Caught the tail end of this Roundtable. Shocked it was carried on Facebook! Can you provide a link later to the entire event? I wish every governor -- especially Republican Governors -- would follow Ron DeSantis’ and Joe Ladapo’s leads and start LEADING, not destroying their constitutents. Thanks, Steve, for sharing this.
Caught the tail end of this Roundtable. Shocked it was carried on Facebook! Can you provide a link later to the entire event? I wish every governor -- especially Republican Governors -- would follow Ron DeSantis’ and Joe Ladapo’s leads and start LEADING, not destroying their constitutents. Thanks, Steve, for sharing this.
Im wondering if FB allowed it bc they know now their best course NOW is to NOT APPEAR to be censoring info while they have been and are part of the Globalists behind the mayhem of CBDC and whatnot to enslave or kill billions of humanity!!!
Caught the tail end of this Roundtable. Shocked it was carried on Facebook! Can you provide a link later to the entire event? I wish every governor -- especially Republican Governors -- would follow Ron DeSantis’ and Joe Ladapo’s leads and start LEADING, not destroying their constitutents. Thanks, Steve, for sharing this.
Im wondering if FB allowed it bc they know now their best course NOW is to NOT APPEAR to be censoring info while they have been and are part of the Globalists behind the mayhem of CBDC and whatnot to enslave or kill billions of humanity!!!
My thoughts exactly!