bd5a-017aa5c84b9e

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Agreed. Mike has been doing some tests to see the chemical makeup of the 'clots'. Higher levels of tin for example. These are clots, but they are not 'blood clots'.

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This was to an unvaccinated child that was around a vaccinated babysitter?

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Yes, we are very socially isolated and pretty much only interact with our church folk who are also unvaxxed.

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This is freaky. I believe you though. This entire thing is freaky. We homeschool as well. Husband works from home. I am a SAHM. Not around many people indoors this whole time. It happened repeatedly with boosters though including last month with my parents 4th boosters.

Also my Dad has a “turbo” colon cancer with liver Mets. And he cannot tolerate his treatment. I told my husband that if something happens to him quickly after shot 4, the cancer and chemo give cover. No one will blame the shot. But the cancer is likely as aggressive as it is due to the shot.

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My brother is 21 and he's had health problem after health problem in the year since he was vaxxed. He's the only member of my family to accept the shot. He's gay, but has been celibate for almost 2 years now with no activity whatsoever. He was diagnosed with AIDS last week. They weren't even curious as to whom he "contracted" it from. They're supposed to do serious contact tracing by law, but didn't even ask him any questions. At least he says he won't take boosters, but he's already hospitalized with pneumonia. 21.

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That’s horrible. I am sorry that happened to your brother. I think these vaccines did something to dampen immune systems and dormant things that out healthy immune systems were keeping in check came roaring to the surface.

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Oh, and after the clot I declined to invite the babysitter back in case she was the vector point. It's been a month, no further nosebleeds or clot issues. And my cycle is regular again.

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Thanks Carrie. i have a vaxxed roomer in my house. There are a few things going on with me making me wonder. I'm certain the shedding is real, question is how potent it is. Cuz I'm not around this fellow. He in his room door closed or he gone.

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I’d love to know as well. I don’t need any more babies but I really am upset about whatever long term health implications this has caused me when I tried to opt out. Lol.

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Curiously I just wrote a substack article regarding a child abuse investigator getting suspended for trying to find out the parent's jab status after infant deaths. Was she thinking it was shedding? https://sukwan.substack.com/p/child-abuse-detective-suspended-for

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That's like the begin of a second independent VAERS system, just terrifying! Yet, people don't even know about the first one..

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