This article says the scientist that discovered omicron was pressured not to reveal it is mild. https://www.theepochtimes.com/doctor-who-helped-discover-omicron-says-she-was-pressured-not-to-reveal-its-mild_4269554.html

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I hope that Dr Angelique Coetzee is remembered in history as one of the heroes in this sordid mess, along with Drs Malone, Kory, Laurie, McCollough, Chetty, etc

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Saget cause of death just came out. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/bob-saget-cause-of-death

Sounds fishy: You would think that an impact strong enough to kill him would have warranted a call to his family or something, after the accident. And should have been fairly obvious in the autopsy, no?

Took a month for the results... were they nervous to say it was heart related?

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He could’ve fainted as a result of the vaccine and hit his head. This likely happened to Heather McDonald.

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Could also have had compromised vascular system which ruptured more easily... but until autopsies start being performed with an eye to these potentials, watch all cause mortality/excess deaths as an indicator.

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They said he hit his head and thought nothing of it, then went to bed and had brain bleeding. How would they know that he went to bed and thought nothing of it from an autopsy? And if he had said something about it while alive, why wouldn't that have come out right away? Definitely a cover-up. https://www.theepochtimes.com/bob-sagets-cause-of-death-revealed-family_4268501.html

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The back peddling begins. They have to do it slowly otherwise they face Nuremberg... The press see the writing on the wall, they're just rats leaving a sinking ship!

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Well, their have been plenty of news stories about people who have died very soon after getting the shots. Since 9/11 we're supposed to be experts now in connecting the dots, aren't we? Here is just one... https://obits.oregonlive.com/us/obituaries/oregon/name/jessica-wilson-obituary?pid=200278331

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Less than three months ago, the Reuters fact checkers, while readily connecting Covid-19 to myocarditis, still claimed that there was no proof of the the link with the vaccines.


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George Watts Jr's death was just one of those "Rare anomalies!" That's okay then, I was beginning for a while, to get the distinct impression that Myocarditis was fairly prevalent among young males taking mRNA vaccines, but, Doctor says no! So, what then? The poor Watts Family just have to suck it up. Is that what the Doctor is telling us?

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New version of rare, "break through" case? This feels like the real "dark winter." So sad. So unnecessary. #StopTheMandates

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They’ve been allowed to report on J&J deaths. But the adenoviral vector was never intended to be in use for a long time anyway. The technology is older, already known to be dangerous, doesn’t work anymore after you’re immunized to the vector, it was always just there to make the mRNA cash cows look better.

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Now, this is about the technology. So the vector containing the nucleotides coding for the spike protein, is and was known to be dangerous. It's not only the product, it's also the mRNA delivered in the jab.

Does the immune system manage to mount an attack on the mRNA before it enters the cells? That would clearly reduce the way it's supposed to work in the following jabs.

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No as a matter of fact the mRNA is modified to eliminate its immunogenicity. That means the vaccine has no adjuvant. Look up “mRNA vaccines take on immune tolerance”. This type of vaccine does the reverse of what a vaccine is supposed to do - it ERASES immunity to the targeted antigen. That’s why it wears off so quick and the boosters need to come more frequently. It turns you into an asymptomatic virus factory, like you know how a bat can breed viruses inside its body without getting sick? If you get the vaccine... if my theory is correct, that’s you now 🦇

That issue is particular to the platform however. Myocarditis and blood clots are due to the spike protein itself and I imagine are a result of a failure to induce immunotolerance.

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Go to the end to hear what the stupid, heartless Nuremberg class doctor says. Listen you bum, he’d fare better getting the virus. First of all, he might not get it. Secondly, his immune system might quickly dispose of it, before contracting myocarditis.

This is like the young man who got the shot on his father's recommendation and then died.

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The mRNA particles evade the immune system so that it doesn’t even get the chance to eliminate them before they infect your cells.

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And much easier to do when there are trillions of them suddenly present for the immune system to contend with.

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Moon Diamond, you are correct. I thought, given your comment, you might find this article from Dr. Malone, of interest


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Wow! My wow is about that insane doctor, saying that these kill clot shots are still "safe and effective"! I think his koolaid must be triple spiked!!! Or he's just getting a very good kickback! My heart and condolences go out to the family (families) that have been torn apart in a way that never had to happen. God's blessings. He is on his way, and soon. Probably sooner than we might think!😇👵

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Hahah “triple spiked”…. No pun intended!!! :D. Sorry bad joke, but I just had to insert a bit of humour.

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Notice the reporting of the "rare" narrative. And the physician's statistics are way off as we all know who are paying attention. I fear it will all be dismissed as "he was just unlucky." No comfort there for the parents who have just lost a child. Horrible.

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That’s preposterous, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective blah blah blah

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The Dr in the video said unvaccinated that get COVID are twice as likely to get myocarditis than vaccinated. Is this true??

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Dr. McCullough addressed this during the Rogan podcast. If I remember correctly, McCullough said that Covid, like many respiratory viruses, can cause a mild increase in troponin levels that eventually resolves. In contrast, the vaccines can cause astronomically high troponin levels and inflammation that cause permanent heart damage.

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How is that supposed to make any sense when myocarditis is not a viable symptom of "Sars-CoV-2"??? Ridiculous, all around. Non-believable by anyone with a brain.

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Not for the Omicron variant.

Also consider that your chance of contracting COVID during the 6 month interval between boosters is not 100 percent. More like roughly 6 percent on average seeing that close to a quarter of the US population has been infected in a time span of 2 years. On the other hand the odds of getting vaccinated when you choose to get vaccinated are 100 percent, unless the doctor has such terrible aim that they keep missing you with the needle.

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6 percent over 6 months. Sounds about right and easy to remember. And I'm covid free over the two years.

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The Dr. In the video said getting myocarditis from COVID is twice higher as getting it from vaccines. He is just plying word game, tricking people by numbers. What The Dr didn’t tell you is that the actual myocarditis chance for a person getting myocarditis from COVID is COVID rate X myocarditis rate, which is way lower than the chance you get myocarditis from vaccines because there is no multiplication when you get vaccines, just myocarditis rate

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the so-called vaccines neither prevent you getting the disease known as Covid19 nor prevent you from transmitting it. We dont have to argue about those facts because they are not in dispute. Neither Fauci nor Walensky nor Bourla (Pfizer CEO) nor Bancel (Moderna) nor (etc etc etc) dispute this. All they say is the disease has milder symptoms in people who’ve had the shots. That’s it. That’s all. Can you still get myocarditis or pericarditis FROM Covid19 after getting the shots? Sure. No ones proved otherwise. I admit I’m not sure there’s proof you can but hey, I’m sure it’s only “mild”. Several of the MDs on our side have commented there is NOTHING mild about heart inflammation, especially in CHILDREN! One pediatrician says children should NEVER have acquired heart disease (Angelina Farrella, MD in her zoom meeting with Steve Kirsch a couple months back). In young athletes, I recently posted Dr Jessica Rose’s findings that 183 professional athletes and coaches had myocarditis and or pericarditis and 108 DIED from heart conditions following vaccination since Covid19 vaccines came out. (Note: she JUST posted this yesterday or the day before). Background rate of heart conditions of this nature in this same population was 5 she discovered. So, at least in young people you are seeing that the risk to the heart is far higher. Now the doctor MIGHT, I repeat, might, be telling the truth in certain age categories. But you are still playing Russian Roulette with your own heart and especially that of your child. Do you REALLY want to take that risk? Do you really think you should force the REST of us to take that risk? New data ALSO showed huge percent increases in heart disease in the military. I’ll have to find that data. Someone else posted that recently.

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On what basis can they claim the injection means a milder virus sickness?

Answer, none. It's just a hunch.

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Not sure it’s a hunch. While antibody levels are artificially high (maybe at most 2-6 months after each dose, and evidence suggests shorter and shorter time efficacy) they may be right. I’m not discounting the potential short term efficacy. We deny some of that data to our peril. However, data is so confounded by true natural immunity in so many people, both jabbed and unjabbed that it’s hard to tell what’s working.

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The variables here are mind boggling. They still get sick, but their higher antibody levels means they get well faster? OK, how much faster? Is it just a boost to the immune system? Then, how much of a boost? No fine tuning here is there? Something here sounds like a hunch to me, but you're right. Anyway, I'm pretty informed and I haven't heard this raised antibody level as being worth it. One thing is for sure, many people are scared to death, or just love being in lock step with everybody else over something. I hope it is benign as that. Even my 87 year old doctor at alternative medicine private clinic got the shot, although he admitted his wife was having side effects. Maybe the hunch is about is it worth it.

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You didn’t hear a peep about myocarditis in 2020 before the vaccines. And I don’t ever recall elite athletes dropping like flies until the safe and effective experimental drugs were introduced. You should watch Steve’s video with the embalmer. It should answer your question.

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I was actually afraid of getting heart problems from the virus. I started getting palpitations and I looked up to see if COVID could cause that and they said it did. My problem however was actually mercury poisoning. Ate way too much canned herring in 2020. Zinc immediately takes care of the worst of it.

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I might've had covid early, late winter or spring of 20. Now, I've experienced some heart pain. I've written it of as sportsman's heart. If you've trained extensively as I have, you've have a big heart with thick walls. When the heart muscles don't get as much exercise as before you experience some mild symptoms. At least that was the theory when I was young.

There is some evidence that the spike protein can hide in certain places after serious infections with coronavirus like common cold. Lately some news has emerged, that "Omicron" might've some long term effects due to the spike protein staying in the body.

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I’m not an athlete although I do walk around a lot since I don’t drive. But haven’t been exercising as much since the pandemic since I’m not leaving my house as much. I never really left my house much except for groceries anyway but I had just started college at a campus where I did a lot of walking and although I have learning difficulties with in-person classes I still have to go on campus to take tests and sometimes I went just to get used to being in that environment enough that I could do well on the test and some classes enforce attendance for a grade (I usually drop those)

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Ah yes you have a good balance l see

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