Did anyone hear back from Dr. Nath?

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(Received 8/10)

Good afternoon,

We are responding on behalf of Dr. Avi Nath, the NINDS Senior Investigator for the NINDS Section of Infections of the Nervous System, who has received your communications expressing concerns about injuries and side effects of vaccines. The mission of NINDS is to seek fundamental knowledge about the brain and nervous system and to use that knowledge to reduce the burden of neurological disease for all people. Neither the NINDS nor Dr. Nath have a research program designed to investigate vaccine-related injuries and side effects. The mandate for studying the effects of vaccines and all public health policy around them is under federal agencies such as the FDA, CDC, and HRSA.

We hope this clarification is helpful.

We appreciate you reaching out to us, please know that Dr. Nath has asked us to respond as soon as possible.

NINDS Communications

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I received this response today (08/10/22)

Good afternoon, 

We are responding on behalf of Dr. Avi Nath, the NINDS Senior Investigator for the NINDS Section of Infections of the Nervous System, who has received your communications expressing concerns about injuries and side effects of vaccines. The mission of NINDS is to seek fundamental knowledge about the brain and nervous system and to use that knowledge to reduce the burden of neurological disease for all people. Neither the NINDS nor Dr. Nath have a research program designed to investigate vaccine-related injuries and side effects. The mandate for studying the effects of vaccines and all public health policy around them is under federal agencies such as the FDA, CDC, and HRSA. 

We hope this clarification is helpful.   

We appreciate you reaching out to us, please know that Dr. Nath has asked us to respond as soon as possible.

 NINDS Communications

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I sent by August 04 the following:

Dear Dr Avindra Nath,

please answer Mr Steve Kirsch


5 min ago I just got the same email as Nadine L. The same caned answer.


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The fascinating scientific question: whether brainless can study brains?

Or rather philosophical, epistemological question. Very deep and fundamental, anyway.

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I got this today:

Good afternoon,

We are responding on behalf of Dr. Avi Nath, the NINDS Senior Investigator for the NINDS Section of Infections of the Nervous System, who has received your communications expressing concerns about injuries and side effects of vaccines. The mission of NINDS is to seek fundamental knowledge about the brain and nervous system and to use that knowledge to reduce the burden of neurological disease for all people. Neither the NINDS nor Dr. Nath have a research program designed to investigate vaccine-related injuries and side effects. The mandate for studying the effects of vaccines and all public health policy around them is under federal agencies such as the FDA, CDC, and HRSA.

We hope this clarification is helpful.

We appreciate you reaching out to us, please know that Dr. Nath has asked us to respond as soon as possible.

NINDS Communications

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Blah blah blah. Nothing to see here, of course.

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Sadly, our DOJ/Gov/Healthcare industry are all corrupt to the core. Military is the only way to take these bastards down.

TheDocuments.Info offers great insight about what's really going on in our country.

It's important to know that it was crucial for Trump to have vaccine available before "leaving" Office to prevent gov/globalists from locking down country until 2025. An extended lockdown would have destroyed America to point of no return & caused hundreds of millions of more deaths around world, in addition to deaths occurring today.

Trump's "vaccine" was harmless & created by DOD as countermeasure to globalist's lockdown.

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As the fallout continues to mount from

The program that was premeditated, simulated, and globally coordinated, it is well beyond time to dispense with a fictional lab leak in Wuhan, and a "virus"

Whose rapid spread deviated significantly

From known statistical models, and instead to begin to look at the "virus" as

Another form of mRNA technology ( and a study of incidence of covid among vegetarians verses meat-eatters, would be

Very illustrative to the "source" of spread,

Which would then force a true look at the

Origins of the virus/vaccines within the

Halls of the US DOD, DARPA, and alphabet intelligence agencies for reasons still not totally clear..which I predict that because

Military/intelligence establishment stands behind Fauci, that although it will 'appear that he will take public beating, that in end

The punishment for his role will amount to

Little more than a slap on the wrist. Fletchand@gmail.com

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It's become obvious that there's a wide variety of Pfizer Covid "vaccinations" because there's such a wide variety of problems people have after being Jabbed. People aren't all getting the same initial shots nor are they getting the same "boosters". There appears to be a series of experiments going on, to see which batches do what to whom. I have a strong feeling from this that they're perfecting a formula, or recipe, that can be added to anything injectable, such as insulin, flu vaccines, saline drips, anything that requires injection. Considering the level of this conspiracy so far, that seems more reasonable than paranoid to me.

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This has been one of my pet theories;

You are the first person other than myself to make this hypothesis!

Unfortunately for the world , it remains a distinct possibility .

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My daughter, the radiologist, just started looking at a patient's vaccine status when she's writing reports. She's seeing trends. That doesn't mean she's calling out adverse reactions...but connecting the dots and information.

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I believe it is urgent to consider seriously the possibility that, as was evident to us among the minority ethnic medical deaths from Covid-19 in the UK at the start of the pandemic, (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vitamin-Deficiency-Covid-19-Central-Pandemic/dp/0956213278) that these genetic spike protein pseudovaccines are especially dangerous for anyone who is vitamin D-deficient. Any exogenous immune insult, is followed by local activation of 25OHD3 by the enzyme 1-alpha-hydroxylase, to form 1,25 OHD3. This is the ligand for the Vitamin D receptor, component of the VDR)/RXR complex, which is a major controller of the natural immune system. Like water in a drinking trough, the 1,25OHD can only be used once - upon dissociation from the VDR activated 1,25OHD is immediately destroyed by 24-hydroxylase, one of the enzymes induced by activated VDR. So anyone presenting such studies should surely also make diligent enquiries of vitamin D status (blood levels of 25OHD and Vitamin D intake). Vitamin D repletion to blood levels of 50-100 ng/ml (125-250 nmol/l) might be the single most important way to protect against these immunotoxins, and at least should do no harm.

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In regard to #13, my brother-in-law started to feel ill after receiving vaccine. Long story short, he was just diagnosed with bile duct cancer. He looks like he has AIDS. A nurse in hospital took my sister aside & told her that she should find another hospital to care for her husband because the doctors at this hospital are not doing what they can to make him well. They do not have your husband's best interest at heart is what she said. scary.

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The brightist bulbs don't shine in the CDC.

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Umm, they are Paid well not to response or share what they know. Those that have left these pharmaceutical companies. Are the ones telling all and researching to help for cures.

Those saying they don’t have the resources are full of it. Or protecting themselves, cause maybe they were part of making these vaccines in many cases??

It’s all about the money.

Again, with technology today, as an example of what the created and put in these vaccines(for all these tv ads popping to help or control all the systems people are experiencing from these vaccines), and this doctor says they don’t have anyway to follow up. Give me a break. I say he’s a coward and not telling the true.

How can remedies of more drugs to these symptoms just appear!

They could do studies on the people receiving these so called remedy drugs. When these people came down with symptoms, when symptoms started, etc etc. He must really thinkAmericans and the people of the world are stupid! So in my own opinion and I think many better get the blinders off. Your being Hoodwinked!! He full of himself and protecting his own butt!

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See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil!

You will be rewarded in hell!🙊🙉🙈

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I’m sensing the “tipping point” is drawing near. This is the greatest coverup of a crime against humanity in recorded history. Thanks not only to Steve Kirsch but also to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. whose book on the evil Dr. Fauci and his colleague in crime, the sociopath Bill Gates reads like an indictment.

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i emailed him...no response

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Steve, Great interview w/Kilmeade!

Only one problem! You look MUCH better w/o stage makeup on! Keep up your great work! Cyndi Lauren

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Can anyone still not actually know about the clotshots?

Okay I know some people who don't "know", but they also are not surprised. They just can't bring themselves to admit it.

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He'll never speak to you Steve. Silence is their only weapon.

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Totally agree

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Just met another person whose mom died in the hospital due to the CDC protocol of remdesivir, vent, and paralytic. The work being done to reduce the human population proceeds apace by any means necessary.

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My mom was one of these.

September, 2021.

Gainesville, GA / North East Georgia Medical Center (NEGMC).


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