Maybe the kameltoe should go down under and check the root

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Thank you Steve for sharing this link for the round table- I was just about to search for it! Thank you for all the work you have been doing this past couple of years! 😊🙏👍🏽

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Lawyer Lisa@ Substack

CBDC's are integral in their C40 cities.

Please read all the way to the end and review the 'consumptive interventions' planned in the c40 cities. You can search your country and city on the first data base/ website link. Learn about what a c40 city is. These organizations seem to link together. The Most Important link at the below. Please download as an attachment for your thorough consideration and spread the word intensively. https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/our-cities/


Every single city that is involved in this initiative the entire planet is listed. Do you know which cities are involved? But do you know they have a target about how much meat you should eat in C40 Cities? (hint by 2030 NONE. Go through the tables in the link and attachment for yourself)

How many new clothes you can buy? hint: 3 a year is the aggressive target.

Each link is searchable. Read to the end. Consider closely the consumption mitigation or intervention strategies. Personal Auto ownership? Yes. Vins governed. Your food? decided.

Even the search terms are spooky; "our mayors" or "our cities"



search your city. Find out if its there. Notice anything about the cities missing. red states/blue states. By the time you read and consider all of this, those are the cities you'll want to move to. Think also that this is just slavery. NOW how? through FINANCIAL CONTROLS. What controls? CBDC. TAKE OUT CASH for your transactions all the time now. screw the points. screw the nudging you away from freedom.

Has anyone heard of this? shouldn't we understand how they want to regulate the 'goods and services' consumed in their cities as it relates to climate change? This is also known as consumption mitigation and intervention strategies and involves food you eat/ energy/ clothes you're allowed to purchase.

(explore c40 website, you'll see what initiatives, which companies support this!!!) As an aside how would the Strong Mayors Act in Ontario recently passed fit in with this? Since Mayor Tory is one of "our mayors". Are there new Strong mayor legislations happening in your state? look they haven't brainwashed everyone on burgers. and how about pets? if you get 0kg of meat. do you think you keep your pets. USE THESE TWO THINGS TO WEDGE OPEN PEOPLES BRAINS. they're coming for fido and the cheeseburger HARD. and refuse digital id and digital currency or go that way.


search your city. Find out if it's there. But move to C40 the more aggressive brand to truly see what a C40 city is.




The commitment of our 97 cities representing 700 million residents to the Leadership Standards demonstrates the resolve of the world’s mayors to deliver the urgent action needed to tackle the climate crisis. In this unprecedented moment in human history, we know that we must act without hesitation to save our planet and create a more equitable, prosperous, and healthy future for our children and grandchildren.

In the crucial years ahead, these Leadership Standards set us on a path to achieve a zero-carbon future, build meaningful and broad coalitions, and set a global model for cities around the world to follow suit. This work is grounded in the principles of the Global Green New Deal as the cornerstone of a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the foundation of global efforts to address the climate emergency.

C40 Leadership Standards 2021-2024:

"Plan. City has adopted a resilient and inclusive climate action plan aligned with the 1.5˚C ambition of the Paris Agreement, and updates it regularly;

Deliver. In 2024, city remains on track to deliver its climate action plan, contributing to increased resilience, equitable outcomes and halving C40’s overall emissions by 2030;

Mainstream. City uses the necessary FINANCIAL!!!!!!(MY EMPHASIS) regulatory and other tools at their disposal to address the climate crisis and mainstreams their equitable climate targets into the most impactful city decision-making processes;

Innovate. City innovates and starts taking inclusive and resilient action to address emissions beyond the direct control of the city government, such as associated with goods and services consumed in their city;

Lead. Mayor and the city demonstrate global climate leadership and inspire others to act in support of the Paris Agreement.

These Leadership Standards will guide our collective action until at least 2024."

did you know that c40 wants you to have 3 new articles of clothing; look at the life of the car; how much meat by 2030 you can eat in a C40 city (0kg on the aggressive target- you've got to dig in and understand this is an agenda that has you on a leash!) But who are the people that think you under their thumb to the point of food/car/flight/clothing consumption.. is theirs to control. Does it remind you of anything at all. What does it make you think of when you review this. Fedex likes and supports this. You can search which companies are involved in supporting this. Decide if they deserve your business. Is Post Media covering this?


Look at the tables for 'consumptive interventions'; Table 6 for instance tells you that these c40 cities believe they can dictate how many flights you should be able to have by 2030; Table 6.6.1? how many people can own vehicles; There's a table for how many kg of meat you can eat in these c40 cities. Aggressive target? 0kg. 2030 is 7 years away. Do you have a kid? a grand kid? should they taste burgers? or no. It's their mitt year this year? or will you get them underwear. We need a revolt on this absurdity.

Please use your platform to get this to every city politician, state politician, federal politician. Thank-you.

WE are a thousand steps ahead. The one thing: they haven't brainwashed "us" into no clothes, no trips, no meat. We need to methodically get this out to:

1. local business organizations:

2. chamber of commerce (this vision has no commerce open air camp and CBDC is our guard);

3. restaurants organizations;

4. home show organizations: any organization that organizes trade shows of any kind

5. gun ownership/sales;

6. veterinarian organizations; in 7 years there's no large animal vet practice. and if you aren't eating meat do you really have a cat?;

7. Real estate organizations; if you can't buy and sell a pair of socks, how's that real estate practice going;

8. agricultural sector;

9. JOE Rogan

If anyone knows General Flynn he's looking for ideas; This is the big one. using these organizations to spread the word systematically. Incidentally I'm as of yesterday looking for a paying job. Any ideas working for our movement would be greatly appreciated. But that's only a side request not the main focus. CHARGE!!

Here I am if you consider this a job interview: https://youtu.be/uWUDobJQDYE

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Take a look at the Trudeau government who has given a grant to a Toronto U professor, to do a study on how dangerous unvaccinated drivers are to the general public, threatening possible insurance increases for those who refuse!!! You really can’t make this shit up!!

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Has it really? Oh dear. When you said "You really can’t make this shit up", were you referring to Justin Turdeau, or have I misunderstood?

I made up some useful phrases. Please feel free to use as required.


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About the only place we don't get censored these days is in the Reader Comments at Substack sites. We'll all be up the creek if they come after us here too.


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I have had 4 vaccines in my life. 3 were totally unnecessary. I will not be having any more of any kind.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

Anyone notice today that Grant Wahl's cause of death is all over the news? The Microsoft news feed has this story constantly repeating in their headlines. The reason I believe, is that the media is trying to make it look like he died solely because of a rare aneurism as they feel the mounting public pressure of so many sudden deaths in the news related to the covid shot which is getting the attention of the public.

They are trying to desperately peddle his sudden heart related death as nothing to do with the vax but some rare heart problem, but we all know the likely cause.

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Dr Cole discussed in great detail on last weeks Highwire and Ron Johnson round table how the shot causes necrotizing lymphocitic vasculitis of the aorta leading to aneurysm. Outside of this, it’s extremely rare, there’s pretty much only two causes of Aortic aneurysm prior to the Covid shot – a rare genetic condition (which certainly would have been already known) or syphilis.

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Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I imagine this condition is common in vaccine caused sudden death. I doubt the family had a heart tissue analysis done like what Dr. Cole recommends to check if there is spike protein present in the heart muscle. If it's present, you know the vaccine caused the death.

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the dude proudly proclaimed he got the injection and it tore a hole in his aorta w/o a doubt died from the vax until proven otherwise. Looks like after two years of this holocaust the fascists are going to succeed or will their lies come suddenly crashing down. i hope DeSantis judicial action proceeds but after two years of disappointments i won't get my hopes up

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It won’t be sudden but I pray it happens soon

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

as if any of you needed more evidence of the harm to heart cells

this just in:

The Epoch Times

"People Died From mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, New Peer-Reviewed German Study Provides Direct Evidence"


"Myocarditis German evidence"

The article, “Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination,” was published on Nov. 27, 2022, in the journal Clinical Research in Cardiology, the official journal of the German Cardiac Society.

In a video analyzing the results, nurse educator Dr. John Campbell, who is based in the United Kingdom, told his audience: “This is peer-reviewed. This is proper science, and a definitive pathological diagnosis by a group of leading German pathologists.”

here's the video:


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Nurse Campbell was arguably the single most powerful voice on YT in terms of persuading those that were on the fence to go ahead and take the shots and boosters. His site was highly monitored and ANY comments that were remotely anti-vaccine were immediately mocked and ridiculed by his Kool-Aid drinking subscribers and summarily scrubbed down the internet memory hole. IMO Nurse John (now a YT millionaire thanks to covid and the shots) is responsible for more vaccine deaths and injuries than anyone else on YT.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022


Wahl dies of what McCullough has talked about. The walls of aorta weakened creating aneurysm or bursting vessel because immune system attacks the spike protein cells on surface.

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I’m unable to watch this video because it’s not loading. The link is Facebook and message is: “Sorry, we’re having trouble playing this video “. Hopefully it will play on another platform like Rumble.

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Now they whine that Grant Wahl's death from burst blood vessel/aortic aneurysm was taunted with anti-vaxx "misinformation". Well, if your veins could be clogging up with massive calamari that doesn't belong there your blood vessels would be prone to burst... There's even a research article on the subject, "Spontaneous rare visceral pseudoaneurysm presenting with rupture after COVID-19 vaccination".


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Good try by the medical frauds to deflect from the subject though. Meanwhile, Pfizer's CEO Bourla is quitting and running off to hide in Israel, while Fauci is stepping down to hide away as well. Strange how they both depart at the same time. All that money they made from killing people is not going to help them when justice comes knocking on the door.


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Has DeSantis ever come out and stated if he attributes the shot to his wife’s breast cancer diagnosis? If not, he needs to be more transparent and I will continue to see him as controlled opposition.

His wife was diagnosed within a few months of the shots and he’s on record confirming they received the initial round of shots. With the uptick in cancers, I cannot fathom he does not have intel on this association and it must be one of the reasons he refused further boosters and has come out against it.

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Hi. I am an expert researcher.

Come look at our Telegram (app) channel to see THOUSANDS of Covid-19 vaccine injuries, deaths, and vaccine-induced cancers. We are covering this more than any other source in the world. We are bringing the public the truth like they’ve never seen before. Each sudden death is paired up to the victim’s vaccination status. www.COVIDBC.me

I challenge any skeptic or fact checker to debunk the information shared on our channel.

We also share the content on a web-based site called Gettr. Anyone can view & share the content on this channel.


Please share this content far and wide.

God bless.

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Scary sh it....

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Hope this won't be another Epstein trial where the victims were sexually abused by nobody

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Other than the moving testimonies of the vaccine injured, this was 100% pure controlled opposition narrative - half truth, half lies.

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RemovedDec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022
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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

You 'no virus' tards are relentless.

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I hate to be a Debbie Downer but it's tough to get behind a controlled movement that continues to recommend the poisoning of our elderly with mRNA and flu shots, and our children with an endless array of 'traditional' vaccines from birth to 18 yo. According to CDC guidelines I think it's around 70 shots total which is outrageous and causing myriad health issues.

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Its great to see this roundtable is now taking place in Florida, but at the same time I'm so saddened by the fact that it is at least two years too late, thousands upon thousands of Innocent people have died and been injured by the vaccine already. Why did it take so long to have this roundtable discussion, the facts have been available the whole time in plain sight. Remember the old saying "better late than never" this makes me sick to my stomach when applied now. Am I the only one that feels this way ? Ps: I hope not !

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here's the MIdwestern Doctor with some perspective on that. All testimony has just been blue skied denied and deflected for years now. Christina Parks testified in Michigan, Ron Johnson held a couple of federal sessions, Dr. McCoullough in Texas, others at different state and federal bodies, effing crickets. https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/we-now-have-a-clear-estimate-of-the

It is maddening and sickening and tragic AND still mostly invisible.

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