What is your research specifically?

If the body produces a particular exosome, which they call an enterovirus, it’s possible that being inoculated with the exosome could confer some protection. I just question the long-term unintended consequences of never understanding, let alone treating, the root of the problem.

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Also, many parents are moving to other states that do not require all the childhood vaccines that California requires. Gavin Newsom is on the path of compromising the health of every child born and raised in California. Parents are very concerned and trying to figure out what to do. Choices seem to be private school, very expensive usually, or homeschooling. Such a conundrum.

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An interview with Dr Paul Thomas is in order here. Going against the propaganda of the CDC gets your license to practice medicine revoked.

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Steve, once again I want to recommend a brilliant vaccine (un)safety book by Amantonio - To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate. This is available on Amazon. I pray you and your team to check this unique collection of scientific data on vaccine lies.

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In 2011/12 in Germany they collected the data of around 17 000 children and adolescents including vaccine status. They published their findings in the KiGGs Study, but never related vaccine status and health. The data set (collected by the tax funded Robert Koch Institute) cost 90 Euros then. A mathematician bought the data and compared vaccine status and different diseases. The results showed that more vaccines meant more chronic diseases, more acute diseases and doctors visits and hospital stays. She was slandered in the main stream media straight away.

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Keep pounding the rock, Steve! You're our modern day Bronco Nagurski.

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In other words a two for one reporting site.

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Why don’t we create a secondary reporting mechanism where Doctors can put on record making the reports so CDC cannot hide the results?

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I saw this as I was spending my limited funds for gas to volunteer to help. As I was driving in pouring down rain and going through low lying clouds where one could barely see 1foot. The facts unfortunately are in the back of the Bible. It reads the end times easily. Being one of His elect, I try to keep His Scriptures in my heart. One genius stated, and I agree 100%, “ it’s His game.” He uses and works through all His people, however good or bad they seem to us. If people would just read Deuteronomy. They’d possibly understand what the problem is.

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"If you go against the narrative, you are punished. That’s how they keep people in line with the narrative, no matter how absurd it is." That is so true for so many issues, and it is happening globally, so you have to ask who the puppet masters are holding the strings. It happend to Dr. Wakefield 40 years ago, and in the meantime they made us getting used to Autism. As Robert F Kennedy jr stated correctly, when we were kids, before the mass vaccinations of kids was rolled out, we didnt know anyone with autism. Same true for all the allergies etc. Making you wonder.

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I haven't read the rebuttal to Gary Goldman, not to be confused with Gary Oldman, but does anyone even try to use the argument that among infants who survive the vaccines, more are saved from death from the diseases the vaccines are supposed to offer protection for against? Or does just the idea that the vaccines increase infant mortality require a blanket denial?

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Obviously that question wouldn't be asked by anyone who believes vaccines are evil. The more general question is what is the total impact on life expectancy and quality of life of infant vaccination?

Is the infant death due to vaccines more or less than infant death for unvaccinated populations, and is this only the case because the diseases being vaccinated against have effectively been eliminated by the vaccination campaign?

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To ask those questions is just being objective. Assuming you get accurate information. Whatever the answer, in my opinion it still doesn't mean that It should not be a parents choice in any event. Especially because it doesn't take into account the nonlethal adverse effects of vaccines that can show up soon after or years later.

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And when the Big Pharma Shills tried to counter Goldman, the clowns couldn't even get past peer review process in 18 months because their rebuttal was just garbage science . fascinating analysis by Robyn Chuter in Australia on her Substack https://open.substack.com/pub/robynchuter/p/do-childhood-vaccines-save-lives?r=xq4fk&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Until one's child actually dies, most will never question the vaccines. And even then, many parents still go ahead and vaccinate their other kids. Stupid is as stupid does I suppose.

There are others who have pointed out on here that even after seeing other babies die post-vaccine, they STILL went ahead and got their own kids jabbed, albeit spaced out more. It's still stupid in my books.

The thing is, most people weigh the odds (for anything eg vaccine death, car crash, complications after surgery) and think "it probably won't happen to me or my kid" - and for the most part, they might be right. But do you really want to play Russian Roulette with your life or your kids' lives?

If you keep taking vaccines, it's only a matter of time before you're completely maimed - even if you don't know it. How many people have asthma or a whole range of other conditions that are actually from vaccines - but they'll never know?! They just think "Oh my kid has asthma" but they never know WHY.

We know why. The vaccines played their detrimental part.

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Disguised as crib deaths?

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Of course, the shingles argument is nonsense. You can argue that the risk of the illness does not warrant a vaccination risk, but the presenter in the video has no idea what chickenpox and shingles are.

Once infected with chickenpox, you will never lose the virus. It hides in our brain. And just like cold sores it can pop up back. Shingles is an outbreak of the virus you contracted at childhood.

This is important, as the chickenpox vaccine isn't actually preventing chickenpox, but giving it to you. It is giving you a weaker strain, that will stay with you, but is too weak to give you the rash or shingles. So in essence it is just a convenient way of giving you chickenpox, just like you used to have chickenpox/measles parties. So if later natural chickenpox comes around, you've already had it, That is all.

Back to the core of the issue: if my kids are vaccinated, I will have a larger chance of getting shingles as I won't get primed by my kids getting chickenpox. But my kids will not get shingles, as they will never got real chickenpox.

So what he is basically saying, is we should not vaccinate kids, as that will cause more shingles in their parents. Yeah, no thanks. The choice to vaccinate children should be based on whether it is good for the children. If you believe not, don't have your kids take the shot. But in reverse if you as a parent believe it is safe, whether the parents generation will get more shingles should not matter. It is immoral to make vaccination decisions on children on anything else than whether it is good for the children itself.

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Ps- I think parents vaccinate largely due to the fear of losing a child which would cause the parents imaginable suffering. I don’t think the underlying psychology is about the child otherwise they would think long-term- will my child be healthy and happy as an adult? After I am dead will they be enjoying vitality or suffering from chronic disease ?

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This is not true. My friend recently got the worst case of shingles and was hospitalized FIVE days in excruciating pain. She had the varicella vaccine and never had chickenpox. The doctor told her mom she wouldn’t get shingles. Meanwhile I had a more relaxed mom who let me get natural chickenpox. I have never had shingles. My friend got this horrible case of INTERNAL SHINGLES within one year of the Covid shot so I do feel it was related. But still, internal shingles requiring vaccination in an otherwise healthy 30 year old woman. Wild chickenpox was not a serious disease. I CAN REMEMBER IT!

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She then did not get shingles but regular varicella? The vaccine does not always work, and some people - like your friend - get chickenpox anyway.

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Can you not read?? She got shingles INTERNALLY and was hospitalized for 5 days while they figured out what it was… Internal shingles??? The chickenpox vaccine is a pointless fraud and other countries are right for not recommending it

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Once a virus is blamed, there is no need (or danger) anymore to look for poison in the food, water, or air. Instead of prohibiting then that big corporations keep using these poisons it opens a new vaccine, drug and treatment market.

No health ministry or health government institute has ever scientifically proven a virus to exist, there are no control experiments.

It's just a fear tactic, that has worked so well. The controlled opposition is also trying to keep it up with their spike proteins and lab leak, getting angry at people that just want to know how an image generated with electron microscopy can be related to a genome assembled by a software, and then without being able to watch in vivo, is related to all kinds of things in the body. And don't mention Graphene Oxide... The controlled opposition goes nuts. If it's so obvious that there is none in the covid shots (and now in all other childhood vaccines, too), then let's look at all the evidence. Graphene Oxide is visible under a normal microscope. Everybody who has access to one, can check.

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