My grandson has Asperger's Syndrome, the high end of the autism spectrum. He had the MMR vaccine. I theorize that it's because he has the dairy allergy which runs in my family and the wheat allergy runs in his father's side of the family. I'd really like to know if my theory is correct as if it isn't, every child who has had the MMR vaccine would be autistic. So please Steve do a survey to see if these human beings have one or both of these allergies.

God bless,

Arlene Johnson


Email address: a@truedemocracy.net

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OK, this is a bit of a long one, but I thought you might be interested.

None of our kids were vaccinated. At all. But they all have allergies. Hubby and I were last vaccinated decades ago. I never got the MMR (unfortunately I did get the Rubella shot at 12, to which I had a potential anaphylactic response!) but my hubby had the MMR as a teenager.

I've got problems with dairy and wheat/gluten, too; in fact I'm Coeliac!

Gluten problems are on my mother's side...and dairy problems are on my Dad's side! I hear you!

My firstborn is diagnosed ASD, like my mother (and I'm pretty sure my older sister is ASD, too, and 2 if not all 3 of her kids). I'm Coeliac, but gluten/wheat problems (and mental health issues/depression, excessive skin cancers, some fertility issues and suicides) run on my mother's side - possibly all related to people being Coeliac but not knowing. My Mum couldn't have gluten anymore a year after her 2 covid jabs (which she still regrets taking!). She stopped having gluten in her mid-70s! I figured it out well before her, in my mid-30s. Whenever she came to visit us, she had to eat GF & DF - and she was always SOOO much nicer by the time she left 2 weeks later! Everyone except her could see that. I think she's had gluten issues her whole life but never realised. And Coeliac is known as "The Great Imitator" in academic circles, because so many conditions can be attributed to it!

But the funny thing is that I can SEE the ASD in the faces/body in the pics of my ancestors, even back to the mid-1800s (I've got a family I can do research on, plus I have family history). I don't think the smallpox jab back then had the nasties in it like today! But who knows, maybe it DID cause some issues? Or maybe we just have a weird 'genetic' version of ASD, not vaccine-damaged autism. Anyway, the ASD people are on my mother's paternal line. The gluten issues are on my mother's maternal line.

Obesity and arthritis seem to run on my Dad's side. Both sides of my family have high BP. But my sister's and mine are low. Go figure!

My son was anaphylactic to dairy for years, with delayed reactions. It was scary, but we never needed to use the epipen. Could manage it with the oral antihistamine. He grew out of his anaphylaxis before he turned 6 but still has a mild dairy allergy. BUT we had kept - and still keep - our house VERY dairy-free & gluten-free. Everyone with allergies needs a safe environment to live in!

Technically, between our three kids, we have allergies (mild to serious) to:

- gluten/wheat

- peanut

- dairy

- tree nuts: pistachio, cashew & brazil nut

- strawberry

- sesame

(plus there are also other intolerances an sensitivities!)

I think epigenetics might play a part, but it could just be that both hubby & I already had allergies on both sides of our families, plus we both had vaccine damage (hell, EVERY vaccine is doing you damage!). I had eczema as a kid, too, and can get it now with certain foods (which I try to avoid!). Hubby mostly gets skin issues from stress. I also have a sensitive digestive system. No thanks to too many antibiotics as a kid + some vaccine damage + mild allergies + being Coeliac!

I think the MMR can be a bad one IF you have genetic susceptibilities to certain problems. Regressive autism does seem to have roots in genetics. But you know, having nasty MMR poison injected into you tends to be the catalyst!

I think some families are just more allergy-prone (ie more susceptible to vaccine damage and food responses). People in the family having prior vaccine/poison damage may also lead to further allergies/sensitivities either in themselves, or the next generation. It's not like you've got a 'clean slate' to work with once it's been poisoned....

As for a study being done, I've figured out that our family allergy situation is quite rare here on Substack, especially in kids who are completely unjabbed.

None of our kids are jabbed, but we are, although we didn't have too many, and they were many years ago, and we only have one ASD kid to show for it. Neither parent is ASD but 1 grandparent is. So 1/3 ASD kids ain't bad given that situation.

If my sister is ASD (which is HIGHLY likely!), and 2 or 3 of her kids are ASD (honestly, I think all 3 are), they have 1 parent & 1 grandparent with ASD. 3/3 kids with ASD is probably excessive - but it's also a very small cohort! So yes, studies would be useful.

I have noticed that if you're an ASD parent, AT LEAST 1 of your kids will be ASD, most likely the first, if not more, possibly half (that might explain why my sister is probably ASD, but I am not). Vaccines on top of that invariably just make things worse. So in our family case, the ASD might be genetic, somehow, and aggravated by a bunch of injected poisons along the way in the parents and grandparents, let alone my sister's fully jabbed and covid-jabbed kids.

Whenever I've inputted info towards small studies regarding the health status of unvaccinated kids, our kids always have WAY more allergies than other unvaccinated kids, and having ASD and being unvaccinated seems to be quite rare.

However, I have also noticed (having also been a health practitioner for 20 years) that it often seems to be the firstborn that has ASD, with younger, often non-ASD siblings. It's almost like there's an aluminium threshold or something, and the first kid bears the brunt of that (hence they're ASD, - read Dr Christopher Exley's substack about aluminium & ASD), and then, if you haven't re-poisoned yourself, your other kids might be in with a chance of NOT being ASD! However, if you re-poison yourself somehow (more jabs, more other poisons in your environment), most of your kids will be ASD.

And YES, I'd love a study to look at this!!!!

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Dear Robyn,

Thank you for your detailed comment on this issue. You may, as I am, be allergic to MSG (monosodium glutamate) which is in much Chinese food. It makes the palms of my hands itch like fury, and isn't good for anyone even if they aren't allergic to it. The first time this happened to me, I had to literally throw up the food in order to be able to fall asleep.

Now, if I go to a Chinese restaurant, I ask them if they have any dishes that don't have MSG in them. If they say that they don't, I walk out.

Regarding dairy, my uncle, who was my dad's brother who was born in 1909, and the firstborn of 3 siblings, couldn't even eat butter.

My daughter was also allergic to cows milk, so after trying her on it when she was 6 months old, I put her on goat's milk. Years later, she discovered rice milk, and when I used to eat muesli, I poured rice milk over it. Very mild milk, I love it.

I only had one daughter, and I only have one grandson.

Kind regards to you Robyn,


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Thanks for your reply, Arlene.

No, I don't think I have a noticeable problem with MSG, but you're right, it's not good for anyone, and I completely avoid it. The science papers show it to be terrible. I refused to have it even before I found out I was Coeliac! I also used to work with someone who'd get headaches if she ate even small amounts of MSG. I've been avoiding unnatural colours (eg tartrazine) and other additives like MSG for YEARS. Well before I even thought about having kids. Maybe being a health professional, I had more than a passing interest in food?!

I don't go to Chinese restaurants anymore because they're full of gluten! In fact, I just don't eat out anymore, unless I can SEE the kitchen has a completely separate preparation area for gluten-free foods (and with separate condiments etc, too!). But those restaurants are so few and far between. Also, given I get eczema on my hands if I eat acid-modified starches, and they are in SO many processed foods these days (and in Australia, they're not even labelled properly!), it's safer if I make my own food, from scratch! So I do! More work for me, but it means my family & I are good!

And yes, we like rice milk, too :-)

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You're very welcome Robyn.

Are you in Australia? I love my Aussie friends; All are so friendly. I remember an Aussie who I met in Norway. We got on so well that we went out to have a meal together. She was on holiday. I was just determined to stay away from the land of my birth, America, because after 9/11 happened, I read on my favourite listserv that Bush wanted to establish road blocks, and I lived on a peninsula then in Washington state, and I knew that the FEMA camps had guillotines in them. Those camps are in every single state in America.

You are really knowledgeable on food. I avoid processed foods here in England, eat my veggies and fruit. I especially love fruit, and can live on fish.

Rice milk is called Rice Dream here; that's the brand name here, and maybe worldwide too. I don't know. It occurred to me yesterday that I should have written that to you.

Since you are a health professional, do you have any thoughts on food based on one's blood type? There are conflicting opinions on it. One of my friends who's in Canada and a homeopath thinks highly of it; another friend, a holistic therapist poo poos it.

God bless you,

Arlene Johnson



To access my work, which is top secret history, click on the icon that says Magazine. It's free and internationally acclaimed.

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Yep, I'm an Aussie IN Oz! Sadly, we have a lame government who like passing draconian laws, so maybe I'll become at expat in time, who knows?! My Dad lives in southern CA, and has done since the '80s. He seems quite happy living as an expat!

Rice milk comes under many brands here. There must be about 6 or more companies that make it. Sounds a bit crazy that there's only one brand of it over in the UK?! You have SO many more people than we do!!! But, we can also grow rice in Australia, so I guess manufacturing rice milk is but one small step. No rice-growing goes on in England, though. Too cold!

As for eating right for your blood type (just like the book!), NO, I do not think that works well. I won't go quite as far as your holistic therapist friend and pooh-pooh it, but it's pretty lame overall. Mostly, I don't think it's based in science. However, there were some things about that book that also made some sense, at least to my personal circumstances, so I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater. As a general rule, though, just because you're A blood type doesn't mean you should be a pescatarian and just because you're O blood type doesn't mean you should practically be a carnivore. My husband is A - but he hates fish. One of his cousins is even anaphylactic to fish! He LOVES red meat. And does NOT do well on a veggo diet. He lost 20kg going off gluten, yet didn't think he had a problem with it! He's half Dutch, but he does SO much better without dairy.

Then you've got to think about if someone is -ve or +ve blood type. If you're negative, you don't have that glycoprotein coating on the RBCs. It makes you less susceptible to RBC attacks. Can't attack the RBCs if there's literally no coating to attach to, right?! But then again, it can also mean you are out in the cold in some other areas precisely because you can't make friends (or enemies) on your RBCs. In fact, studies showed that those with -ve blood tended to have less problems with covid. About 7 times less problems. And that's significant. The A or B or AB or O, however, also made differences - though not anywhere near as much. Bs were hardier than people thought, and often survived very tough times, for instance (eg dying the least on ventilators!). Os seemed better at fobbing things off in the first place (ie less likely to get sick with covid), but if they fell, they could fall hard. So yes, certain blood types certainly have some advantages, but they also have some disadvantages. How that blood types works for YOU personally, though? Well, that's where things unravel.

I think everyone is an individual, and therefore they should eat BASED on that individuality. I have always treated my patients as individuals, and even if the evidence says "this is best", you know what? Sometimes it isn't. So I did what my patients needed, not what some book said was 'best practice', even though I took it into account - or at least with a grain of salt! And I got good results. And my patients were happy.

Food is how we survive. And we all grow up with different brains/nervous systems. So to me, it doesn't make sense to say that THIS blood type should always eat like THIS. There are only so many blood types in the ABO system! But there are VERY different nervous systems out there. Even conjoined twins have different nervous systems! So how your nervous system has developed, and operates, will have a huge impact as to what you can - or should - ingest.

Long answer, sorry, but in my books, there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to diet!

I've been through the wringer with food, as has my family, so I understand all too well. People who don't live with food allergies or intolerances or sensitivities (or most likely, are unaware that they have them) just don't truly understand.

If you've got any other specific food/health Qs, ask away! :-)

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You're amazing Robyn. I am O+ blood type. I love any kind of mushrooms, and grew up in California eating potatoes, but given that they're a nightshade veg and O+ blood types are advised not to eat them or mushrooms for that matter, I have 99% of the time not eaten them.

In Southampton, England there is a restaurant that gives a free meal on one's birthday where they have a starter as a mushroom dish. I couldn't say no to it, because it's delicious.

Now, the man who I thought was my beloved partner (a totally different issue in my life) eats mushrooms, and wishes i would eat them too. So what do you think? Should I eat them? He cooks them. Now, bear i mind that I have been suffering with osteoarthritis in my left knee. So what would you suggest about mushrooms.

I don't mind not eating potatoes as they're filled with carbs, and I weigh more than I should.

Regarding Australia, there's an MP who seems very good. One of my Aussie friends who's in my Address Book for my work (top secret history) literally gave e his physical address so I could communicate with this MP. So I receive the MP's Emails. He doesn't know that I am in the UK. I don't know where in Australia you are, but if you would like to be in my Address Book, just send me an Email using a@truedemocracy.net and say Hi Arlene in the subject line, and the next time I receive an Email from this MP, I'll send it to you.

It could turn out that Australia is better than America, because Trump will continue to destroy the USA as Biden was doing. One of my friends in Canada lambasts Trump, and I agree because I know what he really is. So I fear for your dad's safety.

God bless you,


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Tell me you don’t understand how correlation and causation work without telling me

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You could be wrong because there are confounding variables not included. As you indicate, in this really important issue, what stuns is that no one presents another statistical analysis to show that you may be wrong, nobody in the medical administration gathers full data on vaccinations and autism with all the socio-economic data to show that you are certainly wrong. There’s a lot of clever people out there, hard to believe that no one has come up with a solid counter argument to your hypothesis.

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I`m not entirely convinced. The more RETARD the parents are (and the more they tend to be if affluent and American and over thirty), the more retarded their kids will ACT. This should be taken into account. In countries with poor families with lots of kids, autism simply doesn`t happen - even as the governments jab away at school-aged children like crazy.

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Good work Steve. We need you and people like you to keep pushing the truth about vaccines to the public. Andrew Wakefield started this truth telling, and we owe it to everybody to finish what he started. It is a toxic agenda who's days are numbered, because soon people simply wont comply with vaccination. I will enjoy watching the demise of the pharmaceutical industry.

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Steve: Please do a survey of parents of wholly unvaccinated children. One question that will be telling is: "How often has your child gotten sick?" with counts / yr. Another would be "Did they experience any developmental regressions in early childhood?". Several parents I know are reluctant to accept the truth in part because they are legitimately afraid their kids will contract some terrible illness and/or be sick all the time. Fear-based conditioning is one of the hydra heads.

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A story on the day my wife and I stopped giving all vaccines to our children.

We have 5 children and have always given a limited and extremely delayed set to the older children. However, the last two have never received any vaccines as our views evolved.

Two things occurred. I can remember clearly the day my wife brought our little infant boy to the pediatrician for a wellness check. He had displayed clonus, as some infants take some time for their nerve endings to mature the myelin sheathes. The pediatrician was pushing to administer vaccines that day. My wife asked about the sanity of pushing vaccines on a child whose nerve endings aren’t fully developed. The pediatrician said, “it should be fine.” We left and never went back.

The second incident occurred a few days later when I inadvertently killed my pregnant mare. At 900pm I administered a “standard of care” vaccine to our prized pregnant mare. The vaccine is given to prevent spontaneous abortion due to a virus. That night at around 1:00 my poor mare spontaneously aborted, rupturing her aorta, killing both her and the foal. Although every vet said that couldn’t be the reason, I knew. That feeling was further validated when I ran into a long time horse breeder who indicated they stopped giving that vaccine due to similar experiences.

The traumatic incident further resolved my wife and I to never giving a vaccine to our children again. It is a shame it took our mare giving her life, and the foal, to get us to that point. The entire vaccine industry, both human and veterinary, needs to be shut down and overhauled.

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For the same concern I had with my dogs. I was intuitively against immunizations, but needed for the grooming. Then, one of my dogs developed a rare skin cancer and the veterinarian gave us an exemption from vaccines due to her fragile condition. She went into remission and lived 7 (!) more years, dying at the age of 17 years old. She had absolutely no vaccines for almost half of her life and she became as energetic and happy as she was in her youth and before the cancer. When my other dog,12 year old, developed Crohn's disease, I asked the veterinarian to uphold the vaccination (by then we moved to a different state and had a new veterinarian), who absolutely refused it. Six months into the diagnosis, my dogs rabies shot was due and I was seriously considering to skip it, but living in Providence, RI, I could not find one groomer who would take my dog without the immunization document, so I wen ahead and let them to kill my dog, because after the rabies shot, his condition deteriorated rapidly, and died within 3 month.

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I found out what causes autism it (what ever is in the vaccine; some chemical) causes the brain to swell then if the brain returns to normal you will always have brain damage

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Who will take care of these childeren when the parents are gone. perhaps a MAD program.'

Dr. Andrew Molden, an eary researcher on this topicin the 80'ss has been scrubbed from the internet. Found with a bullethole in his chest and gun thrown in the river. Clasified as suicide.

Can anyone recover his reseach? He compare the Amish childered the vacinated of over 60 illnessses

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This is the research that I'd like to see...

The lifestyle of the Amish people is also much healthier than the rest of us.

They eat better quality food, perform physical work, spend more time outdoors and less time indoors, especially not in front of their laptops, phone, the harmful EMF radiation.

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My question is this: on what do they base the mistaken notion the vaccines DON’T cause autism??? I mean, really!? Is this the most obvious example of gaslighting?

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<on what do they base the mistaken notion the vaccines DON’T cause autism???>

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (plus a few billion)

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It means they dont actually care about the outcome.

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Hey Steve, are you aware of any studies, or have you considered doing a survey, to see how many (if any) kids with autism never received any vaccines? It would seem if we want to prove definitively that vaccines cause autism, it should be very difficult to find unvaccinated children who have autism. Wouldn't you agree?

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Our 3 kids all have allergies, and my firstborn is ASD, yet they are all COMPLETELY unvaccinated and the last jab hubby or I had was years before my oldest was born.

There are always the exceptions to the rules!

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Somebody has done good studies about comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

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Do you know who? When? Have a link?

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Dr Paul Thomas? His book is called Vaxxed-Unvaxxed: Let the Science Speak. It is excellent.

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Sorry it's Vax-Unvax*

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I think the doctor was somewhere in USA, and he kept records about health of his vaxed and unvaxed children, and the unvaxed children lacked symptoms of all manner of conditions and allergies, that vaccinated children had a lot of. I think autism was included in there. I have read so many reports, but that one stood out as ticking all the right boxes as comprehensive, extended over time, and professional. He monitored many of them for years, and the difference between the 2 groups was huge.

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Thank you Steve for these surveys, re-connecting statistics from our personal anecdotes.

From 1978 on, I began volunteering in a Community workshop for folks with Intellectual Handicaps in British Columbia out of my own interest about how brain injuries & differences affect communication. By 1986, I was working as a Specialized Educator in a western Montreal Quebec network of segregated Residences, Group-homes, Hospital settings. I met & worked with ~50 people with autism, so began asking the question with parents & family members among those who came by. In meeting & asking the age of onset. I was connected with some communications from family & community re-integration groups & among these some were beginning to put their stories together. I read some of Robert F Kennedy Jr. & others

on this possible Vaccine-Autism association, particularly to Meningitis & Encephalitis. Eventually I got to Dr Andrew Wakefield careful studies linking MMR vaxes to Autism, particularly through Digestive tract disruption. Some 20 family members of institutional 'residents' with autism responded to my person to person questioning & all established the date as being near the time of the Childhood vaccination inoculation schedule, which all participated in. Few were aware of any Vax-Autism connection, so being a bit shocked at the possible association between 'trusted' medicine & their family member's life-long debilitation, I did not pursue questioning beyond the original approximate onset date.

Humanely & scientifically that; a so-called 'medical-system', particularly all vaccines would not have liability for their profitable interventions, tarnish, fire etc., anyone asking questions & make no follow-up day, week, month, year, decade health studies on the many 10s of millions now neurologically & injured & dead worldwide is reprehensible & unscientific, but here we are.

For all aspects of human relations including science, economy, politics & governance, we are called to re-establish all humanity's once 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') operational baseline of NATURAL or HOLISTIC SCIENCE. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/6-holistic-science as well as UNDO FALSE SCIENCE https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/9-undoing-false-science

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"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it," - Upton Sinclair

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Thank you, Steve, you are a light in the darkness.

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Steve, you're one of the only 'thought' leaders willing to call out this elephant in the room. RFK and others that will be under HHS, knows that vaccines cause Autism, and we'll see what they do. They need to release these 'hidden' HHS vaccinated versus unvaccinated studies/data and I believe the parents alone will cause a massive uproar and disruption

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I have no idea what is going to take to BRING DOWN THE CDC!!!!

RFK JR IS A MAJOR BLESSING, maybe he can do it!

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